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World ending / Major crisis 2012

Discussion in 'Mature Discussion' started by WayToTheDawn, Aug 23, 2009.

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  1. Soul Knight

    Soul Knight Guest

    Act what way, I am just a very angry person.

    Problem is, no one has ever tried to see if anything comes after death. I mean I don't understand how you possible think everything in the universe just got here? A creator had to have had all this planned, it's just too complex to have just happened.

    Here is the thing though, we don't just believe it, we base everything on our religion, our God. It's the center of our lives and therefore nothing is more important, including the opinions of others. If you say that there is no God we will argue about it, because your insulting the greatness of God. Think about it from our point of view, Jesus died for us, he sacrificed himself so we could get to heaven. We love him so much, we love him more than anything. So when Aithies try to get rid of "Merry Christmas" it is insulting to us, when you try to get the ten commandments out of the courthouse it is offensive, when you try to get prayer out of school we are insulted, when you try to get "In God we trust" off our money we are insulted, when you try to pass a law that will make preaching against homosexuality a hate crime, we are insulted. Therefore we feel persacuted by society, by aitheist. We shouldn't have to live in a society where we are treated like that, but you aithiest just want to shut us up.

    What offensive way are you talking about?

    I'll gladly send you a link to proof he said that stuff about the polar shift tomorrow when I have more time.

    Then tell me why are aithiest trying to get God out of everything? Why is is that the aithiest movement wants God removed from everything?

    Point is, Global Warming is a scam.

    Some of humanity is like that. Not all of us. Don't ever give up hope on humanity. Don't always look at the negative like a pessimist.[/QUOTE]

    But humans do so many bad things. It eats away at me everyday, I hate the fact that humans can do bad things, it makes me so angry.

    How? Just because I condem a species that does do bad things?

    I am human so in a way i am what I hate.

    Christianity will never die out, God wont allow it.

    Then why is the aithiest movement trying to get God out of everything?

    But what about what Bin Laden deserves? Does he not deserve all the things I said?

    I believe the last time the polls shifted was the time of Noah's flood and that was also the event that helped caused the destruction of Atlantis.

    But when I do turn the other cheek it makes me sick, I feel so dirty and filthy. I just want to scream, I feel like i'm the bad guy if I turn the other cheek.

    Humans are ignorant and that is why we can't do anything right, it's the reason the world has so many problems.

    And trust me if I could choose anyother planet or reality to be born into, it sure wouldn't be this loser world.

    Yes they do, the aithiest movement is trying to remove God out of everything in this country. They want to keep us from preaching against homosexuality. There are aithiest that want to destroy religion, and that movement is what represents the aithiest community. If you have a problem with it then tell your fellow aithiest to leave us christians alone and maybe my opinion will change of aithiest.
  2. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    According to atheism.about.com...
    And that's assuming that most atheists take an active interest in politics. I think most are probably pretty quiet about their beliefs, judging by the backlash they can expect from people like you.

    Is it for you to judge him and decide?
    (Taken from peaceonearth.net)

    By all means, do so.

    Act what way? Ignorant, as I said in my post. You assume things about other people that are absolutely ridiculous. You've put words in my mouth, labeled me incorrectly (I am NOT an atheist. Try reading my posts before you reply to them), and made wide generalizations about groups of people, like atheists, without any sort of corroborating evidence, for starters. You've also made claims about things like global warming without bothering to post sources, even though you've been asked.

    Well, for example, a nice way to discuss religion would be to, I don't know, ASK the person you're approaching if they are interested in hearing you. If they are, I think you should then speak your spiel while understanding that the person you are talking to may already have a firm belief system in some other religion, or lack there of, and be respectful. I have been approached at school and in various places out in public, and no one has yet impressed me with the feeling that they gave a damn what my actual opinions are.

    Emoticons cannot express how exaggeratedly I rolled my eyes after reading this part of your post. As someone who is not (I'll repeat it again in case you didn't bother reading it the first time) an atheist, I agree that religion, Christianity or otherwise, has no place in American courthouses or schools. America was founded on principles of religious freedom. The government should not endorse one over the other. I don't have a problem with a moment of silence, or students choosing to hold prayer meetings (as long as it doesn't take time out of actual teaching), but I find it wrong for government institutions to teach or prefer any one religion over another.

