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why is love so harsh?

Discussion in 'General' started by Omega, Feb 19, 2008.

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  1. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    All i am going to say is that when you play with fire you will get burned. Not a chance, but a WILL! I would withdraw that bet or your just treating your girl like a trophie. I my self have a gf, though that took a while. We worked it through because we thought she would have to leave the state or my town or something, but our judicial system has once again proved that it will take its sweet time just deciding when to meet let alone decide something lolz. So yeah, we figure we have the time to fall for each other, go see movies and have dinners then eventually break apart or decide together forever and so yeah, i'm dating. Story of my life, cupid has shot me in the ass once again :D:cool::)
  2. Omega

    Omega New Member

    hahaha, seems as though its worked out for ya huh zerieth?
  3. emo kairi

    emo kairi New Member

    don't worry as much, i was in the same problem but i got over her... it's better to be near her than with her, believe me!...
  4. Omega

    Omega New Member

    yep that's true, which is why i'm not so depressed anymore
  5. Cloaked Schemer

    Cloaked Schemer New Member

    My love life is confusing...

    I first hooked up with this really popular girl in my school, Lydia Stetson...

    She is a Japanese/American girl who grew up in London and then moved to Texas where she went to school there until the second grade. After that, she moved to New York. That's when we became childhood friends.

    We got separated at one point when my father enrolled me into military school- but after that we were back together, and that's when I made my move.

    I asked her if she liked me in more than a friendly way, but less than a lover way.

    She was so adorable when she blushed scarlet red. She knew what I was getting at and said this very line to me that I will never forget.

    "Friends are us, but lovers never- but shall we throw are hearts aside, there's a chance that are visions will collide... and all I see is you..."

    I swear, I would've cried... seriously.

    That was the most beautiful phrase I had ever heard... and then that's when I leaned in for my first kiss...

    weird thing was, it never stopped... unlike all the movies where there is that awkward silence, well...

    we knew we wanted to continue, so we did. This kiss lasted about 12 seconds.


    And come on! I know all you guys are like,
    "Pfft! A kiss that lasted 12 seconds? HA! Last time I made out is lasted 2 minutes!"

    But this was special... this was my first damn kiss...

    But, after a while- we decided to break up... we were over, but now I feel she likes me again, and I feel I do as well...

    But I just got into this relationship with this girl named Kuriko Tsubasana... and she's really nice. :)

    What should I do, you guys... you're all probably a lot more experienced than me...
    Last edited: Feb 19, 2009
  6. LDC1121

    LDC1121 New Member

    Even though I have very little experience with guys or relationships, I think you should give this Lydia girl another shot. You guys apparently have some sort of connection and you'll never know what could happen unless you go for it! :) I'm sure this Kuriko girl will understand if it's true love! :D
  7. Cloaked Schemer

    Cloaked Schemer New Member

    You know what, you're right! I should give her a chance. :)

    Thank you so much for the advice :D
  8. Ventus

    Ventus Kickass Keyblader!

    I hate love but I'm not bothered about that at the moment. I like one girl though.
  9. Overdose

    Overdose Ninja.V

    I like this guy, but then one minute i don't like this guy. I can't understand it, he's so perfect in every way. But he's chasing after another girl and doesn't notice anything apart from that. =/
  10. Omega

    Omega New Member

    that's just how guys are. if their focused on something, they'll ignore everything around them.
  11. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    Meh dumped. Severely.. Don't like to talk about... Have i given up on life? HELL NO!

    Why are we, a bunch of kh loving geeks, nothing against that, helping people with there dating trouble?
    This thread started as either a complaint or a need for friends and now look wats happened. Kinda makes
    you wonder, XD.

    Edit Edit

    Heres a piece of wisdom from me.

    Everyone has a person destined to walk their lifes path with them. Sometimes it is hard to see this. Some lose out in love once and never want to deal with it again. Others see love as nothing more than something to have fun with. Love isn't that. Love is pain, sometimes. Love is hardship, other times. But love is really, Life. Life stems from Love. It always has. If you see someone in need of this lesson, tell them about it in your own words. Light is in all hearts, as ansem and sora and all of them continually say, and it never goes out. It may be shrouded in the darkest of nights. It may be nothing more than a tiny spark. But it is there, and like any flame, it only needs some care for it to shine forth once more. People learn many lessons from each other. None learn more than when they fall in love. They learn what they should, and shouldn't do. And eventually, they might have to learn to let go of each other. I could go on forever but i'll get boring. Lolz, and yes, been there done that. My latest ex was like that. No light, until i made it flare. Piros would say, BOOM!
    Last edited: Apr 7, 2009
  12. Ventus

    Ventus Kickass Keyblader!

    I've always been disappointed with this kind of thing. I had to leave England to immigrate to Canada. I had to say goodbye to a girl called Grace. She was so kind, sweet and beautiful and we always liked each other since we met. She asked me out three times, during the three years, I was in the same school with her. I even asked her out but the problem was I felt I wasn't ready for a girlfriend. I asked her out and then walked off before she said. I wasn't ready. I upset her and I was sad too.
    Over in Canada, I asked out a girl too early but she was nice about it.

    Zerieth, you are very right.
  13. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    I am a geek in real life but online i have 3 titles.

    The Vengeful Dancer, for my god like game skills

    The Angel of Light, for my kindness and willing to help others

    The Watcher of Time, for my wisdom in some posts, and for the fact that i don't rush into things often.

    Anyone ever need some advice, don't be a stranger on my page.
  14. Omega

    Omega New Member

    wow that's pretty awesome.:cool:
  15. annyssrr

    annyssrr New Member

    I like one guys at school but he don't like me. I try to write note to him but he didn't reply all the time.:(
  16. Ventus

    Ventus Kickass Keyblader!

    Don't worry Anny, you still have a lot of time and he probably doesn't like girls yet. Give him some time, talk to him, get to know him well.
  17. annyssrr

    annyssrr New Member

    He's already go out with one girl and broke up with her already. Now he's alone but he don't give a care about me.
  18. Betty Boop

    Betty Boop New Member

    Love is hard because men and women have different goals in life. We also have different expectations in society. Love seems to evolve as you get older. There will always be new challenges in life, but you never want to go through them alone.
  19. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    One of Oathkeeper XIII's more recent signatures had some good advice for things like this.

    I kinda laugh to myself about these things for me though. There is this one girl I like. Three different times I've asked her to some random dance. Same answer each time. No. (Hey, three strikes, like baseball) Anyways, I've kinda decided to give up on that part. Oh well.

    And there's this other girl. She's actually said yes when I asked her to a dance. But since then, everytime I've thought about asking her on a date or something, she's going out with somebody. (Talk about my luck)

    (And as for me mentioning Oath's sig, it is basically saying that there is somebody for us. So just be patient I suppose. That's kinda what I've been doing. Although I think I took it to the extreme.....)
  20. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    love is mean. this girl kissed me yesterday and i'm not sure if that meant anything or not......:confused::(
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