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Death Penalty?

Discussion in 'Mature Discussion' started by Soul Knight, Sep 30, 2009.

  1. Soul Knight

    Soul Knight Guest

    So are you for the death penalty or against it?

    Personaly I am for the death penalty. The murderer took an innocent human life so why should they not have their own life taken?

    Give your views and explain.
  2. Blade

    Blade Heroes Have One or Two

    ah geez, tough question. even though they did kill someone, i don't think the killer should die. instead, do something worst: isolate the person. no technology, no people, no animals, just a room containing air and food that comes from a very small slot so they can't escape. they probably might go crazy though.
  3. Soul Knight

    Soul Knight Guest

    Why should'nt they die? Their victim does'nt get to eat or live, so why does the killer deserve to breath for one more second.

    Honestly if someone killed someone close to me I want that killer tortured for hours and I want to watch as they die a slow painful death. Only then is justice served.
  4. Demyxx

    Demyxx New Member

    It kinda depends though doesn't it on what that person has done to deserved to die like that. If that person has gone and murdered thousands of innocent people then obvioulsy, half the world would want to kill that person. but if that person is inoocent.....which is the case most of the time, they dont deserve it......so i dont really have a fixed opinion on that.
  5. Yukie

    Yukie Fist Pumps

    An eye for an eye?
  6. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    Damn that sounds a bit too familiar. But no. What you described is not justice. It is revenge. Revenge is rarely justice. Somebody dying for a crime is one thing. But torturing them and then prolonging their death is in no way justice. Sure, if somebody close to me was murdered, I'd want to attack the murderer. But it isn't justice. It would be a failed attempt to bring justice to the person. After thinking awhile (And given a few years to recover emotionally), I'd just want the person to face actual justice after death. But I definantly wouldn't want the person to be tortured.

    Fun stuff. One of the reasons I like Israel so much.
  7. Soul Knight

    Soul Knight Guest

    Well think about it like this, if we make the punishment for mudering someone as harsh as possible then people will be afraid to murder and it would lower the number of murders. Is that not a good thing?

    I mean I can understand where you are coming from on this DW, but let's try to think of the situation from a victim's stand point. They just lost someone dear to them and they are angry so in that state of mind they don't care about the difference between revenge and justice.

    It just seems to me that the murderer should not continue to live in a prison because they get 3 square meals a day, they get free health care, I mean hell not even our veterans get that.

    So let's say with Charles Manson for example, his crimes were beyond horrific. They were satanic. Should this man really die a from a lethal injection with no pain when his victim had to suffer? (And yes I know the death penalty isn't allowed in California.)

    See it's not so much revenge as it is being fair. I know God will deal with them too, but as decent human beings we have a moral job to seek fair justice for crimes.

    To me letting a murderer die in the same way their victim did is fair. So it's not about revenge but fairness.

    Plus in my honest opinion if someone killed someone close i'm not sure if I could ever let it go and forgive the killer. I mean how does someone let go of that type of anger is beyond me.

    But I am always interested in other's opinions. So tell me DW, what is justice to you and how would you handle things?
  8. GrandShadow

    GrandShadow I accept your challange.

    lol, you honestly believe that?

    many people think the death penalty serves as a deterrent and people won't do crimes cause the don't want to get caught and die. but heres a simple question: when you're doing something wrong, do you expect to get caught?
    most of the time the answer would be no, you expect to get off scott free which is why getting caught is such a big shocker (if you do get caught). with criminals its the same thing, they think they can break the law without getting caught. having a really cruel death penalty isn't going to stop them.

    and you said you want to torture them before death. well you can't, the Constitution says no cruel or unusual punishment and torture falls into the cruel category. sadly even criminals have rights.

    now personally i'm for the death penalty, why should i have to pay taxes to keep some murderers locked up in prison? deadly injection, firing squad, let the other inmates kill them, there's plenty of quicker and more efficient options then just keeping them locked up.
    as for torture, isn't our current law system torturous enough? lol
    Kitty likes this.
  9. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    I would say (As Morphine said) an eye for an eye. But even that is bordering on revenge. In all honesty, there is no true justice on Earth. To me, justice is God's judgement. And I don't know what I'd do.
  10. Soul Knight

    Soul Knight Guest

    But what is God's justice? I want to make sure the victim's family gets the justice. Justice isn't justice unless it gives concelation to the victim or their families.

    .....I just don't know why we even need a death penalty. If I was God I would destroy evil right now. It's unfair. No one should have their life taken, it's just not fair.
  11. Lithium

    Lithium New Member

    Who says God wants to intervene and make all the problems just disappear? Baby sitting us won't help us learn our lesson, and while it would be a just act (in a sense) to strike down the criminals and the like, life isn't like that. Revenge is bitter sweet at the end of the day.

