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New Kingndom Hearts Game(s) Art Work!

Discussion in 'Archive' started by DjC, Sep 22, 2007.

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  1. Hayashi

    Hayashi New Member

    yea well in my opinion the PSP game bbs looks like the coolest one so thats wat'll make it worth having a psp and i actually have a ds too
  2. DjC

    DjC New Member

    no they dont.only when u touch the disk then it gets screwed up
    i use to think ds was better too but then when i got a psp it totally changed my mind. and if u only knew what a psp can really do (when hacked) and its real easy to hack a psp.
    yeah thats the one i want the most too! it's gonna have a sick story line:cool:
  3. Hayashi

    Hayashi New Member

    wait wat do u mean to hack the PSP? I have one so im interested can u tell me? it sounds cool but i dk what it means or how to do it. and i meant the disks tend to sort of fall apart or at least mine do
    Last edited: Oct 13, 2007
  4. SheShe

    SheShe New Member

    thats awesome, i kant wait 4 it to come out on psp! gunna be frekken sweet:D
  5. DjC

    DjC New Member

    hayashi- hacking a psp as in emulaters, psptube,custom firmware,etc.

    sheshe- u got that right sister! LOL

    i think ur new here so

    WELCOME! i hope u have fun =)
  6. Hayashi

    Hayashi New Member

    so wats hacking it do like wat kinda stuff?
  7. xemnas_14

    xemnas_14 New Member

    cool i'm probaly gonna get 358/2 day's plus i'm hearing rumors on the release date....:3
  8. DjC

    DjC New Member

    ALRIGHT! i have a huge update for u guys! its 3 interviews on the 3 new games and a sneak peek at Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days footage! to bad its only 2 seconds but hey its better than nothing :D


    Kingdom Hearts Coded

    Interview: Whereabouts do you believe the quality of the cellphone game will be? Will it be the same as the other two games?

    Hajime: We plan on getting the game in par with Final Fantasy Agito XIII, however that's still being thought on.

    Interviewer: What is the concept of this game?

    Nomura: I wanted to make this like a playground for fans. Like Disneyland where there are many attractions for people. I wish to do the same, but with content instead.

    Hajime: Actually to start it off, Nomura was drunk at midnight (oh god) and began to explain the idea, with the help of the whiteboard and it's contents for the mobile phone. There was a lot of planning going on for that midnight.

    Nomura: It wasn't even thought about being part of the Kingdom Hearts series then, however whenever there's a plan for the game it's best to start from story.

    Hajime: At first the plan seemed terrible, but at the same time interesting, after all Kingdom Hearts is special.

    Nomura: We thought about various elements, that could be added into the story, to help extend the game. Such as in Before Crisis FFVII, and Monotone there was a new battle system, as well as chapters to help work the system, and the game. We might make it the same for Kingdom Hearts Coded

    Interviewer: Is there big plans for this game? Since the setting of it takes place after Kingdom Hearts II.

    Nomura: Yes, however I should point out that Sora from Kingdom Hearts, is only appearing in those clothes because of the Jiminy Journal is taking data from the very beginning. Therefore the Sora is not the original, but a data copy. The memory is also erased from Sora, and he has to go through his adventures again to solve the mystery of the Data bugs.

    Interviewer: Then this means they can enjoy adventuring with Sora, without worrying about a change in personality from the original Sora. Will there be a developing story in the real world too?

    Nomura: At first I wasn't sure, but I believe events in the real world will be talked about as well. There is also a story in development about the real world as well, which will be done for the user.

    Interviewer: There was an adventure in Kingdom Hearts Chain of Memories, in the Kingdom Hearts series, will the Data World be following Kingdom Hearts series as well?

    Nomura: Kingdom Hearts Chain of Memories, was created to relive the worlds created by Sora's Memory. This game differs from Chain of Memories, as ther will be a brand new story, since the bug has corrupted the data. Questions will be answered to, such as where the King had gone, and also what Riku has been doing.

    Interviewer: In the Jiminy Journal it's said "We must return to free them from their Torment" who is 'Them'? Are they characters we've seen before in previous Kingdom Hearts games.

    NomuraI can not tell you now. Actually it's not even possible to really explain it yet as it is about the true enemy of the game. Even though there are heartless in the game that are made out of data, they are not the real cause.

    Interviewer: How does the battle work?

    Hajime: Kingdom Hearts series button layout makes it simple to recreate it for the cellphone, and it will have that same combat feel, however at the same time I will be putting in new elements. One example is the "Debugging Mode" which was created to eliminate the bug.

