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If I were to make my own Kingdom Hearts 3

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts 3' started by TheNewSeeker, Jun 22, 2009.

  1. MrHiphy

    MrHiphy New Member

    Tbh, that was a lame ass excuse. Anyone can hold it and swing it? Hell, Leon couldn't even hold it without it going back Sora. I'm sure you don't have enough knowledge of info from a video game to be so sure about ur theory. I doubt you giving someone permission to use it would make a difference. And, to back up your little theory, if that's the case, in the idea I pitched he could just let her borrow it the whole game. :)

    And about the I thing, I could care less about what you think about my username. You are of no importance to me. I don't like two ys being in hyphy. so I replaced it to fit MY wnats. If you have a problem, you can go complain to your Bay friends.
  2. x3pic

    x3pic I'll Kill You.

    To bad he didn't have it all f**king game right? =)
    he got it wen sora finally arived at the world that never was
    you just no the basics of the game

    once you read then try me

    aww now im sorry for your stupidity, its time to eat you alive sir

    1) about rikus keyblade
    We found out that Riku’s Keyblade’s name is “Way to the Dawn” when examining his item slots after he joined your party. Is that Keyblade a transfigured version of Soul Eater?

    Nomura: I designed it with that image. Since Riku has always been using Soul Eater, he still calls it that even after it changed form. Keyblades aren’t something that you can obtain suddenly out of nowhere, so in Riku’s case, his Soul Eater was used as an intermediary for that Keyblade.

    If we directly translate “Way to the Dawn”, “dawn” means “in-between night and daytime”, so does that mean that Keyblade is from the In-between World? In other words, this means that the Keyblades that Sora, King Mickey and Riku wield represent the Worlds of Light, Dark and In-between?

    Nomura: Well, if I have to say where they belong, it’s just as you said. But the name of “Way to the Dawn” doesn’t have to mean that. This name came from the scene at the end of Riku’s story in Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories that suggested which path he would walk on, where he said “The road to dawn.”




    s it true that Riku made that Keyblade given to Kairi in KH2? Yes, I know I know, she would have been able to use one sooner or later but Riku handed her her Keyblade, and some have told me that it was made by Riku.
    Gayblade=Riku dual wielding. Riku just let Kairi hold the second one.

    if you don't believe me then shut up. read the KH 2 ultmania book
    then =) go to sleep sir
    Last edited: Jun 26, 2009
  3. TheNewSeeker

    TheNewSeeker New Member

    Please don't fight any more! Anything is Possible. Plus I remember seeing 2 men and one woman in the Tralier at the end of KH2 so what the heck was that then if not Sora Riku and Kairi?
  4. MrHiphy

    MrHiphy New Member

    You don't process stuff well do you? Guess not. Let me break my post down so you can understand what I was getting, because you completely wasted your time going to google. You said that Riku created her keyblade and let her use it. I said well in that case, he can let her borrow it all game, referring to the name of the thread. My idea for a KH3. So if your little theory is true, in the KH3 that I thought of, which is the idea of the thread, he would let her borrow it all game. Understand?
  5. x3pic

    x3pic I'll Kill You.


    now my little theory is true since i gave you proof? ya get it? got it? process it, now don't test me on KH you will fail 90% of the time sir.
    next, She probably can't hold it all game, becaue she im guessing her heart isnt that strong or it would just return to RIku period,because she didn't have it for long in KH2, and she hasn't achieved it, so its bound to return to Riku, specially if they are in different worlds.
    now let me break it down for you
    don't say anything that doesn't make sense, or ill eat it just like ate this one.
    thank you for coming, try again later
  6. MrHiphy

    MrHiphy New Member

    You make me laugh. You remind me of people of fat guys who sit at computers all day and try and pwn people cuz they have nothing better to do with their life. Now let's see, it wasn't Kairi's keyblade? Now you say that he double wielded. Well I'm familiar with Kingdom Hearts and I could never wield two of the same keyblades at the same time in my Mastor and Valor forms. So the keyblade he gave Kairi would have to be a totally new one, or he didn't double wield. And plus, if its my game, I can make whatever the hell I want to happen, happen.
  7. x3pic

    x3pic I'll Kill You.

    need me to explain btw im sorry if you think i was insulting you i wasn't sir
    =) plus im not fat grrr haha
    im actually skinny and pretty dam fly haha and pwn?that word is gross sir
    now let me explain it
    since YOUR NOT in touch with ur KH side

    He Split the Way To Dawn (Nomura said, read KH2 ultimania book for details), split means to SEPRATE INTO 2 or MORE, LIKE SORA DOES WITH HIS KEYBLADE

    Now think sora in valor mode, Riku did that basically, but not quite sir

    He Since he Split the power of the WtD he had to seperate KEYCHAINS, which form a keybalde

    the Keychain of WtD and The Gayblade*which is formed from his memories of Destiny Islands, thats why its all flower like and has a popu fruit as a keychain, got it sir*

    he gave that gay one to kairi and she fought with it.

    the onlyreason i say its the WtD cuz it doesn't have an OFFICAL NAME

    but sora does the same process with the Kingdom Key

    He Splits it into two, with a new keychain

    exampel when we first get valor

    He has the Kingdom Key Keychain and The star seeker, he splits the KINGDOM KEy hah geeeeeze that was work now doyou get it sir?

