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Kingdom Hearts II: Neo Organization XIII (O.O.C. & S.U.)

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Reonarudo Butsuchiru, Oct 7, 2009.

  1. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    -__- It didn't sound like it to me. Also, I'm going to be busy throughout the week & I'll be ticked off on some things, even if it is a joke, so if you're joking, just make it a little bit more clearer. your sentence didn't sound like a joke.
  2. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    No problem. I completely understand you might have gotten a mix up especially if your busy everyday or every other day.

    *Whistles* Touchy much :p

    When will the big Neo vs. Hollowed match-up be?
  3. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    I don't know. All of you already have your characters suspicious of my two characters, :p:p who will never die & will be the survivors. HAHAHA! Chapter six most likely will be the main one.
  4. Tsukiyomi

    Tsukiyomi Shinto's Moon God

    Well, that is what Reo said. He said that in CHapter 6, people can start using their ultima forms. THat is most likely when they are going to die.
  5. summonerBWM, don't do anything like that ever again. You just totally screwed over the enitre idea in world occupation. I didn't make that place pink and gray, it's the colours black, white, and gray based off of the nobodies all right. Bell and Beast are gone, dead, everyone from that world is dead, gone, except for the Nobodies, got it? Edit the hell out of that post now.
    Last edited: Dec 3, 2009
  6. Roxion

    Roxion New Member

    BTW, Reo, PM me so that we can discuss the connection between Jeantress and Garnex, ok?
  7. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    -____- Hello?! You should already know about my two character's personality already! Xiana redecorating the castle to her own taste? Siah taking over the Land of Dragons & changed the colors to her desires? What do you think?! Also, you didn't say that the npc's of one world will be dead if their world have been taken over!! OTHERWISE, YOU WOULD'VE ALREADY SAID THAT A LOOONG TIME AGO SO DON'T EVEN TRY TO GET SNAPPY WITH ME! Yeesh! You didn't even said that the world will be in grey & black.
    Last edited: Dec 7, 2009
  8. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica


    Where is everyone? I want to leave Rixion and mess with someone else.
  9. Cameron

    Cameron New Member

    Well, Reaper, Atlas and Sorrow are currently inactive chars. since the owners haven't been online for a while.
  10. So then that'll mean that they're pronounced "dead" or "missing" in case people want to adopt but I doubt that right now.
  11. Ahem, you can't redecorate worlds . . .
  12. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    -__- & you can't double post. Not only that, there are no rules saying that you can't change a world's view, a world position or the like. Not only that, if you can't "redecorate" a world, then that means that you cannot change Twilight Town's color to black, grey & white then.
  13. Cameron

    Cameron New Member

    White, black and grey are the primary colors of the Nobodies, and when thought clear, it goes the same with the world occupation. If you'll add pink it ain't right IMO.

    Would be weird if a world would be swallowed in darkness and the darkness would be pink, eh? And the rules don't have a spot for the world occupation because it was invented later. And Reo's the leader of the RP, so naturally he decides and says what needs to be done.
  14. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    Summoner, bloody hell. You can't simply redecorate a world. I'm pretty sure they don't have terraforming in KH. =P
  15. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    That's what my characters is into. All Reo have to do is to use his character to change the color back to the color that he wants. Besides, I use my characters to do things in secret & they hate black & grey. Not all characters are going to have their own colors so I used colors for those who have more of a wealthy background. Changing colors is not all that bad.
  16. But just like what noz said, those are primary colours of the Nobodies as red and black are the regular colours of Heartless. That's why that can't happen, sorry man :-(

    On a lighter note, we're about to go into the sixth chapter meaning that characters can be killed off (unless they're needed to help out in the story). The spots that were once for Nobodies and Hollowed that are inactive are now open (unless you want to adopt). I'll need to edit my post soon so I can show you guys who is available or taken. As for world occupation, the "points" are tied. The Neo Organization has two worlds (not including T.W.T.N.W.) and The Hollowed have two (not including H.B./R.G.). Remember that the main worlds for both sides (The World That Never Was and Hollow Bastion/Radiant Garden) are not to be entered by anyone or anything of either side until we get into chapter 10 (that's when the real action starts).

    Any questions, simply do the contact info for me.
  17. Tsukiyomi

    Tsukiyomi Shinto's Moon God

    Sweet, can I make a new Nobody?
  18. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    I'd like to make a nobody. Let me know by way of pm if you got an opening.
  19. Tsukiyomi

    Tsukiyomi Shinto's Moon God

    Yes, a pm for me also please.
  20. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    Hey, that's my idea. Mine!

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