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theories on birth by sleep keyblades key chains

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep' started by VentusSearcher, Jul 18, 2009.

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  1. VentusSearcher

    VentusSearcher Steam is the only way....

    i want to know why the three dont have chains on there keyblades so post your theories:)
  2. The_Unknown_Master

    The_Unknown_Master New Member

    Well I saw this one theory. In it, it said that their keyblades are almost and equivalent of Riku's soul eater. They are like a keyblade that has not fully been born, thus not having a key chain.
  3. VentusSearcher

    VentusSearcher Steam is the only way....

    i think thats alittle bit out there and i dont believe it
  4. kiarigrl888

    kiarigrl888 New Member

    i do beleive it...and honestly u wanted to hear our theroys so dont judge hater :p
  5. The_Unknown_Master

    The_Unknown_Master New Member

    Yea I realize its a bit out there, buy I threw it there for thought. Especially since we really don't know how keyblade's came to be anyway.
  6. GrandShadow

    GrandShadow I accept your challange.

    well so far the keyblades we've seen that didn't have keychains were either incomplete(Riku's Soul Eater before it became Way to the Dawn) or fakes(the dark keyblade used by Riku in KH1).

    if we go by this info then Ven, Aqua, and Terra have either fake keyblades or incomplete keyblades
  7. x3pic

    x3pic I'll Kill You.

    Well they couldn't be equivalent, because Riku's soul eater is not a keyblade,
    but your on the right track :p

    I would say they are Keyblades for Apperentices seeing how, Terra, Ven, and Aqua have the keychain-less keyblades, and they are apperentices

    while Master Xehanort who seems to be fighting on A higher leve, like A Master level has a keychain, Since MX has mastered the art of Keyblade weilding he has a keychain on his keyblade.
  8. GrandShadow

    GrandShadow I accept your challange.

    never thought of that. but then how exactly would that work considering that the keychains are made of the memories the person has. Your idea is very plausible but filled with holes just like every theory.(though i'd say yours and mine are the most sane out of all the ones i've read)
  9. x3pic

    x3pic I'll Kill You.

    not exactly, a keychain can also be formed by two peoples bonds, the stronger the bond, the stronger the keychain, the stronger the keyblade is. Hints at how Sora and Riku both had the kingdom key keychain, but if you had another keychain equipped, and riku took the keyblade, it automatically changed back to the kingdom key, because riku did not have a bond with those who gave sora the keychain, plus it was given to sora that there own bond

    but it can also be formed by ones memories, for example Rikus gayblade, the one he gave to kairi, was formed from his memories of DI

    now to my point, what if there is another way to make a keychain, like mastering the keyblade, and thats how riku and sora have them, they mastered the keyblade, because they had no teacher, there good be other ways to make a keychain

    not just the two i mention, so you can't really go by the keychain is made by blah balh theory,

    also "chasers" this term suggests that chasers are people who make keyblade or keychains, so again
    while my thoery has holes, i dnt think we should go by the keychain one
  10. VentusSearcher

    VentusSearcher Steam is the only way....

    those are all pritty good theories
  11. Larxenelover2

    Larxenelover2 New Member

    More Theories Yaaaaaaaa!!!

    But that doesn't make scence considering sora's had a keychain when he first got it.

    Here are some other theories.

    One theory speculates that when one creates a Keyblade, as Xehanort's Heartless did by the use of Riku, there is no keychain with it. That would indicate that the Keyblade can then be created either by the person or from the person. Examples would include Xehanort's Keyblade, which was created from the Princesses of Heart and Riku's Keyblade, which was created from the Soul Eater, which was forged out of his own darkness. The Keyblade can then be seen as an extension of its creator. A Keyblade's power comes from its creator alone. Therefore, when a Keyblade needs to be passed to a person, a keychain is formed to be a power source to give the Keyblade lasting energy as well as its power and form. This could possibly explain why some Keyblades do not have keychains such as Terra, Ven and Aqua's Keyblades. It could also show how Riku got his Keyblade, Way to the Dawn, as well. This would suggest that each Keyblade has its own unique power and form. This could explain why the moogles are able to synthesize the Ultima Weapon.