  8. MrHiphy

    MrHiphy New Member

    Yea, Idc what book that's in, that sounds like a bunch of bs. Split the keyblade? They need to call it plain and simple, wielding two keyblades.

    *Yawn* I'm done with you. I don't have to eye power to stay up all morning and argue with you over trivial matters. No matter what you say, to me, the keyblade is Kairi's, he gave it to her. She can wield one if she could use one. The way I planned my game will remain the same. End of story. Good morning.
  9. x3pic

    x3pic I'll Kill You.

    and this what seprates from me and you, you have no knowledge while
    i have to much :D, if its a bunch of bull talk to NOMURA who said all the shit im telling you

    but in ur world i guess it can happen

    ha we didn't really have to get in this little qwerl im just saying, it wasn't hers, but you could have said she got one by herself instead of usinger rikus
    Last edited: Jun 26, 2009
    Goldfish likes this.
  10. the dark within

    the dark within New Member

    i would like to increase the number of keyblade sora could control depend on his lvl, more higher hi lvl, more keyblade he can control. but he willl have 5 at max.

    max lvl at 100

    multiple ending

    -could have ff characters in party

    more magic.
  11. Napoléon

    Napoléon Kuroko Fangirl

    If I were to make my own Kingdom Hearts 3, I would like to improve the summons for starters ^^... Since I don't really like the ones you get for Kingdom Hearts and Kingdom Hearts II.. We need an upgrade with ones that have more strength and can last longer in battle :]... I would also like to add more worlds in the game that are a bit harder to beat (I kind of thought the world were sort of easy, I never really had to level up during the game, only a couple of times)... But I'd like more worlds because I thought it was kind of short compared to other games, and it would be nice to see more of them ^^... I'd also like it if they could improve Donald so that he doesn't waste all of his magic at the start of every battle, since it kind of gets annoying to have to keep giveng him potions to raise his MP just for him to waste them all again in five secondes... And finally, I'd like to see more of Riku throughout the game because in every other one he wasn't in the story line too much =[
  12. The_Unknown_Master

    The_Unknown_Master New Member

    I would definatly make it so you could have more permanent partners. Like have Riku following you everywhere, and If Kairi actually has a keyblade her too.
  13. Camdy

    Camdy New Member

    I would just leave Sora, Riku and Kairi be. They`re all happy now, whee... Wait, no! I would make Riku jump from a cliff and then let Sora and Kairi be. Yeah, I don`t like Riku...

    I would like to play KH 3 someday, but I wish there would be some other characters. Or then Sora and Kairi have to go together. Kairi would have a keyblade too. I just don`t want those two separated again :D I don`t care what happens to Riku. And org. XIII could come back.

    Ok, now it`s starting to make no sense. I`ll just wait and see if SE has better ideas than I do. I SURE hope they do. 'Cause if they don`t, I hope there`ll be no KH 3, just don`t make a horrible game and ruin the whole thing, please.
  14. 1Gannon1

    1Gannon1 New Member

    How can you hate Riku? He was the coolest character in the game!
  15. Rojas250

    Rojas250 New Member


    If those two modes are there, then hell, will I be one happy person.
  16. superbanana

    superbanana New Member

    it just needs to be less.... disney >_< blegh. nobody likes disney. im fine with having the disney worlds as its the only way to have that many different worlds but no more winnie the pooh and somebody has to actually die and no more atlantica. disney just ruins the game. and another thing that needs to be changed is the last 2 games you never even noticed donald and goofy were there because they didnt do anything. they just sat there taking away about 10 hp from enemies every other minute and making annoying noises. donald and goofy need to actually do something instead of just sitting there picking theyre noses.
    Last edited: May 9, 2011
  17. Rojas250

    Rojas250 New Member

    Why would you want Atlantica out, its a pretty good level from my prespective.........but i have to agree with you on Winnie the Pooh, like really its too "baby-ish". What Kingdom hearts should get rid of is Halloween Town. It was boring when i played.
  18. xemnas9898

    xemnas9898 New Member

    it would probably start on destiny islands
  19. Ribbons

    Ribbons New Member

    I care more about storyline than functionality... um.

    For one thing, bring back Organization XIII!! Please!! I am utterly SHOCKED anytime I find someone who actually likes Sora or Kairi. (I don't mind Riku though...) Organization XIII contains pretty much the only characters I like. Honestly, they are so much more interesting. I'm not saying, necessarily, another game played from one of their point of view... KH needs the Destiny Islands three to really feel like KH, but at least include the Organization!

    Also, uh, the gaming system. I want a KH game for Wii, just because that's the most convenient for me. Can XBOX 364 games be played on a plain XBOX? My brother has our XBOX in his room, and I don't wanna go in there... Or another DS game ^3^ if they make a 3DS game (which I've heard they will) then... well, I want a DS version.
  20. Reprise

    Reprise Semi-present

    Actually,StarKiller, Kairi inherited the Keyblade accidently from Aqua, so she can wield the Keyblade.
    ''The Keyblade Inheritance Ceremony is unintentionally performed when Aqua visits Radiant Garden and comes across a young Kairi, who was being attacked by a swarm of Floods. Aqua's Keyblade glows when Kairi runs to hide behind Aqua out of fear, implying she gains the ability to summon the Keyblade at this point.'' It happens in Birth by Sleep.

    It's Riku's Keyblade but Kairi can wield the keyblade naturally. Just pointing it out.
    Last edited: Aug 16, 2011

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