    I think we are forgetting that this thread is supposed to be discussing 2012, not religion in general.

    I've been reading some articles about various "predictions", concerning Mother Shipton, Nostradamus, the I-Ching, etc, and it seems to me like none of these explicitly say that any of the events will occur in 2012, but people have for some reason, that I have yet to discover, assigned 2012 to be the year in which a whole lot of them will be fulfilled. Supporters seem to use the other prophecies as "proof" that each one of them is true ( a sort of "they can't all be wrong" idea) despite the fact that historians are not even positive that some of the prophets, like Mother Shipton, even existed, and a lot of the other prophecies made by these people were published/discovered after the events that appear to fulfill them occured.

    Eh, read the article below, because my comment came out more rambly than intended.

  3. Moogle

    Moogle Well-Known Member

    Damn. Toph already took the two things that I was going to say. . . So, here's a little (Mundane) tidbit: A fortune isn't really a fortune unless you can put "In Bed" on the end of it successfully.
  4. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    Yes they do, the atheist movement is trying to remove God out of everything in this country. They want to keep us from preaching against homosexuality. There are atheist that want to destroy religion, and that movement is what represents the atheist community. If you have a problem with it then tell your fellow atheist to leave us christians alone and maybe my opinion will change of atheist.[/quote]

    This is not a religious debate, so please take this to the religion thread. Before I talk about the 2012 part though, I'm going to go against Soul Knight about this because this statement is not even true. Soul Knight, stop trying to be negative all the time & think. I've seen atheists who don't even talk down to christians like me. One of my friend that I've told you about in my last post, she even need me for some things that she's going through. Not all atheists is going to be bashing down religions. Not only that Soul Knight, don't even try to call the human race evil & cruel. That's just making me mad because I'm a human too & by calling the human race evil, cruel, & selfish, you is calling God's children evil, cruel, & selfish, & you really need to add positive thoughts in your heart. Also, STOP TALKING ABOUT OSAMA BIN LADEN! It's not for you to judge! Judge not others, but judge ye yourself. I'm going to be honest with you all the way, because the one thing you kept on forgetting is to love everyone, regardless if they are atheists, regardless if any human you've seen during your life are cruel, etc etc. Humans makes mistakes, but humans are able to do the right things too. If you are going to be hating the human race & not even going to have love in yourself to forgive the human race, have love for those who even try to do good, & those who are of a different religion, then you are, I hate to say this, but this is true, a hypocrite.

    Now, about 2012, even if 2012 is not the end of the world, there's another person who said that the world will end at the year 3774. I don't know if that will happen, but the world is going to end one way or another.
  5. Mythril Roxas

