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Open Minded Vs. Closed Minded

Discussion in 'Mature Discussion' started by Yukie, Apr 25, 2009.

  1. Goldfish

    Goldfish Cats in the Cradle

    Isn't that kind of being blunt towards the gay community? You're saying they all want to be accepted so there is no guilt with what they do? If anything, most don't care. Have you ever sat down and talked with gay people? You'll find truth from them instead of a hypothesis. You should try it sometime (talk with a homosexual or homosexuals), you'll be surprised =]
    Certainly surprised me when I talked to a few friends of mine =P

    Even if it's not part of the education system, homosexuality will still be introduced to children one way or another. Homosexuality is not like a disease where someone can instantly turn gay. It's just the way they are, you can't cure it for them, you can't give it to them, it's the exact feeling that a man has for a woman, only the woman is now a man and vice versa.

    Well all traditions get messed up. Take Religion for example. Ages ago it represented a peace and harmony kind of thing. Come the time of the Holy Wars, they order you to kill those on the opposite side of a battle field in order to rid your sins and go for a one way trip to heaven.

    Well saying you have something against their acts means you have something against homosexuals. Just say it, you have something against homosexuality. If someone bashes you here for it, then don't take note of it. No one here can tell you who you are.

    Aids happen to all. Saying it is more likely to happen to gays is a way to scare people.

    Anyone can perform fellatio, whether they are gay or straight or man or woman (in common sense. a woman cannot have fellatio performed on her unless... lets not go to far here), the chances of getting aids from that will all equally be the same.
    Intercourse without a condom, it happens to both straight and gays (I'm not saying a condom will protect you 100%). I'm sure both genders and all orientations can both receive aids with unsafe sex.
  2. Soul Knight

    Soul Knight Guest

    If gay people were not trying to get rid of their guilt then why are they trying to force us to accept their actions?

    If they can change society to accept them then to them it will be like nothing is wrong. It's a way of creating the illusion of comfort and self righteousness.

    A human weakness that I find pathetic. Some people actually create an illusion of comfort.

    As a researcher my nature is to look at everything from a experimental or hypothetical view.

    My kids will not associate with gays or be taught about them. When I have kids it is my job as their father to teach them right an wrong not the school system or the government.

    Of course they will learn of gays one day but I want them to be taught that it is wrong. Of course if one of their teachers says anything about accepting gays to my kids I am putting them on homeschool or putting them in a different school unless they fire the teacher.

    That is my rights.

    As long as their is those to fight for traditions they wont die. American values and traditonal family values have been around for 200 something years and people wont give up their values easily.

    My bible says Homosexuality is a sin and wrong. Therefore I am against the act. However God still loves the gays, they are still his children and as such I must always be willing to help and show them the love of God. But I do not have to agree with what they do and I can still fight against their ideas.

    It's pretty common knowledge that Aids is more likely to be transferred by anal sex and since that is what Gay men perform it means gay men are more likely to contract aids.
  3. Mythril Roxas

    Mythril Roxas New Member

    I'm with Soul Knight on this. He is 100% right, we dont have to accept it, but as good people we are tolerant. But gays want to push acceptance on the whole of humans to make what they are doing "okay". Its not okay. But would i say we must STOP GAYS from doing what they are doing? No. Its a free country, they can do what ever they want. You cant stop rape, you cant stop murder, and you cant stop theft. So why would anti-gay people want to stop gays from being gay? Its pointless. So in that sense, tolerance is intelligent. But acceptance? Again, i dont accept murder, i dont accept rape, and i dont accept abortion as apart of this world. I dont accept it as a "part of the ordinary day". So accepting homosexuality is unintelligent.

    The facts about homosexuals and dieing faster is true though. The body stays alive to give birth to children basically. Thats why most people start to really age after their kids are on their own. This is all fact. So, the fact that gays dont live as long as regular people is logical. Why? Because they dont plan on having natural kids (they might adopt, but the adopted child has no blood relation to them).

