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Voided Carnage ( original Symbiote RP)OOC-SIGNUPS

Discussion in 'Archive' started by NeRo, Aug 10, 2009.

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  1. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    It is unclear from where the symbiotes actually originated, but it is known that their species existed for millions of years prior to the arrival of the Venom symbiote on Earth. It is implied that Galactus, devourer of worlds, consumed a world in which they had taken over and thrived upon. It was mistakenly believed that this was their homeworld. It is shown through the Carnage symbiote that this was a world whose dominant life forms had been overrun by the marauding symbiotes.

    symbiotes were originally an unfeeling, conquering race, taking over any species they come in contact with to feed off of emotions, mainly adrenaline rushes from death-defying feats. As a consequence, the hosts are short-lived. The Venom symbiote was different because it desired a strong bond with a single host, and desired to belong rather than to dominate, leading to imprisonment by its own race, at which point it was brought to Battleworld during the first Secret Wars.

    Now in the year 3590 The symbiotes have returned to earth withing a crater.These were all Symbiote spawns from the Venom and Carnage Simboiotes. They have all found Human host and each has its own personality.These take notice from the original venom symbiote to the fact that the desire to be with a single host as opposed to jumping from host to host.

    There are lifeforms that have now also come to earth those that rival the symbiotes in strenths and abliites they are called the Shadow this name was givin to them by the origial Symbiote world to the meneces that killed symbiotes. The remaining Shadow's have come to earth to finish off the remaining Symbiote lifeforms..

    The Shadow Menance

    The creatures labeled as the shadow rival the symbiotes in strengths and abilities. however as a symbiote is a liquid mucous form. the shadows are exactly as the name sounds they are shadows. there only downfall is that when they jump from host to host there life-span drops drammaticlly unlike the symbiote that can move from host to host without a problem(Meaning if the host is in danger and the Shadow itself feels threatened it jumps to another host however doing this transition the Shadow is in a weakened state for 48 hours"2days".The shadows are illusionary beings in that they have no solid form unless they latch onto a host. once in the host they become similar to the same set up as a symbiote. A shadow however has more effects than a symbiote. the shadows are immune to certain elements of the world. for example if you put a shadow's host in flames not a scratch or burn will be layed upon him. but for every strength there is a weakness. these rules do not apply to all some are weak against fire some are not it all depends on how they form the host personality. The shadows have telekinetic energy streaming through them. which in itself allows them to control things around them with a simple thought. Elemental energy streams through there particles. which allows them to control a element of there choice depending on how there spawned from a nother shadow.The reasons the symbiotes and shadow's have fueded for so many years is simply because Shadow's......EAT Symbiotes for life force to sustain them

    The evolutionary Symbiote

    Many years have passed since the original Venom and Carnage also Toxin Symbiotes. The continuous changes of DNA and space metamorphosis have changed the symbiotes. they no longer desire to jump from one host to another. there abilities have drastically increased. They are now immune to most elements. there poly form texture skin allows this. They have telepathy given to there host that allows them to predict movements (spider sense) which was adapted from the original spider man. besides that they have been fitted with a unique techniuqe allowing them to change forms into a hybrid Symbiote a second body of you will. this enables a massive power jump and physical appearance boost. When in this stage they are stronger than the shadows or even with even a shadows strongest power level. the new hybrid symbiotes no longer make sickness worse in there host if anything they heal faster and progress easier. also the symbiote takes on more of its own personality and protects the host from any danger even if the host is alseep or unconscious

    1.) I reserve the right to tell you or ask you to change your character if needed
    2: No Godmoding(Slight godmodding is allowed for Shadows due to there strength)
    3: No Powerplaying
    4: Literacy is a must if your template isn’t you will not be accepted
    5:post "My Inner Me" On top of your temp
    6:please be creative
    7:Have fun


    Symbiote Tempate

    Personality(Reflects on Symbiote):
    Symbiote Name:
    Symbiote Apperance:
    Bio:How they obtained the Symbiote)

    Shadow Template

    Personality(evil.... but elaborate)
    Major Strenght: (Elemental Power)
    Shadow Apperance:


