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End of the earth!

Discussion in 'General' started by emo kairi, Jan 15, 2009.

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  1. emo kairi

    emo kairi New Member

    No joke, I have heard alot of this through many people and didn't beleive it at first but now it seems to make alot of sense to me.

    The Mayan Prophecy of 2012

    simply look at this webpage and see if you beleive and see if it makes sense to you too... but don't be alarmed just yet, there is still hope for us yet...
  2. Yukie

    Yukie Fist Pumps

    This is an interesting, but the end of the world can mean many things. Scientist stated that the earth won't give in for another billion of years, but 2012 means a lot of thing.

    The one thing I predict that may happen in the year 2012 is another World War, or War of Religions. Take for an example at the crisis in the Middle East. Israel vs. Hamas.

    So 2012, hmm, a very interesting year indeed. But I don't want the world to end, cause I graduate in 2012 from College! Haha.
  3. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    That's my highschool graduating year. I believe there's a thread on this already, but I belive the maya people just got lazy and quit writing calenders. The world's not going to end, people get that in your mind. Not for another billion years when the sun will go boom. Plus it says we must go back, you realise if we went back, that means the internet would need to be destroyed, aka this site. Trust me the world was thought to end in 50 billion other dates, in fact it was supose to end at the end of the 21st century. Which was 2000. Plus another date was when technology connected the world, aka the internet creation was supose to destroy the world, nope here we all are. If everybody keeps freaking out about the end of the world, more than likely it'll happen.

    If you don't and stay relaxed, then the world won't end. Just go on living, who cares if it ends or not.
  4. emo kairi

    emo kairi New Member

    But with every prediction the Mayan people have made, its always right... They have been rated the race who actually got their facts right for their theory's... I'm not hanging for the end of the world, just want to get a good view of it, thats all...
  5. Yukie

    Yukie Fist Pumps

    It is true that the year 2012 has appeared every where in different religion. If you look at Nostradamus and his theories, every one has been right so far. He stated that 9/11 will happen and it did.
  6. emo kairi

    emo kairi New Member

    I guess, and i don't know what to believe about this is because im an atheist so im not buying it 100%... but all good things come to an end i guess...
  7. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Not always. I still say it's crap. I mean come on people, the world was supose to end with lot's of other times, but you know oh wait something bad only happened. That's it more than likely something bad will happen causing the end of the world. In 2000 they said it would end, but it didn't, another date was 9/11, another was the same date katrina hit, another was the day Abraham Lincoln was shot, another was when the great burning of londan happened, and the date of the internet looking at it was teh date JFK was assinated.

    What will probaly happen will be like maybe the start of world war III or something.
  8. emo kairi

    emo kairi New Member

    There seems to be ups and downs about this... now has anyone read up on this in more detail? they mention a swap over with the first 4 planets in orbit of the sun... now this doesn't only affect the planets, but our solar system too, causing a catastrophic event that not even man kind can predict the outcome, except the Mayan's... I'm not saying you have to believe it or not, just think about the possibilities, the solar system has lasted this long now, maybe its time for a new chapter?...
  9. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Wait a swap up. What about Pluto and Neptune? We were fine and they went back to normal the next year. I still don't see how this is going to affect the end of the world.
  10. demon of darkness

    demon of darkness New Member

    Yes there is truth to this. 2012 is when all hell will start to break loose. But if read more about the predictions of the Mayans then you will see the world will not end in 2012. There is a prediction of what happens after this crisis.

    Here it is:
    For all those who do not beleive in such predictions, try and remember that Nostradamus and Edgar Cassey predicted the same thing. The likely hood of their predictions coming true is extremely high so all of you better be ready. There predictions are already coming true. The war in Iraq was predicted by all of them also.
  11. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Wait in other words, we'll get world peace? Works for me. Plus I can go days without eating, plus I have a good heart, go to church, and so on if what you say is true. ^

    Yet I'm still not a 100% convinced. Here's an idea though, we all wait for that day, then we'll see what happens, I like that idea.
  12. demon of darkness

    demon of darkness New Member

    Ofcourse. But I do expect to see some horrible thing that triggers the worst catastrophe in human history and then we rally together after all the destruction and chaos.
  13. emo kairi

    emo kairi New Member

    So your saying that all will fall at 2012. If half of the food will be gone and the population increases as it is now, then we will hit hard...
  14. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Owe if we lose foor then we lose gardens and greenery, maybe that's the year the ozone layer will be completely gone thus global temperature, but we all runaway underground or come up with new technology and we use it to rebuild the ozone layer, just throwing ideas out there.
  15. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    I'm more with Kairi Star on this. I don't think that the world will end then. I also think that no human will be able to know the exact date the world will end.

    I also heard that the world was supposed to end 4 generations after Israel was made.

    I don't think Pluto is a planet anymore.
  16. emo kairi

    emo kairi New Member

    Pluto has been disclaimed as a planet for a while now... but i don't know what to believe now, there is too much confusion with this topic, but I still will keep an open mind...
  17. Yukie

    Yukie Fist Pumps

    Well I think that it will the world will be here itself but the human race might suffer. Since Nostradamus didn't say anything specific about 2012, it can mean a lot of things. There are three things that I think that will happen.

    1. Another World War. Since things are looking grim between Israel and Hamas, I think these two will usher in another World War. All Muslim countries, I my opinion, are itching to fight with Israel, because Israel is in Muslim land. But they can't do that, due to the fact that most of the countries sign a peace treaty with Israel. If Israel do continued fighting, America has to do something, because Israel are America's friend, Best Friend, in matter of fact. We supplied the arms and the tanks to them.

    2. Economical Crisis. With all these huge business bailing out, it won't shock me to see 2012 as another Great Depression, after all that year would be President-elect Obama, last day in office. I am not say that Obama is the blame for our economical issues, but it is in our human nature to blame the Big Guy for the problem in our country, just look at Bush, he didn't do nothing, it was Congress fault. Congress didn't have to pass the bills. (It take three to pass a bill, House, the Senate, and the President.)

    3. Space Anomaly. It won't kill the earth, but might wipe out all human existence, just like it did to the dinosaurs. Space Anomaly can be many things, O-Zone layer depleting away, meteors, asteroids, the stars, or even the sun.

    (Since the Sun is a star and it is in the last stage of its life, when it is explodes it will take the first three to four planets with it. Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars.)
  18. I personally believe what they have said. But, the only man that can save us now. . .is Harrison Ford and Chuck Norris.
  19. emo kairi

    emo kairi New Member

    Lol, Chuck Norris would probably run away from such trouble... but i'll pay that one!
  20. No, they wouldn't. . .we got Chuck, DEADLY 1,000,000,000 psi ROUND-HOUSE KICK!!!

    But anyway, I do believe and don't at the same time.
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