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World ending / Major crisis 2012

Discussion in 'Mature Discussion' started by WayToTheDawn, Aug 23, 2009.

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  1. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    I stand corrected. I had heard that the moon was going to squish us, but the moon leaving would be even worse. As it would have it, here is what would happen in both instances.

    If the moons leaves:
    The water bodies on the planet will cease to have tides.
    If the moon leaves, so does the gravitational drag it provides. Our planets rotation would increase dramatically causing a chaotic breakdown of our seasons and ultimately resulting in a ice age.

    We dead. =P

    Now, if the moon crashes into us:
    Our tides would be gone, along with the gravitational drag
    Massive earthquakes would occur as our planet tried to absorb the moon into the crust.
    Also the earth would become irregular and would wobble on its axis until various events involving our land masses occured to make the earth round again.
    It is likely that only some species of fish survive this catastrophe.

    So we dead yet again. =P

    I think the Yosemite Super Volcano will go off before the moon leaves or dusts us.

    I just recently read in National Geographic that a super volcano lies beneath Yosemite and is building up for its next eruption. Super volcanoes don't seem to have a large mountain above them. They are classified by bulges in the earths crust before an eruption, and gigantic columns of magma beneath them. These columns can be up to 400 km high, and as much as that long. Volcanoes create land masses, and Super Volcanoes erase them from the earth. These signs signal when a super volcano is gearing up for a eruption:

    Swelling of the crust signals an event in the somewhat near future.
    Cracks appearing on the swelling signals an event could occur soon.
    Steam escaping through the cracks and increased earthquakes signal an event will occur very soon.
    Huge amounts of gas coming through the cracks with greatly increased earthquakes signal an event is happening.

    Running from these is pointless. Eruptions can release so much gas that it can block out the sun and cause a volcanic winter world wide.
  2. Autopsy

    Autopsy #3 Nelliel Tu Oderschvank

    Most of what you said is totally invalid. I took astronomy over the summer with a professor that used to work with NASA and all of them.

    The moon is freakishly small compared to earth.

    If a bowling ball represents the earth, then the 'moon' is a golf ball.
    If the moon crashes into earth, which won't happen because its actually growing 'further' away by inches every year, then it'll create a dent on earth that'll probably be a little bit larger than the grand canyon. Or it'll make such an impact that the most that earth will have is a retarded looking crater that'll make it look like the 'Death Star' or something from Star Wars.

    The moon is floating in space and doesn't have any inertia.
    Inertia is what happens when there's collected speed. Something enormous would have to 'hit' the moon in order to actually cause enough momentum for the moon to crash into earth. Think of meteors and comets hitting the earth periodically over time. They always have extreme collected inertias that gather enough speed over decades to actually make an impact to break through earth's atmosphere to strike its grounds.

    And your argument is the same argument that can easily be appointed to one of "Jupiter's" moons leaving it. For example, a moon that sits between Jupiter and its other moon 'Europa' is called 'Io.' Its evident that Io has no sway over Jupiter's natural gravitational pull because the energy between Europa and Jupiter is so intense that it causes a 'disruption' and causes Io to have volcanoes and magma sputtering all over it because the energy between the two bodies affected its core.

    Europa is as big as planet earth, and many scientists and astronomers identify it as a pretend-planet because of its massive size.

    Then Io is slightly bigger than the moon, or around the same size. If Europa can represent earth, and has all of that energy, and Io doesn't have enough of a natural gravitational pull to *affect* Europa to counteract the volcanoes that are being created on it, then that basically means that if the Moon were to ever leave Earth, then the solar system would not break out of Balance.

    Pluto is practically out of the freaking solar system as it is.
    Yet is there any magnetic planetary combustion where the entire system hits a point of chaos?

    No, because the answer is simply this -
    The moon is not big enough to actually have that much of an affect on earth other than the tides being out of sway.

    - and once fucking again -
    The world is NOT going to end in 2012, or any time soon.
    So, drop it.
    Last edited: Dec 5, 2009
  3. Neku

    Neku New Member

    Nothing will happen at 2012
  4. Answer Man

    Answer Man Man I'm Awesome

    so i guess this debate is like over
  5. Autopsy

    Autopsy #3 Nelliel Tu Oderschvank

    If someone can attack my argument successfully, then this debate is over until then.