    Interviewer: Will you be using any other elements that might make use of the telecomunication facility?

    Hajime: I will, such as being able to go in the world of the player. What I mean is that, it's possible to intefere with other players, as they all share the world together. An example being that if there is trouble in the world of Player B, I can go there and help them solve the bug, and then return to the world of Player A.

    Interviewer:The invasion do the bug is one thing, where there be other problems within the game?

    Hajime: It is likely to be the first aspect of the problem, and is also one of the concepts of the game. there may be other problems as well, but you'll have to wait to find out what they are.

    Interviewer: Will anyone be able to enjoy this?

    Hajime: The Kingdom Hearts series became a game for people who played the series before can understand the next one. I believe people who haven't even touched Kingdom Hearts can play this game for the first time, and enjoy it.

    Nomura: I will be preparing the playground for people to enjoy the game. I think everyone should look forward to the day it opens. (Laughs)
  9. DjC

    DjC New Member

    Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days

    Interviewer: First of all, please tell us the meaning of the title 358/2 Days.

    Nomura: The title was done on purpose as a code, you can only understand it after beating the game. The word Day, is attached and the progress of the game is to show how the Organization came to be, as well as the daily life of the Organization XIII. They are always faced with the duty from a place, and then have to return. The game will focus around Roxas, who is a member of the Organization. It will be an adventure game, repetition is also one of the concepts of the game.

    Interviewer: Does the time of the game focus around when Roxas enters Organization XIII, and does it connect to Kingdom Hearts?

    Nomura: Yes, after Roxas enters Organization XIII, which wll only be a small part of the story, afterwards it will focus around the timeframe when Sora was asleep for the year. Rooxas entering the Organization was not understood yet, but will be explained, and also the duty he is put through everyday. Finally about Roxas' doubts of the Organization and why he leaves the Organization. This is basically the main part of the story.

    Interviewer: Do you wish to represent something of the 3 works, by having a different color logo on each of the games announced this time?

    Nomura: The reason why we chose this color for 358/2 days was to use the warm color group as a sunset in Twilight Town. I believe the story in this game will be really sad as well. It should also be noted that some of the scenarios I chose for Kingdom Hearts II Final MIx+ were based off the novel that focused on Roxas, which came in the Kingdom Hearts Another Report.

    Interviewer: In a way this game will be the same as Zack in Crisis Core, where the future was already decided.

    Nomura: Yes however, Roxas in Kingdom Hearts wasn't as tragic as Zack's was.

    Interviewer: Why did you choose the Nintendo DS for this game?

    Nomura: Well first of all, I always choose a system before developing a plan. There was a plan for multi platforming that could be easily played, so this one made it to the DS. Also, it made it more possible to use the characters of Organization XIII, the project of this work was also meant to make it a story that uatomatically depicted Roxas.

    Interviewer: It's a Wonderful world took full advantage of the Nintendo DS, will this game do the same?

    Nomura: It is possible to take advantage of the functions of the DS, however we'll be taking an opposite turn this time. We are aiming that one day it will be possible to play the game, even if it's not just touching your way through. Also because the feeling of Kingdom Hearts' gameplay would be too different the moment the touch pen is used.

    Interviewer: How about the handling of the Kingdom Hearts series, since it seems you are having a hand in developing the game for the first time?

    Koji: Production has to be on the spot, while researching on how it can be put onto the Nintendo DS, and be Kingdom Hearts at the same time. Also how the story will become, because besides the fans, a lot of staff in Square-Enix is also looking forward towards them, since there are many fans of Kingdom Hearts in the staff. Also the apperance of the 14th member, will be understood later on. (laughs)

    Interviewer: Though there is a 14th Organization XIII Member, it appears to be Namine??

    Nomura: It is possible to say, but no it's not Namine.

    Interviewer: Then who is this person?

    Nomura: In Kingdom Hearts II there was Organization XIII, however even when they had 14 members it was still Organization XIII, the reason why they were never known as XIV even though they had 14 members will be understood in this game. She is a key character.

    Interviewer: Will Sora and Riku appear in this game at all?

    Hiroshi:: The scene will appear as well as a battle between Riku and Roxas. As for the situations in the story where Sora's memory is being reconstructed in the chamber where he is sleeping it will be hard for him to be in the game. However the memory will be a key point in this game. However what we don't want to do is emphatically show connections between Roxas and Sora by memories.

    Interviewer: This time around what will happen with the Disney Worlds?

