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Religion: Christianity & relationship with God.

Discussion in 'Mature Discussion' started by EtherealSummoner, Apr 15, 2009.

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  1. Haresuno

    Haresuno KH-3's Übermensch

    MR Wow dude, you tired? I ask cuz of all the errors. I don't mean to sound mean or anything I'm just confused because of your posts at the beginning.

    I believe we choose because that was the gift he gave to us. Choice.

    Angels don't have free will because well, if he was all knowing he'd know that an angel with free will would try and grow a pair they didn't have. I believe he would create something robotic that would never question his actions and always do as they are told. That could also be what lead to the creation of evolution. I mean evolution is pretty random.

    Well, I think he would [destroy something he loves] because he would know, being an all knowing being, that if he did not it would lead to eons of suffering souls. But I don't believe in Hell, this is only if you believe in Hell.

    As for my response about go ask God. Well, if you want straight answers go to the source. You may not remember it if you come back, but your soul would. We're humans. We don't have the answers, but what do we do. We search. I hope that I remember to ask him someday. But in truth, it's not something to run and hide behind. It's the straight up truth. He has answers, but until you can ask him face to face you need to cope so say what you will.

    Who says he is perfect? If he was perfect would he have need to cast out Adam and Eve? Would he have had to flood the lands for Noah? All knowing means something. You know all. That means all out comes to all events. A smart God would not intervene in the affairs of the world and therefor not allow his creatures to blame him nor thank him for anything they do they do on their own.

    Again on the Satan issue, I don't believe in him. You have no proof that he cannot lie other than the word of man who say he cannot.
  2. Mythril Roxas

    Mythril Roxas New Member

    yeah, sorry. It was late, I fixed it all up though. Gosh, I couldn't even understand what I was saying..lol..srry.

    This belief I do not like. The Angels definetly have free will. Lucifer CHOSE to fall away from God, and the other angels that fell with him also did. If God created perfect robots for angels, then we wouldn't exist, and the fallen angels wouldn't've had the free will to choose to go against God. Also, evolution is random due to our choice, but evolution also is made with an ultimant plan. The flowers grow in a certain direction, the water have a current that keeps them in line, and we have certain levels of chemicals in our bodies to keep us alive everday. Life happens because of balance, and balance is God's plan.

    Well, this might sound strange to you, but I believe that this universe IS hell. This is the material realm. And we are the fallen angels that chose Lucifer over God. And do to our free will, we are suffering eternal death due to reincarnation. We can only ascend to Paradise if we repent.

    I think that there are a lot of things we can learn here on earth, but cretain things we HAVE TO wait and ask god. But 90% of questions that get that response CAN BE ANSWERED!!

    this is were things get confusing, and its hard to explain because your mixing so many things. To somewhat explain my belief, there are parts in the "holy bible" that are talking about the "real god", but most parts are actually talking about either:
    A. alienz
    B. Satan

    what r u talking about? Evil is all around us? Rapists, Murderers, sick fucks that take pleasure in otherz pain...these things aren't just from movies, but they are in real life even more. Its a cruel world. If you haven't learned that by now, you will soon enough.
  3. Haresuno

    Haresuno KH-3's Übermensch

    You don't have to like it. We'll agree to disagree =).

    Though I agree evolution is part of a plan I wouldn't say it's because of our choices. Well. Maybe not a conscious choice.

    Frankly it doesn't sound strange to me. In some ways this can be a Hell. However due to my beliefs I'm going to disagree with us being Fallen, but eh. We'll find out some time.

    Yeah, okay. I think I see where you're going with this one. However I'd think that one question should be answered to stop peoples squabbling and that would be the truth in the existence of God. I say this because of the increasing numbers of people who -like me- either reserve their answer until they see proper proof of his existence, or who do not believe in him at all.

    Again we'll agree to disagree until substantial proof is before us.

    Let me reiterate. Because I do not believe Lucifer to be a Fallen angel, rather an angel following an objective given to him by God. Now as far as the things you listed, those don't necessarily go straight to him [Lucifer] because a lot of that is just human's most primal nature taking hold of a weaker consciousness. I'm not so dull to the world that I do not believe in those things -I'd thank you to not indirectly call me an idiot-. I'm simply saying that if Lucifer truly is whispering false promises into peoples ears it is probably to strengthen others in the world. To strengthen their resolve to not commit the acts that you have listed -and more of them-.
  4. Moogle

    Moogle Well-Known Member

    . . . . . . . I love being an Atheist.
  5. Yukie

    Yukie Fist Pumps

    . . . . . . . I love being Buddhist.
  6. Moogle

    Moogle Well-Known Member

    Yay for non-US-majority religions! *Glomps Yukou*
  7. Haresuno

    Haresuno KH-3's Übermensch

    I wouldn't mind studying Buddhism, though I'm currently too busy to study much other than my actual works.
  8. Mythril Roxas

    Mythril Roxas New Member

    yes, I suppose so, haha :).

