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New Kingndom Hearts Game(s) Art Work!

Discussion in 'Archive' started by DjC, Sep 22, 2007.

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  1. DjC

    DjC New Member

    Heres some artwork of the new game(s):[​IMG]

    Isnt it cool! and roxas has 2 be ven cause in the art work it shows on the right side of the pic roxas in the organization and it shows ven on the left side with terra and he looks like roxas and even has the same clothes on as roxas!
  2. DjC

    DjC New Member

    ok i might of been wrong about the ven having the same clothes as roxas but there very simular.and as of right now for kh bbs u will be playing as terra and kh 358/2 days game has.......well not that good of graphics heres some new scans for u 2 look at in amazment and a new interview with nomura the kh director himself!ENJOY
    Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep




    Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days




    Kingdom Hearts Coded



    Heres the interview:

    Nomura Interview - Birth By Sleep (PSP):

    Interviewer: Can you tell us a bit about the development of Birth By Sleep?
    Nomura: Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep is being worked on by the same team that created re: Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories. Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep's development had originally started before the development of re: CoM, but production was stopped to complete re: CoM. At first it felt a bit weird starting the project again. I believe this project started before the other two of the Kingdom Hearts games, and I also believe it will be the last to hit the market.

    Interviewer: The game still relates to Birth By Sleep? [KH2: FM+'s secret ending]
    Nomura: The secret ending [from KH2: FM+] is actually a scene from Birth By Sleep, therefore the title of the game is also the same. However, because it is difficult to express such a violent battle as playable content, the secret ending [from KH2: FM+] is an image (scene?) of the end.(Is he hinting that this is how Birth by Sleep will end or something else?)

    Interviewer: How much talk was put into it, as it seems to be a game taking place in the past.
    Nomura: This game goes the farthest back in the Kingdom Hearts timeline, about ten years before the original Kingdom Hearts. There is a screenshot of two children playing on the beach, and I believe the fans can understand what that means. [Sora and Riku as children?]

    Interviewer: In the story it's said that there are "Three Scenarios by Three Heroes". Is there a relation between each scenario?
    Nomura: There are three Heroes: Terra, Ven, and another character in Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep. We have already prepared a story for each of them. Therefore, in a way you can say three games were made at the same time. (Laughs) It's difficult to zap through the explanation right now, as we are still creating all of the scenarios. However, the beginning will be a bit hard to understand, but by completing all three scenarios, the player will understand the entire story.

    Interviewer: Do the names of the three heroes represent something?
    Nomura: In Kingdom Hearts, Sora meant Sky, Riku meant Land, and Kairi meant Sea. In this game, the three meanings make a large impact on the game. [Monkey: Wow, we've been speculating this so long and it came out true!]

    Interviewer: Do all of the scenarios take place at the same time?
    Nomura: All of the scenarios do take place around the same time, however there are also some gaps between the timelines. Also there are times when all three heroes will meet.

    Interviewer: Is the playing order [for the scenarios] decided yet?
    Nomura: I believe it would be better if we gave the players a freedom of choice. However this is still being talked about, but I believe it would be better to choose whoever you want out of the three.

    Interviewer: What is the importance of story?
    Nomura: For example, the name Xehanort is bought up in Kingdom Hearts 2. The game will answer several things like, "Why is the elderly person who appears in Birth by Sleep bringing up the same name?" and ,"Why is he wearing the same clothes as Ansem in the original Kingdom Hearts?" Another thing I want to bring up, is ,"Ven has the same hairstyle, face, clothes, and voice of Roxas, but just who is he?

    Interviewer: Is the voice actor of Ven the same as Roxas?
    Nomura: Yes, it is the same actor. Therefore the player will only look at Ven as Roxas from Kingdom Hearts 2.

    However, are Roxas and Ven really the same character?

    Moreover, what about the mystery surrounding the existence of Ven and Roxas?

    These are keys that will be revealed from playing Birth By Sleep. You will be able to separate Ven from Roxas with ease; I will hint though by connecting the story between Roxas and Sora, you will understand who Ven is.

    Interviewer: May I believe that the one you fight in KH2FM+, and Terra are the same person? Because they both use a very similar kind of Keyblade.
    Nomura: If they really are the same person or not is uncertain, though it doesn't matter if you think they are the same person.

    Interviewer: In Birth by Sleep, after all three are divided, the king appears?
    Nomura: It may be deeply related to the story, however I cannot tell whether or not that he is a"King" at that current age. This is because the development of Birth by Sleep will contain a very serious story.

