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World ending / Major crisis 2012

Discussion in 'Mature Discussion' started by WayToTheDawn, Aug 23, 2009.

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  1. Midnight

    Midnight New Member

    The 2012 movie was based on things that could happen in the future and all the events that happen in the movie is logical and it could end like that. I don't think it will end like all events at once but one at a time. If the world was going to end then my life was pointless because all I did so far was going to school.
  2. Neku

    Neku New Member

    We Will Never Know When the World WILL END
  3. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    DX I know one thing. ALl the kids 0-10 will never be able to hit the teenage years once the time comes.
  4. Goldfish

    Goldfish Cats in the Cradle

    Of course we will. When it happens we'll know.

    Like I've mentioned before, it may not be the "end" but perhaps a "beginning" of something new.
    For better or for worse, by nature or by the hand of man.

    Here's my real concern. "Looting percentage rises by 287% this month" (not a real statement)
    I fear radicals will do something stupid like this.
  5. Midnight

    Midnight New Member

    I've been hearing that alot from the history channel and I think we are very lucky because once 2012 december 21st hits the sun will aline with the center of the milkyway galaxy and this is a every 26,000 year event.
  6. Camdy

    Camdy New Member

    ... Or maybe nothing happens. 2012 being a year just like any other.
  7. Neku

    Neku New Member

    maybe a nuclear bomb might go off my suggestion
  8. konstantly

    konstantly New Member

    The biggest thing anyone should worry about is how many people are going to kill themselves over nothing....

    Really what's happening is a Polar shift... which I think someone mentioned. Am I the only one who's noticed that fall seems to come later, winter seems to last longer, etc.? Not to mention loads of crazy weather. Whatever happens, it will probably have a big effect on civilisation.

    (sorry if I repeated what someone's already said... I didn't feel like skimming through nine pages xP)
  9. Camdy

    Camdy New Member

    So is something really going to happen? Why, I haven`t heard anything. But we shouldn`t worry about it now, I mean, there`s still 2 years "left". I`ll think this over when 2011 starts closing up...
  10. Soul Knight

    Soul Knight Guest

    Well there is plenty of scientific evidence to suggest something bad will happen in 2012. First of all people all through history, people who never knew each other existed prophicied that something bad would happen in 2012.

    Coencidence? I think not.

    But anyone who tells you that 2012 is the end of the world is not telling the truth. 2012 is when something very bad will happen on a global scale and this will cause us to enter a new era. 2012 is not the end of the world, it's the end of an era. 2012 begins a new era.

    Now it's possible that the poles will shift causing the climate to change very fast and dramaticaly. This will kill millions if not billions of people all over the world. This isn't fear mongering or scare tactics, this is something that we need to be aware of. See if something bad happens on December 21st 2012 (I should note that some researchers have said that december 23rd or 27th are alternate dates so it could happen on those dates too) I wont be surprised if something bad happens, because I keep an open mind instead of relying on science all the time.

    Honestly I am going to just come out and say this but if anyone here honestly depends on science only and just write off religion and prophecy as myth, I think anyone like that is damn fool. You're completely closed minded and I feel sorry for you because you are living such a restricted limited life.

    Yes I believe something extremely bad will happen on 2012 but I do not believe it will be the end of the world.
  11. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    In my opinion, this hype is nothing but complete bullshit. People have been predicting the end of the world for years, and not doing a fine job of it. I remember when everyone was terrified of the year 2000. Then, I remember when June 6, 2006 was supposed to be the end of the world. We're still here. I think some people just like to cause hysteria.

    According to NASA,
    NASA has a whole page debunking various scientific rumors relating to this.

    I'm not addressing the more religious arguments for the 2012 doomsday, since I'm not as familiar with them, or their source material.
    Last edited: Nov 17, 2009
  12. Soul Knight

    Soul Knight Guest

    Here is the thing though. The 2000 doomsday thing I didn't believe in because it was made up by people who had not done proper research of prophecy. The June 6, 2006 prophecy was connected to the number 6-6-6, which is the number of the devil, of course if some christians were to read their bible correctly it clearly says the anti-christ must rule for 7 years then the end comes, since the anti-christ did not come to power 7 years before 2006, it was biblicaly impossible for the end to come in 2006.

    Same for 2012, since the anti-christ did not come to power 7 years before 2012 it is biblicaly impossible for 2012 to be the end of the world.

    So I have never believed 2000, 2006, or 2012 would be the end of the world. 2000 and 2006 was just a bunch of BS. 2012 is the beginig of a new era.

    The reason I believe something extremely bad will happen in 2012 that will bring us into a new era is because people from all over the world who had never met before all predicted something would happen in 2012. I'm sorry but the chances of that being coincedence is nearly 0%. There has to be some truth to prophecy.