    Mythril Roxas New Member

    Enough with the political correctness bullshit B. People judge, infact in your post you are judgeing Soul Knight's judgement, so your going against your whole point...aren't you? So dont be foolish and say that is wrong to judge. Without proper judgement, no one would know right from wrong. You dont have to agree with Soul Knight, and thats what makes you different. But what Soul Knight is doing is not wrong.
    Also, the world is a very bad place. I don't know if you live in a little bubble or something B, and it seems like you have considering we've been debating for sometime now and you seem to think the world is all honky dory like on Tella-Tubies, but the fact is that the world we live in and the human race as a whole is very evil, selfish, and greedy. I think I've explained before how we are a race of both good and evil, and the battle in life is to sway away from what we desire and what we want, because the true war between good and evil goes on inside of all of us. But saying that the world and humans are evil doesn't mean ever single human being alive and dead is or has been evil ALL THE TIME, or that the world was never pure (by our standards). But the FACT is that the world isn't a "honky-dory" place, it is full of selfish people...greed really does control our race. If you don't beleive me, look through out history, and if you don't want to believe history then look inside yourself. Maybe you won't see it, because Pride blinds us all, but there is something inside of you that wants to kill, steal, lusts for sex, and wants nothing but to gain all of these desires through out your life. Its there, getting past the denial of it is half the battle. Why? Because most people see themselves as the center of the universe, and do not realize the big picture whatsoever.
  6. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    First off Mythril, I never did live in a bubble. Second off, I'm proving my point with evidence. Third, this has nothing to do with 2012. I see some things that I need to work on & I judge myself before I judge anyone else. I didn't say that the world is always peaceful. I've seen places that I've lived in where I hate getting into fights & people always talking about me behind my back. Don't tell me anything about history because I know what happened with blacks not having their rights to Jews getting executed to Anne Frank to 9/11 & more. American Revolution to the Civil War I can see the violence. I can even picture it in my head. I don't see myself as the center because I think about others. Inside of me is more positive that be outweighing the negative, but only because I decided to choose what's right than what's wrong. Sometimes, it is wrong to judge. When it's time to judge & how you judge makes a difference. Soul Knight making judges about atheists being mean & cruel & how he said that the human race is so cruel & evil makes me thinks that he's saying about every human the way I'm reading it. The human race as a whole is actually is neutral. Why I said as a whole that it's neutral. Because there are people still doing good in the world. As a whole, there a people killing & stealing while there are people still preaching, praying,& doing what is good & lovely.

    I don't even lust for sex. Not once. The rest, we really need to take this to the religion debate because this is going off topic.

    Edit: Also, I did not go against my own words Mythril. I was judging myself & had evidence that prove that you cannot judge people harshly & that you cannot even stereotype people. I don't want people like Toph getting hurt by what he said & he needs to know that even though he saw more negative things than I did, he still need to learn that he needs to respect atheists & anyone else regardless. I give thanks to Raiden for even letting me know that you cannot always show your emotions & Soul Knight is letting his anger getting to him.
    Last edited: Nov 25, 2009
  7. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    Well, the last two posts were pretty much completely off topic, and even though I really want to comment on them, I'll refrain from doing so for the sake of the debate at hand.

    One thing I would like to point out that is slightly off-topic, concerns Wiccans, which summonerbrandon has mentioned a few times. Wiccans are not atheists. "Atheism can be either the rejection of theism, or the position that deities do not exist. In the broadest sense, it is the absence of belief in the existence of deities." Most Wiccans do worship deities (traditionally both a god and goddess). Wicca is a religion. Atheism is not.

    *Quote taken from wikipedia. Sources associated with the quote were from various philosophy encyclopedias and the Encyclopedia Britannica.

    LMAO, I didn't notice this earlier. I have an idea. How about YOU tell your fellow christians to leave "us atheists" (despite the fact that I'm not one :rolleyes:) alone? In my life, I have had more christians harass me over religion than I've had people even admit to me to be atheist. I've heard more on the news about radical christians burning books, bombing abortion centers, and otherwise protesting than I've heard about atheist activities. Politically active atheists simply seem to be protesting for what should be a given -the separation of church and state as set out in the Constitution.

    Heh, I saw somebody refer to 12/21/12 as "December Fools Day." Genius.
    Last edited: Nov 25, 2009
  8. Answer Man

    Answer Man Man I'm Awesome

    hey hey hey, i think that most ppl think the wrold will end but it wont, like werewolfes or vampiers they are not real, and there is some clues saying the earth will be changeing, i mean it is like 1000000000000000000 years old so it has to change. or some potical thing will happen and maybe aronld swraganager will be pres, or all the asain will die, or american will be like the worst countire ever cuz we were attacked for all the crimes we have done. or something nobody knows, but if you read my articale i posted few weeks ago, you'll see that maynes have nothing to do with it. if nobody found the calnder than ppl wouldn't care for 2012
  9. Mythril Roxas

    Mythril Roxas New Member

    lol, your an ignorant liar, you gave no proof, you judged Soul Knight, and worst of all you wont even admit it. Remember, getting past denial is half the battle. You must accept what you are to destroy what you have become.