    It's not a conscious choice, its a choice made by our free will. Its at radom,but to a minimum sort of. Like a dice being rolled. The number that it ends on is random, but it is known that it will be a number inbetween 1 and 6. This what I believe that God knows, but he created us special so he won't know the actual outcome until we've made it, he just knows all the possible outcomes. Evolution, as well s life in genral, is sucome to his rule.

    yes, we will find out someday my friend =).

    yes, i see.

    I totally understand your point of view. According to some of my beliefs, u may get your proof sooner than later.

    I see. My dad is into that belief a little bit. But I think for that to be true, then Lucifer must've repented somewhere inbetween his damnation and the current day.
    I am interested in this possible outcome.
  9. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    Prove it. How would you know for sure if reincarnation is real? I personally like the idea of reincarnation, but I don't believe it is real at all. But there isn't really a point to it if you think about it. If we get reincarnated into this world again, what makes you think that you're going to do better? Unless you're lucky enough to be raised in a better household or something.

    Sure this life sucks, but there are worse things. And that is why this universe isn't Hell. Hell is the worst place in existance. And since it can get worse here, we can't be in Hell.

    Seeing as there is almost an infinite amount of questions, less than 90% of them can be answered.
  10. Mythril Roxas

    Mythril Roxas New Member

    there is no proof I suppose, no one has ever come back after death to say one belief is right, and one belief is wrong, so that is an answer that deserves the response "we will never know". But for me, thinking logically, it makes the most sense. If reincarnation wasn't real, then every time conception takes place, we would create a soul "technically", and that makes us gods. I do not believe that we are in any way, shape, or form "gods". So that is why I believe in reincarnation, it makes the most sense. If the souls keep returning, then we aren't "createing souls like gods", and that would mean there is a limit of life in this realm. And obviously people learn, life is an experience, life IS learning, and thats why knowledge is the key to salvation, knowledge is power against the lies of the world. Knowledge. Reincarnation also explains the "eternal death" perfectly. We keep on being born, only to die, and then be born again, and then die again, its a constant cycle.

    eternal death is the worst thing, correct? And reincarnation explains that perfectly.
    Life does suck sometimes, but life is also great at its peeks, and thats how we know that god still loves his fallen children, because of his mercy.
    And what do you mean "it can get worse here, so this can't be hell?"
    Of course it can get worse here, and thats why this IS hell!!
  11. Moogle

    Moogle Well-Known Member

    But it can get better too, ya baka. In Hell, I believe you can never go up - only down.
  12. Yukie

    Yukie Fist Pumps

    I am a true believer in reincarnation. I believes that everyone is a reincarnation of somebody else, and once in the present life, when you finish what you have to do in life, then you are going to Nirvana.
  13. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    You're right, we can't create a soul. But God can. And He does every time a person is concieved. Without God's help, life cannot begin.

    No. See, Hell is the worst place in existance. It cannot get worse, because it is already the worst place. It just can't get worse. That is why this isn't Hell.
  14. Mythril Roxas

    Mythril Roxas New Member

    1. but the system you believe in makes us the ones who create, not god. I believe god is the only one who creates.

    2. I see what your saying, but that is an interpretation. There is no place ever in any holy book of any religion that says hell is the worst place to go (although they imply that much), and it can't get worse.
    It could be the worst place ever, and it could be getting worse all the time. we dont know, no one has come back from the dead to tell us everything. But keep an open mind when we talk about subjects like this. A closed mind is a closed heart, and a closed heart makes the soul blind. And a blind soul makes the evil in us all the more stronger.
  15. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    Here's a way of putting it my way. We provide the building materials, and God builds. We can't do it ourselves.
  16. Mythril Roxas

    Mythril Roxas New Member

    maybe DW, maybe. but then there would be an endless amount of souls, and I dont think the Fallen Angels can make more Fallen Angels.
  17. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    God creates the soul. What I had meant is that the part humans supply to create is the part for the body.
  18. Mythril Roxas

    Mythril Roxas New Member

    i know, but numbers play an essential role in all of this. That is my belief. But you don't believe that umbers are important the way I do, so I won't waste our time explaining. You have your belief, and I have mine.
  19. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    I'm willing to listen. Because obviously I don't understand what role numbers would play.
  20. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    @_@_@_@_@_@_@_@_@_@ Why do u love being an atheist?! I'm not saying this to offend you moog or to strike you down, but I'm real shocked to hear this.
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