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Obama Debate

Discussion in 'Mature Discussion' started by Twilight Keyblade, Mar 18, 2009.

  1. Yukie

    Yukie Fist Pumps

    Well, technically you are a murderer too. If you say you would never to speak to your friends or family again after they get an abortion or use stem cells, then that makes you wrong too.

    Your friends and family care for you and they love you. Shutting one of them out is killing them softly because you sacrifice their love for your own selfish reasons? You are still young and you don't know the meaning of life yet. You don't know the true meaning of faith. You think that everything you do determine on your faith reactions? You are simple minded. I don't want to be mean, but their is no point in arguing with a person who has only one sense of direction.

    I am neutral with the abortion issue. I do believe in it is the woman choice to do what ever she wants but then again what if you are a couple? A good relationship is with good communication. If we can't not reach a verdict then we will compromise.

    Let's say I give you this scenario. Me and my wife have a child. She wants an abortion. We would talk to see if we are in an agreement. See, in Biology, the baby starts to really develop in the late 3rd month beginning the 4th month. This is the guideline. You can not abort a baby at your 3rd or 4th month being pregnant. This is the compromise Congress came up with.

    If me and my wife lives' are busy and hectic, then a baby would be a bad idea. But if I am ready, then I will ask her, if she can have the child, divorce, and I would take care of the child. No child support, no courts, no nothing. She just leave. That is my compromise.

    And another thing with religion. America is built on multi religion and it just happen that Christianity is the most dominant one. Obama can't let his faith decide on every fucking decision he makes, than there fore he is a preacher not a president.
  2. Yukou listen to me. Human life is more important than Money or your education or your job.

    I will compromise on some things but innocent human life is one thing I will never compromise on. I will fight against abortion until it is outlawed.
  3. Yukie

    Yukie Fist Pumps

    Like I said pointless to argue with you but I do say this. I was raise differently and EDUCATION is first in my life.

    With out Education you are nothing. I would kill for my education.
  4. That is sad. How dare you say someone without an education is nothing.

    I have learned that this world is not all there is. To believe such is ignorance. You can only see what you believe in. If you believe in only thisworld than that is all you will ever see. If you believe in the greater picture than you will see more of the truth than ever before.

    People are not judged by their education but by their heart. The fact that you would kill for your education proves that you are so selfish that you choose yourself over others. I choose to save innocent people at the cost of my own life, my own happiness, and my very soul if neccasary cause I can not and will not stand by while the world crumbles. I will save innocent people or die trying.
  5. Yukie

    Yukie Fist Pumps

    Like I said, before. It is pointless to argue with someone who already made up with their mind. It is cool that you think a certain way.

    Calling me selfish is an understatement. You are underestimating. You know what? I am in college trying to pursue a degree in the Medical Field. And someday when I get my Medical Degree, I will be saving lives. Call me selfish now. You can call me anything in book, and you know what I will say to you, Thank You.

    I think you come from a family who has everything. Not everything, but everything that make life more pleasurable. Well, I am different. Growing up with nothing and look where I am, in College. You know what, maybe I am selfish, but the reason why I am in college it is not for me, it is for my family, it is for my friends, and it is for my future.

    To my comment earlier, with out an education, you can not get no where in this world. You think the most prestigious college is going to accept you? You think John Hopkins Medical School will even look at your application? Do you think you are going to get your first job at McDonalds with out an education.

    This is what separate people. Some times you got to step over people to achieve your goals. Nothing in life is pretty. Welcome to the Real World.

  6. You make me sick. I don't come from a family with eveyrthing. I come froma family where we love eachother no matter what type of degree they have or where they come from. My grandfather would let a stranger come in and rest or get something to eat. What happened to the days when people had that kind of love?

    I am the type of guy that will sacrifce my very existence for the good of innocent people. I don't care what happens to me. I am not important, all that matters is spending my life trying to make sure that people who are hurting and in pain don't have to hurt anymore.
  7. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    Ok. I feel that we're going a little bit farther away from the Obama debation & that there will be an even stronger argument (if possible) if yukou say something bad(der) but let me say this. There is a lot of people that is just like you Twilight. If you read the book (I'm saying the title of this book because it tells you everything & will lead you to the scriptures to show you that it's true,) the new life, the beginning of something wonderful, will tell you that some new christians & people talks, cry, & complain about things that they don't have & not be glad about the things that they do have. Don't fall for it. The world is changing with a lot of people who don't want to believe in god, but remember to worry about your own salvation Twilight.

    Remember that you must take care of your physical body Twilight because it's a vessel, a part of christianity, the vessel that carries your spirit & soul. Don't sacrifice it in vain & remember to seperate yourself from your flesh. (This is not to be negative about the flesh thing.) You is important: 1. To God who loves you 2. To those on earth who loves you 3. The plan that God wants you to do for the greater good to others.

