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Tales of Deception ~ Aeval's Awakening

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Overdose, Feb 27, 2009.

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  1. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Kate ran throough the halls.

    "Oh man did I miss the action again?" Kate said crossing her arms. She lookedo ver at the gaurds.

    "Gosh what's that smell? It smells like, hmmm, elf magic, what is it exactly?" Kate asked. She glanced to her side and saw a sleeping guards.

    "It's a sleeping magic isn't it." Kate said.
  2. LivingDeath

    LivingDeath Dormina'd

    "I think we forgotten someone." said Amitrael. He trying to memorized it. It seems almost all guards were slept except someone. "Wonder who would that be?" thought Amitrael.

    Then he returned to the halls and met Kate. "I knew that i forgotten you." said Amitrael when he taking many breaths.

    "We must find Rionaeo and the others. Follow me." said Amitrael as he began to call over her to follow him.
  3. merlinosheep

    merlinosheep A.K.A The Leaver

    Rionaeo stopped and looking around he said:
    "Uhmm.. Zazamak? I think we lost Amitreal. he said with a bit of sarcasm in his words
    What is he doing again now?!
    REAL!!! he now shouted out loud.
  4. Haresuno

    Haresuno KH-3's Übermensch

    The small hut was just that. Small. Yet it was cozy, and it made Reph feel comfortable. As soon as the elderly lady had shut the door she made her way over to a clay made fireplace. Inside the fireplace was a pot over a small fire. The contents of the pot bubbled so the lid jumped now and again. Once she was at the pot, she bent over and took a piece of cloth; lifting the pot lid up. On a stool to the left sat a large wooden spoon that she picked up and stirred what ever it was inside the pot. Instead of taking the spoon back out though she set the lid back atop the pot and let go of the spoon. Reph stood idly as he watched her, ready to help if it looked like she needed it. She was not quite scrawny, but neither was she bulky. Her hair wasn't all white from age. Some of it was still a dark brown. Her plain woolen dress came down to her ankles, and she wore plain sandals on her feet.
    "Would you like some help?" Reph asked in a sincere voice as he fidgeted with the staff he carried. The old lady never turned around to look at him, she just waved her left hand through the air to dismiss his question.
    "No, dear monk. I am quite capable of doing this myself. You just wait a moment and I'll get you some dry cloths you can change into." Reph began to think that this woman was used to getting her way. At least the way she stood and how she spoke told that much of her. "Very well madam." Reph replied as he watched her lift the pot by the handle from the flame and onto the stool.
    "My name is Reph Sood a'Bard, kind Lady, and I will not take anything from you without proper exchange." Reph said in a honorable voice. The old lady straightened and looked at the pot for a moment than nodded her head as if she had been arguing with herself and just came upon a decision. "My name is Elma Redgorph. A pleasure it is to meet you kind Monk."
    Reph nodded and smiled, "A pleasure as well Lady Redgorph-" Elma broke in with a harsh laugh and waved her right hand through the air. "I am no Lady, Monk. Just call me Elma. What business does a monk have here in Espara? Where are you from exactly?"
    Reph nodded again. So, Espara. That was the name of the land he was in. He certainly was a long way from the Titen Monostary in Sarg. Shaking himself from his thoughts, Reph quickly answered, "I am from the Titen Monostary in Sarg. I've been traveling for some time now on a mission."
    "A mission? And so far from your home! It must be quite the adventure." Elma spoke up cheerily. "What mission is it you're on?"
    "It is a grand adventure, but that is not what I'm after. My mission is simply to resist the many temptations of the world outside the monostary. Along my way I preform certain arts I've picked up as well as tell stories and even do burial rights and wedding ceromonies." Reph smiled as he continued explaining his travels. Elma seemed fasinated, but not enough to slow her down from her work. While he talked she went about chores or told him to breath while she fetched this item or that. It was refreshing to speak with someone. The last town he had stopped at was a good week or so away and the people there had been less than friendly.
  5. zazamak

    zazamak New Member

    Zazamak didnt look at Rionaeo, instead closed his eyes in thought.

    "Can you sense it?....Focus, that minion is not far, i can sense it....the air around us has been tainted with those whom are not of royalty...its a stench..."

    Sniffing away for a few more seconds, he dashsed off in a strange direction, yet completely certain that this small pawn is close by"
  6. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    "Ok then, lead the way. Hey though, how can you forget about me!?" Kate exclaimed. She looked at him crossing her arms. She just smiled.

