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Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts: 358/2 Days' started by Roxotho, Oct 11, 2009.

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  1. x3pic

    x3pic I'll Kill You.

    No and Yes that tear more or less was triggered by sora's emotions. To explain in more detail, here is my theory, All of Org 13s other halves, are just heartless. Roxas' other half, on the other hand is not a heartless, this is why he can some what feel emotion because his heart(sora) is not gone, just in human form.

    roxas' does not really have emotion s at all, they are sora's.

    Xion wasn't really a nobody at all :p i would't call her one

    If Xion wouldn't have died, Sora may have had missing memories, she had to die.
  2. Reef

    Reef New Member

    I like your half heartless insite. And I understand that Xion had too die, but that doesn't meen I can't wish she didn't. You have quite the nice array of answers. I like it.
  3. Zenrot

    Zenrot New Member

    Roxas is a PART of Sora, hence sora's emotions = roxas' emotions. That would be like saying you have no emotions, your BRAIN does. Roxas and Sora are one in the same, so anything one has belongs to the other.
  4. x3pic

    x3pic I'll Kill You.

    I was sorta saying that.. or did i say it to intelligently

    let me break it down for you then

    Roxas teared
    why? Because Roxas' heart is still in existence(sora), while other members of ORg 13 have been taken over by darkness(heartless)

    Sora didn't make the tranformation of becoming a heartless, (only for a brief second). So as we should all know, emotions come from the HEART(sora), NOT THE BODY (roxas). What i said was Sora(the heart/emotion) was the reason roxas teared

    it wasn't really Roxas' emotion, it was sora's, if sora would have been a heartless, im pretty sure that Roxas' wouldn't have teared at all. My POINT WAS TO EXPLAIN why it happened. No DUH ROXAS IS A PART OF SORA.:) I Sorta pointed that out as freaking well.
  5. Zenrot

    Zenrot New Member

    Your statement was "Roxas doesn't really have emotions at all" Which he does. Regardless of how "intelligently" you try to paint it (douche) if he has emotion, then its HIS emotion no matter where he got it. Roxas and Sora are one in the same while at the same time apart. So under your statement, Sora is only 1/3 of their combined life, So in reality ROXAS should be dominant since he has both the Body AND Soul.
  6. x3pic

    x3pic I'll Kill You.

    Actually he doesn't have emotions, no need for name calling sir,
    Okay nobodies don't have emotions, and what is roxas? don't say it at once kids. He is a nobody! great
    BUT under one special circumstance does is why Roxas can some what show emotions, that circumstance is Sora.
    Now what i was saying is Roxas only has that emotion because of sora, its not his, because without sora, if sora was a heartless, Roxas wouldn't tear, therefore he has no emotion, that emotion belonged to sora. Not roxas. THE ONLY REASON HE TEARED IS BECAUSE OF SORA, thats what im saying,

    When i said he doesn't really have emotions at all
    i mean he may be able to show emotions, but they aren't his alone, i wouldn't really call them his.

    Alone as a nobody roxas doesn't have emotions without sora thats what im saying, nor does Namine without kairi,
    My first post said he had emotions yes and no, he can't have em at all if it wasn't for sora. If sora was like dead and roxas only was in existence, you wouldn't have saw a tear
    that doesn't mean roxas shoul be dominant, thats stupid, Heart is over everything,everything is about the heart. The heart is Sora, meaning he is dominant
    Last edited: Oct 26, 2009
  7. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    XD Oh no. x3pic is ready to rampage once again. Then what makes Namine, Xion or Axel?
  8. x3pic

    x3pic I'll Kill You.

    What do u mean what makes them?
  9. Zenrot

    Zenrot New Member

    He is asking why they can all show emotions as well. Xion is a replica not a nobody, which excludes her, and by his theory Namine can show emotions because Kairi (her other half) also exists. But Axel clearly shows emotion, and we are left in the dark about the status of his other half. And Xemnas has absolutely no emotions (even tries overly pathetic acting to imitate them, and poorly) and Xehanort's Heartless existed and clearly had a human form. Are you saying he just lost all emotion once his other half was destroyed? And I get it you don't classify Sora as a heartless, but what makes him NOT a heartless during this period other than the fact that the darkness hasn't taken his heart. He and Xehanort's heartless are the same, just one being of light the other of darkness.

