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World ending / Major crisis 2012

Discussion in 'Mature Discussion' started by WayToTheDawn, Aug 23, 2009.

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  1. WayToTheDawn

    WayToTheDawn New Member

    So, give me your opinion please, on this subject

    Don't know what it's all about? Stop viewing this thread then or go and look it up

    Anyway, my own opinion is that the world is not going to end. The Thames is not going to "flow with blood" or fire is not going to hail down on us, I just think something is going to happen that will change how we live or how we see things, like maybe a pseudo transformation or realisation

    Einstein, World Religions (which I would usually scratch before even looking), the Chinese the Mayans, Indians and past prophets all proclaim that the 21st century will be the last and the century to experience a giant shift, or something similar

    I'm not a person who watches a biased documentary or w/e and is like "omfg, it must be true"

    I just think something big is gonna happen, like the Poles shifting
  2. VentusSearcher

    VentusSearcher Steam is the only way....

    its stupid period they say that since the milky way lines up with the sun were all going to die.and that the exact second that they perdict the ozone layer is goin to dissapear.if u ask me thats abunch of crap.(and if ur a christain then it even says in the bible that no one will know when its goin to happen)
  3. Ventus

    Ventus Kickass Keyblader!

    This is a bunch of crap just like 666. There have been many doomsday dates before and nothing happened.
  4. VentusSearcher

    VentusSearcher Steam is the only way....

    also there was Y2K(why 2000
  5. WayToTheDawn

    WayToTheDawn New Member

    Well everyone is entitled to their opinions

    No I'm not christian, are you insulting me by saying I have a stupid post :L? >.>

    Yeah there has been some stupid predictions in the past that are all BS in fairness, but this time around I actually am inclined to believe, for once
  6. Avalantos

    Avalantos Mr. Detective

    you know nothing, the sun is IN the milkyway so I doubt thats going to work for some reason...

    Anyway, theoretically it is possible, the mayan calculations for when the earth passes through the more dense section of the milkyway's gas / energy or whatever it is were correct, and the passing could re-allign the poles by a change in the earths magnetism. Then there is the theory of the center of the milkyway exploding and the energy off that will cause the same effect. Infact under antarctica there has been tree's found which is evidence to suggest that this has happened before...

    I think it may happen... but I hope it wont.
  7. WayToTheDawn

    WayToTheDawn New Member

    Yeah before with other predictions it was total bs but this time around I feel that something will happen with the amount of backup given and discoveries made like you said

    I mean no one knows but it's kind of looking that way at the moment
  8. Plasmos

    Plasmos Plasmos

    All this stuff about 2012 is because of the Mayan calendar (actually an overlapping system of three calendars) comes to an end at that time. While the Maya were very advanced in many different areas, I think that if they were so adept at prediction they would probably have fared better against the spanish. There is zero scientific evidence that anything will happen, but there are numerous things that could easily threaten the human species in the year of 2012, such as a geomagnetic reversal, asteroid strike or supernova. Or something more intimate, like a flu pandemic, or a nuclear war. Other than that, I say it's just a rumor/myth.
  9. WayToTheDawn

    WayToTheDawn New Member

    Yeah I agree totally. Or even the nanobot technology
  10. Icarus

    Icarus skinwalker

    The theory is that a star is going to explode in either the Orion or Sagittarius constellation. If it's Orion it's the middle belt star. If it's Sagittarius it's the star on the tip of the arrow.
    On December 21, 2012 the earth will align with the Sagittarius arrow making it point at us.
    Now, the story goes that that star is going to explode and if it's the right kind of explosion our Earth will be struck by what's called a Gamma Ray Burst.
    This burst will travel in our direction (symbolism of Sagittarius and it's arrow) and strike the Earth burning it's ozone layer leaving us open to the radiation of our sun.

    Please note; don't get out of hand with this and start insulting eachother >.>
  11. VentusSearcher

    VentusSearcher Steam is the only way....

    i wasnt tryin to insult anyone all im saying is that i am a christain and that is what christains believe im not saying that any of u r wrong
  12. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    -.- Why are all of you is so worked up about this anyways? I'm just waiting for tomorrow. If Judgement time comes, oh well. My life on earth is over & it's time to start anew with God. If not, whoo hoo! It's a new day to start fresh & keep on grabbing the blessings. Just enjoy the best days of what you have left, because none of us will know when the time will come. 2012, whatever. Who made that up anyways? I want to keep on living my life to the fullest. 2012 is most likely won't be the end & not only that, they even cut Pluto out as a planet.
  13. Plasmos

    Plasmos Plasmos

    Please re-define "ALL", I posted my point of view and left, please be specific to whom your talking about, and lets try to stay on topic kiddos.
  14. Autopsy

    Autopsy #3 Nelliel Tu Oderschvank

    Okay..so like
    you guys are aware that the Mayan calendar resets, right?