    Interviewer: In Birth by Sleep, is the gameplay done by choosing action commands lined up in command list?
    Nomura: I believe it is necessary to say first, The Command Menu that was shown to the public [A.K.A scans, and video] has now changed. A system close to that of re:COM has been created, feeling like a command deck. However, the present screen shots show it was a bit too close to the idea of re:COM. The battle screens you see in the images now, have already been changed. However the operating sense is similar to that of the Kingdom Hearts series. The gameplay has slight influence from the DS game "It's a Wonderful World". [Monkey note: I love that game, sadly It's a Wonderful World was released in Japan only].

    Interviewer: Are there any features for the Growth System? (Leveling System)
    Nomura: A new Growth System has been added into the game, in which you have to match four obligations with the scenario (?). We tried this variously because it was a bit hard with the PSP. However we made the best use of its Analog.

    Interviewer: Are there new enemies you can confirm that are not shown in the screens?
    Nomura: The new enemy is not a Heartless, or a Nobody, because the story takes place before even they appear. I can only give out more information, little by little, as time passes: an example being like the Shadow enemies that are heartless, and the Dusk enemies that are nobodies.

    Interviewer: With the PSP, will it be possible for two people to communicate through a connection method?
    Nomura: It's too early to answer that, however, there will be some features that will be taking advantage of the PSP. [Monkey Note: I believe they are discussing the possibilities of things like wifi, however, only 358/2 Days has been confirmed to have multiplayer].


    Nomura Interview - 358/2 Days (DS):

    Interviewer: Is the beginning of 358/2 Days going to focus on Roxas' birth?
    Nomura: Roxas' birth will be covered in the game's prolouge, however the game really begins at the time in which Roxas enters the Organization XIII.

    Interviewer: Will this game have an ending that has already occurred, like Crisis Core had?
    Nomura: Where do you think the end is? The point is, how did it get to the point where Roxas to left the Organization? The details of that will be discussed game. (Basically, we may already know the end, we just don't know how it got to that point, like Crisis Core).

    Interviewer: Will we be going through Disney worlds in this story, like previous Kingdom Hearts games?
    Nomura: The story does not entirely progress going from world to world, but there is a [form of?] progression in story.

    Interviewer: Is the 14th Organization Member [Newly Revealed] a new character in the Kingdom Hearts Series? It appears as though the character is...a woman?
    Nomura: I should bring it up now, that the XIV member is not Namine, since some people believed it to be Namine by seeing the trailer. However it will be explained as to why there's no pillar for this character, as well as why she never appeared in Kingdom Hearts 2.

    Interviewer: In the trailer, four characters are shown playing simultaneously. Is this possible in game?
    Nomura: Multiplayer can be played with up to four people [or less if desired]. Not only that, multiplayer gives a sense of freedom, as this mode has no effect on the story. But it is possible to choose less then four, for the multiplayer content.

    Interviewer: How does the multiplayer mode progress?
    Nomura: The point is to basically complete given missions. For instance, defeating an enemy or whatever the goal of the mission is. There are various goals, both big and small. There is a constant feeling of competition in multiplayer, so sometimes the player may forget just what the goal is!

    Interviewer: Is multiplayer mode possible for one player only?
    Nomura: Multiplayer mode is rather complicated ; we had to design a growth (leveling) system. For example, when Axel is used in Multiplayer mode, Roxas will gain some extra experience from this as well. Also, you are able to customize your character freely. (He does not go into detail about the customization part, so it is unsure what).
  3. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    Good Find i will spread the word. exxelent post
  4. DjC

    DjC New Member

    thanx dude! im gonna post the rest of the interview later.its about coded

    and please everyone come check out my thread constantly cause believe me im always finding new info as soon as its released (seriously)

    and i wonder if u get 2 play as ven cause if u read the interview nomura said that u will be experiencing three character stories in one game

    check back for updates later cause im gonna post more info when i find it.and expect the rest of the interview by tonight.
  5. Hayashi

    Hayashi New Member

    wats with all the pictures of roxas in the birth by sleep section? I dc what anyone says if thats not roxas or at least someone related to him, even with a different name, then this is messed up
  6. DjC

    DjC New Member

    those pics r not pics of roxas but pics of ven and that HAS 2 be that roxas is ven its just 2 wierd that ven looks like him and even his clothes look the same and he is having the same voice actor and everything so he has 2 be roxas i dont know how but...........he just is
  7. Hayashi

    Hayashi New Member

    i agree at least they must have some relation
  8. DjC

    DjC New Member

    it has to be him theres no doubt about it (in my opinion) but i would like to play as terra and ven.that would be sweet!what character would u like 2 play as?

