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The Way Women Today are treated.

Discussion in 'Mature Discussion' started by Answer Man, Dec 11, 2009.

  1. Cameron

    Cameron New Member

    I were with the girl I mentioned for like, what? Three months? And then suddenly she dumped me because she admitted that she had becomed a lesbian? Still I understood it and I forgived her. Two weeks isn't anything compared that, and we didn't just talk. It was more and she just dumped me.

    How ironic life can be sometimes.
  2. Answer Man

    Answer Man Man I'm Awesome

    well with that, not all girls act like that, i mean i think rappers, the new ones and old that have no sense, make girls think if they dress like this or act like this or like other girls, that they will be cool or become famous or guys will like them. maybe it's like that cuz some girls at my school dress showing there body's alot, making there chest show or having the back of there shirts up to show off there butts, so maybe it's how women are portrayed in tv, that is making the new generation of women act this way. And then guys encourage them to do so.
  3. constant_sugar_high

    constant_sugar_high New Member

    Summoner will now eat you alive, noz. Got a right to be shocked if someone told you that. Actually, with my friend, I wasn't surprised at all when he came out of the closet. "Rhya, I'm gay." "Tell me something I don't know."


    If my best friend told me she was a lesbian, I would probably react the same way. Shocked silence for twenty minutes, then just plain amazement and shock for...a few hours. Then I would get used to it. But seriously, being shocked when your friend says that they're gay/lesbian/bi when you haven't already guessed it doesn't mean you're homophobic. If a lesbian/gay said he was straight, people would be surprised, too. See, goes both ways.

    Alright. Back on topic. Women.
  4. Answer Man

    Answer Man Man I'm Awesome

    yes, if has anybody seen how women some will take being called a b#$# like it's nothing or other disrespecting things but laugh like it's nothing>
  5. alchemistz

    alchemistz New Member

    Yeah that's why I moved school >.>
    Anyways there's a woman that became a man in the TV O_O
    He's in the show "Big Brother"
  6. Cameron

    Cameron New Member

    The hell do I care? It's my opinion that he should had been more supportive for the friend instead go silent for hours. I just think it's morally wrong against a friend of yours.
  7. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    Shut the hell up noz. You don't even understand. I still support her regardless stupid. Do I have to say this thirteen times to get it inside your head? It's your opinion but that does not means that it's a fact so either you just accept what I had to say why I was silent or stick a turkey leg down your throat & shut up. Case closed. Anyways, are women are influenced more by things than men? Some people get tired of them going "What shall we do? I KNOW! SHOPPING!!!!" Not saying that this is what I think of women but what others might think.
  8. Avalantos

    Avalantos Mr. Detective

    I rofl'ed

    What a mess of a world you live in, I recomend you move to the real world.
  9. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    If you is not going to debate on the topic, take your butt out of here thank you.
  10. Avalantos

    Avalantos Mr. Detective

    My debate is there is no need for a debate.
    In modern times women have it easier than men, they have equal rights and then use sex appeal to get even more rights / further ahead.

  11. Answer Man

    Answer Man Man I'm Awesome

    please keep on topic, i dont want this to shut down)

    But yes summoner i think men do influence the way some women do things, how they dress, becasue some women will think, if i dress this way, then all the guys will love me! or how they become strippers, or porn stars/ becasue in this world, they where brought up thinking that this is the way women do things.
  12. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    I don't think you have it quite right here. I don't think the women who chose those careers were brought up to think that they should behave that way. I think they chose those careers because they needed money to provide for themselves, and they knew that careers in the sex industry pay. I don't think very many of them think "Wow, my dad sure will be proud of me when he knows what I'm doing!"

    To be fair, it's not just men who influence women in this way. Women do it to themselves, too.
  13. Answer Man

    Answer Man Man I'm Awesome

    Women do influence themselves to but what about the disgrace they are causing the sex? i mean most people from other parts of the world whact one video with a girl showing all her stuff and a lots of them around one guy, then there going to think that's how girls act here, so yes women do do it too i guess.
  14. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    I should hope that people are not so ignorant that they would judge all women based on watching one sleazy video.
  15. Autopsy

    Autopsy #3 Nelliel Tu Oderschvank

    Whoa, whoa.

    Being a stripper/exotic dancer actually pays extremely good money, believe it or not. Much, much more than minimum wage at a typical job. Many women turn to being strippers in order to help pay their bills faster.

    Then some of then also double that with going to school as well.
    Don't ever assume.
  16. Answer Man

    Answer Man Man I'm Awesome

    that is true, but what about all the thing women did in the past to get them free, so they can have rights, and now some are just disrescpting all that the past ladys worked for. the school i go to a guy can go and slap a girl on the butt or just touch on them and the girls will just laugh, not all but a lot, like they dont have any rescpet for themselves.
  17. Goldfish

    Goldfish Cats in the Cradle

    Sounds like they're Mr Popular. Or those girls are acquainted with them. I could touch butt all day (haha) as long as I knew the person, though there's most likely a funny consequence =\
    Some random I'd most likely get yelled at or accused for sexual harassment and then get into some serious trouble.
    Just the way of today I guess. People are just becoming more comfortable around the opposite sex, no need to have a first date or anything like that anymore.
    Of course, I'm not saying everyone is like this, just what I've seen here and there. I do remember the days when it was the opposite, perhaps because I lived in a smaller city back then and everyone knew each other?
  18. Answer Man

    Answer Man Man I'm Awesome

    STILL, they should not do that, i mean women didn't fight for there freedom and for them to stop getting beat and raped for women to just give in to guys and become porn stars, or look like horges in rap songs, or to make it seem like women have no respcet for themselves, and like they can be hit whenever they want.
  19. Goldfish

    Goldfish Cats in the Cradle

    Well it's not really hitting is it?
    I mean it's more of a cheeky pat or slap on the bum. It's a friendly gesture the way I see it. Take team sports for example, Team Mates pat/slap each other on the bum saying "good job" or "good luck"
    Also Stereotypes for the songs and who's to say there aren't male porn stars around? I tend to look at at these issues bluntly, because frankly I don't really care since I kind of treat everyone equally.
  20. Answer Man

    Answer Man Man I'm Awesome

    still what about how women so themselves off like dolls? guys or anybody will pressure them to dress like that to have friends or become cool.

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