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Obama Debate

Discussion in 'Mature Discussion' started by Twilight Keyblade, Mar 18, 2009.

  1. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    I think I have some things that I had learned from speaking with god. Here are the reasons that I think that america should do:

    Pray for our govermental officials, pray for our spiritual & political leaders, & take authority over the powers of darness that is seeking to destroy our nation & bind them in the son of god's name.

    Maybe that's why we is not having the positive events that we want. Most of America don't pray & we ended up having something that we don't want.
  2. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    But the problem is that we're forced to hope things go for the better. They've basically given us no choice but hope that we get better. If not, we're basically screwed.

    I don't know if those two points will go exactly as you say. I know somebody who was in Canada (Them having some kind of universal healthcare). And that person needed medical attention and got it quick. So it depends.

    And as for your source of information.... The truth is you cannot get it from one source alone. You have to have multiple sources. That doesn't mean watching CNN every night, just don't watch only Fox.

    And for a final point, concerning trying to get rid of God in schools. There is this annoying group, called the ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union). They believe that anything religious is dangerous in school (Don't ask me why, I don't know). And so they have people who are specifically watching schools just to go to trial for these things. Here's an example. My school used to have this thing called 'Intersession.' Basically, we would take one month out of our regular curriculum. With that month (January to be specific), we'd have two classes, that we get to pick. It would help those who failed the first semester of a class (Such as Spanish). Or, if we didn't fail a class, we'd be able to pick two classes that aren't normally available, such as Driver's Ed, or kniting, or even a different language that isn't normally available. But, on the year before I went there, the school offered Intelligent Design as a class. Now, this class was completely optional. Nobody was forced to take it. But, the school got sued for teaching it. The ACLU saw the class being taught, and so they got the school involved in a big trial. The school got on the news.

    Anyways, the school stopped teaching that class because they got sued. So, to repeat my point, there are people who are constantly looking for a school to teach something religious, so they can go to court with the school and stop those classes.
  3. demon of darkness

    demon of darkness New Member

    Here is an idea: All the christians should create their own christian country where everything is based on christian principles. We could finally live in peace without someone saying, "There is no god" or "Religion is just an excuse for comfort".

    There is enough christians in the world to force someone to give us enough land to make a christian nation. I say we do that.
  4. That is a great idea, Demon.

    To Desert Warrior: Fox is my main source. I use other sources to confirm the information. All my information has been confirmed. The other news channels do not report on Obama's blunders. They did not report on him taking restrictions off abortion or stem-cell research and they hardly covered the AIG bailouts that senator Chris Dodd and treasury secetary Tim Geihtner were apart of. So Fox actually tries to go into the scandals of the Obama adminastration in order to reveal the truth to the american people. Thank God for Fox News

    Also the democrats have gotten worse. Nancy Polosi has said recently, that illegal immigrants should stay in this country. However if they stay in this country then legal american citizens will loose their jobs and not be able to find new ones.
  5. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    WAIT A MINUTE!! No christian do not want to create a christian country!! I'm a christian & I'm against this making a country. We're there to support people, are there to have people to have a strong relationship with god, & to strengthen everyone in god's name. We don't care what negative things come for people's mouth about some "Religion is a excuse for comfort." We know that it's not. We feel our spirit move in us, we know that god is our father & creator & those who said that there is no god are nothing but synagogues of Satan. Christians like me want a better America & want it to be blessed.
  6. Ventus

    Ventus Kickass Keyblader!

    It's only been a few months, just give Obama some time. He's got alot on his plate.
  7. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    Sorabrawl, that's one of his problems though. He's trying to do too much at once. If somebody is overloaded with work, they will get sloppy.
  8. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    I don't know. God needs to watch over him. It is his first time being president, but he's trying hard to help America. He may have messed up, but if we just keep on having faith in him & god, everything will come out better.
  9. demon of darkness

    demon of darkness New Member

    Speak for yourself. There are probably many christians that want their own country. Now here is the logic in christians creating their own country:

    If we made a country and we survived and flourished and when the world ask us "How did we do it?" We can say, "By the grace of God. It was all because of him." The world would be amazed and more people may convert to christianity.
  10. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    You is wrong about that one. There is not many christians who want their own country & we cannot do that. Why? It is not god's will for us to form our own country. If it is god's will, then yes, we will do it, but god didn't want us to, so if we try & form one anyways, we will fall & it will not look good in god's eyes & we went against his will. Us christians always be wise as to how the devil tries to strike us. Making a country without God's permission is one of them.
  11. demon of darkness

    demon of darkness New Member

    Exactly how do you know what his will is? If you have some kind of phone where you can speak to God then please let me use it.
  12. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    You don't need some kind of special phone to speak to God. God will speak to you through your spirit & the holy bible. That's all you need. God works in mysterious ways. If America do that, they will know how to get better.
  13. demon of darkness

    demon of darkness New Member

    America is heading down hill and well I don't want to have to pay for the mistakes of the government. A christian country is what we need and I feel that the government cares little for christians.
  14. I will jus come out and say it, I do not want to allow the government to continue like it is. The left wing liberal socialist want to take over this country and make it a liberal socialist country. I hate socialist ideas.

    I want a country where people follow God's laws above anyother law. Christian people should wage war against the government and take it over. We can call this new country:

    "The United Christian States of America".

    All the liberals will have to shut up and stay out of the christian's way.
  15. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    <_>_<_>_<_> NOW WHY WOULD US CHRISTIANS WANT TO WAGE WAR?!! We want to fight against Satan, not against our own flesh & blood, our own brethren! Then we would really lose our salvation because it's not in God's plan for us to fight against America & it'll be terrible for us to think of such evil.
  16. Mabey you have forgotten that God's people have fought in many wars because of our religion. If our government does not stop the evil it is doing then we should rise up against it. Allowing a government that approves of the murder of 50 million unborn babies is evil. Where is the justice in that?
  17. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    That doesn't mean for christians to just go & try to fight against the goverment. We know what has to be done. 2 me, that's suicidal. Why would the goverment want death to babies anyways? Like I said before, us christians be wise & be careful as to what the devil throws in our head. Remember that we're in a race to get to god & have salvation. -_-_-. Tell me why in Biology that the teacher wants us to write 5-6 sentences to ask us what we think about Obama saying that " his bowling skills reminds him of someone from the Olympics."?
  18. Listen to yourself, 50 Million unborn babies have been aborted in this country and the government has done nothing to stop it. I can't just live my life for God, that would be selfish. I have to save others, I have to because I can't be happy unless I do.
  19. Mythril Roxas

    Mythril Roxas New Member

    Obama sucks. Did you guys hear his speech? He didn't answer one question at all!! His only answer for everything was, " We need to improove education, healthcare, and energy." wtf? He didn't answer any questions directly at all!!!!
  20. I saw it and it was boring. He was dodging every question thrown at him.

    Answer Our Questions, OBAMA!!!!

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