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The General News Debate

Discussion in 'Mature Discussion' started by Cameron, Nov 16, 2009.

  1. Cameron

    Cameron New Member

    As this kind of topic is usual and active in most of the forums where I have encountered it, I thought making one. If the idea is not proven for to be in Debates or the idea simply fails, you may move/lock/delete, which ever is the best.

    As for the start, this one kinda took my interest at the first moment.

    Counting the world's 'invisible' children - CNN.com

    I think that the health care should be available for children's all around the world. They should have a extra right in this, and as reading the article, I began to wonder if those kids without the certifications get any H1N1 immunization.

    Oh anyway. Feel free to post any news that seem interesting to you, and feel free to debate about the older ones.
  2. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

  3. Cameron

    Cameron New Member

    If you didn't get it, it's what the children without birth certificates are called as it says in the text. Kind of weird title I know, but that's why it picked my eye, I think.

    But it wasn't A-Lea who the teacher told not to study, it was Orowan. Guess that the teacher thought that the school couldn't help the kid because he hasn't got the certificate.
  4. Answer Man

    Answer Man Man I'm Awesome

    WTF? i mean that is so wrong, if we all live here we all have to help out brith certicife or not, jeus didn't have one, alex the great didn't, and i dont think we have to have one to be "visable" to the soical and politc world. that is some bull crap.
  5. Cameron

    Cameron New Member

    We're living in a world where the religion no longer has no grip for the law (thought what I remember of reading it, horrible time it was), and we're already living the 21th century. Some laws are useful, some so stupid that you may only just spit and them.

    Remember, you can post your own interesting news too.
  6. Soul Knight

    Soul Knight Guest

    Which is why we need the bible back in our laws. Look it's not hard to figure out. Societies that don't obey God's laws always collapse or fail. It has been proven over and over and over throughout history. Is anyone honestly going to tell me that the America begining to fail since the 60's and the fact that the 60's was also when people started to take God out of things, is just a coincedence that they started at the same time? Give me a break, that's BS and you know it.

    But to get back on subject, I don't care whether someone has a birth certificate or not they are still human and still deserve care.
  7. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    XD BS=SB. WHEE! Anyways, DX I don't think we should be getting onto the subject about the bible back into the laws & stuff. Let's take that to the religion thread. Also, just because you don't have a birth certificate doesn't mean that you shouldn't go to school. Dx If we need a birth certificate just to have rights, then I'll be upset. Why? Because with that birth certificate, it will show that you actually "exist" or that you is not from no orphanage or an alien from another country.

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