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Action Replay MAX Codes

Discussion in 'KH Coding' started by Demi Shock, Jul 22, 2007.

Who is the most helpful hacker/coder in this thread?

  1. Demi Shock

    33 vote(s)
  2. DjC

    16 vote(s)
  3. Ransu

    3 vote(s)
  4. ishotansem

    3 vote(s)
  5. ansem the wise 59

    3 vote(s)
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  1. saisuke

    saisuke New Member

    I was wondering... I found a code for sora's super jump, which was

    2019089C 00000000

    But it didn't work. I'm using my gameshark v 1.3, so I was sure it was. Is there anything you have to do to activate it? Or am I doing the wrong code? I think it IS the wrong code, which is why I'm requesting the real one here.
  2. bigdude

    bigdude New Member

    hey i found some cool AR codes i was also wondering if anyone could change them to the gameshark format:D

    Drive Forms Level Up to 7 After One Hit

    4034119C 00130001
    EEDDNNMM 00000000

    MM= character u control
    NN= 2nd Slot Character
    DD= 3rd Slot Character
    EE= 4th Slot Character

    00= Sora/Roxas
    01= Donald
    02= Goofy
    03= World Character
    04= Valor Sora/Dual Wielding Roxas
    05= Wisdom
    06= Master
    07= Final
    08= Anti-Form
    09= Mickey
    10= Nothing

    yo and dose any1 have a code 2 use a hooded roxas
  3. saisuke

    saisuke New Member

    I just noticed something strange about the Roxas code... When you use him, you can use all of Sora's growth abilites, but he doesn't have sora's moveset so his (for example) glide animation is just his jumping animation...odd... He can double jump as well.
  4. ishotansem

    ishotansem New Member

    yup he doesnt have animations for sora abilities like explosion etc but he can use high jump,glide,ariel dodge abilities.
  5. saisuke

    saisuke New Member

    I can't seem to actually see what version of GS I have since the disk says 1.3, yet other version codes are working...

    EDIT: Can anyone answer my earlier question?
  6. Ransu

    Ransu New Member

    is it the code that lets sora have infinite jump? oh and you dont need to do anything to activate the code when you're playing game.
  7. bigdude

    bigdude New Member

    hey anyone got a code that lets you be hooded riku for the game shark and one that lets you be hooded roxas for gameshark if you do post ik got it:cool:
  8. bigdude

    bigdude New Member

    1 more thing

    hey i was also wondering if any one knew how to unlock the riku vs roxas battle hears a clip that shows it and i dont mean the clip i mean really face him.

    YouTube - Kingdom Hearts II - Roxas Vs. Riku

  9. Demi Shock

    Demi Shock Guest

    stop the double posting.

    also, no real roxas vs riku battle.

    sorry to break the news to you man.


    Infinite jump for Sora

    Infinite Jump for Sora
    24D03628 36F455B8

    It works, I tested it yesterday. You just have to keep hitting the jump button. Dont use it while in Drive, it makes you T stance.
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 17, 2007
  10. Zook

    Zook New Member

    hey thanks for trying out those codes Demi Shock, appreciate it :)
  11. DjC

    DjC New Member

    well i use it with valor form. he t-stances but then breaks out of it. and it also gives valor form the glide ability, but this does not work with any other drive trust me ive tried
    do u still need me to tell u which codes ive used from the pile?
  12. Zook

    Zook New Member

    yes please, no use in them sitting there if they don't work.
  13. bigdude

    bigdude New Member

    thanks demi shock it totally creeped me out:eek: when i saw that because it was some thing i had never seen before and i thought i had done everything possible :p
  14. DjC

    DjC New Member

    alright i sent u 5 pms that contain what codes ive tested (which is alot) so go check ur pm box out;)
  15. ishotansem

    ishotansem New Member

    anything new?
  16. DjC

    DjC New Member

  17. ishotansem

    ishotansem New Member

    that sounds interesting..............
    whats the final xemnas replaces party code?
  18. DjC

    DjC New Member

    they say this is it:

    Final Xemnas Mod
    Current HP
    11C94CA8 0000????
    Max HP
    11C94CAC 0000????

    01C94E30 000000??
    01C94E34 000000??

    21C94E50 ??????64
    21C94E54 0064????

    Uh, and the obligatory
    Ultimate Twilight Xemnas
    11C94CAC 00002EE0
    01C94E30 00000080
    01C94E34 000000FF
    21C94E50 00000064
    21C94E54 00640000
    i havent tested it yet so yeah, but i am planing to
  19. ishotansem

    ishotansem New Member

    "saves it to notepad"in armax
    i need a armax my ps2 hates me it makes me suffer.
  20. saisuke

    saisuke New Member

    Hm...Does it not work when you have The high jump growth equipped? I loaded a file like that and it didn't work... I changed the ability and it didn't work. I'll try it with a save that doesn't have it equipped...
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