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I am afraid not...

Discussion in 'Comedy' started by ultimaweapon463, Dec 12, 2007.

  1. ultimaweapon463

    ultimaweapon463 New Member

    A semi classic joke-

    A rope somehow finds its way to a restaurant. A waiter comes up to it and says: Excuse me, but might you be a rope?
    The rope replies: Why yes, I am.
    Waiter: Sorry, but we don't serve ropes here.
    The rope manages to get outside and ties it self in a knot and cuts itself up. He goes back in and the waiter asks it if it is a rope or not.
    Rope: Sorry sir, but I am a frayed knot.
  2. ansem the wise 59

    ansem the wise 59 New Member

    LOL that is all i have to say is LOL
  3. Zero

    Zero ♫♪♫Dear☺God♫♪♫

    That was a little bit funny.
  4. Blade

    Blade Heroes Have One or Two

    me too LOL
  5. animeluver

    animeluver New Member

    um....ok....Let me think of a joke......hmmmmmm. OH, okay, I got one!.....

    Ok, ok....so theres this man in a box-like room. No windows or doors. All there is in it, besides the man, is a mirror and a table. So...how does he get out? Lets assume the box is like steel and the man is friggin weak ok?
  6. draco009

    draco009 Dungeon Master

    he smashes the mirrior and cuts himself so the guards come in and take him out.....i am guessing:)
  7. SheShe

    SheShe New Member

    hahaha cute
  8. draco009

    draco009 Dungeon Master

  9. ultimaweapon463

    ultimaweapon463 New Member

    First, he looks at the table. He imagines it being in half. He turns around and looks in the mirror. He sees what he saw, and sees/saws the table in half. He puts the two halves together and two halves make a whole/hole and he crawls out (the hole). Right?
    Last edited: Dec 23, 2007
  10. animeluver

    animeluver New Member

    yah....i was hoping nobody would get it....lol. Well, let me think of another joke then..... hmmmmmmmmm
    ok....why did the chicken cross the road?
  11. draco009

    draco009 Dungeon Master

    to find his cooked friends......:):)
  12. ishotansem

    ishotansem New Member

    He wainted to attempt mass suicide?
  13. EbeneezerAl

    EbeneezerAl New Member

    To prove to the possum it could be done.
  14. ultimaweapon463

    ultimaweapon463 New Member

  15. animeluver

    animeluver New Member

    ok....ill say all of those are correct....cuz its such a random question......
    new joke:........How do you amuse a blonde for hours?
  16. Blade

    Blade Heroes Have One or Two

    knock her out, get a dream machine, put in good/amusing dreams and BINGO! she is amused for an average of 10 hours

    next joke: wat name comes out if u switch letters of xemnas.
    hint: to make this easier, go to one of my posts. or u can go to youtube and type in "the roxas song". it will be at the end. i can't put it here cause i don't know how too.
  17. ishotansem

    ishotansem New Member

  18. animeluver

    animeluver New Member

    as for the blonde joke....: Write 'Please turn over' on both sides of a piece of paper
  19. ultimaweapon463

    ultimaweapon463 New Member

    ...^^^ thats a good one...
  20. animeluver

    animeluver New Member

    new joke:...why are tissues white?

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