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World ending / Major crisis 2012

Discussion in 'Mature Discussion' started by WayToTheDawn, Aug 23, 2009.

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  1. Soul Knight

    Soul Knight Guest

    Oh really? Tell me what do you know about religion. To ignore religion and the mystic side of our world is to be ignorant. Look I understand science is right about alot of things but science cannot be humanities only source of information.

    I study both religion and science. The two can go hand in hand if one is to be open minded in their studies.

    Personally your post makes me sick. You spit in the face of religion and those who believe in a religion like they are stupid. Grow up or leave this debate. Only mature people should debate, people like you with child like minds need to stay out of the way of the real researchers and scholars.

    Brandon, you seem to be more passive I see. You argue we should live in the present. I personaly cannot agree with such a philosophy. If some people did not worry about the future then humanity would be in trouble.

    You wont be partying with Satan, buddy. The devil hates you, he hates all of us.

    Stupidity at it's finest. Please come to a debate with a serious attitude. I have no time for childish people such as yourself. Only mature people should debate.

    It was not just the mayans.

    Nostradamus, the mayans, Edgar Cayce, and others have all said that 2012 was going to be the begining of a new era.

    How can Nostradamus and the mayans have both predicted the same thing? The two had no knowledge of the others' existence. The had never met before but yet they both predicted the same thing.

    Edgar Cayce was the greatest prophet of the 20th century. He predicted 9/11, Kennedy's assination, Ronald Regan, Clinton, both Bush's, and 2012. He predicted all this way back in the 1930's and 1940's.

    There is something to religions and prophets. That is obvious. We need to heed their warnings and be ready.
  2. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    Ok. SO? &? Why worry about something like this when it might not even happen at that time? It most likely will not & only time will tell. I would rahter live for today, keep on trying to survive for tomorrow, prepare myself to go to heaven, & have a better future. This 2012 thing might be 2011 or 2020. if something bad happens in the future, oh well. (In Yukou's term, "That's **** up. Just move on & suck it up.") We just have to keep on moving & hope for a better future SoulKnight.

    Religions & Prophets are great. They're blessed with the interpretations of knowing what'll happen in the future & what the prophecy is about. The bible talks about the end of the world. Dod told me that he thinks it's 2047 that the world will end, but let's not go there. The bible talks about Jesus' 2nd coming. It has a revelation about the people. Still, all of us still need to be prepare because the world might be judged in 2010 or on New Year's Eve. Whenever! Don't say that I'm being immature with this SoulKnight, because I am & I'm waiting & is always ready for whatever will come.
  3. Soul Knight

    Soul Knight Guest

    Sorry Brandon but i'm not just going to sit back and not be a part of whatever happens in 2012. I live today but I live for the future. I work toward the future and will be prepared for this. Besides if things change in 2012 then today wont matter, so we must be ready.

    Being prepared for 2012 and nothing happening is better than not being prepared and then something bad does happen.
  4. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    XD You is only supporting my point even more about the preparation. IF you're preparing for 2012, then you might as well prepare for the days before tthat year, because it may be your last. Oh yea, & today does matter & the reason why I say this is because it might be your last day, so you might as well make everyday count.
  5. Soul Knight

    Soul Knight Guest

    Let me put this in a way you might understand. I don't expect to die today and I don't have time to enjoy today. I am a very very serious person, I study, I research, and I try to understand things. I don't care about living life to it's fullest in the way you might think.

    IF something big is going to happen in 2012 as I believe it will and as many civilizations and prophets have predicted then I want to be ready.

    I want to be ready for a new era so I can do my part to make the world better in this possible new era.
  6. VentusSearcher

    VentusSearcher Steam is the only way....

    ok dude what eva u say but i think its not going to happen.i mean did the guy who predicted the 9-11 also think the world would end in 2000 YES.and are we still here.YES.so i think this prophasy guy is rong.
    and summoner has a gr8 point live life to the fullest dont waist it.any day may be your last.and if it does end i know ill be safe in heaven because thats what i believe and i think its what everyone should believe to.u can believe what u want to believe but if u believe anything u want ull be wrong.i mean i dont want anyone to go to hell!!!!and that is my big speach

    Back to debate i think 2012 is not the end
    Last edited: Aug 24, 2009
  7. Yukie

    Yukie Fist Pumps

    Lol. Wow, nice to be debating with you again. Wow. Take a chill pill, clearly it was a joke. I somewhat agree with SummonerBrandon. The present is now, why worry about something in the future? It is good to be prepared, but why stress over it? If it is going to end, then it will, we might not make it, we might be dead.

    But your saying with the Prophets and People who predict future events, I am with you 100 percent, but it is predictions.
  8. WayToTheDawn

    WayToTheDawn New Member

    Could you elaborate on this please? I'm not one bit religious and I live what I would a healthy, normal life. But then again I'm not in place to judge what's normal. Anyway, I have nothing against people who are religious or anything, I mean each their own and as long as someone isn't shoving it in my face or quoting scripture to me I don't care.

