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Covered Portraits???

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts 2' started by DarkDust, Sep 11, 2009.

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  1. DarkDust

    DarkDust New Member

    At the first visit to Yen Sid's Tower, at the wardrobe ,where Sora gains his new clothes, the are what looks like portraits covered with Cloths, and if you examine then they talk about a certain feeling flowing through Sora's mind, I ignored then until now I think they have something to do with Sora's Forms, anybody have Additional information?:confused:
  2. Morrosseth

    Morrosseth New Member

    I think I agree with you,
    An image of you utilizing your strength to its fullest flows into your mind: Valor form
    An image of you utilizing your magic to its fullest flows into your mind: Wisdom form
    An image of you possessing all abilities flows into your mind: Master form
    An image of the Keyblade unleashing its ultimate power flows into your mind: Final form
    An image of you overcome by the power of darkness flows into your mind: Anti form
  3. DarkDust

    DarkDust New Member

    Thanks for posting!

    After reading a bit about them I found out they are actually Mirrors but still, should there be a way to see sora's reflection in that particular form in each mirror?
  4. Morrosseth

    Morrosseth New Member

    I don't see how as they're covered with cloth and I don't know how you would remove the cloth as there is no reaction command or anything...
    maybe it's just there for artistic purposes? :confused:
  5. DarkDust

    DarkDust New Member

    Maybe,but I really think that there must some other than just making a reference to sora's forms
  6. Chocobo Dyl

    Chocobo Dyl New Member

    I think it's a way of showing that Sora one person made of parts of other people (that is how he uses his forms)

    Valor= part of goofy

    Wisdom=Part of Donald

    Master=Mixture of Both


    Anti=Himself (he is a heartless himself)

    Anti-Sora is the real Sora, the keyblade stops him from turning into a heartless (that is why he doesn't use the Keyblade when he uses that form.)
  7. DarkDust

    DarkDust New Member

    Heh I never knew about the fact that the keyblade did not let him turn into a heartless, but thanks for telling me anyways :cool:
  8. Chocobo Dyl

    Chocobo Dyl New Member

    It doesn't state that it does, it's just my theory.
  9. DarkDust

    DarkDust New Member

    But I think you have a point, heartless are made of darkness and the keyblade is made of light, light stronger than the darkness in Sora's heart, maybe that's what I think
  10. Master Sora

    Master Sora Kingdom Key

    I think for Limit, it says the same thing as Master does...And that's a good theory Dyl..I always thought since Sora turns into anti-form and has all of these quick, fiery senses like a regular heartless does, he has no knowledge of using the keyblade nor he can't use it anyway since its the keyblade of light. Heartless uses their claws and so does he, but sora is a more powerful heartless, since it's a Drive Form.
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