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Kingdom Hearts 2 Final Mix + RE:Chain of Memories Might Appear Out Side Japan!

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts 2: Final Mix + / 2.5' started by DjC, Oct 16, 2007.

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  1. DjC

    DjC New Member

    alright guys this is exactly what the title says! KINGDOM HEARTS 2 FINAL MIX + RE:CHAIN OF MEMORIES MIGHT BE RELEASED OUT SIDE OF JAPAN! and heres why i think so:D

    read this interview:

    F = Friend
    SEM = Square Enix Marketing Manager

    F: Hi. I have to ask this on behalf of all the Kingdom Hearts fanboys in Europe. Can you PLEASE bring Kingdom Hearts II: Final Mix+ to Europe?

    SEM: *Laughs* We have big plans for the Kingdom Hearts series this year globally. It has become a big series for us.

    F: But will Kingdom Hearts II: Final Mix+ hit Europe?

    SEM: I think it’s safe to say you will be pleasantly surprised around the end of the year. *grins*

    F: What is the future of Kingdom Hearts like?

    SEM: Well Kingdom Hearts III is going to be released on PS3 and we will see what we can do with that.

    F: What about a Kingdom Hearts movie? Advent Children was sick!

    SEM: Well you never know - We are good at CGI aren’t we? *grins*

    F: Will we see another Kingdom Hearts game on a Nintendo platform?

    SEM: Well like I said, there will be big Kingdom Hearts related announcements made this year. Please look forward to it.

    F: Will Kingdom Hearts III be a new trilogy with new characters?

    SEM: Can’t answer.

    well there u have it! it also confirmed kh3 will be on ps3. but the whole perpose of me posting this is because the friend asked:But will Kingdom Hearts II: Final Mix+ hit Europe?

    and sem replied:I think it’s safe to say you will be pleasantly surprised around the end of the year. *grins*

    and thats why:cool: also when the market manager said we will be pleasently surprised at the end of the year, u might want to know that jump fest is at the end of the year (December 22-23) and jump fest is:

    Jump Festa is a convention that Square Enix traditionally attends and releases tons of information and media through! To get an idea of just what to expect, in the past, Jump Festa was the first place for the public to see one of the first Kingdom Hearts 2 trailers, as well as play the game! (Similarily with CoM and Final Mix). This means some lots of exciting stuff to look forward to as we get closer to the convention.

    so its alittle wierd that the marketing manager said we will be surprised at the end of the year and jump fest is at the end of the year where square gives out plenty of info and might even confirm a certain game outside japan (hint,hint);)

    so thats why i think it will be released maybe early in 08 so lets keep are fingures crossed
  2. blacknumbers

    blacknumbers New Member

    when did this interveiw happen?
  3. DjC

    DjC New Member

    idk when it was posted up on the internet? but i can post a link to the site to show its a real interview
  4. blacknumbers

    blacknumbers New Member

    ok, do so.

    also, if it happened before or during august, it was talking about the three new games, KH: coded, KH: 358/2 days, and KH: birth by sleep.
  5. DjC

    DjC New Member

    heres the link:


    just scroll down the page until u see Kingdom Hearts 2: Final Mix+ in Europe?

    and no it cant be talking about the new games because in the begining of the interview it was only about final mix.
    Last edited: Oct 18, 2007
  6. Lurker77

    Lurker77 New Member

    The "big" announcements he was refering to were the 3 new games announced at TGS.
  7. DjC

    DjC New Member

    im not talking about that part of the interview. im talking about when the guy asked if it is coming to europe. and then he replied saying i think its safe to say that u will be pleasantly surrprisedby the end of the year or something like that and i dont think its a coinsedence that he said we'll be surrprised at the end of the year and jump fest is at the end of the year where square enix releases tons of info on games etc. thats why i think that we still MIGHT have it outside japan but im not betting money on it that it will its more of a 50-50 chance. i just hope we do get it because i cant play fm no more since my japanese ps2 broke :(
  8. Diplomatz

    Diplomatz New Member

    Will it come to the US?
  9. DjC

    DjC New Member

    people keep saying no but i think we still have a chance due to jump fest at the end of the year and the interview saying that well be surrprised at the end of the (when the friend asked if fm coming to europe he said that we'll be surrprised at the end of the year) and jump fest is at the end of the year. and i dont think thats a couinsedence that he said that while jump fest is in december like 2 days before christmas
  10. ishotansem

    ishotansem New Member

    and i will buy 3 of them
  11. DjC

    DjC New Member

    3 of what? fm? lol y would u get 3
  12. Demi Shock

    Demi Shock Guest

    hmm...im a little skeptical about this one....

    however if its true im gonna be mad cuz i just ordered it!
  13. DjC

    DjC New Member

    i posted a link to the site. its on the first page. im not gonna be mad cause i cant play final mix no more. my jap. ps2 broke. anyway that site is a reliable site.
  14. ishotansem

    ishotansem New Member

    wow that sucks why not just get a swampmagic?
  15. DjC

    DjC New Member

    i would but i have to unscrew my ps2 and itsert a slide card and all this other crap that is risky
  16. ishotansem

    ishotansem New Member

    good point lol
  17. KHAxel95

    KHAxel95 New Member

    KH Re: CoM is coming to USA at 02.12.08
  18. fishy smells

    fishy smells Member

    re com is...
  19. ubernewbie

    ubernewbie New Member

    RE: CoM is out, I wish FM would come out.
  20. calebmoorehead

    calebmoorehead New Member

    The developer of Final Mix said, if they were to release a Final Mix version for the US or Europe it would have to be a completely new Final Mix, so he said he doesn't really wanna work on the game too much anymore.
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