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Obama Debate

Discussion in 'Mature Discussion' started by Twilight Keyblade, Mar 18, 2009.

  1. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    There's something that I want to tell the two of you. For you Yukou, be careful for what you see on T.V. The book: The new life, the start of something wonderful, will tell you everything about it & christianity has existed in God's time & to me, it's not a religion, but a connection & relationship with God & to gain salvation. We should not talk about christianity on this thread because it has nothing to do with Obama so this should be taken to the religion thread.

    Also, asking the preacher some questions that you want to know from the bible shouldn't offend anyone. If it do, then they must be a synagogue of Satan. Not only that Yukou, there's a lot of people that has gone astray from there path, but let's talk about this in a different thread because I don't want star to put this in spam city.
  2. Mythril Roxas

    Mythril Roxas New Member

    .....Obama is making everyones life worse....duh?

    No, it was built on Masonic beliefs. DUH!?!?!??!
  3. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Ummmm dude know it isn't. Read the dollar bill a little line I like to call.

    "In God We Trust"

    Now I got a PM satating this is getting off sunject, it seems it pretty close on topic (then again I had to go ahead and post telling MR that it's not)

    Yeah this is built on christian beliefs, yes but I have stated before there's only one way in which the world can be made to a christian world, that's if the president makes it one, then something I noticed, that be a Hitler repeat but with christianity. What's going to happen is al the non christian believers are going to get killed like Hitler did it or kicked out, well that's not all that great.

    Now I threw my two cents in, on topic.

    I think Obama was doing a good job, until I read how tax money is being used for a White House Vegetable Garden, was used on the basket ball court now in teh white house, his kids presents for birthday and stuff, and expensive dog, and to let Obama's illegal alien aunt stay in America.

    If Obama can fix the economy and put this stupid useless war to an end and move somewhere in which does need help like Afganastan (which were the ones who actually caused 9/11, not Iraq) then I'll be happy, but I probaly won't like him.

    Then again every president is hated until after their done serving. Abraham Lincoln was hated more then anyone as a presedent, had threat letters everyday, but he slowly became the nations fav pres, and Obama is making Bush look good now, but I bet we'll end up with some crappy presedent after Obama making Obama look good, that's what happens all the time.

    There's only 3 presedents in history loved during their presedentcy known that's George Washington, Franklin D. Roosevelt, and John F. Kennedy.
  4. annyssrr

    annyssrr New Member

    Twilight Keyblade and Demon of Darkness, I'm on your side coz when Obama became a president, almost every worker got lay off and almost every store is closing down.
    Sorabrawl, I didn't mean to argue with you but I'm just telling out my opinion.
  5. Chocobo Dyl

    Chocobo Dyl New Member

    Okay, Star, that's sorta stating the obvious, of course people will love him if he does those things, will he, "No he won't" or at least not quickly, or at all the way he's going.

    Next, although it's off subject, I don't believe that the Afghanstani (sp?) caused the 9/11 bombings, and that instead it was the US goverment,but there you go....

    But Obama isn't helping the world wide economy crisis, what has he done, NOTHING!
    What has he tryed to do, NOTHING!
    When has he gathered some people around to decide what to do, NEVER!

    He is screwing America over, not only screwing it, but draining the hell out of presidency and using it to his advantage.
    annyssrr likes this.
  6. Mythril Roxas

    Mythril Roxas New Member

    Deism: A belief in god or gods.

    America was built upon the belief of deism, the belief in a god(s). How many religions are there? Hm? So giving you the deism part only gives you like 1 out of 50 chances at being right. And what else is known about the Founding Fathers? Hm? 43 of the 50 men who signed the Declaration of Independence were Masons, one of whom I am related to (Samuel Chase). I have a medallion from my Great grandma's father who was a Chase that is MASONIC!!!!
    This country was created by Free Masons, and the Constitution was made, based on their beliefs. And thats why I admire the Free Masons so much, and wish to become one some day. The only one who wasn't a confirmed Mason was Thomas Jefferson, but deep down he wasn't a Christian either, he was something else.

    And don't go off of information that people TELL you, do so research before you shoot your mouth off. I have PROOF of everything I say. I'm not gonna say America was made by Masons just for the hell of it!

    And yes, of course, asd I've said multiple times (and I really don't want to give you all a 40 page essay on how much Obama sucks) OBAMA SUCKS!!!!

    Enough said. He is related to Bush and Cheney, WHAT DID YOU EXPECT!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. demon of darkness

    demon of darkness New Member

    Here is the thing though the christian faith is in every part of America. "In God we Trust" "God Bless America" ect. To deny God is to deny a part of America and it's Values and Principles.

