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Kingdom Hearts II: Neo Organization XIII (O.O.C. & S.U.)

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Reonarudo Butsuchiru, Oct 7, 2009.

  1. [​IMG]


    Name: Xarles.
    True Name: Sarel.
    Height: 6"0.
    Weight: 165 lbs.
    Gender: Male.
    Age: 19.
    Faction: Neo Organization XIII.
    Member Title: The Radiant Shadow.
    Member Number: XII.
    Birthplace: The World That Never Was.
    Personal Treasure(s): Himself and the people/things that cause him amusement.
    Likes: Playing with people's hearts and being stupid.
    Dislikes: Mostly everything that takes away his amusement.
    Weapon(s): Twin Blades that combine to make a claymore.
    Ability: Has control over shadows and the power to merge with his own; can summon the shadows of others and create his own light source.
    Lesser Nobody: Creeper.
    Ultima Form: summons the planes of light and darkness there his shadow goes into the plane of light an he in to the one of darkness were he atacks the opponents shadow and his shadow the oponent.
    Bio: During his time as a human he got tired of his life of wealth do to his parents and committed suicide by letting the heartless devour him. After that he awoke in a strange new world surrounded by Nobodys and seeking amusement in his new life.

    I would like 2 Rp Xp.
  2. The Heartless King

    The Heartless King The King of Shadows

    Name: Irex
    True Name: Reilaferst(Rei for short)
    Height: 5'8
    Gender: Male
    Faction: Neo Organization XIII
    Member Title: The Silent Spear
    Member Number: IV
    Birthplace: Raient Gardens\Hollow Bastion
    Personal Treasure(s): His weapons, The Demon Lance and Angel Lance
    Likes: Winning a battle, beating up Heartless, sarcasem.
    Dislikes: When people are dishonest, goofing up, loosing a battle.
    Weapon(s): A red and Black Spear called The Demon Lance and a White and Blue Spear called The Angel Lance
    Ability: He can shoot a giant beam of fire from Demon Lance and a Beam of light from The Angel Lance
    Lesser Nobody: Sniper
    Ultima Form: His lances morph together into one big halberd called The Destroyer. He can twirl it around to create a firey tornado.
    Bio: Rei grew up like a normal child would, he was always interested in spears and halberds, he loved the way they looked and the sounds they made when twirled around, when he was 18 Hollow Bastion got attacked by Heartless, they took his heart, and he became a nobody, but he was able to keep his human form, so he joined the Neo Organization at the age of 24.
    Last edited: Oct 22, 2009
  3. Tsukiyomi

    Tsukiyomi Shinto's Moon God

    This is great. We have more people now. The rp should be going good now.
  4. XulonosXVI

    XulonosXVI New Member

    Name: Xulonos (No Soul)
    True Name: Connor
    Height: 5”9
    Weight: 130 lbs.
    Gender: Male
    Faction: Neo Organization XIII
    Member Title: Sound of the Moon
    Member Number: VI
    Birthplace: World that never was
    Personal Treasure(s): His memories and Saïx's claymore.
    Likes: The Moon, Saïx, and the Keyblade.
    Dislikes: The Sun, Sora, Donald, Goofy, and Heartless.
    Weapon: New Moon (Guitar)
    Ability: Lunar Control
    Lesser Nobody: Twilight Thorn
    Ultima Form: He screams, His hair turns blue, and he flips his guitar upside down as it transforms into Saïx's "Lunatic" claymore.
    Bio: Xulonos was a Berserker nobody when Saïx found him. Sence he was favored, Saïx would use him for the special missions where he would need powerful back up. Although one day, after XIII left, Xulonos had trasformed into a human form which was very random concidering that he wasn't supposed to be in human form yet. Practicing with his new weapon, a crescent moon shaped guitar, he feels as though he is ready to join Org XIII. He goes to tell Saïx at Addle Impase, but sadly he realizes then why he transformed. He sees a note on the floor (or what seemed to be a note) and picks it up. Memories that belonged to Saïx flow into Xulonos' mind, where he is almost living the death of Saïx. He screams, and then is about to smash his guitar on the floor, but then something totaly unexpected happened. His hair turned blue, and the upside down guitar transformed into Saïx's "Lunatic" claymore. Xulonos now felt that Saïx had taken refuge in his body, and that he owes it to his former mentor to do one thing.... Kill Sora...
    Last edited: Oct 25, 2009
  5. Cameron

    Cameron New Member

    Is it ok to join anymore? And if it is, what places are taken already in the to factions?

    // I thought of making a Hallowed one, since I know that nobodies are always the most popular ones and the Hallowed is interesting faction to play with.
    Last edited: Oct 24, 2009
  6. LivingDeath

    LivingDeath Dormina'd

    I bet Reo will accept you :)
    Btw, wow....

    The Hallowed: 2
    Neo Organization XIII: 9

    Come on, don't just make characters for Neo Organization XIII!
  7. dualblade

    dualblade Break!

