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Obama Debate

Discussion in 'Mature Discussion' started by Twilight Keyblade, Mar 18, 2009.

  1. Wow some of you re so damn stupid that it is funny. Do you all remember the whole 2012 doomsday stuff. Well it is not the end of the world, it's just the end of the world as we know it. Things are going to get worse and people like me and Mythril are going to be the ones wo have to take it in our own hands to fight against evil.
  2. Zenrot

    Zenrot New Member

    So... Religious Fantatics must take it upon themselves to battle evil at the "end of the world as we know it" in 2012... Just like the "end of the world as we know it" in 2000.... And why do you think its the end of the world in 2012? the MAYAN calander? MAYANS. WHO DIDNT BELIEVE IN CHRISTIANITY. Don't sit here calling people stupid because we don't share YOUR EXACT BELIEFS ON GOD, because quite frankly god as YOU TWO describe him sounds like a whiney evil old bas**rd, who I would never even waste the time to acknowledge.
  3. So Obama's evil? I really don't know if that's true. I only think that we have people with enough for them to be successful and for everyone to have the jobs so that everyone in the community can have share of the "pie." No, that does not mean I'm a socialist.
  4. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    I'm just praying that the rapture don't come in 2012. When did they started that "The end is coming in 2000!!" stuff anyways? Sure is glad that it didn't come. I'm ready for the rapture, but not ready ready.
  5. Pay attention to my post. I never mentioned God once in my post.

    Also it was not only the Mayans who said that 2012 would be the moment when we enter the next world but Notre Damus, Edgar Cassey, and many others has predicted such things. Surely these people seperated by time and location could not have predicted the same stuff. You see there is a whole other side of the world. It's not just liberals, conservitaves, and so on but there is a constant battle between good and evil.

    On December 21st 2012 the world will go into an era of chaos and I and people like you are not likely to survive because you will have to be strong, wise, and actually accept the truth that there is a god, there is a spirit realm, and yes science and technology is weak compared to the true powers.

    Actually yes it does. The North American economy is based on each person making money and not putting that money into things to help lazy people who don't want to work.

    I never said it was the "end" as in we are all going to die. I said it was the begining of the end of the world as we know it. Meaning those who are righteous and true will have to battle the evils of the world and our lives will never be the same. If Zenrot does not change it's likely that he will have to be one of my enemies and I will show no mercy to my enemies.
  6. ilovesora101

    ilovesora101 New Member

    i am too lazy to read what this conversation so can someone tell me what we are talking about
  7. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    I know that you didn't say that it was the end twilight. I'm saying that I really don't want it to come yet. I'm still preparing myself for it. Uh, December 21, 2012, 2012 is when I graduate & let's see, that's like a long time for me. WHy would Zenrot be your enemy? I hope not. If I prepare before it comes, I'm good, cuz preparing your life is the one of the first things that you have to do. Also, to your question Gracie Lou, Obama is not evil. I doubt that he is evil. He's still trying to help, but who knows. Some of you watch the news mroe than me & I'm now watching Fox about the ball park., talking about the weather.
  8. As of right now, we are talking about Obama and how he fits in the whole 2012 thing.


    Brandon Obama is evil because he supports a global government and socialism. Also the fact that he is pro-choice, and immoral. That makes him evil.

    Also Zenrot is an Obama kiss ass which suggest to me that he supports Obama in every way. I can not every be friends with such a coward.

    Let me give you the truth, you may like living a happy normal life but that does not matter. No matter what a battle between good and evil is coming and you will have to be brave and side with one or the other side.
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 22, 2009
  9. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    The problem with that is the average American is either too lazy or ignorant to really do anything about it.

    Out of curiosity, what was Ron Paul's plan?

    You're wrong about that. Nothing about the world is going to end. If you're as Christian as you say you are, you wouldn't believe this stuff either.

    Thank you. Finally somebody who understands what I've said to people.

    Okay, I'll explain. When we were nearing the year 2000, there were reports of this computer virus (Hey, sounds familiar to that one that was supposed to come on April 1). This virus, the Y2K virus, was supposed to destroy all of technology and basically send us back to the stone age or whatever.