    And tradition is a wonderful thing. We still shake hands. Everyone still hugs. Religion, although it has seen change, still exists. And marriage is one of those things that express the unexpressable in the simplest way. And that is LOVE.

    Love between the natural, the bond that has existed in both a scientific and spiritual manner since the dawn of humanity.

    Lets not ruin that for selfish acceptance of sin. Please, tolerance is one thing, acceptance is totally different. Understand the difference.
  4. Autopsy

    Autopsy #3 Nelliel Tu Oderschvank

    I hope that you all understand that the bible was actually re written within each era to fit the mentalities and perception of the new people that re worded it each time?

    Trust me on this. Took enough history classes with history teachers that were Ivy Grads and have traveled all over the world with legitimate evidence of this.

    Kinda tired of this conversation. The bible originated from scriptures that basically only said to love everyone as you would love yourself. There was never any actual piece in the original bible that said that being gay is a 'sin'. "No man may lay with another man." To be honest, with all of the incestual and polygamous shit that went on in the bible that was supported, is homosexuality REALLY that big of a deal?

    Homosexuality isn't something that's being shoved in people's faces because homosexuals want to free themselves of 'guilt.' No, they're doing it in order to make people understand that being gay isn't going to negatively affect their kids, and that there's nothing wrong with whom they choose to love or simply be attracted to.

    And I've noticed that gays that are in committed relationships, or actually manage to get married actually stay together longer than straight couples. And marriage could be considered to be sacred and all of that, but when you're denying the right to provide that to other people that love each other just as much as you do, then you're basically performing a 'sin' yourself. Since you know, you're encouraging inequality and discrimination that way. So, shame on you for that.

    I don't think that love should be restricted to one attraction combination.
    That 'law' of people saying that what gays do is wrong...is just basically people misinterpreting and rewriting the bible for centuries at a time because they got sick of or mildly jealous of all of the homosexuality going on around them. Homosexuality has been so prevalent in history and in animal nature, that I bet you if there were 'two' Adams and Eves together in the same space, they all would most likely be either homosexual or bisexual.

    And why are you even using homosexuality and rape, theft and murder in the same comparison? Homosexuality is just another version of basic attraction. It isn't really harming anyone. Straight people get AIDS just as often as gays do, especially these days. It's just that the media still has a conservative perception of gays that it only likes to say that they're the ONLY group that gets that disease. When in reality, anyone can get it, and it isn't just them.

    You all need to understand that love is love and attraction is attraction.
    I don't really get why people have to close themselves off to something that's an aspect of life, like everything else. And fyi, I hope you realize that American values are entirely controlled and backwashed by the media. You have every right to dislike gays and what they do. Just be aware that you're going to be quite alone with the way the world's starting to accept the 'lifestyle' rather than simply tolerate it.

    We can still be friends.
  5. Autopsy

    Autopsy #3 Nelliel Tu Oderschvank

    And after the next couple of posts, that is basically going to be the end of the whole "is homosexuality wrong?" - aspect of this thread's conversation. Lets save that convo until like..March or something.
  6. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    As much as I'd love to, I have one comment from you big post.

    Definition of marriage:

    Throughout 90% of human history, marriage has been a religious thing. And as you can see, marriage is a union between a man and a woman. Why should something (That's been going on for almost as long as the human race) change itself just because all of the sudden some people think they're being discriminated by not being allowed to get married? If you take the religious aspect out of marriage, there really isn't much left for marriage. And that's the truth, plain and simple.

    And for the second half of your statement. It isn't a sin to deny marriage to people.

    Definition of sin:

    Unless God has specifically said "Thou shalt not prevent any two persons from getting married", then there is no sin going on.

