Site Update!
Hey Keybladers, ready for a site update?!
Well then we have some exciting news for you outside of the Kingdom Hearts worlds, sort of. We present to our members a SITE UPDATE! The staff here at KHPlanet decided to have a Site Update! That’s right everyone we have made a few changes to our forums. The “Square-Enix Games” sections has now been added onto the site, so now you can discuss games like “The World Ends With You” and “Dragon Quest”. The “General RPG” section is now a subsection underneath the “Gaming section”. If your a fan of Dragon Quest or any other Square Enix game. (Especially Kingdom Hearts). Come Join us in our forums by clicking the link at the top or follow the one below.
Now I know we still have a long way to get where we need to go, but we do listen to your suggestions. If you feel like you have an idea that will contribute to the site and make your time here far more enjoyable. Don’t be afraid to get into contact with one of our mods. We value each and everyone of our members and their opinions.
Also, keep a look out we will be doing a few more site updates!
For more information on Kingdom Hearts Planet’s Site Update, or Kingdom Hearts in general, stay tune to our home page, KHPlanet. If you’ve liked what you’ve read here or you dislike it, please comment in the comment section below or we can debate about it on our forums. And lastly if you’re a social media junkie and you like Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Devianart, and more, we got those too! So please follow us, tweet, bop, tumble, and roll