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The Takeover!

Discussion in 'Archive' started by RebelMurf, Jan 30, 2009.

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  1. RebelMurf

    RebelMurf Hero of the Wild

    "Enough of this stupidity, from the way the both of you are acting i would say your both untalented losers who have major self esteem issues" Xan walked from the Horses towards the two girls,

    "In my opinion you should both act a little but more like Hazel" Xan said picking Fly off the ground.

    "Now if your quite done we are leaving, Nixer, Nicole, get in the back of that wagon, Sinclair your driving with Fly as your wingman, Hazel you will accompany me on the supplies cart.

    "Oh i almost forgot, Jordan, Ikito your with Nixer and Nicole.

    Once everyone was a bored Xan flick the reigns of his cart and they pulled off out the gate and into the city.
    Last edited: Feb 1, 2009
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  2. Overdose

    Overdose Ninja.V

    Hazel was smiling from the praise she had just received from Xan. Haha, that will teach them. Especially Fly. She was thankful she did not need to ride with Fly and Nicole. She couldn’t imagine being in the same cart while they both continued to try and kill each other. But it was comical to watch nevertheless. Hazel felt a sense of honour to be riding with Xan, she felt more valued. I’ll show the rest of the them who’s a true warrior. She looked at her blade, her katana was blinding when in the presence of the sun. She was waiting for when the true battle would start.
    Last edited: Feb 1, 2009
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  3. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    "Hey Hazel, just incase you do get bothered by Fly again, just let me know ok." Nicole said appearing behind her before loading in the cart.
  4. Overdose

    Overdose Ninja.V

    Nicole’s comment had taken Hazel by surprise. She was not use to any type of friendship, this new reliance on others made Hazel feel uncomfortable.

    “I shall,” Hazel walked away. She didn’t know what Nicole was up to, was this sign of alliance genuine? She could not trust anyone, not yet. However if Nicole could keep Fly at bay, that could be an advantage on the mission.
    Sky looked at the horses which she craved to ride for the last time before entering the cart.
  5. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Nicole nodded and walked off. She glanced back a bit of look of confusion slightly hard to tell. She hoped in the cart and began to mess with her hair. After about ten minutes her hair and whole self looked like a guy. She sat down her arms crossed as she took off her sword and belt.
  6. Locogabitron

    Locogabitron Kichi's Squall Leon

    As Nixer watched teh sky, he remembered about his father.. He only wish he would be proud of him. "If you where here, you would be proud of me.. *sigh*"
    To get out of the flashback, Nixer started to chat with Nicole of how impressive was her tactics againts an enemy.

    "I see you are flexible when it comes to dueling..." Nixer said it in a calm way.
  7. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    "Yeah, basicly, and the best part is I can sneak around as a guy." Nicole said sounding like a guy and sitting back.

    "I'm pretty good as getting by I can real disquise as whoever." Nicole said. "Boy or girl." Nicole continued.
  8. Locogabitron

    Locogabitron Kichi's Squall Leon

    Nixer closed and open his eyes and smiles at her. (mind) [Wow, she likes to talk alot. I like her ^_^. I wonder if we have a mission together, her skills and her personality is great.]

    As soon as Nicole stopped, Nixer asked Sinclair of how much time to get our destination.
  9. WayToTheDawn

    WayToTheDawn New Member

    "I'm sure your father will be guiding you in battle, for he shall surely look down on you from heaven's omnipresent eye"
  10. Locogabitron

    Locogabitron Kichi's Squall Leon

    *Loco smiled after what Sinclair said*

    "Say, have you wondered through this land? If so, how much time will it take us to our mission?"
  11. RebelMurf

    RebelMurf Hero of the Wild

    "So Hazel, How long have you been training as an Assassin?" Xan asked trying to make conversation,

    "You also have a fancy for horses don't you" he told her
    Nova likes this.
  12. Overdose

    Overdose Ninja.V

    Hazel looked at Xan while lifting one eyebrow up. Ah petit conversations, waste of my breath. She thought. I guess I can spare his a few words or maybe a sentence.

    “I have been an assassin for as long as have been crafting swords.” She picked up her katana and pointed it towards the sky. The sunlight had brought out all the fine detailing on the grip.

    “Eight years to be precise,” Hazel did not want to continue to talk. She did not want to talk about her past neither find out about Xan’s. Am I coming across a little bit rude? She reflected upon her attitude.

