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What you hated about Kingdom Hearts

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts 1' started by Goldfish, Jul 12, 2009.

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  1. roxasrox39

    roxasrox39 New Member

    The bosses. I could never beat them the first time through.
  2. alchemistz

    alchemistz New Member

    The camera thing & the gumi ship.
  3. Blaze of Glory

    Blaze of Glory New Member

    As the person above me said

    Also the change of Sora's expression every five minutes and animation when he spoke as well as not adding in the Unknown/Xenmas fight that was in KH Final Mix. That really angered me ~.~
  4. Hatokblade

    Hatokblade New Member

    In certain bosses, they could set up really annoying circumstances where theyhit you 3-4 times before you regain control of Sora.
    As a whole I found KH1 alot clunkier than KH2, if you swing and miss in KH1, you take forever to recover, so you can even get hit by patheti enemies like Shadows.
    Oh and I hated the Magic cancel glitch (Where you jump and use magic then touch the ground)
    But that's about it, it was still a great game.
  5. yuffie

    yuffie New Member

    I was confused in KH1 sometimes where to go next. I also hated Gummi Ship flying part. I was stupid and played KH2 first so that did more things to be more disliking... (You can only change party members on save points etc...) But there's loads of things that I prefer in KH1!
  6. Hailstorm_Heartless

    Hailstorm_Heartless New Member

    Now hopefully I don't get any crap for this cause these are just my personal opinions. Some of them are mainly caused from my O.C.D., and how easily I get annoyed. Plus, a lot of what we rant over had been very much updated for KH2. Overall, I obviously really love Kingdom Hearts anyways, no matter how much I could complain about it.

    1. Camera angles. Big no, no. Plus it's really annoying now that we have a different system for that (I.E. right analog stick, usually).
    2. Sora's jump. I think this is the thing that REALLY urks my nerves. Every time I need to jump somewhere, it seems he always misses/slips/falls, whatever. The way he jumps annoys me.
    3. The commands. Having to mash your X button a thousand times while fighting. Trying to get to your magic panel to get your spells cast. And healing of course is a pain. You might as well 'attack' your enemy to death and pray you'll be able to heal yourself and forget casting any spells.
    4. The amazing graphic changes. Now this one is mainly out of just nit picking (but who doesn't anyways). How one minute Sora has a completely animated face then back to just a straight face. I don't know. Does that bother anyone else? I mean I know this is an old game and the graphics are completely old school compared to what we have today. But this just bothered me a little bit.
    5. Gummi Ship. Is it REALLY necessary to take THAT long of a trip to one island to another?! Or even have the trip at all? Lol, I just find the gummi ship flying parts unnecessary.

    I think I've ranted enough. :D
  7. Goldfish

    Goldfish Cats in the Cradle

    2. First time I played this, jumping was a hassle (especially racing Riku at Destiny Islands). Perhaps because it's the first game I've played that involved some 3D jumping?
    Though as I progressed, I improved. Jumping became a breeze =]

    3. Ever considered using the Shortcuts? That really helps when you need to get to cure quickly. But like you, when I first played, I had no idea of the Shortcut menu =P

    5. I can't say anything positive about this. I mean some people love it, building their own little ships and such spending HOURS to get it perfect. I just lump a bunch of weapons and engines plus extras and fill any space I can with normal gummi blocks. It wasted time and was not fun. Aiming was terrible, sounds were annoying, it took way too long to complete each mission etc etc.
  8. Demyxx

    Demyxx New Member

    The camera angle just ticks me off........apart from that...its all good! :D
    oh yh and the gummi ship is so hard to control...well for me it is...and the journeys between the worlds are TOO long! :/
  9. The Heartless King

    The Heartless King The King of Shadows

    I hated the horrible jumping, and the camera settings are totally wacked

    I hate how the gummi ship flights are so....boring, all your doing is flying past candy colored blocks and asteroids. i like it better in KH2 where there are different enviornments.

    i really don't get why in one second sora has a completly animated face and then 5 seconds later it looks like it was DRAWN on. So....weird. But thats the same in KH2 too. >_<

    I think it's stupid that you can't change party members during battle like you can in KH2.

    Some of the bosses were so annoying! Like Shadow Sora. ARGH! Took me like 3 years to beat him. i'm serious. I tried to fight him once, lost 5 times, quit for like...3 years, played again. foun d out i had scan so i could moniter health and then i beat him?! o_O
  10. DarkDust

    DarkDust New Member

    SE Made a separate version with lots of cool stuff, but wasn't released outside Japan (THAT SUCKS)
  11. Zach

    Zach New Member

    Well, the camera angles were not something to be proud of. It's really hard to fight a heartless when their behind you and you're stuck looking at Goofy's butt.
  12. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    I thought the gummi ship really sucked. It was not even the tiniest bit enjoyable for me. I also fought a lot with the camera. Like Zach above me, there were a lot of times when I'd end up with Goofy's ass in my face. Oh, and Atlantica was just horrible.

    These were the things that really annoyed me, but I also would have been happy if there had been a way to skip scenes. My embarrassing deaths (thanks, Riku) were tons worse since I had to sit through the same scene over and over and over.
  13. sora-x

    sora-x New Member

    the one thing i hate about ALL kingdom hearts games is the complete and utter uselessness of donald,goofy and any other party character. THEY SUCK!. i don't know how many times i've gone into battle and they have died miserably while i'm doing 99.9 percent of all the fighting. can't they do just a tad bit more than waddle around on the battle field and get struck by enemies?
  14. Scared of Darkness

    Scared of Darkness New Member

    I personally disliked some of the worlds, and not knowing where to go sometimes. Like Wonderland, I really hated that world for some reason.. Maybe its because I don't believe Alice to be a Princess of hearts.

    I also hated the gummi ship and how that you had to go thru the same thing over and over until you got the warp thing..

    And also as said before, that you couldn't skip any scenes.. sometimes I played thru some scenes over and over I knew the lines by heart...
  15. tori_birdie

    tori_birdie New Member

    Some things that I didn't like about KH 1 was the Wonderland world. I swear, that thing gave me a headache trying to figure out what to do. XD Another thing was the Gummi Ship thing. That confused the crap out of me, and eventually I gave up on trying to modify the Gummi Ship. Another was the CAMERA ANGLES. That really messed me up. The thing that I hated most about the game was since I seem to suffer from Short Term Memory loss every so often, I'd stop playing the game for about a week, turn it back on, then have no clue as to what to do. XD
  16. alchemistz

    alchemistz New Member

    I hate everything except Namine
  17. worbs

    worbs New Member

    the most annoying thing for me with the first kingdom hearts was the fact you had to go back to the save point to change a character, the second would be the fighting, to be honest it wasn't really that great and the improvements they made on kingdom hearts 2 were greatly needed in kingdom hearts one such as the reaction commands. now the third and final thing i hated about the 1st kingdom hearts was the world of wonderland, i think it was a pointless world.
  18. CashCrate

    CashCrate New Member

    I didn't hate anything. I love everything about Kingdom Hearts and I thought the first one was beautifully made :)
  19. DreamKey

    DreamKey New Member

    The gummi ship irritates me for sure!!! They take forever, and its boring. I also think the worlds should have been bigger - Alice In Wonderland was the worst of them all. It just looked soooo fake. And the "court room" was outside -_-
    Plus i hated swimming! It was confusing and difficult. I did enjoy the flying - but battling and flying was a bad idea. And one last thing was Goofy - Not a fan. Sorry.
  20. Riku1996

    Riku1996 New Member

    I hate that you can't go to the journal for hint where to go! :(:mad:
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