  6. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    Isn't the moon supposed to be 1/4 the size of the Earth?

    Pluto isn't a planet anymore. Simply because there are too many Pluto-like objects near Pluto. So either make all of them planets or remove Pluto from being a planet.

    If the moon were to be hit with an extremely strong force and sent towards Earth, the resulting impact would possibly break the Earth. Heck, the moon is bigger than the asteroid that killed the dinosaurs. If the moon had the same velocity of that asteroid, we'd all be dead.
  7. Autopsy

    Autopsy #3 Nelliel Tu Oderschvank

    Either way, it wouldn't have enough velocity.
    And I don't think it'd kill us all.

    The moon will never gather enough velocity to kill us. It would have to be made into a projectile. Then at that point, the moon itself would break and would become a scatter plot of asteroids and changing the polarity of the moon and the G-force itself.

    So, there's no argument there. The moon can't strike earth. It's settled.

    Also, I quote -

    And okay..Pluto isn't a planet?
    The only true force that would knock the solar system out of alignment would be if the sun exploded or a rip in between dimensions that would forge a black hole.
    Last edited: Dec 6, 2009
  8. Neku

    Neku New Member

    if the sun blew up we will all die and make a second ice age
  9. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    Or the whole world will flood or be on fire. That can end the world.
  10. Mythril Roxas

    Mythril Roxas New Member

    If you had a good reason of explanation to call it bull. But you dont have any such thing, do u B? NO, u dont. I wasn't the one who said my grandma knew something that no one else does, now am i?
    Its actually our tilt in our orbit that gives us the 4 seasons.

    i dont think so.

    very true.

    I dont know about that last part (volcanic winter), but it is very possibly that our planet could develop a super volcano over time. Any time soon? Nope.

    Yeah, I'm taking astronomy right now and just recently we went through all of this. Autopsy is right. 2012 wont kill us. And the moon wont have anything to do with the end of the world ever anyways.
    I dont think the end of the world will be 2012, but something big IS gonna happen...
    "the beginning of a new era". Its the not the end, its a big change.
  11. Autopsy

    Autopsy #3 Nelliel Tu Oderschvank

    I honestly hope that it's a change for the better because I REFUSE to have my existence determined by a fear campaign based on ignorance.
  12. constant_sugar_high

    constant_sugar_high New Member

    I honestly think that this 2012 stuff is a load of CRAP. Oh, look, fire's gonna rain down on us, the rivers will be bloody, there will be explosions, the ozone layers will just up and disappear.


    Although, I do think something will happen, but not something like THAT. Like, all "DA WORLD WILL END!". Nope.
  13. Mythril Roxas

    Mythril Roxas New Member

    i'm more of a negative person with things like this, so even though i HOPE it is a good change, i have a strong feeling that this change will possibly be very, very bad.
  14. constant_sugar_high

    constant_sugar_high New Member

    Yeah, I don't think the change will be all sunshine and daisies. It'll be BAD news. But we're not all going to die. Because if find the concept ridiculous. No offense to people who believe in the 2012 thing.
  15. No.III Xaldin

    No.III Xaldin New Member

    i beleave that at december 23rd 2012, there will be a big party just like at y2k
  16. Mythril Roxas

    Mythril Roxas New Member

    mhm. But we must also realize that what will be coming may be worse than death itself...
    I'm not talking about a plague or a disease. I'm talking about the enslavement of humanity.
  17. constant_sugar_high

    constant_sugar_high New Member

    Enslavement of humanity? Enslavement by who?
  18. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    Or maybe something will actually happens before 2012. -__- I might never hit 16 & actually be able to drive a car or go to college. May I ask all of you this question? How long do you think this world will last from here on out?

    Edit: Be honest about this.
  19. Moogle

    Moogle Well-Known Member

    Several billion years - permitting we don't do anything stupid, such as sending a nuke to the core.
  20. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    A couple of people in my church said 5 years or less. A couple of them says 10 years or less. The rest of us just says that we don't even know.
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