    People being with the person they love is one thing. But alot of gay supporters are complaining about marriage not being allowed for gays. But once again, marriage is a religious thing. Even if the government has decided to make tax breaks and stuff for people who are married. Marriage shouldn't have to be changed just cause a certain percentage of the population wants it to. And if marriage gets changed, then that would be the government messing with religion. And plenty of these same people believe in "Separation of Church and State." Even though that actually isn't in the Constitution, people for some reason want to believe it is in there. And if those same people want marriage to be changed, then they're being a bunch of hypocrites. Because by having the government change marriage, they are having the State mess with the Church.
  7. Autopsy

    Autopsy #3 Nelliel Tu Oderschvank

    The Constitution, like the Bible has been rewritten in certain respects to fit the changes it undergoes within its eras to fit the needs of its new generations. And gays wanting marriage rights isn't really a 'new' thing. The universal acceptance of gays while marriage is present is what's 'new'. The desire's long been there. If gays had the right to marry at any day in the near future, it wouldn't really be breaking a holy sanctum of establishing love through an institution.

    It'll actually finally be breaking down the perception that only a single combination of people can get married, since only straight people being allowed to marry was reinstated in the bible while more perceptions were introduced while it was being rewritten. During those re write periods, since the joining of a man and a woman in marriage was the social norm, that was institutionalized to be acceptable. Now that new aspects of our current era demand for that institution to remove its restraints on whom can marry, it's a prevalent social issue.

    And the definition you gave has actually been once again..re written more than a handful of times within the past 5 years to be more 'specific' about the meaning of marriage since gay marriage is an issue. Before the specs of it were hammered into that classic definition, it actually said something more along the lines of whenever people love each other enough and want to commit, then they get married.

    When you involve religion with it, you must also understand that those reworking the aspects and laws of religion instead of staying true to its actual roots ....... are biased. Therefore, the Church and the 'new' versions of Religion in and of themselves can not be looked to.

    Every religion all around this Earth, in short has always strongly emphasized to 'love one another' dearly and absolutely. It only specified which particular combination of people could once people with other perspectives gained the right to re write those aspects. And since that small group of people found homosexuality to be sinful because they didn't promote reproduction, they re wrote the scriptures people would look to in the centuries to come to fit that individual perspective.

    All the LGBT community is doing..is bringing it back to its roots.
    Last edited: Oct 1, 2009
  8. Soul Knight

    Soul Knight Guest

    You're not even a christian I assume so how would you know? I on the other hand am a bible researcher and I can assure you the only time the bible has been changed is when they translate it into another language.

    Now ofcourse there was the instance of the Catholic Church removing some books because they were fake but some of those books really were fake and did'nt need in the bible and some may have been real but we won't know.

    Hmm....are these professors liberal or aitheist? Because they would try to lie about christianity if they were.

    If God meant for a man to love a man he would have made Adam and Steve not Adam and Eve.

    Plus if you want proof that God hates the act of homosexuality (And do not turn this around to say God hates Gays because he does'nt, he hates what they do.) then read the story of the Soddom and Gomorrah. God destroyed these two cities because of the extreme amount of sin in them one of which was homosexuality.

    No on the incest deal in the bible. At some points in human history humans had no other choice but to perform incest or the human race would die out. Adam and Eve were the only two people to begin with so ofcourse there sons and daughters had to marry each other. Then after the great flood Noah's family remained so ofcourse there had to be incest there.

    But eventualy the human race became so large that incest was no longer needed and thus is became a sin.

    Would you mind telling me where the bible speaks of polygamy in a good way?

    According to my bible there is something wrong with what the gays do. And according to nature themselves there is something wrong with what they do. And according to science it is also unhealthy.

    Not too long ago you never heard about someone being gay. I don't want my kids to grow up in a gay accepting, abortion accepting, liberal America.

    I want my kids growing up in a God loving, God fearing, moral, and free America with a free-market free of corruption.

    The founding fathers knew God had to be apart of this country or it would fail. Have you not noticed that since the 50's and 60's when people started to remove God from things that this country has been going down hill? Is that not an obvious warning to us that we have got to know our place or we are in trouble big time.

