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WHat do you think needs to be in Kingdom Hearts 3?

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts 3' started by Ventus, Aug 2, 2009.

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  1. Zetsumei

    Zetsumei New Member

    I doubt they will put it on both.

    Also, i would like to see the KH1 battle system style back. I don't want these many game type things where, in a battle it tells you what to do like "Defeat all the heartless". I did not like that.
    Also better looking keyblades, to me the kh2 keyblades looked weird.

    Plus i would like a better story, kh2 just seemed to be a punch of nonsense, everything happened to fast and it seemed like nothing was really important,

    btw they need to bring back traverse town :p
  2. shelleyx

    shelleyx New Member

    Yes, traverse town indeed. Less mini games too. what does "how many tricks can you do in the air on this skateboard" have to do with saving the world

    even though i must confessed i played the poster sticker game in twilight town a 100 times trying to beat the record to get the start in jimminy's journal. it's impossible O_O
  3. Zetsumei

    Zetsumei New Member

    I guess they tried to make raident garden the equivelnt to twilight town. It just wasn't the same. Though i sorta liked it, it wasn't big enough.

    All the worlds need to be bigger also, i felt i was limited to some areas.
  4. shelleyx

    shelleyx New Member

    nothing beats traverse towns music. Doooo do do do do do do daaaa do da do da...dododadada

    i think they just keep olympus the same as in the first game. just for tournemnt and such
  5. Doc Rocco

    Doc Rocco New Member

    Don't even get me started on that. D:< They changed the awesome that was Hollow Bastion into a "happy town". After all that work in KH to create a sophisticated and menacing castle, they go and destroy it! Not to mention butchering the theme.

    I could go on for days, I really could.

    Aaaanyway, I kind of prefer the worlds when they're not changed too much, like Halloween Town. But if they did make it darker/more epic, having all the worlds in ruins would be awesome.

    I also felt that the worlds feel a little empty. Add just random NPCs in certain areas so the worlds actually feel inhabited. That could impact on enemy appearances, but they could also tally how many you save from being turned into Heartless/Nobodies/Unbirths/whatever.
  6. shelleyx

    shelleyx New Member

    Oh god, i know. I liked as the dark place where everything comes down to in the end. It's eerie now it's all. WELCOME! We're actually a garden. Gardens don't scare me
  7. The_Unknown_Master

    The_Unknown_Master New Member

    They could easily make it dark. I want them to make it more serious.
  8. kirairiato

    kirairiato New Member

    just wanting a video of sora riku and kairi *plz let her fight with sick skills*
    against the other 3 keybladers
    it would be sick if they'd put it at the end
  9. Goldfish

    Goldfish Cats in the Cradle

    You glide!
    Apart from it being all dark, I'd like to be able to use other characters other than Sora. Playing as Riku was badass in KH2. Or at least make some sort of side story you can unlock like you could do in COM.
    Another great thing would be having Riku as a stock team member who follows you in all worlds instead of just having disabled characters (one waddles and one is just stupid =\)
    Make the Gummi Ship journeys 2-D like Raiden X or G-Darius style. Yes it does seem primitive to do that, but who liked the gummi ship battles?
  10. Zetsumei

    Zetsumei New Member

    Ha there are no more keybladers..they are only 3: riku,sora, and mickey. Its impossible for them to fight the other 3 keybladers because they are not around :/.

    thats exactly what i want
  11. Airon Neil

    Airon Neil New Member

    umm, toy story and wall-E are pixar characters not Disney characters.

    Also, what I would like to see would be some sort of two player mode, and a lot of extras, I don't like games that have nothing else to do once you beat it (Unless the game was really THAT long). As for the whole "easy" thing with Kingdom Hearts II if you put it on expert then trust me, it'll be hard.

    I would also like to see more "real" boss battles, I mean those boss battles that have sub-main characters battleing you. Have Riku battle with you much more--I really had a powerful feeling when I was with Riku. However, I must say one thing that I really want in Kingdom hearts III.....

    A MUCH more thought out battling system. They need to make it more than simple button mashing, and pressing triangle sometimes. They need to impove magic attacks a lot more. Someone could go through the whole game without useing one magic attack once.

    However, do not change it so much that it isn't Kingdom hearts anymore...AND DON'T USE CHAIN OF MEMORY'S CARD BULL--

    This is what I think about this...
  12. The_Unknown_Master

    The_Unknown_Master New Member

    Disney owns Pixar now.
  13. Blaze of Glory

    Blaze of Glory New Member

    Alot less censorship than there was in KH 2
  14. Josh Homme

    Josh Homme New Member

    I would like to see them bring back more elements from KH1 such as:

    • The worlds being more free roam. I don't like how the worlds started to seem to be built in a single path.
    • Being more difficult
    • The gummi ship system
    • Go back to the magic options from KH1

    But most of that was left in KH1, and wasn't brought back in Com, KH2, or Days. So I'm kind of doubtful we'll see them brought back in KH3.
  15. Ventus

    Ventus Kickass Keyblader!

    I want this stuff back in KH3.
    There was always something wrong with KH2 and now I know. The free roaming element disappeared. I loved the fact you had to explore the whole world, to find out what's happening. There should be more of a lack of MP. Kingdom Hearts 2 was too easy because of that. Also the enemies need better AI but with Playstation 3 that wouldn't be a problem.
  16. Piscemini

    Piscemini New Member

    better graphics
  17. jdeib963

    jdeib963 New Member

    They definitely need to add the keyblade riding aspect. I hate gummi ships so much
  18. soraheartless97

    soraheartless97 New Member

    Duude for the story being dormer why not just find sora's heartless then he'll go all emotional about the heartless and hesitate at first. He'll kep trying to persuade the hertless to thier side until the heartless kills one of his friends theeeeeen there's a huge duel between them and then he defeats the heartless. Just an idea and the CoM battle system was crap who would want it back?
  19. Kairi14

    Kairi14 New Member

    Heck no, no more CoM battle system! and improve gummi ship =]
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