    Also how do you KNOW if Sora was dead that Roxas would have no emotion? You don't. Its a theory. So don't call me stupid because I don't believe what you THINK is right. In fact all the descriptions of this don't say "Because Roxas and Sora coexist Roxas has emotion which all belongs to Sora" it says "Because Roxas and Namine were created in special ways". Don't condescend, I enjoy debating but when you are rude you only beget rudeness, its much easier to enjoy a discussion when we can bounce our thoughts off one another to come to a greater solution, instead of you insulting my intelligence over a POSSIBILITY. Anyways, to continue:

    In fact saying all of Roxas' emotion is Sora's isn't exactly 100% possible. He may possess his emotions due to Sora, but that is no different than a child possessing emotions because it's parents do. Of course Roxas got emotions form Sora, he wouldn't EXIST without Sora. If Roxas' emotions WERE Sora's emotions he would react and behave EXACTLY as Sora would ALWAYS, not just similarly. Roxas has a different personality than Sora in some aspects, meaning he isn't JUST a piece of Sora, he is something all his own.

    And the comment about Roxas being "dominant" isn't stupid, clearly not "everything" is about the heart because a heart isn't required for existance. A heart, body, and soul in KH exist on equal planes, one third of a complete being. Without the others, no matter how strong the heart, body, or soul they are never complete. The heart is the emotion and personality, the soul is what breathes life into the body, and the body is the shell itself. Now its true that the heart is "What makes you, you", but that doesn't make it more essential than the body or soul. In fact the thought of a dominant being between the two as if they always co-existed is impossible, since Roxas doesn't possess Sora's body and soul, they all belong to Sora. So it isn't because "Sora is dominant because he is the heart and the heart is best", its because he is the person, HE is real, and Roxas was just an offshoot of that.
    Last edited: Oct 27, 2009
  10. x3pic

    x3pic I'll Kill You.

    Time to end this. Sir
    Axel doesn't show emotion, he shows what he thinks is emotion, but they are false not once, have we seen an actually physical emtional thing Axel has done, example: Axel has never teared

    What nobodies do is show what they think is emotion, but really isn't, that was explained in Kingdom Hearts 2.


    Good point, But XH was dead, when we first saw Xemnas, so how do we know Xemnas didn't have emotions before that?

    Guessing you didn't read the Ansem reports in KH1,
    Sora turned into a heartless, but Kairi Reversed it, making him just a free raoming heart without a body. His body was roxas,

    When one becomes a heartless, he loses everything basically, how to talk, how to act like a regular human being, as a heartless one just acts off of instinct, it doesn't think, it cant talk, it loses all human like characteristics

    Sora and XH did not lose these characteristics.

    Didn't call you stupid at all, Your just starting a pointless argument, when i was trying to explain my theory. Now my theory makes sense because no other member of org 13 heartless kept its human form, but Roxas',Xemnas', and Namine's.
    This is what separates them from other nobodies.
    This also MAY explain why they can show emotions.
    That special way was, the both were made at the same time, im guessing.

    not being rude at all, i explained and you bounced back with a smart remark.

    I didn't mean they belong to sora, I mean he is able to have them because his Heart is still in existence and not a heartless. Because of Sora, roxas can somewhat, not completely, feel emotions.
    tA child doesn't posses emotions because his parents do, thats like saying a child as emotions because of some random guy on the street has them too..
    a child posses emotions, because thats what its taught, it has a heart. I don't posses emotions because my parents do, i have my separate emotions, usually caused by my heart.

    Not true, if sora would have died, roxas would still exist.. He just needed sora to be created.

    False, roxas and sora have different personalities
    While I will agree that Roxas somewhat has emotions. We see that when sora begins to cry, after departing from Hayner and the group, those emotions belonged to Roxas, but took SORA to actually create a tear.

    Roxas has a totally different personality than sora does.

    This is a debatable topic, now My theory seems valid, why because you have yet to prove it wrong, while it still is a theory it makes the most sense, Roxas is a nobody, nobodies don't have emotions, though roxas may be another case, he still gets his emotional side from sora being in existence, prove it wrong :p

    And everything is about the Heart, you can be existence without one, but it is the strongest out of body, soul and heart.

    Kingdom Hearts= Heart of All worlds, or Heart of All Men, whichever you go to

    it doesn't equal, the Sould of all worlds,
    In the game KINGDOM HEARTS, The heart is always dominate

    Actually i wasn't insulting your intellegence, you came here like mr macho, thinking you can prove me wrong, when i was trying to simply explain my theory, WHICH MAKES 3 X more sense then your may i not forget. And HOw would you know roxas would react like sora? you don't, they have two different personalities

    again pay attention to what im saying and don't jump to conclusions

    Last edited: Oct 27, 2009
  11. Zenrot

    Zenrot New Member

    Addressing part one: Axel said Roxas "made him feel like he had a heart" and was saddened/hurt when Roxas left him. He also went to ridiculous lengths to get Roxas back, something a creature with no emotion probably wouldn't do. This doesn't PROVE his emotion but It seems like heavy evidence to me that he may possess emotions. There are exceptions to any rule.