    If God could destroy Soddom and Gomorrah, then he can destroy America. The only reason we have done so well for so long is because of God. And I can show you a pattern to prove it.

    Oh here we go with the inequality argument. Look every human is equal but you take that and you twist it around to something that is sick.

    Liberals believe that everyone deserves equal everything when that is not true. And let me explain. If I work for something and I earn it then it is mine by right, not yours. If you want what I have then work for it like I did.

    If you want my house then work to get a house like mine. If you want my happiness then do what I did to get it. My home is mine, my money is mine, things I earn are mine. Not everyone else's.

    I am happy to choose to give some money to the poor but I am not going to give money to someone who can work but wont work. That person is just lazy and does'nt deserve what I worked for. That is unfair.


    Now here is the probably with gays and there desire to get married. They want to destroy the sacred union of marriage between one man and one woman. If gays are allowed to marry then it ruins that sacred union. It's no longer sacred.

  9. Mythril Roxas

    Mythril Roxas New Member

    the sad truth is that your wrong. If everything u said was true, than i'd hear u out and be on your side. But the fact is that it is in our face, they do want to make it normal to free them from any guilt, and they want EVERYONE to accept them.

    its sad, really. Again, TOLERANCE!!!! I am a liberitarian, i'm all for people's rights. But really, gays can keep it in the bedroom, thats all i'm saying. We dont need it on TV and in music videos and shit, cuz that is what controls the minds of the youth. Not in some radical way, is prooven fact that the majority of people in the world LOVE MAINSTREAM.

    and when i see so much homosexuality in mainstream, its just sad to watch the world fall apart over the little things.
  10. Autopsy

    Autopsy #3 Nelliel Tu Oderschvank

    I was raised a Christian, but I decided to venture away from it. It's sort of funny that you trust so much in religion when it's obviously being used as a weapon across the globe. You say that you want your kids to live in a God loving, God fearing, free market world? You're basically saying that you want your kids to grow up depending on a force that's never been proven to exist instead of depending on themselves? That's interesting to me.

    And I'm actually not an Atheist. Not even sure what I am, to be honest. I've experienced a lot of conflicting perspectives when it comes to religion, and I don't really like to associate myself with any one in particular. Religion can be a beautiful thing, as long as it isn't used as a means to divide and kill people. So, its sort of a feisty thing to say that I don't really 'know' what I'm talking about. When in reality, Atheists, Agnostics, etc at some points know more about the bible than Christians and Catholics since they were forced into it as children.

    And yea, the bible actually has been re written a handful of times. Not only for languages, but the messages actually differ within each version. As for who taught me what I know in respect, yes, they were liberals. As for religious affiliation, one was a Buddhist, and the other was Jewish. Just to throw it in there in case you didn't know, Jesus was a jew, which some people prefer not to accept.

    Attraction is essentially love and lust individually. You can't fall in love with someone without being attracted to them. That doesn't necessarily mean that it has a sexual connotation, that's just the way your mind perceived it when you quoted me up there. When it comes to what attraction connotates, I look at basic physics and chemistry. Not everything is attracted enough to something else to create force or a chemical reaction. Same thing with human beings.

    And the research that says 'gays are most likely to be pedophiles' actually isn't accurate. Then again, look at how many baptists and priests end up raping little boys? On the other side of the coin, there are also countless stories of males and females kidnapping and torturing people that they were attracted to of the opposite sex. So, if you want to go down that road here, know that there's always another side to that equation. Don't be ignorant.

    Homosexuality will never be destroyed.
    Tough luck there. In fact, I don't even know why people even fathom the idea.

    And, what's up with all of the Ad Hominems here?
    If you want to counter argue something, don't just attack the person who stated it with something empty of.."you don't know what you're talking about."

