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Death Penalty?

Discussion in 'Mature Discussion' started by Soul Knight, Sep 30, 2009.

  1. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    ^I wish you'd quit putting words in my mouth. Did I say the wishes of the victims' families didn't matter? :rolleyes:

    I can only give my opinion, not anyone else's. Executing someone does not make their wrong go away. It doesn't bring your loved one back to life or erase their traumatic experience. And I think justice is better served by locking a person away from the world for the rest of their life, rather than giving them a painless injection.

    I'm against the death penalty, but I never said anywhere that it should be abolished. I don't think it does much good as a deterrent to crime and I think it gives criminals an easy way out. A lot of countries have already abolished it. But if people still want to believe it works and a prosecutor wants to use it, fine.
  2. Soul Knight

    Soul Knight Guest

    I wasn't trying to put words in your mouth I was expressing how I took your opinion, because to me when someone says they are against the death penalty it seems to me that they don't take the feelings of the victims family seriously.

    Okay if revenge does not satisfy families of victim's then how do we as a society satisfy the victim's family. Like what if the husband becomes bitter and angry, does he not have a right to spend the rest of his life like that? So how do we find as a society fix help this man? How do we help his children?

    The only solution I see is revenge.
  3. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    Yes, he has the right to waste the rest of his life full of bitterness. If he chooses to do so, why is it society's job to try to "fix" him? And how exactly is executing someone supposed to help him? Will his life be nice and rosy again?

    If you'd read my post, you'd have seen that I also addressed how I thought I'd feel if I were the loved one of a victim. So I am obviously considering that angle. Not all people think killing someone is the best means of revenge. And I suppose some people might think that revenge is something best left to God.
  4. Soul Knight

    Soul Knight Guest

    I never said society had to "fix" him, people who lose their loved ones has every right to be bitter, it's jsut society needs to feel sorry for them and give them some kind of compansation for his lose, of course it wont bring the loved one back but it will show him society cares.

    Okay then, instead of letting criminals just live in a tiny cell, I say we torture them day and night and make them beg to die but not let them die. Who cares about torturing prisoners? They should have no rights, I don't consider them people anyways.
  5. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    I find this viewpoint disturbing. God help anyone wrongly convicted in your world.

    Whether you like it or not, criminals are still people. Torturing someone because of their past actions makes you as bad as they are. In my humble opinion.
  6. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    Guys, I think there is a capitol punishment debate somewhere around here. We should probably take this there.
  7. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    There are two, both extremely old (as in, last post January 2009). So, with this one newer and more active, what would be the purpose of bumping from page 5?

    Thanks for not adding anything to the discussion. ^_^
  8. Soul Knight

    Soul Knight Guest

    But criminals are not innocent people. See this is what I don't understand about what you just said, why should we care about a murderer? They didn't care about their victim so why should we ever show any sympathy or mercy toward the killer? Why do you care about whether they are tortured or not?
  9. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    Because I don't want to be like them. Just because someone does something terrible, it doesn't give you the right to sink to their level and be terrible right back.

    To be utterly cliche- two wrongs don't make a right.

    Not to mention, there's always the chance that the person could be innocent. Would you want torturing and murdering an innocent person on your conscience?
  10. Soul Knight

    Soul Knight Guest

    Yeah but that sinking to their level stuff, isn't that just some hippy thing about world peace and everyone being feminist pansies and all that made up junk they came up with while doped up?

    Now you bring up an important issue I can agree with you on. I absolutely think that innocent people in prison is a tragedy but that is why I would only allow torture if we were 100% sure the convicted person killed someone.
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 24, 2009
  11. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    This is such an idiotic comment, I can't even come up with a decent reply to it.

    Aren't you the one always complaining about how evil humanity is? Well, people who think that others don't have rights and that it's okay to torture and kill people just because they've done something wrong don't make humanity any better.

    This isn't about brushing aside their crimes as if they'd done nothing wrong. But if you can convict someone for killing someone else, isn't it just a wee bit hypocritical to turn around and do the same thing back at them?
  12. Soul Knight

    Soul Knight Guest

    Yes I do complain that humanity is evil and this issue is one example why. I think that if we don't kill or torture a killer it's unfair to the victim's family, and I believe that to be an injustice.

    Look you misunderstand how I see people. People who are innocent are not equal to criminals in my view. So torturing or hurting an innocent person to me is evil but torturing a criminal is not evil at all in my view, in fact I see revenge and justice as one in the same.

    See an innocent person is human to me because they have never done anythings seriously wrong but a rapist or murderer, well their evil and all evil should be eradicated.
  13. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    That you know of. How would you feel if the victim wasn't so innocent? Would being murdered (or raped, kidnapped, or a victim of any of the other capital offenses) then be something they deserved? Or, what if the loved one of a victim tracked down the person they thought commited the crime, but was cleared in court over some technicality, and murdered them? Would that loved one be justified?

    I value human life, no matter what that human has done with the life they have.
  14. Soul Knight

    Soul Knight Guest

    Well it depends on what the victim's loved one did wrong.

    Now if the killer got released on a techinicality it depends on that technicality. If they got released because of some loop hole then I think the victim's loved ones have every right to deliver punishment themselves.

    If the person they thought killed their loved one was let out because there was not enough evidence then no, the loved ones have no right to kill that person.

