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which keyblade do you like the most?

Discussion in 'General Kingdom Hearts' started by the dark within, Mar 6, 2009.

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  1. soldediamantes

    soldediamantes New Member

    I think it'll always be Ultima Weapon, because it's simply superior and easier to use. It also has a very beautiful design and it's said that its design resembles the design of the sword that is an option in the introductory level of Kingdom Hearts. Putting that aside, for some reason, I quite like Jungle King. Maybe that's because Three Wishes' short range was so infuriating that I opted for Jungle King instead. Oblivion will always be liked, too—it's really the most superior Keyblade in the entire game, considering Ultima Weapon has to be obtained via synthesis. All in all, a difficult one. Oblivion and Ultima Weapon are at the same par for myself, I'd say.
  2. Denki Wolf

    Denki Wolf New Member

    Darkchocobo...defiantly the dark chocobo. (And not only because chocobo's rock. Thought they do)
  3. SacredRiku

    SacredRiku New Member

    Oblivion, Hero's Crest and Lionheart/Sleeping Lion.
  4. Oozaru

    Oozaru New Member


    Yes, the Fenrir. It had immense power and took care of enemies with ease.
  5. GrandShadow

    GrandShadow I accept your challange.

    my fav is Oathkeeper. don't know why, i just like it more
  6. Zetsumei

    Zetsumei New Member

    my fav would have to be the Way to Dawn
  7. the dark within

    the dark within New Member

    BTW, what's the name of mickey's keyblade?
  8. kirairiato

    kirairiato New Member

    oblivion, kindgom key, ultimate weaponmn and.... dark chocobo
  9. GuitarLegend

    GuitarLegend New Member

    Kigndom Key, Ultima Weapon,
  10. Zero

    Zero ♫♪♫Dear☺God♫♪♫

    I don't think there is a name to mickey's keyblade.
  11. Cameron

    Cameron New Member

    I think that there is and it's been mentioned in somewhere. I think that I have even readed once about what Kairi's Keyblade's name is. Since Riku's is Way to Dawn (that he chose the path to dawn, between light and darkness) I think that Mickey's Keyblade got something in it's name that is considered as darkness, since he got in it in the Realm of Darkness, and I think that somehow I remember that it has been confirmed that he walks the path of Darkness, even thought his mentions are good.

    And since that Mickey said himself that he realized that there cannot only be one, there must be both light, and darkness in the world. Otherwise it would crumble and it would be disasterous.

    // Aha! There's info that the Keyblade's name is The Kingdom Key D, or sometimes called Darkside. Kairi's Keyblade apparently has no mentioned name, but it seems that it has been cofirmed that the Keyblade represents The Way of Light, just as Sora's does. How she was able to wield it, no information. But seems as the Keyblade is from Riku's Keychain.
    Last edited: Jul 15, 2009
  12. The_Unknown_Master

    The_Unknown_Master New Member

    I thought it was called metal chocobo not dark chocobo.
  13. the dark within

    the dark within New Member

    yeah, he's right..

    it's just like the strongest keyblade, but low on magic..
  14. Unknownaxel

    Unknownaxel New Member

    I'm going to have to go with Oblivion...so cool in my opinion.
  15. kirairiato

    kirairiato New Member

    yup sorry my mistake i just call it what i like ot call it XD
  16. Apocalypse735

    Apocalypse735 New Member

    I have several favorites. XD Ultima, Lionheart (I think that's the spelling), Circle of Life, and Oathkeeper. AND - I'm not sure about this at all, but I heard in CoM about a One Winged Angel keyblade. So if I'm able to get it, it'll probably automatically be my top favorite. =D
  17. Riku_of_twilight

    Riku_of_twilight The ***** splitter

    For me its a tie between Fenrir and way to dawn.
  18. shelleyx

    shelleyx New Member

    bond of fire and oblivion!!!
  19. VentusSearcher

    VentusSearcher Steam is the only way....

    oblivion by far is the best
  20. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    Ultima Weapon from KH1 (It's got an actual blade on it)
    Acrossing 2 in KH2: FM+
    Terra's keyblade
    Mickey's keyblade

    I think that's all.
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