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Discussion in 'Mature Discussion' started by ansem the wise 59, Dec 10, 2007.

  1. Mythril Roxas

    Mythril Roxas New Member

    exacty DW!!
    thats what I'm saying. Those scanners would cost TONS of tax payers dollars. I'd rather help people in poverty ,Twilight, than pay for scanners.
  2. Yukie

    Yukie Fist Pumps

    And like people said before it is an invasion of privacy. As a women, I don't WANT nobody to know that I am pregnant unless I tell them other wise. I don't want no stranger working at the airport knowing that I am pregnant and therefore going against my rights because that is like searching me. You got a warrant to search me?

    And other thing with the Adoption thing. I have no problems with adoption. I am just saying that not everyone one wants a baby. Not everyone wants to carry a baby for nine months. You are ranting about the unborn baby's right and you forgot to acknowledge about the women' rights.

    Are you carrying the baby or is its mom carrying the baby?
  3. Oh my God. You still don't get it.

    When someone gets an abortion, they are killing a baby. Killing is against the law, so people who kill get charged for murder and put in prison for life.

    If you don't want to get pregnant then don't have sex. The mother needs to stop being so lazy. Who cares about partying or having fun. The only thing that matters is protecting human life. I want to protect the rights of the baby.

    I am making it easy for the woman so she can carry the baby and I will make it so she can have a succeful life and she can give it up for adoption. If women don't like that then tough nuts. She will just have to get over it.
  4. I know personaly what it is like to have an abortion. I was raped by my ex-boyfriend and I got pregnant. I had an abortion and I regret it everyday. I killed my own baby, because I was to scared to take care of it. I let my fear get in the way of my baby's life. I hate myself for what I did, i'm no better than the man who raped man.

    If I could go back I would stop myself from having the abortion because I would do anything if could hold my little baby in my arms today. I don't care if I am to young to be a mother, I don't care if it messes up my school life, I don't care if people talk about me. I just want my baby back. All I want is to have my baby back, nothing else matters.

    I made a memorial for my baby so it would'nt be forgotten. You have no idea how much I hate myself for what I did. Now you know what it's like to here from a girl who had an abortion.
  5. Zenrot

    Zenrot New Member

    I certainly do now, and I can't express how sorry I am for your situation. Ive been about as close as a man can get to that situation (not being raped or the rapist, a third party, I don't wanna talk about it). But the girl im speaking of couldn't afford an abortion so raised the baby, and spends the vast majority of her time trying to cobble together some kind of existance. It's a miserable life either way apparently.
  6. zenrot, you don't understand. I would give up everything to have my baby back. I would give up all the money in the world, I would give up my education, I would give up everything if I could have my baby back.

    Sure it may not be the best life in the world but as long as I have my baby, I can be happy. To tickle it's little belly, to kiss it's little cheeks, to play with it's little feet. I can't have that now and I wish I could.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 18, 2009
  7. Yukie

    Yukie Fist Pumps

    Even though your ambitions of creating a financial situations for a women and her child is great and everything, TK, you have to understand not everyone will be approve. You have to understand not everyone will approve of this idea and not everyone will be eager to help you ambitions.

    I am sorry to hear you loss, but if you simply just wanted it then, why did you get rid it in the first place? I know some people who loves babies and wanted a child of their own, and when they did have that child of their own, they end up not caring for the child because in reality they do not know how to take care of themselves in the first place.

    Being able to take a care of child requires much patient, desire, passion, and responsibility. You can not expect to have a child and simply throw it on to your parents. A child is not a burden but when you are not ready, then it is.

    Having a mother who is not fit for the baby will also result in a baby's death.
    Last edited: May 18, 2009

  8. It was'nt that I did'nt want the baby. I was scared of raising one. Now I realise I was a fool for having an abortion. What I did was murder and don't tell me it was'nt. Don't say it's not considered human. At one time black people were not considered human and if a slave owner killed a slave, it did'nt matter cause that slave was his property.

    How is abortion any different? You consider an unborn baby to not be human because of of when it's a certain point in development. You consider it to be property of the mother. In truth the baby is a person just at an early stage in development. A person should not be treated less than human for their religion, race, or gender. So why should we treat an unborn baby less than human?

    No one should have the right to take a baby's life. I should'nt have had the right to kill my baby. If I was arrested today for having an abortion I would'nt resist and I would let them take me to jail. It's what I deserve.
  9. Yukie

    Yukie Fist Pumps

    Not once I said that a baby is less than a human.
  10. Then why do you support abortion? If you support abortion then you support murder of innocent babies.
  11. Moogle

    Moogle Well-Known Member

    But what of overpopulation? Has anyone even CONSIDERED that? We are, and don't laugh at me for saying this, but we are om-nom-nomming up the resources of this planet quite quickly. That many more people means that much less for the planet. Sure, the Millenials are rallying to protect the environment and whatnot, but we can't just save the planet by popping out more people.

