• Square Elite
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New Profile Posts

  1. Angel
    Just pre-ordered KH3!!!
    1. EtherealSummoner and Nova like this.
    2. View previous comments...
    3. Angel
      Was waiting for the best offer which was Amazon.
      Jan 7, 2019
      W.J. Solomon likes this.
    4. W.J. Solomon
      W.J. Solomon
      I went with GameStop cause they already told me about them doing a pre release for it, so I’ll have it by like 10pm the night before.
      Jan 7, 2019
    5. Angel
      What's a few hours when you can get a DLC keyblade out of it. :). But that's still good.
      Jan 8, 2019
      W.J. Solomon likes this.
  2. Nova
    Nova RebelMurf
    1. RebelMurf likes this.
    2. RebelMurf
      Jan 9, 2019
      Nova likes this.
  3. Become
    I'd rather be dead than alive and alone.
    1. Taboo Sho likes this.
    2. Taboo Sho
      Taboo Sho
      I dunno if this is a quote or not, but it resonates with my very soul.
      Jan 5, 2019
  4. W.J. Solomon
    W.J. Solomon
    Dadliest catch.
    1. Taboo Sho likes this.
  5. Taboo Sho
    Taboo Sho
    My main boy Curtis is back. Get hype!
  6. W.J. Solomon
    W.J. Solomon
    So it’s been a little bit since I’ve been back. A lots changed, but I’m glad to see a lot of familiar faces. I’ve missed this place a lot.
    1. Angel and Taboo Sho like this.
    2. Angel
      A blast from the past
      Jan 3, 2019
    3. W.J. Solomon
      W.J. Solomon
      Right? Glad to see so many familiar people! I figured I'd at least stop in to see how things changed.
      Jan 3, 2019
  7. Derek
    Merry (early) Christmas! \o3o/
    1. Kitty and Angel like this.
    2. View previous comments...
    3. Kitty
      Hope you had a good one!
      Dec 30, 2018
    4. Derek
      @Kitty I hope you did too. Happy New Year!
      Dec 31, 2018
      Kitty likes this.
    5. Kitty
      Same to you!
      Dec 31, 2018
  8. Derek
  9. Derek
    Xionort existing essentially means that the only person to remember her was Xehanort 8D
  10. GokaiWhite
  11. Thorn Black
    Thorn Black
    Looking for an artist good with detail and drawing human characters, hmu if you can help me out!
  12. NeRo
    smh im actually mad no ones helping me find a new username
    1. Kitty
      Sorry, I like your name as it is. >_<
      Dec 3, 2018
    2. NeRo
      but kitty! dont you think i should rebrand?
      Dec 4, 2018
    3. Kitty
      I think it's weird when people change their names, even though I've changed mine twice. >_< I know you've changed yours before, too, but I got used to Vox, I guess.
      Dec 4, 2018
  13. Derek
    Also, apparently UX is data worlds now?
  14. Derek
    Now larxene is in the UX world lmao
  15. Derek
    Happy thanksgiving~
  16. Derek
    Dat trailer
  17. Derek
    RIP ffxv
  18. Become
    About to see the RWBY Volume 6 premier. Let's see where it all goes from here.
  19. Derek
    I've successfully got KH1, gba CoM, and KH2 emulated. Better yet, I didn't even get the roms for 1&2 illegally. :D
  20. Derek
    AM2R is freaking great. Wow