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Some of my Theories

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep' started by Dark_Oblivon, Aug 5, 2009.

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  1. x3pic

    x3pic I'll Kill You.

    to pheeny, hello friend :D

    and um im thinking its his heart as well.

    Though there is a pretty tough theory (i can't even crack)
    that supports it could be his memories, and also explains how Roxas looks like ven :D
    wish i could show you it but i can't find it :/
  2. Pheeny

    Pheeny New Member

    So I'm guessing you found nothing you would like to change in my statement?
  3. Dark_Oblivon

    Dark_Oblivon New Member

    So, we can agree to disagree that this theory is possible?
  4. x3pic

    x3pic I'll Kill You.

    haha didn't read it :p, didn't seem important, just scrolled up to see who Dark Oblivion was talking about

    Well your theory is good, for the most part, but there are some parts that I disagree with, because they make no sense, in where ive seen some of the best theories and they make perfect sense.

    Like your roxas/ven is the same person thing. Made no sense, but I liked the part where his soul somehow got into Sora, because i also use this one.
  5. Dark_Oblivon

    Dark_Oblivon New Member

    I have to agree. After re-reading, some parts of my theory are a little....weird, but it is possible.

    The one thing I have a problem with is When I said Ven is saying "Erase me" to someone, you say Aqua.

    Why do you think that?
  6. Pheeny

    Pheeny New Member

    I have a feeling it pertains to you.

    Might be a tad important.
  7. x3pic

    x3pic I'll Kill You.

    Well i studied the shadow of the person, and Aqua's outfit. They match up almost perfectly
    let me show you..and ill see what you think



    not a very good pic of aqua though, but still look at her hair, out fit arms. and you can tell that the figure in the first picture is female
  8. Dark_Oblivon

    Dark_Oblivon New Member

    It does somewhat, but it is somewhat hard to tell. It possibly is, or It maybe someone else not yet known to the story.
  9. x3pic

    x3pic I'll Kill You.

    :D i like to go with aqua, but thats just me
  10. Dark_Oblivon

    Dark_Oblivon New Member

    I see it as possible, as we know so little of Aqua right now.
  11. Answer Man

    Answer Man Man I'm Awesome

    the why xehanort is still around part, really, it was the ATW appreticn that was around. so he wouldn't be around. if that's what you meant or something. :cool:
  12. Lithium

    Lithium New Member

    Who says they would have all been eliminated? The only one to have been hinted to being "erased" was Ven. Even so, death in KH is not a prominent theme throughout the series. While it has happened, it was on rare occasion. And how would having the trio lose really relate to Xehanort being the man we know today?
  13. x3pic

    x3pic I'll Kill You.

    Um yea really? Xehanort is still around, i know its the ATW apprentice, but im just making a guess to be exact
    going off the theory of Mx+Terra= Xehanort.

    Well really they are eliminated, because none of them are around when Sora is gone. Yes death is temporary and no its not rare,because in each game more than 3 ppl have been "eliminated". So if its not permanent. TAV is eliminated/or erased in Sora's time

    How i know this? Nomura (the game creator) Says there are only 3 keyblade wielders during Sora's time, Im sure you can guess who those three are without me saying a word...*hint* it isn't TAV...
  14. Dark_Oblivon

    Dark_Oblivon New Member

    This is what I don't understand. If the end of BBS was the secret trailer showing the fight with MX, then that would open so many cliffhangers to the game. What happened to the trio? Did Mickey make it in time? How did Aqua's armor end up with Xemnas? How do ven and Roxas look alike?

    See, that;s why I think theres possibly a small bit of game left after that to answer the questions
  15. x3pic

    x3pic I'll Kill You.

    Oh yes, your correct, he said its "sort of" the end..So I'm guessing we will see more of an ending. than just cut it off. If he did cut it off, there is basically no reason to make the game
  16. Answer Man

    Answer Man Man I'm Awesome

    well, xemnas could have got the armor form here, like she was still alive and he went looking for her. or when Diz found the xhonort apprentice. the armor was with him already.
  17. x3pic

    x3pic I'll Kill You.

    im doubting that.. His armor looks more like Terra's
  18. Answer Man

    Answer Man Man I'm Awesome

    no, i saw a pic of it from that one thing, where all those people go and show new games and stuff, i forgot what it was, that Armando didn't have long ears. but really, it was more like vens.
  19. x3pic

    x3pic I'll Kill You.

    to be exact thats totally opinionated, I think his armor looks more like Terra's, but this is getting a little off topic.
  20. Answer Man

    Answer Man Man I'm Awesome

    i forgot what the topic was...what was it?
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