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Hardest Superboss?

Discussion in 'General Final Fantasy' started by Desert Warrior, Dec 6, 2009.

  1. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    Alright. Here's a good thread. Who do you think is the hardest superboss in the entire series?

    Is it Ruby or Emerald Weapon?


    I have here a list. A list of all the superbosses throughout the series. With the exception of Final Fantasy XI. Simply because that superboss is the most difficult ever. And FFXI is an online game.

    This list includes the superbosses of the original game and all subsequent remakes. For example, the original FFIII has no superboss. But the DS version does.

    Death Gaze

    Ultima Weapon

    Iron Giant

    Zeromus EG

    FFIV: The After Years-
    Lord Dragon
    Ultima Weapon

    Omega Mk. II
    Neo Shinryu

    Kaiser Dragon
    Omega Weapon

    Emerald Weapon
    Ruby Weapon

    FFVII: Crisis Core-

    Omega Weapon




    Hell Wyrm
    Omega Mark XII
  2. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    Nice thread.

    I've beaten VI, VII, VIII, IX, X, X-2, and XII (US versions). I've also played V, but I don't recognize any of the bosses on that list, so I must not have gotten that far before I lost my game. <_<

    I'd say the hardest superboss was Omega Mark XII (FFXII). For one thing, getting to him is a huge pain in the ass, what with the swarms of tough random encounters and the generally frustrating nature of the Great Crystal. My characters were high level, but he could still pretty much kill any of them with one hit. I was continously reviving characters and charging MP, getting in attacks when I could.

    Honors to me would go to Trema (X-2). I had to actually use a strategy with this dude, while usually with decent stats I just physically attack/button mash the bosses. Not to mention, you don't get to heal before fighting this guy, so if you get your ass almost handed to you by Paragon, Trema will kill you before you can do anything.

    I don't remember having trouble with any of the bosses in VI. Ruby and Emerald Weapon were tough (and I'd say Ruby was the harder of the two), but I never found them as impossible as some people seem to. I thought Omega Weapon in VIII was easy (especially since Omega has an attack pattern that makes it easy to protect yourself from his deadliest attacks). Ozma in IX was again pretty easy, especially if you have shadow absorbing armor or accessories on. Unfortunately I can't fight Penance in X, but Nemesis, with decent stats and break damage limit weapons, can be Quick Hit to death before he gets a chance to do anything. As for the rest of XII's bosses, I can't remember much about fighting Hellwyrm, so I must not have found him to be that difficult. Yiazmat was a pain only because he had so much HP. It took me like 3 hours to whittle it down.

    Last edited: Dec 7, 2009
  3. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member


    I had gotten all these names from the Final Fantasy Wikia. So maybe some of the bosses I listed might not be considered superbosses.

    And as for me personally, the only superbosses I've fought were Ruby and Emerald Weapons, Hell Wyrm. Never beat any of them. But my characters are always too weak. I might stand better against Hell Wyrm now, but I doubt I can beat him yet.

    I've learned of a glitch to kill them both in one hit. But I don't own the game, so I can't put in the play time to get the glitch to work. And in order to do it some materia that is equipped won't gain any AP. Hate that bit about legendary weapons.
  4. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    I think these bosses must be at the end of the game, and I just never got to the last area.

    I've never understood why people would want to do that, because the point, for me, is to have a challenge and earn the bragging rights. *shrugs* I know a lot of people fought both of them easily by miming Knights of the Round over and over. I thought their summon animation took too long, so I just used limit breaks.

    You're welcome. This section is lacking in interesting threads, so it's nice to have something new to reply to.

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