    Current Spider-man: (Desert Warrior)

    Symbiote 1:Raiden)
    Symbiote 2:Moogles_Forever)
    Symbiote 3:KeyofHope777)
    Symbiote:4 Open)

    Shadow 1 :Yukou)
    Shadow 2: Open)
    Shadow 3: Open)
    Shadow 4: Open)

    My template

    Name:Leon Sparks
    Personality: Leon is a very down to earth person he can be a very stern individual but enjoys to smile at times. however ever since the symbiote bindied with him the laughs he used to share with others are rare.
    Symbiote Name:Void
    Symbiote Apperance: The symbiote is White and black http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l6/esidos/Comic Wallpapers/carnage_lololetoulousain.jpg
    Bio:( OOC: I will just say this The new evolutinary symbiotes dont have cleraly immunity however most Normal objects do not affect there body such as burning tires and so on expolding cars. Enhaced cold weather and so forth so its not just Paul who has that All of the new symbiotes do. Also the sound thing It no longer affects the symbiots. The sound waves reflect off the substance of there skin.
    Also My symbiote can communicate with me telepathcicly almost like a second person inside me

    Leon stood up and leaned over his sink. His long black hair leaned and got into he water and was now slowly dripping. "All...this time ive waited" He said under his breath. he slowly raised his head as the hair dangled over his face. he wiped it away as the water rippled onto the floor."There are others..here...more of me are around they cling for help we should go" Void said this to leon in a muffled tone in this head" I thought the shadows were here".....They have come..." Void replied. The young man wraped a belt around him and threw on a casual black and white open button shirt with no shirt under neath. He grabbed his hover Board and went to the balcony. he strapped up on it and stood over the buildings looming under him.

    "Time to go...." He leaned off the edge and went into a freefall until he spun into a quick 360 and turned upside right. He flew through the air letting the air move his clothing and his hair. The breeze was nice but he still felt like he was missing something in life. He came onto the bridge and saw spider man. "How oppurtune." He road down to the bridge and hopped off and walked twoard everyone around until he looked up at spiderman" Well well if it isnt Everyones hero...." )
    Abilites:# The ability to form fangs or simple bladed weapons out of his limbs.
    # The ability to form additional appendages: limbs, wings and tendrils out of their body
    # The ability to shape-shift, from mimicking clothing up to and including complete change of appearance and stature.
    # The ability to blend with its surroundings.
    # The ability to stick to walls .
    # The ability to produce webbing from its own mass
    # Superhuman strength.
    # Superior speed and agility.
    # Limited invulnerability.
    # Genetic memory, recalling information from previous hosts.
    # Enhanced healing ability.
    # Can expand to any size
    Oath likes this.
  2. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    Name: Tom Parker
    Age: 17
    Gender: Male
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Bio: Tom grew up living a normal life until he was about 12. When he turned 12, his abilities began to reveal themselves. It started with his spider sense. After that, he could shoot web from his wrists. One day, there was a police raid at his house. The government learned that Tom was a decentand of Peter Parkern the original Spider-Man. The Superhuman Registration Act is still in effect, so the government had continued to capture unregistered superheroes. They were going to take Tom to New Mexico and group him with other superpowered children in order to train them to become registered superheroes who work for the government. As he was being transported to New Mexico, the troop caravan that took him was under attack.

    The New Avengers went to rescue him. The New Avengers were made up of unregistered superheroes, and were led by Wolverine (Wolverine is still alive because his healing power causes his body to age very slowly. Heck, he was in WWII). The New Avengers took him in and taught him to control his powers. When he became old enough, they gave him some old Spider-Man costumes. There was the original costume, a costume that looked like the original symbiote suit, and one other suit (I don't know the name. I'll include a pic).

    Tom is still with the New Avengers, but he mainly works alone.

    Costumes: [​IMG]




    Spider-Strength- He has super strong strength, enough to lift tons.

    Spider Sense- He can sense attacks coming from any angle. Even though Peter Parker's spider sense couldn't detect Venom, Carnage, or Toxin (Because of symbiote's ability to mutate to display characteristics of it's hosts), Tom's spider sense has mutated to be able to detect symbiote attacking him.

