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Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts: 358/2 Days' started by Roxotho, Oct 11, 2009.

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  1. Roxotho

    Roxotho Banned

    YouTube - Xion's Death english
    My God.....
    did anybody else find this scene absolutley emotionally crippling/destroying?
    i LOVE this game, and it's gotten me even more attached 2 Roxas & Axel, and it also bound my heart to Xion. I was so sad 2 c her go. the 1st time i saw this scene after beating Xion i was silently shedding tears 4 10 minutes after the credits had finished rolling. every time I c this scene (yes, I've watched it more than once), i always start shedding tears (again, i wasn't sobbing, just quietly crying).
    what do u think of this scene (& plz, don't go into depth of the infamous "ice cream" line)
  2. Cloaked Schemer

    Cloaked Schemer New Member

    Jeez, that last thing he says before Xion dies, "WHO ELSE WILL I HAVE ICE-CREAM WITH???" lol
  3. Demyxx

    Demyxx New Member

    OMG! SO IM NOT THE ONLY ONE THAT THOGUHT ITTT like the line is okeyish..jsut the the way he said..ittt... hes should of sounded a bit more depressed in my opinion when he said itt xD
    it was sad though......-cries-
  4. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    You read my mind.

    It wasnt sad to me. It didnt end the way I expected it.
  5. Cloaked Schemer

    Cloaked Schemer New Member

    True dat- but it was pretty epic. I mean, she started to freeze- and slowly fade away into glass... :D
  6. fishy smells

    fishy smells Member

    I thought it was heartbreaking... *ROFS*
    That means: Rolling on Floor Sobbing!:(
  7. Cloaked Schemer

    Cloaked Schemer New Member

    Aww... don't cry... :(

    OMG, FISHY! (lol, that rhymes) I haven't seen you in so long! (not physically, just on the site) lol
    fishy smells likes this.
  8. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    Roxas' last line just makes my mind feel blank. DX But Xion turning to ice is terrible!
  9. Reef

    Reef New Member

    I know, I was so sad to see Xion go. And on top of that, we saw a Roxas tear... Does that mean he has feelings, or what becuase I'm a little confused.
  10. Zenrot

    Zenrot New Member

    Yeah Roxas has emotions because he is a special nobody. But this scene was pretty intense, the only thing is... Why did she turned into ice?
  11. Cloaked Schemer

    Cloaked Schemer New Member

    Ermm... I guess because they had to make it dramatic with out any explanation, lol :D
  12. Reef

    Reef New Member

    Maybe to was to make it dramatic, but I think it might be becuase Xion wasn't a "natural" Nobody, so maybe thats how Vexen's clones die... (Just a total guess)
  13. Cloaked Schemer

    Cloaked Schemer New Member

    Hmm, believable. :)
  14. Reef

    Reef New Member

    I do wish Xion could change into that Final Boss in mission mode...

    Hey could somebody explain to me why Xion found it necessary to fight Roxas, and THEN say she was ready to leave.... The two ideas just don't add up.
  15. The_Unknown_Master

    The_Unknown_Master New Member

    The game ended as expected. It was more emotional than I thought it would be. But it was a pretty good game overall.
  16. Reef

    Reef New Member

    In my opinion, the game seemed to end kind of abruptly.
  17. Zenrot

    Zenrot New Member

    It did end abruptly thats true, but I think they were able to end it that way because I mean, we already knew what was going to happen.
  18. Reef

    Reef New Member

    I wish Xion wouldn't have died. If she would have just faded away like Axel did, then there could have been a return in one of the future games.

    Hey wouldn't it be cool if one of the ps2 games had mission mode?
  19. Roxotho

    Roxotho Banned

    i hope that she returns in kh3 (or a future game) but about the ice cream line: it had a lot of symbolism, and could have been a very emotional line....BUT jesse mccartney *grumbles* delivered the line COMPLETELY wrong.
    XION! WHY DID YOU HAVE TO GO!?!?!?! *sobbing away from the screen*
  20. Ranperre

    Ranperre New Member

    I liked the line: "But who else will have ice cream with me?" I felt like it meant a lot because Roxa's entire life was about having ice cream with his friends at the end of the day.

    When Xion turned to 'ice' when she died, I think it may just have been the visual tearing of Sora's memories from her. That's just me though, I felt like it isn't how Vexen's replicas die because when Replica Riku died, he just faded into darkness, he didn't turn to ice or anything.
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