    EDIT:heres the interview i promised to post

    Nomura Interview - Kingdom Hearts: Coded (Mobile Phones):

    Interviewer: The gane is played on a horizontal screen, even though the game is for mobile phones, why is this?"
    Nomura: This is not just the length screen but also a model screen specification for the most recent cellphones. It is what we assume the game to look like when it's released to the public. The method for the horizontal screen has already been talked about, it is a basic horizontal screen size.

    Interviewer: Are the graphics 3D or 2D?
    Nomura: The background is 3D, and the characters are 2D. The development of this game is still in progress, and we plan to have the game both 3D and 2D. The reason is so that we can have the game available to a range of cellphones. The reason we developed this idea is because we wish to send this game overseas.

    Interviewer: How exactly will the game be executed?
    Nomura: Unlike larger games in development, we always thought the world of Kingdom Hearts could be made mobile. For instance, there is a huge amusement park, and the main attraction is KHc (Kingdom Hearts Coded). It can be like an entrance to an amusement park, free of charge, allowing you to visit each world. That is the delivery plan of KHc. We plan on taking full advantage for the mobile phone.

    Interviewer: Will the storyline be based on Sora's adventures in Kingdom Hearts?
    Nomura: The timeline is based after Kingdom Hearts II. Jiminy is analyzing his journal through a computer simulation, and the adventure will take place in that. Therefore the player is not playing as Sora himself, but Data of Sora. The world that was shown was a stage, though this was through the time of COM, and re:COM over the memory of Sora.

    Interviewer: What gameplay elements are there?
    Nomura: This is going to be a puzzle game, mixed with action. After analyzing Jiminy's Journal, many bugs are found. The area (worlds? levels?) must be analyzed in order to find the bug that is violating the data, and then you need to remove the bug. However some (levels?) may get a bit more confusing as there will be ladders Sora will use to get to higher areas.

    Interviewer: When do you think this game will be released?
    Nomura: You may have to wait a while, as there are still some problems with the specs of cellphones for now. (Meaning, at this time, cellphones cannot handle these graphics.) However we are not asking you to wait for 2, or 3 years. (Possibly this means around a year or so)

    Interviewer: Will these works be connected with the "New" Kingdom Hearts game?
    Nomura: KHc features Sora. However, the DS and PSP are both completely different stories, though I cannot say what they are yet. I can say these titles are not the last of the series, and all three will connect to a New Kingdom Hearts Game sooner or later.
    Last edited: Sep 27, 2007
  9. Hayashi

    Hayashi New Member

    I think i'd wanna play as all of them but probably Ven cause i've always liked roxas a lot. I really hope they make a KH3 cause they gotta continue that story cause it was ended in a massive cliff hanger. For instance (just an example) the so obvious Kaire and Sora romance. Or the kings letter. so they gotta make a KH3. Plus i want another game with sora in it.
  10. DjC

    DjC New Member

    they are gonna make a kh3 that has been confirm in an interview with nomura but its gonna be aloooooong time before they have it in the works. probably around 2009 or 2010 maybe even later.all i know is that there is (with out a doubt) gonna be a kh3
  11. DjC

    DjC New Member

    alright a new interview with nomura! this one has confirmed that there is a kh3 and that the next three games will give u hints at the third title of kh.ENJOY!

    Nomura talks more on Kingdom Hearts - Gemanga Magazine (FROM IGN):

    Tetsuya Nomura is in the Japanese press yet again, sharing a few new bits of info on Square Enix's big Tokyo Game Show unveiling, the three new Kingdom Hearts games. This time, Nomura spoke to the monthly Gemaga.

    Nomura began by noting that the fact that all three titles were announced at the same time doesn't mean players should consider the new Kingdom Hearts games to be similar to the Fabula Nova Crystallis or Compilation of Final Fantasy VII series. Different from those, the three games started development at different times and will be released at different times.

    In previous interviews, Nomura revealed that the PSP game, Birth by Sleep, started development first but would likely be released last. Here, he let slip that the DS game, 358/2 Days would likely see release first, followed by the cell phone game, Coded.

