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Princesses Of Heart

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts 1' started by x3pic, May 28, 2009.

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  1. cozzy_0205

    cozzy_0205 New Member

    Thanks keyblade legacy.
    I was willing to try and like you x3pic if you read back i've been trying to act positive but with your attitude I now just plain don't like you.
    Most things you say are your own opinions, what Yensid says about how a heartless and nobody are created is where Im getting my facts from, he doesn't say a heartless needs to be created in order to make a nobody that is why I say Kairi could've created a nobody when she became an empty vessel on Destiny Island.
    There that is my theory, I didn't say she had any darkness I didn't say she made a heartless.
  2. x3pic

    x3pic I'll Kill You.

    good i don't want to have friends who are stupid :D

    and im telling you your wrong, based on the FACT, that she was born the same time as roxas, at the END of KH1, =) find the interview
    so you can look stupider than ever
    most the things i say are FACTS, you just haven't read them yet


    =) so people can shut up actually

    Nobodies can't just be created, they are created from whats left over after a heartless is made.
    read ansem reports> ALL of them before you try me

    “When a Heartless is born, the body and soul left behind are reborn into this world as a different being” (Secret Ansem Report 6)

    =) who ever says else, get the out of here

    WHEN A HEARTLESS IS BORN, not possilbe with out a heartless unless you can show me proof

    and if you are wondering why Namine doesn't have a heartless

    Sora is her heartless,(when he turned into a shadow) (assumption but makes the most sense and kairi never had a heartless so, ya)

    Namine is created from Kairi's heart, but the left over body and soul of Sora.

    =) when sora became a free roaming heart, yes he was a free raoming heart after kairi brought him back to human form. he wasn't a heartless, he kept his memories and other stuff. Heartless can't do that,(read ansem reports for more info, untill you do don't say anything) Her and roxas had no heartless, but thats just an assomption
    Last edited: May 31, 2009
  3. cozzy_0205

    cozzy_0205 New Member

    Wow thank you you finally shut me up the smart way instead of childish name calling and opinion pushing. I agree with your theory now that you have shown me proof.
  4. x3pic

    x3pic I'll Kill You.

    first off i said read interviews and Ansem reports. did you no, so i took the easy route, since ur lazy and re read them myself

    to bad i was not calling u any names nor pushing any opinions since they all were facts. If you were smart and researched i wouldn't have to show you FACTS, instead you insisted like i was saying facts, when you really knew zero about the game, next time you question my so called "opinions" and i keep stressing they are facts, go research the game, and don't talk untill you know

    i usually say they are my opinions when i state an opinion
  5. Master Gilgamesh

    Master Gilgamesh New Member

    it should be a proven fact that a PoH should be able to create a nobody w/out a heartless. why?
    heres why:
    1: PoH have pretty strong hearts, otherwise they wouldn't be PoH.
    2: A nobody is formed when a strong hearted person loses their heart. don't ever, ever, ever say a nobody is formed by a heartless. Kairi lost her heart on the destiny islands, and as a PoH, had no darkness in her heart to make a heartless.
    3: Heartless are created when a person with darkness in their heart loses their heart. A nobody is a by-product if the person was strong-hearted. with no darkness in a PoH's heart, there is no heartless created, but the strong pure heart still creates the nobody.
  6. cozzy_0205

    cozzy_0205 New Member

    Actually, you know what I just finished reading all the Ansem reports and I disagree with you now more than ever. You say princesses have pure hearts, well one of the ansem reports state that and I quote " I believe darkness sleeps in every heart, no matter how pure" so there you're wrong.
    Gilgamesh we're taking this idiot down ;)
  7. x3pic

    x3pic I'll Kill You.

    ur opinions not proved in the game, try again =), but i respect the try

    because again untill you show me a nobody that hasn't been formed without having a heartless, then you can stop waisting ur breathe,

    because as it states nobody are made from left overs, AFTER a heartless is created

    he thinks, what ansem report is that from, and ill show you why your wrong.
  8. cozzy_0205

    cozzy_0205 New Member

    lol the 1st one
  9. Master Gilgamesh

    Master Gilgamesh New Member

    gee, also in ansem report 10 KH1, xehanort (apprentice, who wrote these ones, see KH2 secret ansem reports for details) talks about his body not being strong enough, etc casting off to darkness. thats proof of how easy it is to make a nobody via heartless.

    quote ansem(xeha) final boss KH1: darkness sprouts from within it, it grows, consumes it, such is its nature, etc. so i agree with you cozzy, with ansem (xeha)'s quote/ report belief.
    these are all theories, there is no right, wrong, up, down, light, dark...only nothing
  10. x3pic

    x3pic I'll Kill You.

