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Discussion in 'Mature Discussion' started by ansem the wise 59, Dec 10, 2007.

  1. Haresuno

    Haresuno KH-3's Übermensch

    No no no. I'm not calling you a hypocrite. It's perfectly fine to say you don't support late term abortions. I don't.

    But you see because it's your choice to abort the baby, you also have to consider what the best choice is for your child, not just yourself. It's because we don't remember being in our mothers wombs that I make my point at mothers have to defend their unborn babies. You're child can't protect itself from the choices you make. So you have to think.
  2. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    That sounds extremely selfish. I'm sure you didn't mean it that way, but it is selfish.

    The baby may be in the woman's body, but it is not a direct part of her body.

    Siamese twins. They share a body. But, say that one of the twins wants to kill the other one. Should he/she be allowed to kill their twin? After all, the twin is part of his/her body.

    So lemme get something straight here. Abortion should be legal simply because there are women who are too stupid and cowardly and end up dying? If the mother is just gonna run away from the challenge of a child by killing the child, then perhaps her death isn't completely wrong. Why should people be allowed to back out when things get too tough for them? People need to learn to deal with it, and that life isn't always easy.

    That is a very good way of putting it.
  3. Cameron

    Cameron New Member

    My sister was in rough situation five years ago. She was in school, everything was perfect for her, she could done the stuides over with and get a good job, but pop, and she was pregnant. Many times she started to feel like she would take and abortion but I think that she thought that she could not take a life from the baby, or a opportunity to life.

    I have thinked this many times through too, is it okay to do an abortion? Okay well, if it was ourselfs and what we dream of, good future and good job and all (thinking the situation in the eyes of a teenager girl who hasn't finished her school), then she would do the abortion and life her life. But if thinked in the way that you'll do it, you'll take away someone's chance to live. Experience all the same we have.

    This is such a subject that I really don't know how to impress it well enough. But in finale, I'm happy that my sister didn't do an abortion, since in this house is now a 4 year girl that makes a smile in the face once in a while. :)
  4. shelleyx

    shelleyx New Member

    NOOO! i was really just ranting. I'm not selfish, especially if it was for my child.

    The baby may be in the woman's body, but it is not a direct part of her body[/quote]


    i don't know. I read it and it kinda struck me. Apparently, women who don't have the money for the abortions go out on the streets and have other people perform the abortion...very unsanitary...very lowwwwwww. Never would i think of doing something that stupid and die on the streets

    My cousin who was like 15 when she got pregnent. she had the baby at 4 months old. it was in the hospital most of it's life...and..i saw her out on the street in skanky clothes, talking to thugs, smoking a cigarette. the baby died when he was about 1...that baby didn't have a chance....she had a chance to abort it because the dr said her body wasn't ready for the change...but she refused..she knew she would get attention..and she's cashing in too for insurance or something..

    i think if it came down to me getting pregnent...i probably would be to scared of having an abortion...but i'm not disagreeing with it either. i'm straddling the fence on this discussion
  5. Soul Knight

    Soul Knight Guest

    Okay the best way I can present my views is by showing in an example what I would do on this issue if I was president.

    Now I would ban abortion permanently except in the case of the mother's life being in danger.

    Now this does'nt mean I don't care about the mother but abortion is wrong. There are facts to prove this and some of these facts I have stated too. I will post more if ask too.

    Abortion is unconstitutional. Why is it for almost 200 hundred years we did'nt have legal abortion in America? Because we did'nt have people have sex all the time like today. The morality in this country among some people most who are liberal or young has been almost dropped in the case of sex. Now it's not for me to say what you do behind close doors though I disagree with it but sex is a choice.

    Abortion was desired by people who were too lazy to handle the result of their choice to have sex. Now many scientist and doctors now say that at the moment of conception human life is made. Just because someone wants to have sex left and right is not a reason to kill an inoccent baby.

    Here is what I would do if I was president. Abortion would be banned but a mother has the choice to everyother option. Adoption, keep the child, give it to a friend or other family member, ect.

    Now I would not abandon the mother during her pregnancy I will put in plans and programs to take care of the things the pregnant mother needs for her pregnancy.