    Now this is actually an interesting connection to christianity prophecy. Recently they have discovered a new Myan prophecy related to 2012 and when translated into english it says "He will come down from the sky". Surprisingly this text is nearly identical to that of what the bible says about Jesus' second coming. Because of this it is possible that the new era that begins in 2012 is actually the begining of the end times, but not the end of the world.

    Now here is an interesting question to all of you skeptics. Tell me, if prophecy is really just a myth then why is the scientific community created a new field of science to study prophecy? It's called the Nostradamus Effect, it's a study by scientist that takes prophecy and matches it up to events occuring in modern day to see if there is any truth to prophecy.

    Now tell me why they would waste their time studying something that they thought was a myth?
  13. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    Perhaps to attempt to prove as much as possible that it is in fact a myth? And honestly, with how vague some prophecies are (and depending on how they are interpreted by whoever is reading/translating them), someone who wanted to could probably match them up with just about anything. I would not be impressed.

    Also, I wonder, why does anyone care if there will be a major crisis/end of the world in 2012? What can you do about it? It seems a little ridiculous to me to worry about it.
  14. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    XD Just think about it if the world were to end in 2010 instead of 2012. Then everone would just be stunned without words. none of us shouldn't have to worry. What we need to do is to live everyday like it's our last. No man will know when the time will come.
  15. Neku

    Neku New Member

    maybe the north pole will melt
  16. Mythril Roxas

    Mythril Roxas New Member

    2012 looks like a good movie, gonna see it this weekend, that or New Moon (And make fun of it the whole time, haha......damn gay vampires)
  17. Soul Knight

    Soul Knight Guest

    If prophecy was so easy to prove to be a myth then again it wouldn't be the work of scientist to do it. The science community must have taken an interest in prophecy if they decided to study it, meaning it is not some myth but something more.

    What I don't understand about people like you is that you limit yourself to such a small window of knowledge. People like you always say, "SCIENCE IS THE ONLY THING THAT IS RIGHT!!!!! EVERYTHING ELSE IS A LIE BECAUSE I'M RIGHT!!! NOW BELIEVE ME AND FORGET EVERYTHING ELSE!!!!!"

    I believe science, prophecy, religion, and the ancient ways all must work hand in hand. That is why I despise modern human beings, they are so stupid. Most people don't even know who the vice president is yet they know who Britney Spears' boyfriend or whoever is. What a pathetic excuse for a society, why God ever decided to let me be born in this time period I will never understand. I would have fit in much better during the time of the Revolution of America or some other period related to knowledge.

    But I digress. Look if you really want to live in some closed off reality then fine but leave the real research to those who think with their mind and heart and those who constantly seek knowledge and keep an open mind. Because honestly most people are just a nusence and get in the way of real progress, have a good day sir.
  18. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    -__- I'm just going to stay out of this. The way Soul Knight was talking, I don't want to say anything that can or will hinder's someone's strength or lose hope.
  19. Moogle

    Moogle Well-Known Member

    The number of the beast is actually 6-1-6, just FYI. Anyways, here's my belief on why a whole branch of 'science' was created for prophecy - Where there is one fool with an idea, there are twenty others willing to follow it. Seventh Day Adventists, for instance. Socrates(Might be confused, 's been a while since I looked at Greek philosophers), another example. And before someone get onto me about him, then riddle me this: Why did authorities make him poison himself for 'polluting the minds of the young'.

    . . . . . That's already happening. . .

    Don't be so inconsiderate. The word 'gay' is not a derogatory word, and should not be used as such.

    Meh, I honestly can't think of anything to say about that last one. I could have made up some cock-and-bull retort, but that'd be silly.
    Kitty likes this.
  20. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    Actually it was not made up like that. It was based on how our computers worked at the time. Our computers were running off of something based on the year. And when it was to get to 2000, it would be like resetting to zero. Which would then cause all our technology to fail.

    It is. And some melting ice won't cause the world to end. We'll just adapt and live on the water like in Waterworld (I think that's what it's called).

    2 things.

    1. Posts like these are spam. Don't bother posting them.
    2. Don't see New Moon. For several reasons.

    Because even though it is easy to prove myth wrong, the masses don't believe it until a seemingly credible source proves the myth wrong (Hey, Mythbusters fits into this debate. Who would've guessed?).

    Just for the hell of it.
    Because He wanted to.
    Because of the lottery.

    Take your pick.

    Toph is a woman.

    Like I said to Mythril up above. This post is spam. If you're gonna stay out it this, then stay out. Don't post saying you're gonna stay out.

    And if you say anything that hinders somebody's strength or hope, then oh well. Because it is extremely sad if anybody takes any statement that serious.
    Kitty likes this.
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