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Kingdom Hearts:The Darkest Days (Actaul Roleplay)

Discussion in 'Archive' started by VentusSearcher, Aug 7, 2009.

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  1. VentusSearcher

    VentusSearcher Steam is the only way....


    Riku and Sora have been captured by the new rise of Organization 3 while trying to convince them to come back to the light.
    Who is this organization,it is Donald Goofy and Micky who are being controled by a dark ruler named Kable.There only hope now is Kairi and some old friends(Cloud Leon Yuffie and Tiffa)Who have joined forces going to each world looking for help to save Sora and Riku.

    Sora yelled"Why,why are you doing this!"
    Mickey yelled back"I resign in darkness for power"
    "Your wrong darkness is weak."
    Last edited: Aug 7, 2009
  2. Tsukiyomi

    Tsukiyomi Shinto's Moon God

    Rkiu looked at Mickey also and said "Sora is right. "Believe me Darkness is weak." "It will only manipulate you unti you become something you hate and it will destroy you from the inside." He then turned his gaze to Sora and said "What are we going to do now?"
  3. VentusSearcher

    VentusSearcher Steam is the only way....

    ''Well first we need to figure out were we are.'' ''Hay Mickey were are we.''Dont you recognize it , its the
    organizations old world the one you distroyed.''explained Mickey. Sora looked around,
    and right behind him was the remains of an old building.
    Last edited: Aug 7, 2009
  4. Tsukiyomi

    Tsukiyomi Shinto's Moon God

    Riku looked back also and said "Isn't that the Castle that never was?" He noticed a castle laying on it side. "I can't believe it." "Sora." We are in the World that never was." He kept looking around and saw old buildings and stuff. "We thought the world was destroyed."
  5. VentusSearcher

    VentusSearcher Steam is the only way....

    "It was mearly dameged not distroyed."
    Micky put his had out and his keyblade appeared."Are you ready to gain power Sora and Riku,then all you have to do is join the darkness and experince power like you have never imagened.
  6. Tsukiyomi

    Tsukiyomi Shinto's Moon God

    Riku looked at the dark king and said "I'll never go back to the dark." He then held out his hand and then his keyblade appeared. Ke gave a cold to the king and said "I'm sorry King Mickey." "But you leave me no choice." He then jumped up to Dark Mickey and said "Time to embrace the light."
  7. VentusSearcher

    VentusSearcher Steam is the only way....

    Mickey swiftly blocked the attack and,grabed riku's arm.
    Mickey then through him against the wall of a building
    Riku went crashing through the building!
  8. Tsukiyomi

    Tsukiyomi Shinto's Moon God

    Riku then got up and said "Ow that hurt." He then pointed his Way of Dawn at Mickey and said "Eat this!" He shot three dark firagas in a row at the dark king. All three hit the king and Riku stood there and said "Sorry King Mickey." "But I had to do it." But he was surprised when he saw what happened next.
  9. Burnin'-Axel

    Burnin'-Axel Flurry of Dancing Flames

    Cloud was walking down the streets of Radiant Garden.
    'I can't believe it...' he thought to himself. 'I finally managed to fight Sephiroth and I let him beat me!' Cloud couldn't hold his anger in any longer. His hand balled into a fist and he punched the wall of the building next to him, creating a small hole.
    "Calm down Cloud," said a familiar voice, "You shoudn't take your anger out on an innocent wall." Cloud raised his head and looked over to where the voice came from. Leon was standing right in front of him with a smirk.
    "Leon...what are you doing here?" Cloud asked.
    Leon replied, "I live here. Well...I do now, seeing as how my old home has disappeared" Leon began to walk towards Cloud "So, you'd like to tell me what's on your mind?"
  10. Answer Man

    Answer Man Man I'm Awesome

    (well, becasue i'm goofy i'll start my part.)

    Goofy was walking in the field of disney castle, running to find doulnd, so he could tell him that there king had been turned dark. He just came from his mission to follow mickey to see what had happend.

    "Got to tell them what happend, got to get dould! said goofy. then heartless came down tworad him. he brought out his sheild, he threw it at the five heartless killing them all. but then more kept coming. then a rage of thunder fell from the sky destroying them all.
  11. VentusSearcher

    VentusSearcher Steam is the only way....