    I'm curious what you mean by the above though

    Also the Mi Ching had a prophetic technique used in fortune telling and the like. It consisted of 64 different sequences of 6 lines, consisting of even and broken lines on top of one another. When all the possible combinations were layed out on a graph of time (I can't rly remember this part, I read about it), it suddenly stops at 2012, which is odd

    Also ancient prophets like the Sibil, even John from the Bible, Nostradamus, Edgar Cyce (like you said), and loads of others I can't remember all came to the same conclusion on the year 2012, well at least on the basis of the year

    I agree with your point about them having no information on each other's existence but yet still predicting the same thing, I think that really stands out and says something
  9. Autopsy

    Autopsy #3 Nelliel Tu Oderschvank

    Hey SoulKnight, come get me.
    I like you. So, I'll quote myself.
    Take your time on me.

  10. Autopsy

    Autopsy #3 Nelliel Tu Oderschvank

    This double post is necessary:

    The Maya 5200 Year Cycle - World News Forum - Open Publishing

    Last edited: Aug 25, 2009
  11. Soul Knight

    Soul Knight Guest

    Well I just saw a commercial on History Channel. There is an institute that says modern science has confirmed that in 2012 an extremely powerful solar flare from the sun may hit our planet. This would cause massive damage.

    Meaning the Mayans may be correct. Looks like I and other believers are'nt as crazy as some of you might think.
  12. Mike

    Mike Member

    I think it's actually about every 200,000 years, and they say the change itself takes about 2 or 3 hundred years:

    Magnetic Reversals talks about it in more detail.

    But there's no complete account of such a reversal, so no one really knows anything besides mathematical models (which could be completely wrong), or even if it did actually happen. It's the problem with 'extrapolating back.'


    To WayToTheDawn: I believe what Soul Knight is saying is that science is a method of classifying phenomena. We declare something is 'scientific' or 'reproducible' if human beings have dominion over it, if humans can manipulate and make things happen at their command (like dropping a rubber ball).

    But to assume everything is scientific or reproducible is not the best reasoning... for instance, in mathematics there are always things which are true but unprovable, and false but not provably false, in any mathematical system... and there are always things we won't know in say, physics, biology, etc.

    So in some sense he is right, looking only at science is closing your eyes to the possibility of something 'greater' being at play here. Religion / Mysticism is our way of grappling with that which we can't manipulate...

    PRO: It attempts to explain the big picture
    CON: There's no way we can verify it as being legitimate, it's very easy to make mistakes

    This does not mean you must believe everything everyone says (like Christianity for instance), it just means that probabilistically, humans can't 'see everything' so something is likely at play that we can't perceive. So you should take this information for yourself, and try to think about the issue in a 'bigger way.'

    To be honest, media attention doesn't mean too much. Scientists also confirmed that computers would malfunction and start eating people 9 years ago...

    The media likes to scare people. It's a solid tactic to improve ratings.
    Last edited: Aug 25, 2009
  13. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    Just out of curiosity, did that commercial talk about the IHC (Istitute of Human Continuation)? If that commercial you're talking about did talk about the IHC, you were tricked. That's just a commercial for the new 2012 movie coming out in November.
  14. VentusSearcher

    VentusSearcher Steam is the only way....

    ok lets think this through.the sun witch is like 50,000 miles away is going to hit is with lava.ok if u ask me the sun isnt going to hit us with a solar flare. no way
  15. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    1. The sun is much further than 50,000 miles. As far as I know, it's at least 93,000,000 miles away.
    2. The sun doesn't have lava. It is a ball of gas. Lava is melted rock.
    3. The sun releases a tremendous amount of energy through the nuclear fusion that goes on inside it. So I don't doubt the possibility of a solar flare reaching us.
  16. VentusSearcher

    VentusSearcher Steam is the only way....

    well wouldnt the gas just fall into space i meanits so far away
    all im wondering think how many times ppl have said the word would end once it didnt happen the first time they made another date then another then another and so on and once it doesnt happen in 2012 they will give u another date.SO I REFUSE TO BELIEVE IT.but u have to have thoughts about it that it could happen
    Last edited: Aug 26, 2009
  17. Autopsy

    Autopsy #3 Nelliel Tu Oderschvank

    Lol no. Once the sun explodes, it's going to gobble up half of the solar system, and become a black hole. So yea, your great, great, great, great, great, great,great,great,great,great,great,great,great,great,great,great,great,great,great,great,great,great,great,great,great,great,great,great,great,great,great,great,great,great,great,great,great,great,great,great,great,great,great,great,great - grandchildren are f*cked.

    and it's going to hurt.
    imagine being burned to death.
    oh ho
  18. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    No, it'll just explode. It's not big enough to become a black hole.... Unless scientists have changed their mind about how big a star needs to be for it to become a black hole when it goes boom.
  19. Mike

    Mike Member

    Solar flares hit us all the time, to varies degrees of severity. Surely you remember hearing about the mass power outages in 2005?

    Solar flare - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
  20. Yukie

    Yukie Fist Pumps

    2012 is the last year, because does lazy Mayans didn't want to start a new cycle. It is all hype. Remember Y2K? I still have gallons of water in my basement because of that shit.
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