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Discussion in 'Mature Discussion' started by ansem the wise 59, Dec 10, 2007.

  1. Moogle

    Moogle Well-Known Member

    Look, ideals such as Karma have been around ever since there's been society. That goes for the golden rule, and all the various other concepts that are in the Bible and other holy books. Philosophers (Traditional ones, mind you, such as Socrates) refined these concepts further. Philosophers can only exist IN society, though. Wait... what was I talking about?...
  2. I have some good news. A recent poll shows that more people in america are pro-life. This is the results of the poll:

    Pro Life: 49%

    Pro Choice: 43%

    Pro Life people are now the majority so in your face Pro-choice loosers XD
  3. Mythril Roxas

    Mythril Roxas New Member

    cool, but thats just one pole. It could be fake.
  4. Have you all heard of the protest at Notre Dame? Many students are protesting against Obama's stance on Abortion and Stem Cell research.

    Notre Dame is a catholic school and they are giving Obama a degree of honor. This degree says that Obama is worthy of honor by the catholic church. Obama is a cowardly, immoral, creep. I support the protesters and personaly I hope someone gets in there and beats the shit out of Obama and get it through his head that pro-life people will not put up with his views. We don't want abortion to be legal and we will fight until it is illegal forever.
  5. Moogle

    Moogle Well-Known Member

    Wow. I'm glad you take up such a strong stance. Personally, I'm pro-choice.
  6. It does'nt matter. See I am going to law school as soon as I graduate high school. I plan on becoming a member of the house, a senator, and one day I plan to be president. The first thing I will do is ban abortion and make it to where no one in the future can unban it. I will make sure abortion is ban forever.

    Now don't think I am selfish. I will put many things into effect. Like a teenager who gets pregnant can recieve homeschool and can give the baby up for adoption once it's born. That way her life wont be affected and she can get a good education and the baby can live.

    A woman who gets pregnant but can't afford it will be given money by the government and she can ofcourse give it up for adoption.

    Plus many other things. I will make it to where a woman will not have any excuse for an abortion.
  7. Moogle

    Moogle Well-Known Member

    Great expectations, much?..... or am I thinking of the wrong book?...
  8. Is a man not supposed to have great expectations? I have decided to like Martin Luther King who fought for the rights of african americans, I will fight for our most innocent civilians, the unborn. I will fight for their rights. If a man, a women, no matter what their race or religion has the right to live then surely an unborn child has those same rights.

    At one time in our country a group of people considered a man who skin was different then their own to be less than human. Yet because of people like Abraham Lincoln and Martin Luther King, blacks now have the same rights as whites.

    Today one group of people consider a baby who is not at a certain point in development is not human. Yet I believe that one day wether it be through me or through someone else, these unborn children will have their rights. For those who have already been aborted, I will make a memorial for them saying, "The Unborn have not been Forgotten. The unborn have been given Justice"

    Abortion is the civil right issue of this age and I believe like all the civil right issues in this country that have come before that the right choice will be made and abortion will be made illegal.
  9. Mythril Roxas

    Mythril Roxas New Member

    i think that we dont have a stable enough government to have that as priority Numero Uno TK. The rights of the "living" are slowly being taken away, so how can you get people like me to be so passionate about your cause when people that exist are getting their rights taken away?
    I agree with you on everything, but I dont know if abortion is the civil right issue of our generation. I think protecting and reastablishing what our Founding Fathers started is our civil right issue of our generation, and generations to come.

    So its not that I disagree with you, but i think its an overall ideal that we must fight to destroy belief in abortion, not just abortion itself.
    Its like if immorality was a country, and your just going after one gang in that country. I'm saying, why dont we just take on the whole country and win.
  10. I plan on doing more than just ban abortin in this country. I just focused on that one issue in this thread cause it's about abortion.

    I plan on doing exactly what the founding fathers want.
  11. Mythril Roxas

    Mythril Roxas New Member

    and what is it that you think they want?
  12. Well I highly doubt they want abortion for one thing.

    Overall I think they want the people of america to have their rights but they want the american people to make choices that are moraly right.
  13. Mythril Roxas

    Mythril Roxas New Member

    vaguelly, yes, your right.
  14. I think the founding fathers thought that people today would still have enough common sense to not support things like abortion. I think if they were alive today they would be ashamed that things like abortion are legal. They would work to put an end to abortion. That is what I believe the founding fathers want.
  15. Mythril Roxas

    Mythril Roxas New Member

    But they want more than just that. Do you get what I'm saying?
    They wouldn't just want abortion to be illegal. They'd want a lot more things our government is doing right now to be illegal.
  16. I know. I was abortion as and example since this is an abortion thread.
  17. Mythril Roxas

    Mythril Roxas New Member

    then you are absolutely right.
  18. Yukie

    Yukie Fist Pumps

    Well, if you do, ban abortion, which I highly doubt it, but hey, one can dream, no? Well if you do ban abortion, there are other ways on getting an abortion. You can do it by yourselves, there are doctors out there, for the right price, will perform an abortion.

    People can go to different countries and get an abortion. Self abortion will sky rocket, i.e. throwing one self over the stairs, falling on purpose, drinking bleach, massive consumptions of alcohol, drugs, or any illegal substance.
  19. Mythril Roxas

    Mythril Roxas New Member

    but at least our ideals will save the "sane" people from doing what is wrong.
    Those are exceptions Yukou. Only crazy woman would do that. A chemical inbalance in their brains would cause such things to happen.
    To be generous, thats about 10% of women that get abortions today.
  20. Yukie

    Yukie Fist Pumps

    Hey, if there is a will there is a way. Some people simply don't want a baby.

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