    You say you're a big Christian, and yet you believe this garbage. If you're a Christian, then you'd follow things in the Bible. And the Bible clearly states that only God will know the time and day the world ends.
  10. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    Whoa. A virus sending us back to the stone age? THat's... making me speechless. God do know when the time to rapture his people, which may be tomorrow or 5 minutes later from this post I'm about to post. I want to be raptured, but too scared too see how it'll turn out.
  11. Yukie

    Yukie Fist Pumps

    If the world is going to end in 2012, then so be it. Clearly people say Obama would bring Doomsday, but you know what, he is one man. One man alone can do many things but bring the end of the world? I think not. It is all contribute down to everybody. Look at us, pollution! Spending countless money! Killing other people!
  12. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    To tell you the truth, I find it very stupid & confusing to say that Obama will bring Doomsday. Ever since after the election I never heard anyone said that he will bring doomsday. Who had started that mess anyways?
  13. Zenrot

    Zenrot New Member

    I voted for McCain, and yet i love this country and would rather the president we have be supported and be able to do his BEST instead of having to deal with people like you who are part of the PROBLEM and not the SOLUTION. And how does voting for Obama make you a coward? Personally I think you might be the cowardly one because you sit here preaching an inevitable end without even having all the facts straight. Of course the world is going to end, but the fact that you think you know the exact date is completely stupid. Nostradamus did NOT predict the world would end on December 21st 2012. They said he predicted the end in 2000, and NOW they are saying he predicted the end in 2012. The world COULD end in 2012, or it could end in 3000, or it could end TOMORROW. No one knows. Also... Nostradamus was hunted by Chrisitans who refused to believe what he said, you seem to be taking a lot of pages out of your religions ENEMY'S books.
  14. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    There was something about some guy who predicted that the rapture will come in 3773, but we won't be there to see it even if it is true. Anyways, I don't think Zenrot would be an enemy just because he voted Obama or supports him. If you see Zenrot on the same side of good, I'm going to burst out laughing.
  15. Zenrot

    Zenrot New Member

    I didnt vote for Obama, but of course I support him he is the LEADER of our COUNTRY and anyone who doesn't support him is just whining because they LOST and are five years old.

    You don't need to agree with the steps that Obama is taking, I don't either for the most part. Stimulus? stupid. Taking healthcare from Veterans? stupid. BUT, he is the president of the United States, and you need to have faith that he will restore some strength back to this country. If he does a BAD job, he will be voted out of office.
  16. We should kick him out of office now. Don't you want to prevent him from hurting the country? We can do it if we kick him out now.

    When are you people going to realise he does not care about this country. He calls us arogant, he calls anyone who is against abortion, gay marriage, supports the war, believes people have the right to carry guns, or support the war are extremist terrorist an that those people are threats to the united states. He also calls veterans terrorist.

    However he does not call Osama Bin Laden or the people who planned 9/11 terrorist.

    In other I am on the terrorist list for basically being against Obama's policies.

    This proves that he hates people like me and mythril and anyone that is against Obama.

    This man is evil and me and mythril have warned you people and you wont listen. You keep on saying, "Let's give him a chance" or "He's doing what is best" You all are a bunch of cowards. Stand up and fight for justice, for truth, and for what is right.

    When Obama's plans fail I am going to rub it in all your faces and say "I told you so." When that happens I never want to hear any of you tell me i'm wrong because I was right. People like me and mythril are going to have to clean up your mistake you bunch of cowards.
  17. Mythril Roxas

    Mythril Roxas New Member

    But I know peeps in the military. Just because they signed up doesn't mean they agree with everything they fight for. For some people, military is a way out. A lot of veterans are on my side about this, and have taught me a lot of things I know!!
  18. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    NOw don't you start to jump on me now twilight. I'm not siding on anyone or anything. I'm just staying out of this & preparing my life. I don't want to do anything rash & I really don't want to regret to do something bad. I'm sure is not no coward. When did he called the veterans terrorist? I'm not on nobody side now. I'm being neutral on this one. I really care about our country & really don't want to hurt it. I know that we should go against gay marriage & abortion. Thank god that it was banned in California, or was it Colorado? It was a state that starts with a c.
  19. Yukie

    Yukie Fist Pumps

    Everyone was the right to free inquiry and they also have the right to be wrong. Why do you have such hatred to people are open minded. Just because people don't see what you see doesn't make them wrong nor does it make your right. Everyone deserve their own opinion.
  20. demon of darkness

    demon of darkness New Member

    I agree with Twilight, something bad will happen in 2012.

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