    =) haha wow then i need not explain to my self

    im sure those were made before he even knew about princesses of heart (i think)

    plus, those aren't even made by the real ansem,

    but for me to farther elaberate,

    PoH's may contain a little, a litte, a little, like VERY LITTLE,(which i doubt, nomura said they didn't have any), its still not enough to produce a heartless, therefore a nobody can't be made

    ha keep trying guys, =D, but im loving the actual facts and not the guessing game

    *bows to opponents* =) now you guys are making me think

    Xehanort's heartless wrote these just to correct you =D

    yes, but the heartless, was still created fist

    and the quote, he was obviously wrong haha,

    "Kingdom Hearts, Fill me with the power of darkness"

    Sora: "No, I know now from without a doubt kingdom hearts is light"

    he didn't know what he was talking about =p
    Last edited: Jun 1, 2009
  11. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    Here's a question I just thought up. How could Namine be created from Sora's body if Sora's body was already being used by Roxas?
  12. x3pic

    x3pic I'll Kill You.

    =) Okay buddy,

    Simple, Sora's body + Sora's Heart= Roxas

    Sora's body + Kairi's Heart = Namine

    idk how ha, im not going to lie, i guess they kind of shared it, and thats what makes them special, but they both share his body
  13. Master Gilgamesh

    Master Gilgamesh New Member

    uh...didn't i just say that in an above statement?
    Heartless were always there. Xehanort made artificial ones, see Xehanorts reports (KH1) for mention of this, plus origin of insignia.

    Hang on, doesn't axel tell sora not to lose sight of the 'light within the darkness'?
  14. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    Of course, that is what confuses me. The only way I could see them both using Sora's body is if Sora's body somehow cloned.
  15. x3pic

    x3pic I'll Kill You.

    Heartless weren't always there,

    and yes you did, but ive been stating this from the start

    your whole thing, was, nobodies don't need heartless to be created, which they do, =)

    and yea, point being?

    give me a few days, and ill see if i can find a legitimate answer for you
    Last edited: Jun 1, 2009
  16. cozzy_0205

    cozzy_0205 New Member

    Hey I just thought of a question I can't answer, it's not really important but when Roxas was born like the exact moment he came into being was he lying at that spot in hollow bastion where Sora stabbed himself or did he appear elsewhere?
  17. Master Gilgamesh

    Master Gilgamesh New Member

    heartless were always there. ansem (xeha) report KH1 mentions a "creature" with antenae and glowing yellow eyes in the radiant graden castle. Xeha writes of following it until the door of the world appears...
    Heartless, natural ones, ie: shadows, neoshadows, darkballs, invisibles and darksides and any other non-insignia wearing ones i've forgotten to mention were always around as the door to darkness was not sealed.
    artificial heartless were created by ansem and Xehanorts research, the reports state this, hence marking them to separate identity.
    The reports also say that heartless muliply by themselves. this, plus the fact of being produced by xehanort/xehanorts heartless would have increased their numbers (artificial heartless).

    this also explains why shadows don't have insignias.
  18. x3pic

    x3pic I'll Kill You.

    Elsewhere, i don't know exactly where, but im guessin castle oblivion like namine?
  19. Master Gilgamesh

    Master Gilgamesh New Member

    prolly at twilight town. the secret ansem reports say its the 'nothing' equivalent of traverse town which is home to portals of darkness, ie: how sora got there when he went into the big purply thing after beating darkside (2)
  20. x3pic

    x3pic I'll Kill You.

    heartless were not always there, they aren't around in BBS
    Ansem The Wise created the first heartless, sometime after BBS

    No, roxas was put in twilight town, but then again maybe
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