    Just supporting Twilight on this one.
  8. Aqua Fresh

    Aqua Fresh Anita ✿◠‿◠

    I agree about Obama must be down any time, sooner or later. His speech "Yes we can, yes we Will" is not happenning at this moment, there is no peace as well. Lots of people are laying off as Anny said and all of the Circuit Citys are closing too.

    So, Obama will be down soon.
  9. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    America was founded upon multiple beliefs, as you pointed out with the Deism thing.

    That's wrong. George Washington was the only one who was loved by all during his two terms.

    FDR wasn't liked by alot of people (some because of the things he did, such as the New Deal). And he was President for 4 terms because each election after his first was during WWII, and the people thought it was stupid to get a different President during a time of war, especially one as major as WWII.

    And JFK may have done many good things, but obviously he wasn't liked by plenty. I'm guessing White Supremacy people didn't like him after signing the Civil Rights Act of 1965. And if he was loved so much, he wouldn't have gotten shot (Although my friend believes it was a... Buisness reason as to why he got shot).
  10. Mythril Roxas

    Mythril Roxas New Member

    God doesn't equal Christianity, but I obviously understand how you see it that way. But thats the closed mindedness I've been talking about all this time. GOD DOESN'T = CHRISTIANITY

    Your right.
    I personally don't like FDR at all.
    He was in on a lot of things, and our actions as a country brought WW2 upon ourselves by helping Europe.
    Japan wouldn't have attacked us if we weren't sneaking weapons over to England. And our actions in WW1 showed hostility towards Germany. So WW1 was a turning point for us. Only 130 years before had we broken away from the most evil empire to exist (England), and now we're buddies with them?
    We should've listened to people like George Washington at times as great as those, and should've JUST STAYED OUT OF IT. COMPLETELY!

    Anyways, thats my 2 cents.
    But Desert Warrior is right completely.
  11. Yukie

    Yukie Fist Pumps

    Seems arguing with people is a bad idea. So here is what I think: (Excuse me if I use colorful words)

    1. Obama is doing the best job he can. It is stupid fucks in the business that is making it hell. Look at what AIG is doing? CEO's are giving themselves bonuses. Instead of giving it to the people who work for them, they give it to themselves! What the fuck? Obama bails out AIG and multiple business and what do they do? Backstab him. Using the money for their own benefits. So I don't blame Obama for the lost of jobs, I blame the companies. I blame the stupid CEOs who think it is right to steal from the American People. I blame the American People for being stupid. If you can't afford a mortgage, then why did you take one in the first place. People who are making below 30,000 a year are getting like 200,000 dollars in mortgage. And what do you do when things go wrong? You blame the president because he is suppose to be the leader. You blame him because he is in charge, because you don't want to take responsibility for you own actions. It is called RESPONSIBILITY!!!!!

    2. Religion. Religion is needed because people feel safe. People feel safe because they can turn to it when things get sour. Which isn't a bad thing because I turn to my own religion when I need guidance, but when you mix that shit with politics, things can get wrong. It is true that we are raised in a Christian world. In some cases, we are not allow to promote it because that is they way it has to be. You can go around and force people to follow your religion. And if you did, we are no better what the British did to our Founding Fathers. That is the WHOLE reason why they came to America! To practice their own religion with out repression. But in this world, God is law! Sometimes I question the Pledge because it says "Under God." What if some one doesn't believe in God? Does that mean you have to force them to believe?

    God has many meanings. You think God belong to one religion. Than you are wrong. God exist in one entity. He is one being. God is refer in many religions, Christianity, Catholics, Judaism, and Islamic cultures. But people are stupid because they don't want to share with people. They don't want to be associate with people such as white supremacy or terrorist. But in the end, he is ONE!!!!!!

    This is what I think why people hate Obama. Because of religion. You think he support abortion, but did he came out in a public meeting saying "I support Abortions! Go out and get rid of your babies!" Did he? No.

    All he did was remove a law that the former president before him put on the Abortion issue, because it was wrong. He didn't say he support nor is he against it.

    And with stem cell, scientist are finding more ways to get it, but the more effective way is through the embryo. I support it 100% because we can find a cure for the most deadly diseases, such as lupus, cancer, or AIDS. I bet you if one of you love ones are infected with one of these disease, then you views probably will change! And don't bring up that "God will cure it." If God gave you apples when you are starving, then eat it!
  12. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    You're right, it's not completely Obama's fault. The fault for the AIG thing also falls on Congress. They wrote the bailout package and Obama signed it. There are so many idiots in Congress who didn't even bother to read the entire bill. If they did, they'd have known that it said in the bill that AIG was allowed to give the money to themselves for bonuses.