    "Come on." Kate sais heading down the hall.
  7. LivingDeath

    LivingDeath Dormina'd

    Amitrael laughed a bit. "Sorry, i also just getting here. Let's find Rionaeo." said Amitrael as he with Kate ran to find Rionaeo.

    He found Rionaeo and Zazamak who stand over like didn't moving a bit. "Sorry about that, Rionaeo. I realized that our brave woman is left over." said Amitrael with tired tone.
  8. merlinosheep

    merlinosheep A.K.A The Leaver

    Hey Real! there you are, Rionaeo said.
    Well that's not a problem at all, it is good to have kate in here to, he said while smiling.
    Just all stick in from now on.
    Cause we have to move now... let's find the others.
  9. Overdose

    Overdose Ninja.V

    Sapphire was glad at Gerik’s support but she really had to leave for the ceremony. Zin’s properly dead annoyed at me now. She sighed, then said good bye and vanished down the hallway. She was trying to make it down to the carriage faster than you could say ‘Flourishing Kingdom of Espara’. She then remembered why there was a delay in the first place, her sisters. She would leave Cassandra be, it seemed she had no interest in participating the service. As for Aelita, Sapphire still had no clue where she was but didn’t intend on wasting any more time.
    The castle was quite, it was odd. There should have been more soldiers patrolling the castle grounds, yet there were none in sight apart from the odd two.

    “I’ll leave a note for Aelita, tell her to meet us at the graveyard whenever she can.” She panted, it took a lot of energy to move around the castle, and Sapphire seemed to be hyperactive today. She quickly wrote a note and stuck it to the main entrance door, she then left soon after heading towards the carriage.

    Mirel had enough of playing with the princess.

    “Bye Zin,” she coldly said, “I’ll see you around some time.” She said whilst smiling, her teeth were something she liked to show, they were sharp yet perfectly white. She picked up her sword then swung the massive blade back into where it belonged. She then did a back flip onto the wall then leaped to the roof top of a small castle turret. Within minutes she was out of sight.
  10. Haresuno

    Haresuno KH-3's Übermensch

    Aer could feel the knot of tension between his shoulders coming undone. Finally the Princess would be off to the graves. Hopefully that would put a halt on most of the chaos. "Chaos is in shadows." It was a saying that some of the Others used during the war. It held truth then and it always would. Silently Aer continued to follow Princess Sapphire.
  11. merlinosheep

    merlinosheep A.K.A The Leaver

    Rionaeo, Amitreal, Zazamak and Kate where still looking for the princesses.
    "Maybe there already at the ceremony... rionaeo said.
    The moment he said it, they saw Sapphire and a strange presence Rushing trough the halls.
    Sapphire! he yelled.
    Oh finally we found you! ... but... where are the others?
    Last edited: Mar 7, 2009
  12. Overdose

    Overdose Ninja.V

    Sapphire turned around to see a group of men heading towards her, she wasn’t too sure who they were. Although she had met Kate before, the others were still unknown to her.

    “I’m afraid I don’t know where Aelita is, and Cassandra shall not be joining us in the memorial service today.” Sapphire looked down at the ground as she said this, she didn’t really know what was wrong with Cassandra these days. She felt rather distant to her, but then again she didn’t feel close to her other sisters either. Zin shared the same year of age, and Cassandra shared her love of reading. Apart from this, there was no other interest. Aelita on the other hand was always treated as a daughter to Sapphire.

    “Where’s Zin?” She asked the group.
  13. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    "Okay... Well... See you later Sapphire." Gerik said to himself. He pondered over what Zeb was talking about, now that he had a time to think. "Well, he said that he'd warn Sapphire about anybody else being hired to kill her. Although I do wonder who he is. He seems familiar, but I don't quite recall him from any memory. He seems trustworthy, but he's the first stranger I've met whom I actually feel I can trust. But incase there is going to be an assassination attempt on Sapphire, then I'm gonna have to make sure we see each other again."
  14. RebelMurf

    RebelMurf Hero of the Wild

    "Ah, well after the ceremony we can have a talk with your sisters, they could help you remember"

    "Come along" Suzume said standing up, after stretching and offering a hand to Aelita. "We better find your sister and get you on your way" Suzume said smiling.

