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What you hated about Kingdom Hearts 2

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts 2' started by Goldfish, Jul 12, 2009.

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  1. Goldfish

    Goldfish Cats in the Cradle

    We all like Kingdom Hearts 2. But you cannot say it's perfect can you?
    Here, say the things that you did not like about Kingdom Hearts 2 and discuss.

    Here are mine,
    >The Challenge; was too easy
    >Removal of Attack Techniques for Reaction Commands; Strike Raid, Sonic etc, they were great, now they're gone... unless you have FM+
    >Simplicity of execution with Reaction Commands; You could just run around rapidly pressing Triangle, Maybe if they included follow reaction commands THAT was more than just triangle it would be a lot better and if you press the incorrect button, it all backfires on you.

    >FM+; Because I don't have it >.<
    When the rumoured 3 comes out, I bet they are going to do it again...
  2. kirairiato

    kirairiato New Member

    Too easy, too short and goofy and donald sucked like a**. I'm thinking the reaction buttons made everything waayyy to easy.
  3. Napoléon

    Napoléon Kuroko Fangirl

    I thought too that Kingdom Hearts was a little to easy and needed to be a bit more challenging
    The reaction commands did make it simple, and you didn't havr to wait until you defeated all of the bosses before opening the chest like you did in KH v.v
    None of the bosses posed little threat except for old Sepheroth at the end
    The game did have more worlds then KH but it felt to short since it was easy going through the individual worlds
    Sora and the rest of them didn't seem perfectly right in that one >.<... I can't get over the fact that he cried >.>

    On the plus side their was no green tight wearing pants boy Peter Pan in that game unless if you summoned him ^^... Oh he scared me XD
  4. the dark within

    the dark within New Member

    too easy, the reaction command make all easy..
  5. Zero

    Zero ♫♪♫Dear☺God♫♪♫

    It was way to easy even on Proud Mode, and it was kinda to short. Goofy was not the best, he was better in the 1st game. It was too short with Roxas, I think they rushed playing w/ him.
    Last edited: Jul 14, 2009
  6. Denki Wolf

    Denki Wolf New Member

    The fat heartless.
    And how easy the normal mode was.
  7. Cameron

    Cameron New Member

    You didn't have the ability to roll. :<
  8. Cloud

    Cloud Guest

    you could roll it was just also a dash i hope they improve the reaction commands they were fun i hope they make it more complicated to use instead of just triangle maybe a pattern
  9. Cameron

    Cameron New Member

    The rolling came avaible only on KH II FM+. The original didn't have the ability.
  10. Burnin'-Axel

    Burnin'-Axel Flurry of Dancing Flames

    the game's easy level (even on proud) and reaction command simplicity
  11. Kairi10

    Kairi10 Member

    the reaction command made the game easier
    party members had low hp and mp
    i like how you use mp in kingdom hearts better (have more mp and when you cast cure, you only use two rectangles)
  12. Reika

    Reika New Member

    Atlantica. It sucked enough in KH1, why did they make it worse in KH2? x__x Oh, and the crappy acting in the Pride Lands.​
  13. Unknownaxel

    Unknownaxel New Member

    I totally agree. Such a useless level...creative and new, but ew...
  14. Doc Rocco

    Doc Rocco New Member

    I have an extensive list. D= But even though there are quite a few grumbles, the good things are much more numerous and worth more so to speak. JUST PUTTING IT OUT THERE.

    I didn't like the lack of customisation with the AI. The system you had in KH was much better, where you could control nearly everything. The reaction commands also made some things things a lot easier. That said, the Xaldin battle definitely benefitted. I preferred the old MP system, but I did like the new spells better. But they were underpowered, and button mashing was just so much easier.

    Really, I didn't like how KHII was so much easier than the original. Even on difficult, the majority of the game was quite easy.
  15. Reika

    Reika New Member

    The lack of Dodge Roll and how much more boring leveling up was.
  16. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member


    What else?

    The lack of Deep Jungle. That was a cool level. I hated how they didn't have it.

    Roxas. They tried making his life too pitiful. And Jesse McCartney? Seriously?

    Not having Cloud or Leon able to be in your party.

    The lack of level 100. Seriously, is it that difficult to include one more level gain?

    Cure. They messed up the spell big time. As fun as it is to be completely healed, it shouldn't do that. And taking up all your magic? What's the point of that? And how it becoming Cura and Curaga didn't really do much. And I really don't like how in your end statistics it said how many times you healed your allies from Cure.

    Weapon abilities. Ultima Weapon having MP Hastega. It is very useful, but they could've given it a better ability. It's supposed to be the strongest keyblade. And Fenrir having Negative Combo. Such a waste. Sure, it's useful for any challenge that requires it, but that's it.

    Ultima Weapon and Fenrir. Ultima Weapon is supposed to be the strongest, and yet Fenrir has more attack power.

    The loss of Sonic Rave, Strike Raid, Ars Arcanum, and Ragnarok. Those were some of the things that made KH1 worth playing.

    The way KH was formed. I prefered the way it was formed in KH1, not being formed out of millions of hearts.

    Saix. Do I need to explain?

    No data transfer. They should've had it so you can upload data from your KH1 file. That way you could either start out with better weapons and at a higher level, or at least have better stats.

    Starting level. Level 1? Wtf? I had gotten Sora to level 100 in KH1. He should've at least been at level 40 at the start of KH2.

    Leveling up and bonus levels. That, I really didn't like. How whenever you gained a level, a certain stat would increase. But in order to gain health, mp, drive guages, or abilites, you needed to do something special like defeating a boss.

    Fire. The KH1 fire spell was much better.

    Thunder. Same as above.

    Aero. Where did it go? That was one of my most used spells in KH1.

    100 Acre Forest. Was that world really needed?

    Actually, Dodge Roll is in the original KH2. It is a reaction command available against those bomb enemies.
  17. Cameron

    Cameron New Member

    I was actually preferring to the fact that it wasn't avaible in the original as you could do it without the reaction command.

    Original (KH1) ftw.
  18. Flash Delirium

    Flash Delirium Indie Rokkers

    The fact that I felt like by the end of the game, I pressed Triangle more than X. Reaction Command made it too easy.
  19. greater_shadow

    greater_shadow New Member

    Ya...some of the moves you've got in KHI like Zantetzuken and Sonic Rave are the ones that I miss most...you can only do them when in KHII FM+ u are in limit form...
    Cure and Cura are mostly the same thing..Curaga also helps you're allies...but other than that...KHII is way more easy than KHI...

    Atlantica sucked in KHI...And what is the point of making an Atlantica in KHII where you only sing???!! And not singing...SINGING! you just have to press a button whenever they told u to...
    But Im happy they didnt include Wonderland this time...it sucks!
  20. Blaze of Glory

    Blaze of Glory New Member

    The censoring good god I hated that so much. In Port Royal world they took away Will Turner pointing his pistol towards himself. That was hypocritical as hell. It's alright for them to do that in the movie and yet not in the game? I don't see the sense in their logic. It's alright for Sora making an inappropriate comment like "You two play nice" and not keep in a scene of Will Turner threatening to kill himself if his friends aren't let go? @_@ Hypocrisy.
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