    Part two: Right, I'm saying a heartless is a free roaming heart corrupted by Darkness. Ansem didn't lose his Humanoid qualities despite being called a Heartless, making him a free roaming heart of Darkness, and Sora was a free roaming heart of light. I'm comparing the two to each other, not Sora to just general Heartless. Also, Xemnas personality breakdown from KH Wiki (if you refuse to trust wiki's I will find other sources)

    "being the founder of Organization XIII and apparently the oldest of Nobodies, Xemnas is truly emotionless and does not even remember what it was like to have emotions. He claims that this allows him to have a clear understanding of the heart, but in reality this has warped his mind into believing that only anger, hatred, and other negative feelings make up a heart.
    Not to mention, his lack of emotion gives him absolutely zero remorse over his actions, as well as the loss of the other members of the Organization. The only thing he truly cares about is Kingdom Hearts and his desire for power, and even laments it when it is damaged. Unlike the other members of the organization, Xemnas does not seem to want Kingdom Hearts for a true existence. Rather, much like his Heartless counterpart, he wants it to use it to obtain power and remake the universe in his image. This concept is furthered as Xemnas thinks that nothingness is the source of much power and does not seem to despise it in the slightest.
    In other matters Xemnas speaks with calmness and deep authority. He has a tendency to be overly melodramatic making long-winded speeches, exaggerating his false rage and sorrow with wide sweeping arm movements and hand gestures. While ridiculous in nature, his exaggerations are representations of his lack of emotion. He's very intelligent overall, and knows how to manipulate others, particularly Sora and his friends."

    This seems like it would take more than just a YEAR of being emotionless don't you think? XH died at the end of KH 1, and we do see Xemnas just once before this in Final Mix, and he seems to behave no differently than his KH2 self. And why is Xemnas in your list? He has no emotions and that is commented on many times.

    I remember the "special way" being something like They were created at the same time in an unusual method outside of the complete destruction of a heart.

    I didn't mean if Sora were to die Roxas would vanish, I mean if Sora had never been born Roxas wouldn't have either, I apologize if that was worded poorly.

    Now I'm not here to prove your theory wrong, I'm simply saying there has to be MORE to it than JUST the fact that Sora is also in existence. My biggest proof is Xemnas, He is completely and utterly at a loss for emotions, and his other half was only destroyed a year prior to KH, and we even see him before this. I think that is the biggest hole that calls this theory into question. I'm not saying you are wrong, I'm saying its not as simple as you are making it sound.
    Last edited: Oct 27, 2009
  12. x3pic

    x3pic I'll Kill You.

    Fml im actually gunna reply to this and im lazy :/
    Again Axel felt like these were emotions, but they were false, he probably felt nothing, because again he is a nobody and has no emotions, Axel may have acted like he was hurt, it may seem like it, but still have nothing, haha
    When roxas teared with Xion, we could see that, we couldn't see anything from axel

    Part two:
    i would say this is correct

    i wouldn't say this thought, i mean he maybe on the side of Darkness, but he isn't exactly a heartless
    yea but still i don't like the classifications your putting on light and dark, that isn't right, Heartless is DARKNESS, hearts that have been engulfed in darkness. Sora's nor XH's heart did that. (if they did it was very briefly)

    I would say this is the xemnas post XH death, possibly

    or it could happen over the course of days, it could even be instant

    we barley even see him in the game, i played it many times

    i was saying before or during kh1, xemnas could have had somewhat emotions that was shared between him and XH
    yea thats what i think as well

    If anything sora has the BIGGEST part of why roxas teared, because again Roxas has something the other nobodies don't..a heart
  13. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    XD The reason why Axel didn't tear is because he was being a man. HAHAHAHAHAHA! Anyways, would you call his emotion that he felt in himself in KH: Com false? Let's ask Nomura about it & end all of this. If this is going to make this become a bad discussion, just take it to pm.
  14. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Axel tries to act like he has emotions when he dosen't. And Roxas teared (like x3pic said) because a bit of Sora was with him.

    My opinion: Before Xion came, Roxas=Zombie. After he talked to Xion, Roxas=Signs of emotion. Why? 'Cause in a sense, both halves (i guess you can say halves right?) were together.

    Am I somewhat right x3pic?
  15. Zenrot

    Zenrot New Member

    Well Sora WAS a heartless for a short period of time, and XH stands for Xehanort's Heartless, so I think there is more to it than that. I'm putting Sora with light because Kairi (sora's "light") Is what pulled Sora from the darkness allowing his heart to regain form, and Xehanort's heart commands the darkness allowing him to not be swallowed by it either. I mean, you can't say that XH wasn't a heart engulfed in Darkness since he pushed himself deeper into Darkness than any other creature in the series.