    He knew how she felt, He didn't remember his mother, he didn't even know her name. Whenever he would ask his Dad about it he would say "I'll tell you when your older" Once he had the falling it out it never happened.
  15. merlinosheep

    merlinosheep A.K.A The Leaver

    "We don't know, rionaeo said to Sapphire.
    But we have heard battle sounds from the castle wing, it sounded like Mirel.
    And by the way i am Rionaeo, one of the new royal guards here. These are Amitreal, Zazamak and i believe you know Kate over here.
    And it is quite sad the others won't be joining us... Are you sure they won't come?
  16. Mythril Roxas

    Mythril Roxas New Member

    "You failed to dispose of the girl? You!?....of all people, I was counting on you Zeb. But now you have no use to me. I will seal the blood pact I have with you, and destroy your world."- Zeb's employer
    "NO!...Please sir.......please.....I'll...do any..thing."-Zeb
    "Now that sounds better. Hm......alright dear pet. Find the one named Aer. He has some type of untapped power that we must acess. Maybe, just maybe, we wont need Sapphire's power after all."-Zeb's employer
    "Alright Zeb?"-Zeb's employer
    "ANSWER ME!!!!!"-Zeb's employer
    (Zeb left him)
    "Hahahahaha. Now, if my suspicions are correct, that Aer will follow me just as Zeb does. I'll find his weakness, and make a blood pact with him. Then I will have two guardians. Hmmmmm......"-Zeb's employer
  17. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    "Tag, remain with our guest. You two, come with me. We should escort the princess. I don't know about you Tag but i don't want another assination attempt made on her today." "Ok sir. Later." After Keelen had left with his guards, Tag turned to Gerik. "Gerik wasn't it? Keelen informed me that you should stay for the day. Allow me to show you around." With that Tag gestured at the door and turned to leave.
  18. Mythril Roxas

    Mythril Roxas New Member

    Zeb approached Aer.
    "...so, your watching Sapphire?"-Zeb
  19. Sakura-Fan

    Sakura-Fan New Member

    Aelita took hold of Suzume's hand and stood up. His smile reasurred her that anything was ok. If Aelita didnt know better she might have fallen for Suzume long ago. He was always there for her, but as a friend. Aelita knew it broke her heart. that. She knew he would never would think of her any other way. Sometimes
    "Thank you," she whispered, realizing she was holding his hand even though she was now on her feet. Blushing, she let go and she looked away.
  20. Haresuno

    Haresuno KH-3's Übermensch

    Aer ignored the half elf known as Zeb. How long had it been since someone asked if he was real? If he was there to help them? A memory in the back of his mind played out.

    The fire ravenged the plains as Aer hung in the air. His graceful wings, whiter than any snow fall, held him in suspence as he watched with emotionless eyes. The village below was being consumed by the flames, and all he did was watch. No thoughts crossed his mind, no feelings of regret or pain touched him. He was a void. One in which no emotions were given birth to.
    As the flames began to swallow the small homes of the villagers a scream, one that would haunt him for enternity, pierced the air. For the first time in his life, he knew dread.
    The wind rushed passed his ears, throwing back his long blonde hair. His wings carried him with as much speed as they could, the scream came again. Water welled in his eyes when he finally landed in the center of the village and he folded his wings against his back. His head swiveled left and then to the right, searching for the direction the scream had come from.
    Again the scream came. This time piercing his very soul. What in God's name had he done?
    He ran.
    He ran as fast as his legs could carry him. To the right, passed a burning building that used to be an inn. Passed the homes and charred remains of citizens from the village when finally he found what he was looking for.
    It was a small home, smaller than the rest, probably the home of a begger. Probably not.
    When Aer took two steps forward he froze as a small burning child rushed out of the home, screaming. His knees buckled, and tears streamed down his cheeks. The child came towards him running as fast as her legs could carry her. Aer opened his wings wide and held out his hands, beconning the child closer. "Lord help this child." He whispered. With one final scream for help, the child colapsed onto the ground.
    Throwing his head back, Aer let out a scream of pain. Now he knew pain, and it would haunt him forever.

    A single tear ran down Aer's cheek as the memory began to fade. No more now. No need to remember that now. He had watched as a child burned, and had done nothing about it. Maybe this was punishment for what he did during the war. It would be fitting. No, he deserved worse.
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