    Sora charged at mickey.Mickey swiftly blocked his attacks again and again.
    The fight went on for hours,but no one could get a solid hit on each other.All of a sudden mickey dissapeared into a dark portal.Then heartless came pouring in,Sora yelled"Is this the best you've got."
  12. Answer Man

    Answer Man Man I'm Awesome

    goofy was looking for doulnd casue only he could do that, but he couldnt find him. so he kept running. then he got to minnies door, when he opened it he saw a big heartless with a knocked out minnes in his arms. goofy pulled out his strongest shield he got and rammed into the big heartless, but only to find that a gaint black blast consumed him, then there was nothing. (he's not dead.)
  13. Tsukiyomi

    Tsukiyomi Shinto's Moon God

    Riku was suprised that Mickey's barrier blocked all three dark firagas. He then saw Sora charged at King Mickey. Riku then turned to Sora and Said " Sora, I have a plan." He brought The way of Dawn again and started chariging energy through it. "Sora, get your Keyblade out." "We're gonna give this guy one giant blast."
  14. Aqua15

    Aqua15 New Member

    (I'll start with Yuffie)

    "Hey Leon..Hey Cloud" said a young girl in a happy tune. "oh hey Yuffie" said Leon, turning in Yuffie's direction. "What's wrong Cloud? You seem...angry." Looking up at Yuffie, he said nothing. Both Leon and Yuffie stared at eachother blankly. Silence then drew in the air. All said nothing. Then...Cloud walked off. "What's his problem?" ask Yuffie. "I really don't know." Leon replied
  15. Burnin'-Axel

    Burnin'-Axel Flurry of Dancing Flames

    Cloud and Leon both turned to look at Yuffie, who had just come in.
    "Oh, hey Yuffie." replied Leon. Cloud however didn't return the welcome. After a bit, Cloud simply went up and left them. He didn't feel like having company around at the moment. Yuffie asked Leon what was wrong. Leon simply shook his head, "I don't know. I was just asking him that before you came."
    Last edited: Aug 10, 2009
  16. VentusSearcher

    VentusSearcher Steam is the only way....

    Sora knew what Riku had meant.
    He brought out his keyblade and got ready for the attack.
    He put his keyblade up in the air.
  17. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    (Burnin. Please don't OOC in a rp if you don't rp. This is spam. Please edit this with a rp or ask someone to delete this.)

    Tifa started to walk around in a town where the sky was red & there was tall buildings. Tifa kept on looking around, checking every corner. "Nope. He's not here either." Tifa saw Hayner, Pence, & Olette walking past by & she went up to them. "Um... excuse me. Did you see someone who have spiky hair?" Hayner, Pence, & Olette looked at each other & smiled. "You mean Sora?" Tifa then started to laugh. "Hehe. Not him. I mean a boy named Cloud. His hair is spikier..."
  18. VentusSearcher

    VentusSearcher Steam is the only way....

    sora put his sword up.
    He was going to do trinity limit.
    Then there was a flash of light and sora yelled"Its over!"
  19. Tsukiyomi

    Tsukiyomi Shinto's Moon God

    Riku kept charging the Way of Dawn and said "Its Over King Mickey." He kept charging his keyblade until dark energy was overflowing it. "This is the attack that combines Darkness and Light." "This is Trinity Limit." He then shot the dark energy at the hearltess and show a flash of light. "Heh, we did it Sora."
    Last edited: Aug 10, 2009
  20. Answer Man

    Answer Man Man I'm Awesome

    (hey whos dould on here, casue if it's nobody i'll take him.)

    Goofy woke up with a start, he didn't know where he was either. then he remembered what happened.
    "queen minne, where are you?" he said. he got up and went looking for dould again, he couldnt do it alone. He went in the kings throne room, and saw pluto in his bed looking down as ever.
    "pluto get up boy, we need to find dould. come on boy." then a blast in the secert basment went off. Goofy went down there and saw at least 100 heartless trying to breack the glass orb(forgot what it was called, the thing we use to go into the black and white time.) he pulled out his sheild he got from hercules and threw it the heartsless kiling at leat ten. then he got on it and slided while he hit them down. "only if dould was here, then we could do a combo or something" he said. Then a big body came and knocked goofy down. he got up and pulled out a big sheild that had green looking scales on it. then he charged and the big body pushing him into the orb. but after that more heartless came out of the orb, so many goofy knew he couldnt couldn't when. then he used one of his strongest powers he had. he put up a sheild that had a lions face and a open mouth, then light spilled out of it, he slammed it on the grond and a tremor went everywhere and gold ligh came for the ground blasting all the heartless, the room shook like thunder hit it, but it sounded like a loins roar. "TAKE THIS HEARTLESS, MY GOLDDEN LIONS ROAR!" Then everrything went queit. goofy limped out of the room and saw that pluto was on the ground hurt.

    "pluto, pluto, wake up boy, you'll be ok." then he saw a small car heartless(the ones in the black and white place) and goofy knew what had happened. he picked up hios shield and threw it at the heartless killing it. the fallen shiled just sat on the ground. "what is going on, no heartless where supposed to be here, what is going on, the only one that could release that spell is....mickey!
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