    Wall Crawling- He can stick to any surface.

    Organic webbing- He does not use 'web shooters' but has a mutation that allows him to shoot web from his wrists.

    Night vision- He can see in the darkest of dark.

    Web Consistency- He can change his webbing to acid, water, or other materials.

    EDIT: Here's a link to info about that third suit. It'll explain what it can do and stuff. Link
    Last edited: Aug 10, 2009
  3. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    Check Your Pm's mate.
  4. Moogle

    Moogle Well-Known Member

    I may join this. . . in the meantime, Why'd ya change your cute avvie, Rai?
    Yukie likes this.
  5. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    Cha! I went and made myself a custom Avi less cute lol. You should join Moogle, i don't let anyone in only who i deem worthy.
    Yukie likes this.
  6. Yukie

    Yukie Fist Pumps

    You know when there is a evil, I am there. Haha, this is the last RP I am going to join, since I am going to college soon. (3 more weeks. Ah!)

    Making my template now.
  7. Moogle

    Moogle Well-Known Member

    My Inner Me

    Name: Riona Starling

    Age: 23

    Gender: Female

    Personality: A quiet, shy type. Although, due to the symbiote, she hears a voices* in her head, and argues with them frequently. Was an eccentric artist of sorts.

    Apperance: Tengu Jerusalem by ~MaullarMaullar on deviantART

    Symbiote Name: Sonias

    Symbiote Apperance: Human robot +andromeda+ by *teri-san on deviantART

    Bio: Riona Starling was once a joyful artist. Bouncy, bubbly personality - and although she wasn't too well known, she didn't care. It was the fact that at least somebody knew who she was that counted. But, one day something happened. There was a fire in her home - she was asleep at the time, so the incident was a blur. The cause of the fire? The reports said nothing. It was just blamed on a faulty plug. The fire destroyed her house completely, incinerating everything. But, miraculously, Riona survived. Somehow, she was moved outside onto her lawn. Of course, she didn't remember a thing - the paramedics called it, "Trauma-induced amnesia". Of course, the truth lies elsewhere. . . Now, she wanders from place to place, her abilities stealing food and finding safe ground to sleep in.**

    # Heavily enhanced cellular regeneration
    # Able to induce powerful sonic 'shouts' (However, backlash causes the symbiote skin to become weaker for a short time)
    # Sticking to Walls
    # Superior hearing capability/Sonar
    # Can vibrate an object to it's natural frequency*** when touching it.
    # Use 'Hair' as whiplike appendages to a length of 30 feet each.
    # Enhanced physical abilities (I.E. Speed, strength, etc
    # Able to move alround silently
    # Using the natural frequency thing, she can also fuse objects together.

    *I'm not going to RP the voices.
    ** She didn't have insurance. END OF STORY.
    ***That means it can shatter.
    Last edited: Aug 14, 2009
    EtherealSummoner likes this.
  8. Answer Man

    Answer Man Man I'm Awesome

    i so want to join! i CALL PARKER! if i can join, can i?
  9. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    Depends. I don't let everyone in the RP your skills have to be good enough, and Spidey is already taken.
  10. Answer Man

    Answer Man Man I'm Awesome

    darn, i have good rp skills, i do, so can i join?
  11. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    PM me a link to a RP you were recently in
  12. Moogle

    Moogle Well-Known Member

    Well, I think I have a fairly rounded out profile, how 'bout you? My profile, I mean.
  13. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    Ya your in my lovely little moogle.
  14. Yukie

    Yukie Fist Pumps

    Name: Baroness Kiyo

    Age: 19

    Gender: Female

    Personality: She is caring evil. She is a true believer in mercy. She doesn't do torture nor any hideous acts of violence to her enemies. If she is going to kill you, she will make sure it will be quick and painless. Her favorite way to kill is a bite to the neck or spinal cord.