    Yea,really.We need more people on the Hallowed side!
  8. LivingDeath

    LivingDeath Dormina'd

  9. XulonosXVI

    XulonosXVI New Member

    It did? I thought Reonax was waitin for a lil bit till we had more members o.o
  10. machinix

    machinix New Member

    Name: Machinix
    True Name: Lynx (lin-ks)
    Height: 5”11
    Weight: 160 lbs.
    Gender: Male
    Age: 15
    Faction: Neo Organization XIII
    Member Title:
    Member Number: XIII
    Birthplace: Hallow Bastion
    Personal Treasure(s): Friends and Family
    Likes: Winning and Having the upper advantage
    Dislikes: Losing and Being ambushed
    Weapon(s): Twin daggers (reversed like he holds them backwards)
    Ability: To manipulate the shadows to his bidding
    Lesser Nobody: Samurai
    Ultima Form: Whole area goes into darkness, then he strike his opponents till the darkness wares off (mind you this attack is VERY VERY fast!)
    Bio: Lynx had know of the old Organisation XIII, he witnessed the power first hand! He thought to himself, wow! these guys are awsome where do i apply.
    After hearing of the total anillation
    of the Organisation, he plotted his timely revenge on the one they call... Sora!
    Last edited: Oct 25, 2009
  11. Cameron

    Cameron New Member

    Name: Obsession
    True Name: Kh'ela (last name unknown)
    Height: 5”9
    Weight: 161 lbs
    Gender: Male
    Age: 28, 26 when became a heartless
    Faction: The Hallowed
    Member Title: The Dark Eternal
    Member Number: I
    Birthplace: Radiant Garden (human), End of the World (can mean almost any place, but I'm meaningthe one in KH1, heartless)

    Personal Treasure(s): His "carneval" styled mask. It changes shapes at the times when he's angry or having other feelings. When he's calm like most of the times the mask has an appereance like in the pic.

    Likes: When his subordinates accomplish something.
    Dislikes: When they don't. Also, if his plans are ruined.

    Weapon(s): Whip that is completely formed of darkness and a dagger like weapon with extended handle.

    Ability: High Jump, Dark Firaja, Dark Blizzaga, Dark Thundaja, superhuman strength and reflexes.

    Lesser Heartless: Invisible

    Ultima Form: Obsession's Ultima Form is an outfit like of old carnival suite. His weapons combine into one (a blade which has a whip at the other point) but as in the normal form of Obsession the whip is formed of darkness, so is the blade in the Ultima Form. He uses much of the magics he knows and doesn't do occasionally melee attacks.

    Bio: After the attack of the Heartless to the Radiant Garden, Kh'ela was one of the survivors from the world and he travelled to Traverse Town. As because of his curious nature he did research on the Heartless and the more he tried to understand them, the more the people of Traverse Town started to despise him and tell him to stop his experiments. Kh'ela didn't want to listen but one night when he wake up from his sleep, his laboratory was set in flames and Kh'ela had to escape from Traverse Town. He travelled through many worlds only to express how he would hate everyone and he began soon a moment by moment to lose his mind. As he travelled around the worlds he would find himself in Hollow Bastion, where he discovered the mysterious mask. He began to call himself "The Jester" and was in the edge of losing his mind completely when he arrived to a world that was in a brink of destruction. There he regained some of senses but it was too late; as he made a single step the darkness consumed him and eventually he became a Heartless.

    By the fall of Organization XIII, he began slowly day by day to turn into a more human form. As he was a Invisible the transformation for him was slow and painful. After he had regained his human form he was impressed by what he wasturned into and started to search for more like him. As the leader of the Hallowed he acts calm and completely different like in his past. He still has sometimes insane way of thinking but regardless of that, he is respected by most of his faction members.
    EtherealSummoner likes this.
  12. Tsukiyomi

    Tsukiyomi Shinto's Moon God

    DId I have to put in X in my character's name?
  13. dualblade

    dualblade Break!

    Noz,thank you.You are awesome for making the I spot in Hollowed.
  14. XulonosXVI

    XulonosXVI New Member

    What is your member title "Lynx"?
  15. Cameron

    Cameron New Member

  16. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    ^_^ When Noz asked me how he did in this rp, he just made this rp more interesting. At first, I told you Reo that I wasn't interested, but you have Noz to thanks. I'm thinking about joining this rp soon. Give me some time to get done with some other things in the real world.
  17. XulonosXVI

    XulonosXVI New Member

    Actually i didnt remember his user name so i used his "Human" name.
  18. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    Name: Mistress Saia
    True name: Nerissa
    Gender: Female
    Age: 72 (She looks 26)
    Faction: The Hallowed
    Title: The Wicked Sage of Arrogance
    Likes: The destruction & conquering of worlds. Lust for dominion & power. Loves to kidnap hearts for her own desires
    Dislikes: The memories of someone she holds very dear. Dislikes people trying to act like the hero.
    Personal Treasure: Sigil of Meridian
    Weapon: (In Picture)

    *Trance form*

    *Ultimate Form*

    Abilities: Can give life to inanimate objects, use the element of thunder, manipulate dreams, use psychic powers, use Quintessence, & can bend the powers of darkness to her will. Also can summon a dark version of Leviathan, the devilish Diablos, & the dark version of Ramuh. The Trance Form is not like her Ultima Form. She can access to it that's all to herself that's more powerful than her original form, but this makes her rely more on instinct & lowers down her defense.