    In the case of rape I again would take care of the mother through programs and such and then of course she can give it up for adoption.

    I'm not taking away all the options from a woman. All I am doing is taking away the only option that kills and inoccent life and that is abortion. She can give the baby up for adoption and then she wont have to worry about taking care of the baby.

    So being pro-life is not anti-choice. Pro-life is anti abortion. There are many other choices for the woman to choose from other than abortion.
  6. Haresuno

    Haresuno KH-3's Übermensch

    It's still taking away a choice. A moral choice. "Do I want to kill this child because I'm too -lazy, young, w.e.-" or "Do I want this child to live?" Leave it alone, don't abolish it, because then you are taking away a choice as well as a lesson. If a woman wants to have sex left and right she needs her tubes tide -or if it's a guy the same thing.
  7. Mike

    Mike Member

    By this logic, why don't they teach anatomy by cutting open living people? (cadavers don't quite do it justice)

    The death of a human being (according to pro-lifers) just to learn a lesson?
  8. Haresuno

    Haresuno KH-3's Übermensch

    It teaches some mothers not to do it again. The feel guilt for what they did. There was one girl some time back on this thread who went that way.
  9. Mike

    Mike Member

    But then my point holds...you've sacrificed a life, in order to teach a lesson.

    How is that justifiable? It's like saying "Ok, let's throw this innocent guy in the electric chair, just so we can study the effects of the electric chair on blood pressure."

    It wasn't ok for Hitler to sacrifice lives to learn...why is this different? It's like...Hitler was declared evil for turning people into soap...

    Why then is it ok to turn people into livers? (Sorry to jump topics to stem cells, but it seemed effective and relevant)
  10. Haresuno

    Haresuno KH-3's Übermensch

    It's a whole moral lesson. Not so much an lesson on the reactions of the body.
  11. Mike

    Mike Member

    A lesson is a lesson...I'll have to disagree with you there, that it's worth a life to come to the conclusion that something is wrong.

    There are 3 ways to learn:

    -Pissing on the electric fence
    -Watching your friend piss on the electric fence
    -And reading about it in the newspaper.

    Maybe if I go try cutting up a hobo I'll discover I don't like it and won't do it again (but that's not even a guarantee)...what is it that makes that wrong?
  12. Haresuno

    Haresuno KH-3's Übermensch

    When you're an infant your parents can teach you not to stick the fork in the socket. They can cover the socket up so you don't do it, or they can let you stick the fork in the socket and find out for yourself you don't like it.

    It might just me -not really but still-, but I'd rather people learn their lessons because some people don't learn unless they have it done to them or before them.

    It hold more value.

    With Hitler, he performed experiments of all assortments and that generation learned that it was wrong to kill people based on their religion -or other differences- for that they passed on the lessons through word of mouth as a warning, but that doesn't mean it won't happen again for another generation to learn.

    After our generation -those of use 18 and up- people will wipe away the thought of another world war and it's atrocities as if it were nothing. We see video footage of things that happened in school so that stays, but do you think that lesson will stay?

    No it'll have to be re-learned.
  13. Soul Knight

    Soul Knight Guest

    As much as I am for teaching people a lesson I will not do so at the exspense of an inoccent human life.

    Sorry but I would rather ban abortion and have pro-choice people mad at me than have a baby die just so a woman can learn a lesson.

    Besides from what I said I just made a situation where both pro-life people and pro-choice people are happy. You pro-choice people don't want the mother to have to live with an unwanted baby correct?

    Well even if we ban abortion there would still be adoption. In the case of adoption the woman does not have the raise the baby and continues with her life while the baby gets to live.

    See problem solve so why not ban abortion and let adoption be the choice? That will settle this debate once and for all.
  14. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    Isn't that fun? My friend did it once. He told me about it. Don't wanna attempt it.
  15. Mike

    Mike Member

    lol...Occam's Razor. "The simplest solution is the best one."

    That's all I've been trying to say, put very succinctly by Soul Knight. Very nice :)

    @DW: lol...can't say I've ever tried, or known anyone who's tried. xD
    Last edited: Aug 11, 2009

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