    And lawl.
    Icarus, that date is the first day of winter.

    But yea, I think we've fucked up the earth enough to the point where we need something major to happen to help get our asses back in gear.

    Choose world peace.
    not just fancy new facebook applications.
    WayToTheDawn likes this.
  15. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    We've still got 91 years of this century still remaining.

    The poles reverse polarity (North becomes South and vice versa) every couple hundred of years.

    The poles naturally shift. I forget why, but I think it has something to do with the place underwater in the Atlantic Ocean. Since it has magma continually flow out of it (Causing the Atlantic Ocean to get bigger and the Pacific Ocean to get smaller), it causes the poles's polarity to reverse.

    I kinda doubt millions of exploding stars will cause that. It doesn't matter how many stars explode in one area, I doubt they'd explode with enough energy to effects us in a serious way.

    Maybe if we're lucky we'll become like the Incredible Hulk :D

    I wasn't.
  16. VentusSearcher

    VentusSearcher Steam is the only way....

    I agree fully!!!!!

    and also the myan calander goes 21 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 and then resets
  17. Yukie

    Yukie Fist Pumps

    Well, I don't think is nothing to do with religion or anything of that nature. But what I do believe in, is that the sun is going to blow up and swallow the first three or fourth planets with it.
  18. VentusSearcher

    VentusSearcher Steam is the only way....

    the sun is at the middle of its life that isnt going to happen for another5million yers or so
  19. WayToTheDawn

    WayToTheDawn New Member

    Even if that is the end of the world, 91 years is nothing

    I know the calandar works(ed) in cycles, like there would be certain cycles of peace and then some of war or something similar. The next cycle or the end of the running 5,000 year one is said to be December 21st, 2012. I'm not sure if I'm right about the cycle thing but could you please explain what you mean by reset?

    Rep, and sigged my friend! LMAO
  20. Autopsy

    Autopsy #3 Nelliel Tu Oderschvank

    I dunno. I just heard a friend say that the Mayan calendar likes to reset after a certain point, and I just rolled with it because if the Mayans were able to predict the end of the world that easily, they would've defended themselves better against conquistadores (as someone's stated).

    Then to be freakishly honest...
    I think that this whole 'end of the world' BS was set up and marketed by companies in order to get a kick of how many industries would gain money from getting people to invest their money in preparing for the "end" inspired by cheap, religious or Hollywood advertising.

    I mean, have you noticed that the 'end of the world' thing is mostly being talked about on tv/talk shows that act like they're just selling another product? If people were actually being serious, people would be scared shitless, and there'd be a tone of sincerity mixed with fear in what they were saying, compared to just...

    "Omg, so the end of the world is suddenly nearing. In a few minutes we're going to talk to this Mayan we found who's apparently seen it all! We'll get back to you with his fun interpretation after a word from our sponsors."

    And think of it this way...
    You know how back 6 years ago when the only reason the whole "6/6/06" BS was brought up was because it was really only meant to spark hype for the movie The Omen? About 6 years later, Hollywood decides to spark up similar hype for their chain of movies that hit the big screen that are inspired from the same ordeal because it helps get people out of the house.

    Then if you apply that to what private companies can do with that, they're getting a lot of viewer attention from having episodes on shows that are based on the "End" prospect, because it helps feed people's fantasies about what it could possibly be like if it were to happen. It also gives religious factions an excuse to start converting people because that's their part of the job.

    You have no idea how much the old Christians over here are devouring this by trying to give out little pamphlets on how to 'prepare' for the end of the world ordeal. It's basically, "If you've always been a good Christian, then God will spare you."

    Like, I actually read one of them before I tossed it in the garbage.
    that's what it said.

    I don't think I've ever chuckled so much for 5 minutes straight.
    Also, I'm totally down for the theory of the star exploding because its roughly half way through it's life cycle, according to astronomers. That means it'll explode in some 50,000+ years.

    But you know...
    Once the world gets to June 6, 6666 --- THEN I'll actually believe the world's ending.
    because you know..the devil's thing a majig with his fetishes for 'a cycle of 6.'
    get it? "6, 6, 6666."
    Last edited: Aug 24, 2009
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