    Bio: Being a youthful looking mistress of darkness who is very wise, she came into being to be so malevolent ever since Organization fell to darkness. Still, she has been planning for 11 years, sometimes with Maleficent & Hades in helping them gain something & then start becoming a traitor to get gain her desires. She's been stealing other people's hearts through a powerful pendant that she put within her staff called the Sigil of Meridian. It's through here that she can steal hearts for herself & become such a devious being. Saia then found the Hallowed group along with Obsession, but she still stays to herself. Now, she decided to come out & try to wreck destruction on the Neo Organization, but she's still upset about some things...

    Theme: YouTube - Prince of Persia: Warrior Within Music - At War with Kaileena
    Battle Theme: YouTube - Ice Queen - Dark Cloud
    Trance Theme: YouTube - The Corridor of Time - Dark Cloud
    Ultima Theme: YouTube - Final Fantasy VIII Music - Maybe I'm A Lion
    Last edited: Nov 19, 2009
  19. Cameron

    Cameron New Member

    Name: Nate


    True Name: Tenate Mi'hail
    Height: 5"9
    Weight: 160 lbs.
    Gender: Male
    Age: 19
    Faction: The Hollowed
    Member Title: The One for the Sun
    Member Number: IV

    Birthplace: Claims to be Deep Jungle but only Obsession and Forta seems to know that it's a lie and where he's really from.
    Personal Treasure(s): A golden necklace which has a round picture of his former family. He has a tattoo under his throath which says "Sarah".
    Likes: Goofing around teasing Sorrow and Forta
    Dislikes: When Reaper tries to kill him after some stupid joke.
    Weapon(s): A blue, katana like weapon and throwing knifes.
    Ability: Nate uses his abilities mostly for combat and knows only few simple dark spells. He has a ability to cast berserk but in that state he doesn't care about who's enemy or ally.
    Lesser Heartless: Neoshadows

    Ultima Form: Nate has a simple Ultima Form, as he gains five more swords to use in battle and his swordmanship is higly raised. He has the ability to use modified berserking which he targets now only at the enemy with much power, and it raises each time he charges. His speed and endurance are raised too, but they won't build up like strength.

    Bio: As found by Obsession, Nate had wandering around the worlds for some time to get an answer what is he. But always when Nate arrived somewhere, he was despised and people started to gather bounties for his head. Many treasure hunters went after him and he battled with them constantly. When Obsession found out that he was a heartless, now in human form, Nate joined the faction soon after hearing what he was. Nate has great respects for Obsession and he sees Forta as his little brother since they both have similarity at appereance.


    Name: Fora


    True Name: Fora Renea
    Height: 5"7
    Weight: 152 lbs.
    Gender: Male
    Age: 16
    Faction: The Hollowed
    Member Title: The Light
    Member Number: VIII

    Birthplace: As a Angel Star, Forta formed to his human form in a End of the World, just like Obsession in his state of Invisible.
    Personal Treasure(s): A ring which has some writing inside it. Forta doesn't understand the writing and wants to know it whereaouts.
    Likes: Spending time with Nate.
    Dislikes: When he does something that he thinks as wrong.
    Weapon(s): A normal katana which has rune writing in it.
    Ability: Unlike Nate's abilities, Forta uses much magic in combat instead of using the sword. He has the best healing skills in his faction and he controls over light, despite being Heartless. He uses the power of the sun in his attacks and disliked to use the Dark magics, althought Obsession has instructed to use them. He has a ability glide for only a little while.
    Lesser Heartless: Angel Hearts

    Ultima Form: Only change in Fora's appereance that he gains angelic wings and has the abilityto glide for a long time. Due to this, his speed is raised and his magics are more powerful but he gains no additional attack/strength bonus.

    Bio: Fora doesn't remember much of his past and always is trying to find something about his background. His only clue is the ring that he has, and Obsession knows something of it. As Nate sees Obsession as a fatherly figure and leader, Fora sees only a mere scholar just Xehanort in his times. He has no respect towards him but sticks in the faction because of Nate, since they seem to have family connection that is never proven right.


    I did these two since the Hallowed needs more members. I'll start playing with them since the leader of the RP hasn't been around for a week.
    Last edited: Nov 9, 2009
  20. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    XD I even gave Siah her own theme music. ANyways, if she's acceptable, then I'll go on ahead & post with her. ^_^

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