    Nomura: The relationships between people will be different as you go through the worlds.

    Hiroshi: Because the game will be coming from Kingdom Hearts II there will be a lot of things people will be able to relate to, such as Roxas. However the system with the worlds will be a bit different this time around. Such as appearing worlds will be one of the things remaining but not all the worlds will always be avvailble to visit for fun.

    Interviewer: Will there be a basic game system just like the original Kingdom Heart games?

    Hiroshi: In a way the game will be the same as the other Kingdom Hearts games, however there are some problems, such as the buttons on the DS.

    Koji: This is true, because there are not as many buttons on the DS as there are on the other consoles, so it will be hard as you had to make good use of the analog, the d-pad and the L and R button. We are still examining on what we can do to get passed this.

    Interviewer: Does the story come together with single mode, and multiplayer mode?

    Nomura: It is possible to say that there will be no story progress within Multiplayre mode, as that will ruin the progression of the story as well. However the leveling system in single player, and multiplayer are synchronized. The leveling system will have a huge amount of freedom this time as well such as customization which will be on of the best benefits of Multiplayer mode. However Roxas' level will not be transfered over.

    Interviewer: In Multiplayer mode, can all XIII ORganization members be played?

    Nomura: Yes, you are able to.

    Hiroshi: The multiplayer mode will be treated as an alternate world, because there is a member that dissapears in the single player mode as the story advances.

    Koji: Because the chracters will all have a unique gameplay as they all have different weapons. Though the real concerns are Demyx's Sitar, and Zexion's book.

    Interviewer: How do you move on with Multiplayer mode?

    Hiroshi: Basically you will recieve various missions you must clear. There is also a map, and there are alot of gimmicks added into the levels as well. Of course we are also putting bosses in multiplayer mode.

    Koji We made it so that people can play it many times, and some of the levels are short as well. There is a score attack mode too, to see who can gra it. However incase you don't want to co-operate, we are thinking of adding elements like versus, and competitions.

    Interview: Will there be a mission when you can be Xemnas, or given one to Xemnas?

    Nomura: Yes, however there are methods with Xemnas we need to work with.

    Hiroshi: Yeah, such as with organization XIII, the chair raises when carrying out the comission and lowers when failing. (laughs)

    Koji: It is a result of multiplayer, and it depends on the stage as well. (laughs)

    Nomura: I wonder what would happen if Xemnas fails (laughs)

    Interviewer: In Multiplayer are there other elements?

    Koji: In the lower screen we are thinking of possibly using the Touch Pen for drawing. If I remember, people can also use drawings on the lower screen. I want to think about a mission that could use this feature.

    Messages to the Readers

    Hiroshi: Please look forward to the multiplayer that will be featured in Kingdom Hearts 358/2, also enjoy the other Kingdom Hearts games coming out.

    Koji: I think it will be very unusual to be able to play as the 13th Organization, however because it is unusual it makes me happy, I want you to look forward tot his.

    Nomura: Because the story in the game is a critical factor in Kingdom Hearts, it is always natural to play alone, though the multiplayer is also added for natural purposes. It might be a bit difficult to play. We plan to catch the eyes of a lot of poeple, and give this game a feel like "It's a Wonderful World" as well.
  10. DjC

    DjC New Member

    Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep

    Interview: Development from Kingdom Hearts re Chain of Memories, therefore the team in Osaka is handling the game as well.

    Nomura: Development started earlier, however due to re:COM needed to be improved a lot, the production of BBs was interupted.

    Interviewer: Then we can consider it possible that the secret movie of KH2FM+ will play an important role in BBS?

    Nomura: Yes

    Interviewer: So does this take place before the first Kingdom Hearts game?

    Nomura: Yes, however it doesn' start immediately before Kingdom Hearts.

    Interviewer: Is there a representatoin to the name of Terra, and the other characters?

    Nomura: In the origin of the names Earth is Terra, as Wind is Ven. However the real name of Ven is loner, this is just an alias.

    Interviewer: The figure and age of the old man who is called Master Xehanort, is different from the Xehanort of Kingdom Hearts II. Also what is the relationship with the person who looks just like Roxas?

    Nomura: There is a mystery to who each character is in the story, which I can not reveal right now.

    Interviewer: Is the master who taught the three from the current series?

    Nomura: I can't say.

    Interviewer: The story will advance around these three people?

    Nomura: Yes, it is also pretty complex in this game, and can become very series. Watanabe who took chare of the scenarios is skillfull in this. Also he is supervising some of the scenarios of the other two titles. This game will also be a bit challenging since the game will be featuring the aspect of three people.