    Yet, another theory would be that the Keychain is a physical embodiment of one's memories. This would explain why Sora got new Keyblades for every world, as well as why he is able to receive them as gifts from friends (eg. Oathkeeper, Gullwing). It also explains Roxas's Keyblades; because Roxas is Sora's Nobody, Roxas's Oblivion represents Sora's memory of Riku while his Oathkeeper represents Sora's memory of Kairi.

    Another theory would be that Keyblades without Keychains are merely "apprentice" Keyblades. This would explain why Terra, Aqua and Ven's Keyblades do not possess Keychains, while Master Xehanort's and Xehanort's Apprintice's Keyblades do.

    Some fans believe that the Keyblade or its creator is the mysterious voice, which guides Sora and Roxas in the beginning and ending of both games.

    It has been rumored that without the keychains, the Keyblade might not have much effect. However, Terra, Aqua, and Ven do not have keychains at the end of their Keyblades. Also, the keychains just change the form and give it different stats, therefore making the rumor highly illogical.

    Another theory about keychains is that the keychain grants access to other Keyblade wielders. If a Keyblade has no keychain, then it is only exclusive only to its wielder, and cannot be given to another Chosen Keyblade Wielder. This theory could potentially explain why the countless, keychainless Keyblades at Sunset Horizon are not in use. The Dark Keyblade Riku makes when possesed by Xehenort's Heartless (with no keychain) was picked up by Sora which he used on himself, not exclusive.
  12. VentusSearcher

    VentusSearcher Steam is the only way....

    nice theory
  13. x3pic

    x3pic I'll Kill You.

    well actually it does sense i explained why it would happen in my other post, the keyblade was originally supposed to go to Riku, who was already considered A KEYBLADE MASTER, so it already had a keychain,since Riku was a keyblade master, Sora was capiable of weilding it to, and when the Keyblade went back to Sora in HB, he was already at keyblade master level. Terra, Ven, and Aqua are not yet Keyblade masters

    are you gunna actually post a theory :p
  14. Larxenelover2

    Larxenelover2 New Member

    If that were true then riku would have gotten the keyblade when they remet at traverse town.
  15. x3pic

    x3pic I'll Kill You.

    No, the keyblade was meant to go to riku first.
    Im GUESSING the reasons why it didn't is because

    1) He did take the keyblade, but he gave it back to sora, it did go back to him, without sora even noticing,
    2) he didn't stay long enough
    3) he didn't try to take it
    4)he didn't know it was his at the time

    but the keyblade was rightfuly his,
  16. VentusSearcher

    VentusSearcher Steam is the only way....

    i agree with X3pic
  17. Larxenelover2

    Larxenelover2 New Member

    Here is a jornal entry
    When Kairi lost her heart, Riku allied himself with Maleficent to save her. Riku was actually the rightful master of the Keyblade, but once he chose darkness over light, the weapon chose Sora INSTEAD. Ansem exploited Riku's weakness of heart and possessed him.

    As in " Here you go riku, your keyblade..... wait your choosing darkness.... I will give it to sora."
  18. x3pic

    x3pic I'll Kill You.


    stop talking please -__-
  19. Larxenelover2

    Larxenelover2 New Member

    Ok, well im sorry i lost my train of thought for the last couple of posts and didn't make scense, what i mean is, then how is riku a keyblade MASTER before he has even gotten one.
  20. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    ??? Anywaaaays, all of you is going off of the subject. It's about Terra, Ven, & Aqua's keyblade. Not about Riku. Remember that in KH, that when you seal the keyhole, you get that world's key (The keyblades like Lady Luck don't actually go to you since it's in a treasure chest, but is still the world's keyblade.) or in KH2, you get that world's key once you open new routes to other worlds? You should also remember of Kairi's lucky charm becoming a keyblade for Sora to use & Belle's keyblade, Divine Rose (Or Rumbling Rose. Whichever keyblade you prefer from one of the two games.) being with Sora. Well, keyblades either has to be, in my opinion, from that world, or from the person (Leon/Squall & Tifa is included in this one too.) for keyblades to have keychains.

    Terra, Aqua, & Ven on the other hand, don't have keychains & the keyblades are summoned very differently & technologically from the other keyblades. I'm guessing that from where they from, the keyblade that they own is not from the world or from someone else, but the keyblade is actually is made from their own hearts. Most likely as to how Master Xehanort's keyblade don't have a keychain on it & is very dark.
    Last edited: Jul 21, 2009
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