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KH Story? (KH for dummies)

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts 1' started by zazamak, Jan 13, 2009.

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  1. zazamak

    zazamak New Member

    Ok I know about the heartless attack and the fact that the levels are separated into "worlds"

    but that's bout it

    can ne1 explain the full story in understandable points for start to finish?:D

    .....yes i did google this b4 hand
  2. Overdose

    Overdose Ninja.V

    im bad at explaining stuff
    so its best if another member did
    but if your looking for the story for dummies format
    i guess i could explain

    Heartless take away hearts and destroy worlds.
    sora (keyblade master) has to defeat the heartless and lock up all the keyholes of each world

    this is a extemely extremely vague explanation =/
    but i cant be bothered to type more tbh
  3. dualblade

    dualblade Break!

    The worlds had,at one point in time,been just one world,with Kingdom Hearts being the light on it.It was cherisred by all,but soon the people started fighting for it.From these fights and wars the darkness was born and almost destroyed all.However,the little remaining light that was within children's hearts brought the worlds back (the first princessess of heart?) and brought back the world,but not fully,only in pieces.Kingdom Hearts was lost in the deepest darkness,but still shown bright. (light in darkness).The barriers were created by the light,probably to keep the worlds from fighting and finishing what almost happened years ago.

    thats what I belive,though some of the story is in KH,told by Kairi's grandma in a weird flashback.
  4. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Well this'll ruin it but here we go...

    Kingdom Hearts is the story of a young boy Sora who is 14 years old. He lives on Destiny Island with his friends Kairi and Riku. He has started having weird thoughts and dreams when we meet Sora(opener). Soon Sora finds himself on an adventure. He must travel world to world with Donald and Goofy. He's traveling around world to world, unlocking key holes, fighting the heartless, helping who ever he can, but his main focus is looking for his friends. When he finally finds Kairi and Riku when evil he goes out to search for Riku which he ends up fight Ansem because Ansem took over and is using Riku's body as a host for his soul. Sora at the end of teh game makes a promise to Kairi he'll return home. He then journeys out to find Riku.

    Still in Kingdom Hearts, Donald and Goofy were told by their king to look for a key(Sora). They were told to help and defeat darkness, they soon meet Sora, the key, and journey with him to defeat darkness and look for their king. At the end of the game tehy venture out with Sora still loooking for their king.

    That's all of kingdom hearts, if you need the others, I can post a quick summary.
  5. zazamak

    zazamak New Member

    ^^ Thanks

    so KH3 will be the ps3 (exclusive mwhahaha) sequel and possible conclusion to finding the king of heartless (cant remeba name)
  6. Fireflame

    Fireflame New Member

    I'm not sure if you're talking about Master Xehanort but if so then that's probably it
  7. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    They haven't even started the third one, so it's not coming out on PS3, no story line has been created yet, The next games are 358/2, BBS, and Coded(if it comes to Europe and the US)
  8. Plasmos

    Plasmos Plasmos

    Grammar is needed, and it's based off the Story.
  9. zazamak

    zazamak New Member

    yh but they'll ahve to show it to sony eventaully....and how would you know wats happening behind closed doors?


    ^^ thats not an offense...i just felt like j peggin this thread :p
    Last edited: Jan 20, 2009
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