    And also, what is to say that a baby with a "Clean Slate" won't turn into another Hitler, Jack the Ripper, or whoever. I know it is a little premature, but everbody acts differently according to geneology and their childhood environment. How their parents act. How other kids act around them. Family illnesses. Such things are unpredictable, but in a poor environment, a child can go just as rotten as the adults around them.

    Also, How can it be murder if the life is not born? We 'murder' millions of unborn chicken in that case. In addition, the baby is part of their mother's body during pregnancy. If you cut off a hand, you couldn't say THAT was murder.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 18, 2009
  12. A baby could become the next Da Vinci, the next president, or the person who could cure an ilness.

    Here's a thought. You have a clean slate but yet you could become the next Hitler. So should we kill you?

    The baby is a little human being. Who cares if it's born or unborn? Taking it's life is murder. I was pregnant so I can tell you for a fact that a baby is not part of the mother's body and it's not a parasite.

    Let give you an example of something similar. At one time in our country, slaves were considered less than human because they had a different color of skin. You and Yukou consider an unborn baby to be less than human just because it's unborn.

    A woman does'nt have any right to kill an unborn child just like you or I have no right to kill a black man.

    The woman may not want to carry the baby and a slave owner may not want to work their own fields, but it does'nt matter what I a person wants the only thing that matters is what is right. Letting an innocent baby live is just as right as letting a black man have his freedom.
  13. Moogle

    Moogle Well-Known Member

    Will SOMEBODY address the other three issues?

    1st paragraph: If neccessary, yes. But parents don;t normally think that about their child.

    2nd: I never said it was a parasite. And yes, it is. It is connected by a cord to your body, just like a your nose is connected by cartilige(sp)/bone to your face.

    3rd: I never brought slaves into this. The slaves were abused and beaten in extremely poor conditions. I consider it to be a nonexistent human. Yukou never said less than human. I have a feeling religion is interfering here....

    4th: It's not really murder if the something in question doesn't think or breathe.

    5th: Absolute nonsense. A baby is nothing like a slave. Does a baby work? Does a slave only sit around waiting to be fed and look cute? No. The slave owners were lazy. Many mothers believed that they couldn't support the child - which has a high upkeep, I might add. Obviously, you did. So, they decided not to have it. And don't bring adoption into it either unless you address my first subject...
  14. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    Let's flip this. Would it be murder to kill somebody who is in a coma or in a vegetable state? They don't think. And without machines, they wouldn't breathe either.

    KeybladeofMemory was just comparing. Back in the day, slaves weren't considered humans (Legally, they were actually considered to be two fifths of a human or something). And there are so many people who consider babies in the womb to not be human either. So that is the comparison.
  15. 1. Why would'nt a parent think about their child? Most parent's say their kids are their life.
    2. There is a difference between a nose and a baby. A baby is a person a nose is not.
    3. The baby is inside the woman. The baby does exist and it is human.
    4. The slave owners said "It's not really murder if it's a negro". Just because you don't consider it human does'nt mean your right. I had an abortion and I regret what I did. I ask my baby for forgivness everyday because I killed it.

    Now about the over population thing. Nothing can justify murder, not even over population.

    Thank you for understanding me, Desert Warrior.
  16. Moogle

    Moogle Well-Known Member

    1. I said think THAT about their child. As in the kill them because they might be hitler thing.

    2. Try telling that to Aristophanes. Anyways, A baby is not a person - or really a baby for that matter - until it starts breathing. You don't call chicken eggs chickens, now do you?

    3. And people can get their appendix cut out..

    4. There's a difference between race and the ability to actually live.

    And that's because you have a guilt complex.

    5. So are you saying that it is bad to "murder" something that might not even survive in a world where the resources for the living are dwindling?
  17. What is your problem. Murder is wrong no matter what. Nothing can justify murder.

    Listen even some doctors will tell you that an unborn baby is a person and abortion is murder. If a doctor says it then will that shut you pro-choice people up?
  18. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    Let me put it this way. The law against abortions should never go into affect. For gods sake, its not a baby but a fetus. I don't consider it a baby until it can live outside of its mother. Abortions are taking an unwanted thing inside your body out of it. So long as the fetus is connected to you via umbilical cord, its a body part. A body part that doesn't really do anything sept make you fat, make you eat a lot (i think), and make you for go some of your fav foods. That law interferes with a persons right to a happy life. Don't give me anymore baby crap. Its not a baby, its a fetus. Gratz on the kid, girl or boy?
  19. You idiot. You still don't get it do you? Pro-life people don't care about the science and we don't care about the easy way out. All we care about is making sure that baby lives. Let's face it, pro-choice and pro-life people are never going to agree. Pro-life people are just going to have to work and protest and force our way until abortion is illegal.

    Just like the blacks forced politicians to give them their rights, pro-life people must force politicians to give unborn babies the right to live.
  20. Well the point that the negative of this topic is that abortion is totally wrong. That whole thing with the over-populating sounds pretty scary. But let's all face it, this debate of the topic of abortion is very volatile, eventually we'll be agreeing to what the other says then going against another post.

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