    And generally speaking, lives are lost every day. Either it be accidental, of old age, disease or through violence. There's no way to prevent death in its entirety.
    Last edited: Oct 2, 2009
  12. Answer Man

    Answer Man Man I'm Awesome

    cure all diseses make something that makes you any age, and try not to be so careless.
  13. Colonel Caboose

    Colonel Caboose The Man, the Myth, the Legend

    I'm for the death penalty. If you could a person and you knew what you were doing then you should die, now if it is an accident like some dude jumped right in front of your car (sucuide) then that's not your fault. I don't think they should be totured, I really think the only time should someone should be totured if they have infromation, like a terriost or something. Just think if they went and killed all those murders and not just put them in prison and let them out 5 years later then there would be less crimes, because they would all be dead and stop people from doing the same thing. for exmaple, if I was planning a murder, and I just heard that 1 million crimnals just got put on the death pentalty, hell I ain't freakin going to do that crime now.
  14. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    God's justice is His judgement. It is absolute. Completely righteous. Justice doesn't have to console the victim or his/her loved ones.

    You do realize you're having a double standard right now, right? Destroying evil (Hence, destroying evil people) is taking away lives.

    And the reality of the situation is that life isn't fair. It just won't be. Maybe you deserve more or less than somebody else. Maybe you do. But just because you do or do not deserve something doesn't mean you're gonna get it.
  15. dualblade

    dualblade Break!

    It depends really.Like Honor said,if it was someone who jumped in front of your car and killed themselves it is not your fault,though not all deaths by cars would fall under that.Also,killing someone while you were defending themselves should not count either,however,if the assailint was not a danger to you any longer and you killed him/her anyway that might be a different matter.Cold-blooded murder and worse should have the death penalty used,along with raping someone.If you rape one person you are probably likley to do it again,though on those who have already raped i might wait for DNA evidence since it could prove that they infact did not do that,but thats a different discussion altogether.

    In short, col-blooded murder and above= death warrent for you if I made the rules,but hey,thats just my opinion.
  16. Answer Man

    Answer Man Man I'm Awesome

    i say death penalty is bad, i mean if someone killed someone than that means they dont respect life witch means that they should also die in a way. but for humans to make themselves death judges is just wrong so i dont agree with it. to me sometimes that person should just be put in the crazy pillow room forever.
  17. Soul Knight

    Soul Knight Guest

    The question we should be asking ourselves is what if it was one of our loved ones who was murdered? It's easy to look from the outside and say the death penalty is wrong but try to feel the pain, the sadness, the anger of the victim's family. Once we get a taste of their pain one's view can change dramaticaly.

    I always try to see any murder case from the victim's point of view, and I try to put myself in their shoes as best I can. So I asked myself, what if someone murdered someone close to me? I let the thought float in my head and I felt anger and sadness. I would want to see the murderer suffer and die before my very eyes while I laugh in his face, and if I couldn't have that then I would either fall into a deep depression or hate the society that denied me revenge.

    To give you a look at my point of view, when someone says they are against the death penalty to me it seems like they are metaphoricaly spitting in the victim's face and supporting what the murderer did.

    So my question for anyone who does not support the death penalty is, why do you care about a murderer and why don't you care about the victim?
  18. Soul Knight

    Soul Knight Guest

    Sorry about the double post, my computer was being slow.
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 24, 2009
  19. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    I'm going to be a real lazy-ass and copy/paste a post I made almost two years ago in another capital punishment thread. XD

    I'm against the death penalty. For one, the criminal spends years in prison anyway, waiting for all the appeals to run their course, and most likely won't be executed anyway. All the court costs cost us money. Two, I don't believe the death penalty serves much of a purpose. It won't right the crime that was commited, and I don't think that deep down it would make the victim or their family feel any better.

    I think life in prison, without parole is a stiffer sentence. I'd rather get a needle to the arm than stare at the same four walls for the rest of my life. But I also think jails need to be reformed. As they are, they don't seem to be doing much to deter crime, either.

    And yes, were I the loved one of a victim, I really think I would still feel this way. Do I "care about the murderer?" No. But I don't think killing another person, even a horrible one, will make me feel any better about the loss of my loved one.
  20. Soul Knight

    Soul Knight Guest

    I'll support my case by giving you an example. The local community has been closely watching the case of convicted murderers that murdered a young Knoxville couple and raped them before killing them. The father of one of the victims was crying because one of the murderers only got life in prison. The families of the victims want the death penalty for these murderers, now are you saying that the wishes of the victim's family do not matter?

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