    Interviewer:There will be an individual story for each of them?

    Yasushi: Yes, also the gameplay and feeling for each of their playthroughs will be different. It will feel as if three games were made.

    Interviewer: In Kingdom Hearts Chain of Memories there was a chapter of Sora, and a chapter of Riku. Would you call these two scenarios?

    Yasushi: Yes, however in this case completing one story will create more mysteries for the other characters, making you wanting to play them to figure out the mysteries.

    Interviewer: Like zapping?

    Yasushi: Well it depends, in a way the game wouldn't be the same if we changed it's contents.

    Yoshimoto: It's not really easy to explain right now, please wait a bit more in the future. (Laughs)

    Interviewer: How about the composition of the worlds? Where do you beigin, and does it become an adventure where you go into Disney Worlds?

    Yasushi: I think that it will be better to keep a normal feeling of Disney Worlds, but also have new worlds as well. Of course there will also be two or more new worlds where you are surprised.

    Interviewer: How much will they enjoy the games?

    Nomura: Mainly the story will be their enjoyment, and because this game will take place in the past the Disney Worlds will also have a little timeshift as well.

    Interviewer: When the battle images were shown to the public, there was a new enemy that wasn't a heartless or a nobody, what is it?

    Nomura: It is neither, a Heartless or a Nobody, this is a new type of enemy. Because the existence of these creatures came before Heartless and Nobodies a starting point needs to be imaged, and it became a wild concept to them.

    Yasushi: Basically it becomes wild. However, its moves are fast!

    Interviewer: What will the battle system become? As well as the "Lingering Spirit" and the character in the Secret Movie.

    Yasushi:That was done as a hint, because it is an image to the end. Also this game will be introducing a new system!

    Nomura: It might be one of the most current games of the series that have been announced during this time. Also the Level system features a new idea that has not been seen before.

    Yasushi: "When you absorb it in what?" (Laughs) It is considered as a Novel, and an impact to the leveling system. (He seemed to have been quoting something, could it be a hint?)

    Yoshimoto: It is really interesting actually, however I think you'll be able to understand it more if youo saw it from a screen image, so please wait a while longer.

    Nomura: This growth system was made, by one person.

    Interviewer: Can you give a hint?

    Yasushi: .....The level up is like growing.

    Interviewer: Is it possible where people can play by bringing PSP's together?

    Yoshimoto: Well, we are thinking by a co-operation between people, or even competing against each other. We are trying to think of an element that could make use of the PSP fully.

    Nomura: Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days has a different concept, and multiplayer is also complete, and different.

    Interviewer: Though there seems to be a variety in the beginning of the story. The game system also seems to have more content to make it enjoyable.

    Yoshimoto: Well, the idea first came out really fast, and changed rapidly as well. It was interesting to see the traditional gameplay of Kingdom hearts, but at the same time the hardship of the gameplay as well.

    Nomura: This is a game which the variety can play, even if all the mysteries in the story were solved.

    Yasushi: From here on after, the game is just going to get better. The battle system will also be enjoyable. The feeling of the game will be as close to Kingdom Hearts as possible, but with a few twists.

    Yoshimoto: Also even tohugh the game will be more serious, it will please those that are a fan of Disney. The worlds are prepared with a surprise even though the story is serious. I think the mixture of disney with this will be interesting.

    Interviewer: By the way, this game was announced at the same time as Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days, and Kingdom Hearts Coded. Were you anxious?

    Yasushi We were very anxious about everything, the system and the story. I thought it was considerate through the PV that was shown at the Tokyo Game Show.

    Nomura: This game will have to wait sadly, however we also need to think about the sales in the end.
  11. DjC

    DjC New Member

    and now what we've all been waiting for KINGDOM HEARTS 358/2 DAYS FOOTAGE!:


    oh and sry for the quadruple post. i went over the text limit and had to make the interviews there own post.
  12. ishotansem

    ishotansem New Member

    Nomura: In the origin of the names Earth is Terra, as Wind is Ven. However the real name of Ven is loner, this is just an alias.
  13. ishotansem

    ishotansem New Member

    oooooooooooooo pictureslol this page lags
  14. DjC

    DjC New Member

    what are u talking about?
  15. ishotansem

    ishotansem New Member

    lol i though thhis was only a page long late post
  16. DjC

    DjC New Member

    lol no it was new info that was released yesterday. but there was acouple other interviews that i never posted because there're really not important and a waste of time.
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