    Appearance: [​IMG]

    Major Strength: Wind
    # Flash Steps - She can travel in a blink of an eye
    # Wind Barriers - Using the wind, she can deflect attacks
    # Can pick up heavy objects via wind.
    # Can eliminated an enemy air supply for a while

    Shadow Appearance
    : [​IMG]

    Bio: Baroness Kiyo or simply Kiyo is a care free spirit. Usually paired with her pet wolf, also a shadow, she travels the world for answers. Looking for the truth, she defends her people and help her people cause.
  15. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    Alright Your in, Still waiting for a few more Templates before we get started.
  16. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    Hay I remember this! Looks cool I'm in but I'll have to make a template when I get back.

    Name: Skylore Thompson (Sky)

    Age: 19

    Gender: Female

    Personality(Reflects on Symbiote): As a little girl, Skylore was always a little strange. She was very quiet around big groups of people and sometimes it was a challenge for even her parents to get her to speak her mind. After she turned seventeen she got a little better about that. Now she is an extremely patient person and she has a habit of saying nothing for days on end. She only talks to those she considers a close friend and if her enimies didn't know any better they would say she was a mute but that isn't true because the time she spends not talking to people, she spends having internal conversations with her symbiote, Sienna. Skylore and Sienna have nearly apposing personalities and Sienna sometimes would call Skylore borring. Skylore has few people that she trusts enough to call her friend and among those people she acts like any normal girl would she talks with them alot and even smiles.

    Apperance: [​IMG]

    Symbiote Name: Sienna

    Symbiote Apperance: [​IMG][​IMG]

    Bio:How they obtained the Symbiote) Sky grew up in a small farming community. When Skylore was fifteen she hit a bit of a rebellious stage. She started dating an older guy whose name she doesn't even remember now. It was late one night when she got home to find her father furious with her for breaking cerfiew let alone it was because she was with him again. The two got into a huge argument which ended with Sky telling her father that she hated him and then storming out of the house. That was the last time she ever saw her parents.
    That night she was wandering aimlessly through the streets of town and eventually left the town altogether and got lost somewhere in the mountains. In her wandering she found a cave where she could have sworn she heard someone crying inside. Worrying that there was a child trapped in there and lead by her curiosity, she wandered into the cave but what she found wasn't what she was expecting. There was a grown woman inside the cave, she begged Sky to help her. She said she was dying and that she needed life. She needed Skylore's life to survive. Skylore wasn't sure what to do, she was promised that she wouldn't die. The woman kept saying things about two in one mind. Confused but driven by the need to help this strange woman, Skylore agreed to do whatever she was needed to do. She doesn't remember much after that.
    She woke up later outside the mouth of the cave sore and feeling weak the next morning. She heard a voice inside her head. The voice introduced herself as Sienna and Skylore learned from Sienna's memories and thoughts from their now shared mind everything about what she now was and the power she now posessed. Sky was at first angry and confused and she wanted Sienna out of her mind. She wanted a normal life and posession of her own body but Sienna's memories of her life in her previous host in New York City. Those memories made it difficult for Skylore to focus on her wishes to go home and life her own life again. They were overweighed by Sienna's wishes to return to New York. Skylore wanted to return home and appologise to her father for the things she had said to him the night before but when she got home she found all of her posessions on the front porch and the doors were locked. On the front door was a note that simply said that this was no longer her home. Her parents had disowned her and she hasn't talked to them since she was sixteen. She is now nineteen.

    ~All five senses hightened.
    ~Extreme flexability far more than any double jointed man.
    ~Speed and endurance. She has yet to meet someone who can keep up with her when she really tries.
    ~Camoflauge. She is very good at staying unseen and unheard when she wants to.
    ~She can't stick to surfaces but she is a good climber without that ability. She can find a way to climb up any surface unless of course it is a smooth.
    ~Weaponry. She hardly ever runs out of weapons because unless extremely weakened, she can create things out of the matter around her.
  17. Moogle

    Moogle Well-Known Member

    . . . . *Is pwned*
  18. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    Alright i need more people since Moogle is leaving.
  19. Moogle

    Moogle Well-Known Member

    MY character is only going into limbo. .. .
  20. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    For a few weeks.....By the time you get back the story will have progressed alot but if you insist.
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