    And I judge people based on how they live their life, like a drunk matters less to me than a family man. A drug dealer matters less to me than a baby, a woman who has an abortion matters less to me than a mother who goes through with birth.

    See it's all about morality, someone has to judge who is evil and is good. Evil people deserve death, good people deserve happiness. Once we have created a society like this, then that society will be fair.
  15. Moogle

    Moogle Well-Known Member

    Hypocritical. You can preach with such passion for God, but in the Bible they say, "Do not judge others, lest ye judge yourself."

    And try this on for size: "The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong." ~Mahatma Gandhi
    "Forgiveness does not change the past, but it does enlarge the future." ~Paul Boese
    Forgiving is love's toughest work, and love's biggest risk. If you twist it into something it was never meant to be, it can make you a doormat or an insufferable manipulator. Forgiving seems almost unnatural. Our sense of fairness tells us people should pay for the wrong they do. But forgiving is love's power to break nature's rule." ~Lewis B. Smedes
    "There is no revenge so complete as forgiveness." ~Josh Billings
    "Without forgiveness life is governed by... an endless cycle of resentment and retaliation." ~Roberto Assagioli
  16. Soul Knight

    Soul Knight Guest

    Well if our sense of fairness tells us they should pay for the wrong they do, then why do we deny what is fair, if something tells us revenge is fair I don't see any reason to deny that part of our nature. As a christian i'm supposed to let God do the revenge stuff, as the bible says vengence belongs to God. But I can't understand how he can let a murderer into heaven even if they have repented and become a christian. How can he do such a thing?

    Whenever I have ever had to forgive someone for something I saw a big offense, as soon as I said I forgave them I didn't feel any better, I felt sick, it was such a horrible feeling, I felt weak and I just wanted to choke myself. It's such a nasty feeling to forgive. Revenge is a much more satisfying course, everytime I seeked revenge I felt good, I felt freedom from anger.

    You also say forgiveness breaks nature's rule. In case you haven't been able to tell, I hate breaking rules. Rules should never ever ever ever ever ever ever be broken except under certain circumstances. Rules is what mantains order, nature's rules should be followed and never broken except under certain circumstances.

    Finally you say that forgiveness can never change the past. Well then what good is forgiveness? Revenge is better because it is justice, atleast with revenge you get justice.

    There is also a great benefit to torture or the death penalty on a life scale. If we show society the torture or the painfull death that murderers and rapist go through, then it will strike fear in the hearts of people and some people will be too afraid to commit murder and this causes the homocide rate to decrease alot. Thus more innocent people are protected this way.
  17. Answer Man

    Answer Man Man I'm Awesome

    to answer your ?, if you dont care than you become as heartless and evil as the killer, kill a killer and you become the sinner or killer yourself, your not doing anything better than what they did. A life is a life, no matter what kind of life it is.
    Kitty likes this.
  18. Soul Knight

    Soul Knight Guest

    Then answer me this, how do you people accept the philosophy of what you just said without wanting to throw up? and I am being completely serious about this question. I want to know what kind of state of mind you have to have to be able to forgive so easily without wanting to beat yourself to a bloody pulp for forgiving someone.
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 25, 2009
  19. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    Yes to your post, messed-up grammar and all.

    Yes, that is exactly how I'd want to live- in fear. Hell, how about, every time someone steals, we chop off a hand! They won't do it again then. Or, if someone commits adultery, let's stone them! The world will be such a happy place then.

    I live with myself quite easily. I am far, far from perfect, but I try to be a good person. Being forgiven for past mistakes, and forgiving someone who wrongs me gives me a feeling of relief. I think that keeping that anger and malice inside eats away at you and ends up making you sick and miserable. I don't want to live that way. 'Course forgiving isn't always easy, and it's something I'd like to be better at.

    I sound so preachy it makes me want to throw up. >_<

    How do you live with yourself without wanting to throw up, knowing that you want to inflict so much misery on others, even those who've wronged you? I thought I could be judgmental and grudging, but I'm grateful I'm not as hateful as you seem to be.

    People can change. And these people have feelings just as you do. Whether you care to admit it or not.

    I don't think I've ever met someone so closed-minded in my entire life. It makes it hilarious to debate.
  20. Soul Knight

    Soul Knight Guest

    A world without crime is a happy place, why wouldn't you want a world without any crime?

    The last time I forgave someone for something they did to me that was really wrong, I kept beating my head over and over and over because I felt such anger at myself for letting myself forgive.

    If you forgive someone then it means you lose everything, you lost a loved one, you lost your anger, you just become a miserable person that has nothing left and your left all alone and no one comes to help you. You lose everything with forgiveness.

    And you can't just let go of the past, it's always going to be there and it should always be a reminder of what you lost so you can use your anger to give something to comfort you because no one else will comfort you, no one will care, all you have in the end is your anger and hatred.

    I live with myself because i'm not a criminal, i'm not in prison so that makes me more righteous and noble than anyone who has ever been in prison.

    Murderers don't have feelings, rapist don't have feelings, their evil, people like that don't have any feelings. That is just insanity to even suggest such a thing.

    And how am I closed minded? Just because I hate criminals doesn't make me closed minded.

    Let me ask you another question then. If someone murdered my sister or something, if I forgive this killer, what do I get in return? besides some fuzzy warm feeling in my gut. What do I get in return for forgiving a killer?

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