    No. Nobody is forced to say the Pledge, fully or at all. I have a friend at school who doesn't say the Pledge (Of course, it's because of a religious thing). I'm sure we all know that President Obama didn't salute the flag or anything while he was running for office. But it's still messed up that he didn't at least salute the flag during the Pledge. I can understand him not saying it, but if you're an American citizen with any respect for America, you should salute the flag. My oppinon obviously.

    And as a side note: The Pledge says "Under God" because during the Cold War, we added it show something to those, quote, "Godless Commies."

    I too am for Stem Cell research. But the problem is that embryonic stem cells don't work. They've hurt more than they've helped. Embryonic stem cells cause cancer and tumors and stuff. Adult stem cells on the other hand, don't. And there is multiple ways to obtain adult stem cells. That is why embryonic stem cell research should stop.

  13. I am not saying it is all Obama's fault butit is his fault that he gave bail out money to AIG. He should have let them go bankrupt.

    Also if Obama does not not support abortion then why did he not outlaw it?

    Secondly how many times as Desert Warrior said this, "Adult Stem Cells hold more promise to cure thing than embryonic stem cells." So why does Obama not support Adult Stem cell research when it holds more promise?

    Also on the subject of stem cell research if I had a diesese and I learned that I could get a stem cell treatment to cure my sickness then I would not accept it. I would rather die an innocent man than to live as a murderer.

    Also if a friend or a family member of mine got an abortion or used stem cells from an embryo then I probably would never speak to them again.

    My God and my Values and Principles come before all else. Obama should think about his faith before making decisions because things like abortion and stem cell research, he will have to pay for them someday.
  14. Zenrot

    Zenrot New Member

    Really? REALLY? Obama should turn to his faith to make all of this decisions because your definition of the REAL God will punish him one day? If ONLY life was that easy. Obama cannot make decisions based on what his deity thinks and you know it. He is the PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES, his job before all else is to do what he thinks is best for this country. He cannot say "oh, all these babies who are crushing teenage lives are a problem in furthering the education and abilities of this country, and banning it is a complete violation of the right to privacy BUT God says no abortion!" If what that girl needs is an abortion, and we don't do it because God says its wrong, then what happens? We suffer in the name of a deity that may or may not exist?
  15. See this is what I am saying. People today put there education, there job, and their money and their own happiness before that of their baby. Is'nt your baby's life more important than all that other stuff?
  16. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    I must say, that is quite the selfish ideal you have there mate. so you choose to hate someone for there choice in life and never speak to them again. Over and over i have had this Abortion debate in college, high school, almost every forum site i go to. and all i can say is put yourself in there shoes in certain situations. A child is never a bad things its always a blessing no matter how you look at it. however the child can be a burden on the lives of the one it is attached to.

    I'l tell you what i announced to the college audience. "Say you were raped by a man in the alley you became pregnant you were in your prime of looking for colleges and scholorships. your friends all tell you if you abort it they will never speak to you again and some family members turn there backs to you on the entire issue. but you want to continue your life. whos the unfair one here i wonder"

    I'm not saying abortion is right however i am mainly neutral on the whole ideal of it. especially since Stem cell research has such promise to help but Obama is not looking at my religious beliefs come first. last time i checked everyone in America is not the same religion. and to force your beliefs onto a entire contry...i mean seriously...do the math there...

    Technically at very early stages its not even "your baby" its a stran of DNA just cells.

  17. I am tired of here it is a strain of DNA cells. IT IS A BABY!!!!!!

    Also of course I would not talk to a friend or family member who used stem cells or got an abortion. That would make them a murderer and I don't care about murderer's. I only care about good people.

    If you take life then you should ave your life taken. An eye for an eye. I am a very strict guy and I don't have the patience nor the time for mothers who value their own life above their child's. A true parent wouyld always value their child's life above their own life.

    If I was a woman and I was raped then I would have the baby and raise and sacrifice everything for it becuase it's my child and I love it so I would galdly laid down my own life for my child.
  18. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    Then all i will say to that is. In my "personal opinion" you have a very bad ideal my friend. Your "skipping" any logical or common thinking on the issue.
  19. Zenrot

    Zenrot New Member

    I completely agree with you. Twighlight, you cant possibly "imagine" what being raped would be like or the ramifications of it. You can say whatever you want but quite frankly, you will NEVER experience being raped and forcibly impregnated. Its easy to say big things and sit up on your high horse when you aren't put into the situation yourself.
  20. But killing a child is not right. Is it the baby's fault if it was conceived through rape? No. So why are you sentencing it to death because of the father's mistake?

    What is logical about love? Would you not sacrfice yourself for your baby?

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