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Who's your fav Kingdom Hearts 2 character?

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts 2' started by Kairi008, Jan 6, 2008.

  1. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    Mickey he is the best.
    Disney character and keyblade wielder.
    He is also the only known person to survive bbs.
  2. DawnBlade

    DawnBlade New Member

    Probably Demyx because he has a sexy mullet:p And I like a guy who can play a guitar (or a sitar in this case).
  3. Aqua Fresh

    Aqua Fresh Anita ✿◠‿◠

    My favorite character is........ Riku!!!! (Even if he maybe selfish sometimes.)
  4. annyssrr

    annyssrr New Member

    Mine is SORA!!!!!!!!(He's rule my world)
  5. kh2fan

    kh2fan New Member

    Sora and Riku!!!
  6. Snapple

    Snapple New Member

    I'd have to say either Axel or Kairi. I can't chose. D: Axel is OMGTEHHAWTNESS for me, but Kairi is an admirable character herself.
  7. DawnBlade

    DawnBlade New Member

    I wanna change mine to Axel, cos his voice is soo smexy...
    "Got it memorized?!"
    Sorry, I had a fangirl moment, hehe.
  8. Sethstone Lataos

    Sethstone Lataos New Member

    I like both Sora and Axel. They're both awesome characters, and have great actors doing their voices.:)
  9. EurydiceShadowcry

    EurydiceShadowcry New Member

    Axel....then demyx...i cried when they died. :(
  10. .mop

    .mop New Member

    Riku and Axel and scar
  11. Sethstone Lataos

    Sethstone Lataos New Member

    OMG, me too!
  12. re-Kinings

    re-Kinings New Member

    Axel ftw man.
  13. LordOfTheKeyblade1

    LordOfTheKeyblade1 New Member

    I like The FF characters like Leon and Cloud. But if I chose any character it would be either Roxas (He's so fun to play as) or Riku (I like his character outline).
  14. LordOfTheKeyblade1

    LordOfTheKeyblade1 New Member

    Although I do like Sora and Axel a lot. I think there was a quick tear in my eye when Axel died aswell.
  15. LordOfTheKeyblade1

    LordOfTheKeyblade1 New Member

    Or there is King Mickey. I like King Mickey. OMG MAKE UP YOUR MIND MAN!!!! haha :)
  16. My favorites are King Mickey because he is one of my favorite Keyblade fighters. Sora, Riku, and Kairi
  17. superslayer2000

    superslayer2000 New Member

    im surprised theres not alot of Rikus goin on in here, whats up with that, i think he is the best character ever!
  18. crazykh

    crazykh New Member

    fav character

    i would have to say sephiroth he is the fastest strongest and he is also the dark side of cloud that's what makes him cool :cool: he's a great boss to fight to i wish i could play as him :( sometimes i see people playing as him i am getting confused :confused: but its ok i already finished it so i'm good
  19. LordOfTheKeyblade1

    LordOfTheKeyblade1 New Member

    I have to agree with you on that Slayer. He's a great character and any friend of Sora's is a friend of mine...:)

    He is a great character as well. If you have a PSP, get FFVII: Crisis Core and you'll love Sephiroth even more...

    Anyway, back to the thread:
    5.King Mickey

    Also, sorry 4 triple posting before.
  20. LatiJediLukeAndLeia

    LatiJediLukeAndLeia New Member





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