    That last sentence that I put in bold, I remember that I was stopping this girl from abusing these two boys, beating them in the head with a shoe, cursing & all. When I said " Don't want them to keep on suffering for no reason & that they need to stop" she called me gay. Don't let that get you down & just be one of the best examples of a good human. Now let's try not to keep on straying away from the Obama Debate so this won't go to spam city.
  8. Zenrot

    Zenrot New Member

    There is a religion Topic for this. Take your salvation there, where it is at least partially on topic. Back to the Obama/abortion thing from before. Twilight you said people are judged by their hearts, do you REALLY believe this to be true? Some people are judged by their hearts, but where does your heart get you in life? Does your "God" come down and hand you a fat paycheck for having a heart? No. You do these things because it is what you think is right, and there is nothing wrong with that, its a good thing, but to expect the entire world to run on the black and white notion of what your religion believes is right and wrong is foolish. Abortion isn't punishing the baby, its a clump of cells, it has NO IDEA of its own existance! Getting and abortion = mowing your lawn. That grass has no clue it is a plant and that you are cutting it, and that clump of baby cells has no idea its a human being and you are removing it. Ill give you a scenario:
    My girlfriend and I are both about to head off to college. We practice safe sex always, never sacrificing safety. By a stroke of bad luck the condom proves only 98% effective and so she gets pregnant and we fall into that 2%. I will not sacrifice my future NOR the future of the woman I love so this sack of cells can have a crappy life being raised by two people whose chances to make something of themselves were destroyed by its unwanted arrival.
  9. But that clump of cells as you call it is your own flesh and blood. How can you hate your own child so much that you would kill it. If you had kids one day would you tell them you and your wife had an abortion? Imagine hearing your parents say "We killed your little brother or sister because we wanted our own selfish stuff."

    Why have people lost site of their own humanity. When did what you know become more important than what you stand for? Does none of you care about right and wrong? Is love not more important than education? Would you sacrifce your family, your children, and your friends for your education?

    Look you may ot be as strict as I am. But I always put my friends, my family, and my God before anything else because I have a heart.

    If I knew my mother got an abortion when she was younger I would never speak to her again and as soon as I was 18 I would leave and never see her again because what she did was wrong and I can not forgive her for killing my sister or brother.
  10. Zenrot

    Zenrot New Member

    You contradicted yourself here. You said that you always put your friends and family first, yet you would never speak to your own MOTHER if she had an abortion? Putting something first means thinking of it BEYOND your own selfish ideals. For instance yes, love is more important than an education, but i would like to be able to everything i can to make the woman i love live a comfortable life, so I need an education to be able to do those things for her. Life is not so simple as "My heart is pure so I don't need to do anything as long as my heart stays that way". I have a heart, and part of having a HEART is being UNDERSTANDING, not some judgemental messanger from your own god who is forcing your ideals on someone lest you oust them from your life forever. I seem to have more of a heart than you do ;p
  11. I meant innocent family and friends that do not commit evil acts. Those are the people I put before myself. If a family member of mine got an abortion then they are a murderer and therefore I can not love them cause if I did then I would be insulting the life of their unborn child and thus that makes me just as bad as them.

    I understand that you need an education but there are things that are far more important than that.

    I can not compromise on abortion and say that it's the woman's choice because then I would be betraying God and I can't do that. If I fight againt abortion then I am doing what I should and therefore what is right.
  12. Zenrot

    Zenrot New Member

    So... only family that meet YOUR standard right? Selfish.

    Yes, as I stated in my post. Thank you for reiterating (sp?).

    You are doing what YOU think you should and so what YOU selfishly think is right. But its not YOUR baby, its not YOUR life that could be affected, its not YOUR abortion so it shouldnt be YOUR decision.
  13. That baby has it's own life, it's own existence and you have no right to take that away from it.
  14. Zenrot

    Zenrot New Member

    And you have no right to make the final decision on what someone else can and cannot do.

    Christians (which im assuming you are) are against abortion because their god says no abortion. ok. fine. Dont get an abortion then, and you are following your own rules and your own "salvation" is no worse for the wear. Trying to force feed the whole world your views on god and religion and why your God and his good buddy Jesus (i KNOW jesus was the "son of god", if you try and give me a religion lesson im just gonna lol) says that babies deserve to live then you are only HURTING your own cause. In the end humans WILL do what it is that they want to do, no matter how hard you spout on about how God says its not ok. You can call it Satan, you can call it Evil, but I call it free will. And it is no doubt the greatest thing on this planet. If your god truly created us all, he GAVE us this free will, and if he does exist I wont squander his precious gift just for some teachings that some people think could maybe be true.
  15. What about the baby's free will? Your not letting it choose if it wants to live or not. Your taking it's free will away.
  16. Zenrot

    Zenrot New Member

    The baby isn't concious. The baby cannot think. The baby has no POWER to make its own decisions. It is a clump of cells.
  17. Let me give you a scenario:

    If you were to meet girl and she had an abortion. Then when you die and see your aborted baby in the next life then how will you explain to him why you did what you did?

    I know you may not be a believer in a next life but still answer the question.
  18. Zenrot

    Zenrot New Member

    I would look at the clump of cells sitting on the pavement in the next life and wonder why that was here. Are we assuming that the baby's "soul" continues to grow and age in "heaven"?
  19. Well dah! God is not going to deny that baby acess to heaven just because you did not let it live. DAH!

    Now answer the question.
  20. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    TAKE THIS TO THE RELIGION DEBATE THREAD!!! THIS IS GOING FAR AWAY FROM THE TALK ABOUT OBAMA & I DON'T WANT THIS TO GO TO SPAM CITY OR HAVE THIS THREAD CLOSED!! I'm being real serious about this & this is the first time that I said this in big red letters.

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