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The timeline?

Discussion in 'General Kingdom Hearts' started by Korkskruv, Aug 21, 2009.

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  1. Korkskruv

    Korkskruv New Member

    I've always wondered how long time it took between Destiny Islands- Ansem and twilight town- final Xemnas Sora and co couldnt have traveled from all of those worlds in a day. The only thing I know is that Sora stayed in Atlantica for atleast 3 days in KH2. So do anyone of you know how long those two adventúres took? Sorry for bad english, I'm swedish :)
  2. Goldfish

    Goldfish Cats in the Cradle

    Where did you find that? Anyway, I don't think the number of days were too relevant in the KH series (except for 358/2Days on the DS and the first six days you play as Roxas in KH2 since they are mentioned), but apart from that, we don't really see Sora counting his days.

    As a side note...
    I can tell you that KH1 takes place about a year before KH2.
    CoM in between KH1 and KH2.
    358/2 days takes place between KH1 and KH2 following the story of Roxas.
    BBS is taking place 10 years before KH1.
    Coded is sometime after KH2.

    Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep>>Kingdom Hearts 1>>Kingdom Hearts 358/2days and Chain of memories a bit after, both end nearly at the same time>>Kingdom Hearts 2>>Kingdom Hearts Coded>>Unknown yet predicted Final Instalment.

    And your English is fine =]
    I mean it could improve but so could mine XD
    (English is a difficult language)
    Last edited: Aug 21, 2009
  3. x3pic

    x3pic I'll Kill You.

    I think that information is of no importance, and i don't think we can actually really tell you that, My guess is not that long, maybe 3-4 months max.
    I say this because at the start of KH1 sora was 14, and at the start of KH2 he was 15, thats a full year, It is said that KH2 happens a year after everything In Kh1, so im guessing it didn't take sora that long to do everything that needed to be done
    So if we had to guess its less than a year, or even less than 6 months
  4. Answer Man

    Answer Man Man I'm Awesome

    i thougth COM and Days where like at the same time mostly. i think it was like till September.
  5. Hatokblade

    Hatokblade New Member

    Sora was trapped in that egg thing for a year. Well, just under a year anyways. So I guess we are expected to believe the events of KH1 and 2 took place in one day... or maybe going to each world passed a day (Sora Donadl and Goofy could catch up on their sleep during the Gummi Ship levels)
  6. x3pic

    x3pic I'll Kill You.

    Actually No, we aren't expected to think that, because if you noticed, at the beginning of CoM, the cut scene, it is night time. So that would be more than one day.

    From the End of KH1, till the Beginning of Kh2, is a years time. CoM starts right after(I would like to say a few days) Kh1
    Timeline wise we have no idea how long it took sora to do everything he has done in separate games, we can't calculate that time, it was never given to us.
  7. Hatokblade

    Hatokblade New Member

    Pretty much Sora ran through the hill, then thought 'Wait, if I keep running through all this grass I die of exhaustion' so they went to sleep, key woke up and was confronted by Marluxia. Then at the end of Rikus story, he leaves the Tower THAT SAME NIGHT
    So Sora fell asleep almost directly after KH1 as far as we know.
    But I haven't played 358/2 days, we may get some vague timeline in that, has anybodt here played (And understood) the Japanese version? Have you? If so I guess my guess is wronger than yours :p
  8. x3pic

    x3pic I'll Kill You.

    Kh1 and KH2 did not happened in one day, when it has been confirmed that a year has past. Simple enough

    There is no way we can calculate the time on how long it took Sora to finish one game, Plus on top of that, We have no idea when riku entered the castle, nor do we know how many days passed while both Him and Sora were in the castle, you are now just making guesses.

    To simply end this conversation, we don't know how long it took Sora between Destiny island to his final fight with XH

    nor can we find out how long it was from when he woke up in his pod to the final fight with Xemnas
  9. LivingDeath

    LivingDeath Dormina'd

    The only thing we know that Sora is in Castle Oblivion at about 4-5 days if you look at (spoiler) Secret Reports in 358/2 days from day 23 to 27/28
  10. RXS

    RXS New Member

    Yeah i don't think it matters very much o.o
  11. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    I think KH2 lasts at least two weeks. Roxas for one week, and Sora for another. Mainly because when you finish the Land of Dragons, Donald and Goofy are hungry.

    Nawwww. It's easy.

    Riku didn't leave Castle Oblivion the same night after Sora first saw Marluxia and went into Castle Oblivion. Riku's story starts at about the time Sora reaches the 4th or 5th floor. And before Riku fights Xehanort's Heartless, he sees Sora sleeping in the pod thing.
  12. Spikey

    Spikey New Member

    I always thought that KH1 took at least 6 months for the journey in total. as for the second one, about the same amount of time...but then again this is just MY estimate of each game that i've played of KH. Otherwise, how could Sora become such an awesome keyblade master within a short amount of time? and for KH2 he got rusty cuz he forgot abilities and w/e, so it would take him almost the same amount of time or less to get back in the keyblade groove... xD
    Last edited: Aug 21, 2009
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