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Do you know the name of the members of Organization XIII

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts 2' started by sora:roxas, Jun 8, 2007.

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  1. sora:roxas

    sora:roxas New Member

    NO. 1 Xemnas The Superior
    NO. 2 Xigbar The Free Shooter
    NO. 3 Xaldin The Whirlwind Lancer
    NO. 4 Vexen The Chilly Academic
    NO. 5 Lexaeus The Silent Hero
    NO. 6 Zexion The Cloaked Schemer
    NO. 7 Saïx The Luna Diviner
    NO. 8 Axel The Flurry of Dancing Flames
    NO. 9 Demyx The Melodious Nocturne
    NO. 10 Luxord The Gambler of Fate
    NO. 11 Marluxia The Graceful Assassin
    NO. 12 Larxene The Savage Nymph
    NO. 13 Roxas The Key of Destiny

    Can you name it all in this picture

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  2. Duelist Dx

    Duelist Dx New Member

    Yes that's not so hard. I wrote a compelte guide about it yesterday, which you can find on the main site =]
  3. cohnet

    cohnet New Member

    Yeah..I know there names =P Like duelist said, It's not that hard.
  4. Wolfie

    Wolfie New Member

    I have trouble with some of theyre names >_<
  5. Duelist Dx

    Duelist Dx New Member

    Just remember the ones of Kh2 then, and they all contain an X
  6. Flare

    Flare New Member

    The names aren't that hard. though i do have trouble with some of them.
  7. Naruto2.0

    Naruto2.0 New Member

    The names very easy to memorise, though it might just be me and my super memory! Hehe!
  8. Kissui Tensai

    Kissui Tensai New Member

    I could memorize the names along with the titles in an snap and whats ironic is that I haven't played KH2 in ages XD.
  9. Yukie

    Yukie Fist Pumps

    To tell u the truth, I don't know...Just refer them to 13 psycho paths in black cloaks..lol
  10. Duelist Dx

    Duelist Dx New Member

    A good way to memorise them is by thinking what weapon they use ;)
  11. Talon

    Talon New Member

    remembering their names are easy.
    probouncing them? not always so easy.
    i have problems pronouncing Lexaeus and Marluxia (no matter how i say it, it always sounds awkward.)
  12. zSoraz

    zSoraz New Member

    I think they're easy to remember. I can't say them in order one after the other tho. :D
  13. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    I love the orginization i just wish that they would have had more scenese on some of them namly Demyx
  14. I know them by their names, not the titles afterwards
  15. ShiningSugar14

    ShiningSugar14 New Member

    Since they're the main reason I play KH2, I memorized a lot about them. Regular names, titles, weapons, whether or not I had to fight them in KH2, and the 7 or so official "Somebody" names (Names found in the Ansem Reports). I blather that information, along with my own opinions on it, to most of the people who will let me. Quite humorous, that I can babble on about it for ages.
  16. The Chilly Academic

    The Chilly Academic New Member

    I don't know how you could possibly have a problem memorizing them. Maybe their titles, but it's not so hard. Give them your own title:

    Xemnas - The Boss
    Xigbar - Scarface
    Xaldin - Windy
    Vexen - (never needed one)
    Lexaeus - Brute
    Zexion - Emo-kid
    Saix - (never needed one)
    Axel - (never needed one)
    Demyx - (never needed one)
    Luxord - (never needed one)
    Marluxia - Girly
    Larxene - Yellow
    Roxas - (never needed one)
  17. darkside

    darkside New Member

    my biggest problem is spelling NO. 5's name, and sometimes NO. 9's title
  18. Burnin'-Axel

    Burnin'-Axel Flurry of Dancing Flames

    i've always had some little problems with some of them(i always forgot Luxord and Vexen for some reason)
  19. axel_girl_1513

    axel_girl_1513 New Member

    The names i'm ok with....its just the nicknames they have i find are hard to remember. but i know some of the nicknames, that all tho
  20. worbs

    worbs New Member

    I know all the names off by heart but its the numbers of them that sometimes get me.
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