    “Horses, they are not like humans. We as creatures are immoral and revolve around bloodshed.” Twiddling her fingers around a necklace she had out, she then quickly placed it into her pocket.

    “Sir,” She ended the conversation trying to show no signs of disrespect.
  13. RebelMurf

    RebelMurf Hero of the Wild

    "Very well" Xan smiled, Xan pulled the cart to the side of the road just at the last exit of town,

    "Anybody who needs to buy equipment better do so now, Were not stopping in a town for another two days" Xan told the others.
    Nova likes this.
  14. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Jordan was a bit nervous. He wanted to go alone so there would be less pressure. He thought to himself, “Well at least you got the smart ones.” He chuckled at the thought.
  15. Locogabitron

    Locogabitron Kichi's Squall Leon

    (Hmm.. I need some new arrows. There are waste up... *Thought Nixer*)
    "I will be quick to buy some new arrows." "Excuse me"

    As he went down, he entered the shop. It had a variaty of equipments, long, short swords, impressive sheilds, bows, etc.

    He asked the employee "Excuse, I wish to know your finest arrows"
    The man replied "Ahh yes, we have these sharp rune arrows. These are the best arrows we have in stock.. but only a few are available."

    Nixer said: "Sure, I will take 20 of them" Nixer knew that wasn't enough, but he would save these for later.. better yet for emergencies. He how much it cost, and decided to buy a few steel arrows that are much cheaper. Good for short attacks.

    "I'll get 200 steel arrows please"
    The man replied "Here you go, have a good day!"

    "Xan, just so you know I am done sir." Nixer went to strechted out a bit and got on to the cart.
  16. RebelMurf

    RebelMurf Hero of the Wild

    "Very well, you may also want to have your last meal in a tavern, i doubt there will be much of those were we are going" Xan informed the rest,

    "Now if you will excuse me i have some things i need to get for myself, We will meet back in two hours" Xan announced and with that he was gone.
    Nova likes this.
  17. Overdose

    Overdose Ninja.V

    Hazel descended from the cart. She made her way towards a small sword shop. We’ll see what kind of swords they make here.
    Entering the shop she could only see an old shop assistant, he seemed to be a bit sleepy.

    “Show me your finest sword,” Hazel said in an authorise manor. She was curious to see what they had in stock. The assistant had brought out a blade which gave Hazel a surprise. She had not expected to see a sword such as the one the man had shown her in a place like this. It had a depict 27" length heavy blade, Hazel was impressed.

    “That Katana of yours may I see it?” The shop assistant asked Hazel in curiosity reaching towards her Katana.

    “See with your eyes not with your hands.” Wielding her blade, Hazel had it pointed at the shop assistant. “This is a priceless heirloom passed down the noble clans. It’s for no one but me to use. She glared at him, then out of pity left the shop not harming the man.
  18. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Jordan went to a store that sold only swords and looked around. "Wow! Hey shopkeeper," he asked after looking at a nice sword, "How much for this one with the dragon hilt?" The old shopkeeper looked up and said, "Oh that's one of my favorite swords. Hand made it myself. I'll say.......ten gold pieces."

    Jordan was a bit taken back at the price, thinking it would be five gold pieces. But after thinking for a while he gave in saying, "Alright, I'll take it." Although Jordan didn't have a lot of money he had enough to buy him the sword and a meal.
  19. RebelMurf

    RebelMurf Hero of the Wild

    "What was that about" Xan asked Hazel, He could see the surprise in her face, "Sorry didn't mean to startle you, I'm collecting that blade he just showed you." Xan told her,

    Xan slipped in between Hazel and went into the shop, "Good day old friend, Iv come to collect my sword"

    "Ah young master Xan, What a pleasure to see you again, come in, come in"
    Nova likes this.
  20. Overdose

    Overdose Ninja.V

    Hazel just marched straight passed Xan, he had given her a bit off a surprise however she just shook it off. After all she was now just looking for something to eat. She walked amongst the towns people. She stuck out like a sore thumb. From what she could see, it was unusual for women to be warriors around these parts of the country.

    “Pathetic ,” She mouthed as she saw the men who looked at her as if she was a piece of meat instead. They should give me one good reason why I shouldn’t behead them right now. She continued to walk keeping in mind she was now representing the kingdom for the King. Next time, they won’t be so lucky.
    Hazel was not in the greatest of moods, the cart ride here did not help either. She just wanted to take the horses out for a little gallop. Hmm, maybe later I could. Her thoughts made her smile, something she rarely did.
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