    Unfamiliar with the Kingdom Hearts series? Feeling a bit overwhelmed at the prospect of having to play the two PS2 titles and the Game Boy Advance game before sampling these new portable titles? Don't be! Nomura feels that little experience with the series won't be a problem for those trying to get into the new games, as their main characters are all different. He does, however, believe that the feeling of control from past titles is retained for the new games, so players who have played the past games will have the easiest time at it.

    Moving on to individual titles, the magazine first tackled Birth by Sleep. As mentioned in previous interviews, the game is being developed in Osaka by the same team that developed Musashi Samurai Legend and Re: Chain of Memories. The project was born when, during the development of Kingdom Hearts II, the Osaka team requested to be involved if Nomura decided to make a "gaiden" (side-story) in the Kingdom Hearts series. "The project was for the PSP from the start of planning," Nomura noted.

    There's been a bit of confusion as to how the game's multi scenario system will work. Here, Nomura clarified just a bit. "The game will have three scenarios, and you'll be able to play from which ever one you like. You'll even likely be able to stop mid way through and start a new scenario."

    While there's no singly important scenario or main character, "the main point of the story is to answer, 'Ven, who are you?'" (Ven, who resembles Roxus, is one of the three main characters -- read all about it in our initial report on the game.)

    Also mentioned in previous interviews is that Birth by Sleep will consist entirely of Disney worlds. The game takes place in the past, years prior to the original Kingdom Hearts, and the worlds will be updated to reflect this. Nomura envisions having a young Hercules appear in the Hercules world, for instance. New Disney worlds will also appear, as will favorite characters like Disney and Goofy.

    Gemaga also managed to sneak in a few bits on the game's battle system. It will, as previously hinted by Nomura, be an evolved version of the deck system that was used in Chain of Memories, where, prior to battle, you set up a card deck consisting of commands that are fed into your command menu. Also getting some hype from Nomura in past interviews was the game's character growth system; Gemaga wasn't able to get specifics, but they did say that Square Enix could make a full game based off this system alone!

    Moving on to 358/2 Days (that's pronounced "Three Five Eight Days Over Two," according to the pronunciation listed in Gemaga), Nomura answered one big question we've all been wondering: where will Disney characters fit into the storyline, which is centered around Roxus and Organization XIII. "They will appear in the game," said Nomura of the Disney family, "but in a slightly different form. KH is generally a story where you set out on a journey with a goal in mind. However, Roxus is a member of Organization XIII, so he always returns to the home base. So, this is not a story about a journey. Also, Roxus's personality is such that he does not actively attempt to come into contact with other characters. So, the relationship to Disney characters will be different from before."

    Nomura and crew are, surprisingly, making minimal use of the stylus for this game. "Wonderful World is a game where we fully used the DS's functionality," explained Nomura. "However, this time, we're not really using the DS functionality. In order to not break the Kingdom Hearts control feel, we're not using the stylus. Also, we're planning on using the bottom screen for something."

    So what is that "something"? We're not sure about single player, but during multiplayer mode, the bottom screen will be used for a unique chat system, Nomura revealed. Players will be able to draw on this screen in order to communicate messages to one-another. Different from Pictochat, everyone draws on the same screen. Nomura and crew are also considering adding a few action buttons to the chat screen; these will be for actions that don't specifically affect gameplay.

    It should be noted that Nomura's mention of chat features isn't confirmation of Wi-Fi play being included in the game. For all we know, the game may just be local-area play for four players, with chat thrown in for fun (we imagine being able to draw on the same screen as being quite fun regardless of distance).

    Local area or 'net based, multiplayer looks like it's going to bring plenty of replay value to the 358/2 Days. Players will be able to select from the thirteen members of the Organization XIII, although each player will have to chose a unique character. The game will offer up a variety of missions, some asking that you defeat enemies, some asking that you fight one-another, and others requiring that you recover items. Single and multiplayer modes are connected in that your character's growth is shared between the two.

    Finally, on Coded, Nomura made one comment of particular interest. As a reaction to the tough mobile games market, where plenty of free games are on offer, Coded is going to be released under a new business model, something that the industry hasn't seen before. "It will be very easy to enter," he hinted. We're going to speculate that this means the game will be made available for cheap, or even free.

    Unlike the DS and PSP games, Coded shares its main character in common with KH1 and KH2. It's also the only game that takes place after Kingdom Hearts II.