    Like what your sig says. The world is big, so live
  10. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    *Sigh* I'm not ignorant & I'm not a liar. All I need is one word or verse to explain this & that is that you cannot judge others, but judge yourself. Actually, it's judge not, that ye be not judged. That's my proof there. Don't believe me, then read your bible. You don't want to read your bible, then there's no reason to talkabout this.

    Anyways, ??? what does 2012 have to do with all Asians dying AnswerMan? Rawr is one too you know & I don't think God would make all Asians die. Also, I doubt that Arnold Schrawzenegger would even be president in 2012 or that he would even run that year.
  11. Answer Man

    Answer Man Man I'm Awesome

    i dont know, that's why i put it, maybe a whole race will go away, different possibilitys, plus i was saying that anything big could happen, or maybe nothing.
  12. Mythril Roxas

    Mythril Roxas New Member

    - Please and thank you
    Kitty likes this.
  13. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    This was just one huge WTF moment for me. For one thing, spell check, please.

    Are you comparing something to vampires/werewolves because they are all not real, or simply telling all of us that werewolves and vampires don't exist? If the latter, guard your back from the hordes of Twilight fangirls that are coming to tear you limb from limb. If the former, what are you comparing to them? The idea of the end of the world coming in 2012? >_<

    Well, likely something political will happen, seeing as how 2012 is an election year. Arnold as president? Only if someone can push through a constitutional amendment allowing foreign borns to hold the office, and with how suspicious Americans are after 9/11, I can't see that happening. The death of an entire race of people? *raises eyebrow* And as I've seen moderating threads concerning the war in Iraq, plenty of people already think America is the worst country ever. That would be nothing special in 2012.

    I'll assume you're discussing the Mayans and their calendar. And you're right in that the Mayan calendar does not end in 2012, and therefore does not point to doomsday. Though I think there was more to the beginning of this foolishness than just the calendar.
    :D I am not often actually offended by comments made in debate threads. More often, I just find them absurdly hilarious. Stupidity amuses me.
    Mythril Roxas likes this.
  14. Plasmos

    Plasmos Plasmos

    Using "all capitalized" words to explain your point isn't necessary.

    [EDIT] lord you kids these days are a hand full.
    Last edited: Nov 25, 2009
  15. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    I have to agree with Rei there Mythril. That's more like flaming. Anyways, don't try to say about me being a messenger of God because I never had that thought in me. I'm tired of repeating myself over & over so I'll sum everything up. Soul Knight needs to stop letting his anger get the best of him & needs to be less stereotyping & so negative about something that's only 50% false & true. I'm being more of a friend to Soul Knight because I care for him & I don't want him to go & end up getting yelled at by Raiden & the staff because I let my emotions show too much & said some things that I didn't even think would hurt people, but actually did hurt some.

    Anyways, I think people wants to make 2012 the doom year just so a lot of drama can start. That's what I think actually. Which one do you want to see? You want to either pass away before the rapture or do you want to see the rapture?
  16. Mythril Roxas

    Mythril Roxas New Member

    the rapture isn't real. Theres nothing in the Bible that even hints to the rapture.
  17. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    Rapture, going to heaven, apocalypse, whatever you want to call it that humans call it.
  18. Mythril Roxas

    Mythril Roxas New Member

    But the rapture isn't real, it was a made up concept to ease the pain of modern day christians facing the apocalypse. But it hasnt come, nor will it ever realy. Even if this world dies, there is always life somewhere else in the universe.
  19. Answer Man

    Answer Man Man I'm Awesome

    you know 2012 could always just be the turning point of this world, where something may be found that changes everything we know, like a big part of the bible that tells when judgment day is or that the bible was made for hope that there is a god, or something like Lincoln made some proclamation that says black people are enslaved again and that white America and some Asians or Russians have been plotting to make blacks become salves or extinct. i mean they have a lot of bombs.
    Last edited: Nov 26, 2009
  20. Moogle

    Moogle Well-Known Member

    Just. . . stop. . . talking. . . please. If you're going to contribute, then for Christ's sake (pun intended), USE PROPER FRAKKING GRAMMAR!!
    Kitty likes this.
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