    I'm not sold Axel is emotionless. He is clearly saddened by Roxas' departure. You can't miss someone and desire their return if you have no emotions, no one would take an act to that level. Just because he didn't cry doesn't mean there is nothing there. Obviously I can't prove it since the typical nobody is emotionless, but I think it will be elaborated on in the future.

    If Xemnas losing his emotions could have been instant, why do the other Organization members remember their emotions fondly while Xemnas has a warped and twisted view on emotions and how they affect hearts? I think Xemnas most likely never had them, Xehanort's Heartless or not.

    My turn on your theory is that while Roxas does have emotions because his heart exists, that isn't the only reason. He was the nobody of a powerful entity (The Keyblade master no less) and is a special kind of nobody born in a unique way. Roxas is Sora's nobody while at they same time his own existence. All of these factors come together to form Roxas as he is, not just any one of them.
  16. Ventus

    Ventus Kickass Keyblader!

    I wanted something really special to happen, like how he really felt about her. I hoped for a Namine and Roxas moment. God, I hate Namine right now. He should have been with Xion!
  17. x3pic

    x3pic I'll Kill You.

    Actually you put it better than me, and also made me think more. Xion is also a part of sora, she was basically sora, so there was already, you can say an "emotional connection", between the two, they are both one in the same. So this could also cause the tear of Mr SoraX

    For that short period of time where sora was a heartless, Roxas was made, he had an actual heartless for like 2 minutes. Then he had a heart after Kairi, helped sora return to normal.

    Sora's light didn't pull him from darkness. Kairi's PoH power did that, she didn't know what she was doing ha, she just go lucky.

    What do you mean, He doesn't command darkness. And he did allow himself to be swallowed, he wanted to be swallowed by darkness. Again this was in the Ansem Report.

    He wasn't, he wanted the power of darkness, he used the power of darkness, he belonged to the dark realm doesn't mean his heart was engulfed in it. Riku uses the power of Darkness, yet his heart isn't engulfed in it at all, nor does he belong to the realm of tdarkness
    He uses his darkness for good, this side of darkness, the darkness in what riku uses is called "Dawn", while the power of darkness XH uses is "Dusk"
    your heart doesn't need to be engulfed to use darkness.

    He acted like he was sad, he thought he was, but i can guarentee you it was a false emotion
    He is a nobody, not a special nobody either, He Has NO EMOTION haha
    im guessing if you were in the KH universe, a nobody would fool you easily haha just saying :p

    Im guna repeat myself, he thinks he misses him, he may act like it but he feels nada
    He's a nobody ha not a special one, he feels zero emotion

    Just because he didn't cry doesn't mean there is nothing there. Obviously I can't prove it since the typical nobody is emotionless, but I think it will be elaborated on in the future.

    My turn on your theory is that while Roxas does have emotions because his heart exists, that isn't the only reason. He was the nobody of a powerful entity (The Keyblade master no less) and is a special kind of nobody born in a unique way. Roxas is Sora's nobody while at they same time his own existence. All of these factors come together to form Roxas as he is, not just any one of them.[/QUOTE]
    Sora is still the MAIN reason roxas has emotions, if he has any.
  18. Zenrot

    Zenrot New Member

    Sora is still the MAIN reason roxas has emotions, if he has any.[/QUOTE]

    There are other points I want to address, but I'm tired and I'll do it later. On Axel and Sora returning from heartless form.

    Sora: What exactly is PoH power? I don't recall them having a list of special powers. It was the bond between the two that restored Sora, it was symbolism for love.

    Axel: Just like above, Symbolism. An emotionless being can gain emotions when someone truly values them. KH is a work of fiction and so the laws of its universe can be changed and warped however desired. Axel can gain emotions from being "loved" by Roxas the same way Sora can get his heart back from Kairi loving him.
  19. x3pic

    x3pic I'll Kill You.

    ha yea i know what you mean, my eyes are burning ha but gotta do this 2 page essay :/
    Well PoH do have powers ha i have no idea what they are so don't ask me. But its clearly said that Kairi Restored Sora, no doubt from her PoH power. ill see if i can find something ha, im lazy at the time

    A nobody can't gain emotion without heart, in kingdom hearts, a heart is the way one has an emotion, No matter how much a Nobody thinks there loved, they don't really know it untill they have a heart. So they are just basically feeling a fake emotion, its not a real emotion. Its what they THINK it feels like, but it isn't.
  20. Roxotho

    Roxotho Banned

    WHAT THE F*CK!?!?!?!
    I leave my thread alone 4 answers 4 a few days, and i find this!
    get back to the topic!
    this is about Xion's death!!!
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