    But this game isn't Kingdom Hearts III. The Sora in Coded is actually a "data version" of the Kingdom Hearts hero. The game takes place on the pages of Jiminy Cricket's notebook. The story involves data versions of Sora and King Mickey searching for a secret message left behind by Jiminy by investigating the events of the original Kingdom Hearts.

    Gameplay is a bit of a mystery at this point. The game does have the same basic interface as past Kingdom Hearts titles, with a command window featuring "fight," "magic" and "item." Screenshots show Sora with Goofy and Donald, although it's unknown if they'll fight together.

    Taking a primarily role in the game is the "Debugging Mode." As Sora journeys through the digital world of Jiminy's notebook, he encounters bugs (the computer type of bugs) that appear in the form of blocks scattered about the play fields. These have to be cleared if you want to approach your enemies. You can also use the blocks to solve puzzles and climb up to higher ground.

    Like Final Fantasy Agito XIII, Coded is being designed around cell phone models that don't exist yet. However, the developers are holding back a bit with Coded, particularly to account for overseas markets where mobile power is lacking.

    Screenshots released of the game suggest a wide-screen title. The game is actually being designed with the idea that it will be the norm for cell phone owners to be able to swivel their monitors around for wide-screen play (this is something that's available in only a few sets in Japan at the moment).

    While these three new Kingdom Hearts games were announced at the same time, similar to Coded, none of them qualify as Kingdom Hearts III. They do have some connections to the future third entry in the series, though. "I can't say specifically," explained Nomura, "but there was a message along those lines in the trailers. Something about these three titles being connected to a story that is to come. I believe you'll be able to foresee things through these three games."

    yes so in kh bbs u will be three people and i think i know who:D
    1.Terra (for sure u will play as him cause they showed his gameplay!)
    2.Ven(theres a 99% chance that u will play as him he kinda gave that away in the interview)
    3.Aqua(i say 50% chance but u probably WILL be her)

    and kh 358/2 is said to be pronounced three hundred fifty-eight days over two!

    and that chat system sounds SWEET! and it will probably be the first game to hit the market!

    kh coded sounds real good!its ashame that there not bringing it to u.s.:(
    and it takes place after kh2 so that games gotta have some background of kh3.

    well thats it for now ill update soon!

    btw this info has just been realesed not even 10 minutes ago.i told u im one of the first people who lay there eyes on new information as soon as it comes out!LOL
  12. Hayashi

    Hayashi New Member

    OMG that totally sucks. i can't believe im gonna have to wait that long. The only good side is that hopefully they'll make it for the PS3 and the PS3 will be way cheaper.
  13. DjC

    DjC New Member

    what sucks? i thought it was awsome news

    and kh3 will be for ps3 so i doubt bbs will come out on ps3
  14. Hayashi

    Hayashi New Member

    Sorry Djc, didn't see the second page. Anyway i was talkin bout how u said it'd probably be a long time before KH3 is released, i mean its already been a few years since kh2 was released. How much longer are we gonna have to wait to see the next chapter of Sora's tale? aside from that the new ones seem cool but i'd still really like to find out what happens with sora. Also Djc they never said that Coded wasn't being released in the U.S. They only stated that its being designed for cell phones so far only available in Japan, though if u think about it the iPhone can do that. So onces those types of phones come to the U.S. (and im sure they will cause they're probably made by the big companies like Mottorolla and Nokia) they'll be able to release Coded here too.
    Last edited: Oct 8, 2007
  15. DjC

    DjC New Member

    ya u made a piont about the coded in u.s. :)

    well they've been working on the next set of games ever since the development of re:com so they are still in development and nomura hasent even started planing kh3 yet he also said to not worry about it because that game isnt coming out anytime soon so right now i could care less about what happens to sora in kh3 besides kh coded is after the events of kh2 so we'll probably find out some of the background of the next instalment
  16. Hayashi

    Hayashi New Member

    hopefully it will it wont be for awhile though cause we gotta get those types of phones into the U.S. Infact i wouldn't be suprised if BBS came out in the U.S. Before Coded came out here
  17. DjC

    DjC New Member

    i have that type of cellphone! we already have those in the u.s.

    bbs will be out last trust me it will =)
  18. Hayashi

    Hayashi New Member

    thats cool (about the cell phone). man i want bbs more than either of the others though i wish they could've at least made a ps2 version of it. The psp disks dont hold up at all. Its annoying because they always break down eventually.
  19. XVII

    XVII New Member

  20. Omega

    Omega New Member

    that's why i don't have a psp. i would rather have a ds
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