    Gay sex isn't really in people's faces by the way.
    Gays/Bi's/Transgendered are only people. The media just denotes them as strictly being hyper sexual beings, and nothing else.
  11. Autopsy

    Autopsy #3 Nelliel Tu Oderschvank

    As for anything else, I'm going to a Bonfire sponsored by my P.R.I.D.E/Gay-Straight-Alliance club on Saturday. There might be a couple of girls going that I'm into, so I'm pretty excited :]
  12. Flash Delirium

    Flash Delirium Indie Rokkers

    I saw you guys were just talking about homosexuality. And I would just like to say that sexual activities between lesbians are pretty damn sexy.
  13. Autopsy

    Autopsy #3 Nelliel Tu Oderschvank

    Yea, but they have to be attractive. You know?
  14. Flash Delirium

    Flash Delirium Indie Rokkers

    No shit. If they aren't attractive it isn't worth watching.
  15. Plasmos

    Plasmos Plasmos

    watching a guy suck another guy is hotttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt :p lmao
  16. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    That has nothing to do with marriage. When religions emphasize 'Love one Another' they're talking about loving like a friend or a brother. To not hate eachother. So we'd have constant peace.

    I've noticed those people tend to go with Buddhism. If that helps you at all.

    It can be. The end of all life would kinda ensure that.
  17. Plasmos

    Plasmos Plasmos

    Me and Desert would probably make a good match? wouldnt you all think so?
    He's the man, and I'm the girly boy :p
  18. Icarus

    Icarus skinwalker

    Hello, I am Diego and I am a GAY AMERICAN.

    This thread has recently been brought to my attention and I would LOVE to put my two cents in.

    Religion will NEVER come to terms with the cultural capabilities of the masses. Because due to ONE simple reason. Religion is a hypocrisy. Is it not stated in the bible "Love thy neighbor as thyself?" Yet we see right away that the all mighty Holy Roman Empire led dozens of so called "Holy Wars", that spanned for almost 200 years (between 1095 and 1291) to reclaim the Holy Land. But as most people know this was actually to fuel the their power and gain more territory. The Holy Land was the gateway to Asia which held control "untold secrets and treasures"

    Another fun fact;

    7 Deadly Sins. They are NO-NO's of the Church. NOWHERE in the Bible are they stated. It's a pretty known fact that these were created by a monk as he went on a crazed up delusion trip after suffering from malnutrition, seeing as he was on a "mission of the church". So could this be true for all other sins?

    Now back to the main topic at hand.

    Sexuality is not right nor wrong. It is a norm. We are not strange nor different in any way. Sexuality is one of those impossible things to explain. Believe me I for a while tried to convince myself that I wasn't gay. I am a Christian that believes in God and all that jazz. I tried to convince myself that I was just going through hormones and shit. I even went out with women to hide this fact. I was brainwashed by everyone around me that homosexuality is wrong and it was against nature. But then I figured something out; If God made me in his image and I am "his child" then he must accept me. He has to love everyone regardless.

    So, if He teaches us to love everyone why don't we follow this?

    If this America "Land of the free and Home of the brave" where "all men are created equal" why is it that we can't legalize gay marriage. There is no evidence that we will corrupt the souls of the little children we will adopt and make the future generations crazed same sex lovers. No, what I would do is educate them to be tolerant of everyone because EVERYONE has rights in this world.


    *starts slow clap*
  19. Colonel Caboose

    Colonel Caboose The Man, the Myth, the Legend

    If God wanted us to be gay, he would have gave us all cocks or the other.
  20. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    The problem with that way of thinking is that God doesn't have to love everybody. He chooses to because He loves his children. God doesn't have to do anything.

    If this America "Land of the free and Home of the brave" where "all men are created equal" why is it that we can't legalize gay marriage.[/QUOTE]

    Because not everybody wants gay marriage. And beside, gay marriage or not, we're all still equal.

    Go ahead, ask me how we're still equal.

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