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Death Penalty?

Discussion in 'Mature Discussion' started by Soul Knight, Sep 30, 2009.

  1. Answer Man

    Answer Man Man I'm Awesome

    and i will answer it, it's hard but easy to forgive, forgiveness in my book is the first step to forgetting, if you cant live with how things are with it then change it, humans have it in them to kill and vengeance, but we also have mercy, and forgiveness. so look inside when it's time to forgive, and if you dont, you will be a person that takes away life, for once you have taken one life, you can and will take them all. And SK, do you think yourself as a hero in a way?
  2. Soul Knight

    Soul Knight Guest

    You said forgiving is the first step in forgetting. Well if you forget the crime it's like the victim didn't matter at all and that is the same as saying the life of the victim didn't matter.

    But again I don't understand how you can forgive, I am trying to understand where you, moogle, and Toph are coming from. I don't understand your state of mind, tell me what is it that allows you to forgive without hating yourself for forgiving? I want to understand, that's why I am asking you to explain it.

    I don't see myself as a hero but I see myself as one of the good guys. I see the world in a good and evil view, criminals are the bad guys and innocent people are the good guys and in every cartoon, every book, every game, every story in history the bad guy always dies. So criminals should die because they are the bad guys.
  3. Answer Man

    Answer Man Man I'm Awesome

    ok then trying to get me in a paradox maybe?

    well your not forgetting the victim at all, no really your trying to forget your pain, so you dont feel bad, so you dont want to kill that person, death is death it's all the same, no matter where you come from, if you say your killing someone cuz they killed someone, then it's still murder, and you have became the murderer, there for you must forgive that person for what they have done, for four reasons in my book:

    So you dont extract revenge
    So you can see the world in a diffirednt light instead of red
    to let the killer know that if they want to they can be forgiven, they just need not to kill or be a super sinner
    and so you dont feel pain, so you can still feel sad, but not to the point that you will die.

    and the hero thing: die a hero, or live long enough to see yourself become the villain. that's a good one for you SK.
  4. Soul Knight

    Soul Knight Guest

    I wasn't trying to get you in a paradox, I really want to know what allows you to forgive without hating yourself.

    But forgiveness still does not bring their loved one backs. And what does someone get in return if they forgive a killer?

    I don't try to pretend to be a hero, a hero would probably forgive. I have never raped, murdered, or seriously hurt anyone so i'm better than everyone in a prison. That makes me a good guy.
  5. Answer Man

    Answer Man Man I'm Awesome

    that is where you are wrong, you say you can not forgive those who hurt your loved ones am i right, that means you harbor somewhere the will to kill that person, a will stronger than most peoples dormant killer self, so there for you are not a good guy, it doesn't mean you have not raped and killed someone that makes you a bad guy,(will that's part of it) but it's the after phase, if they still do it and enjoy it then there bad, if they want to stop turn themselves in, or kill themselves to try and stop themselves, that makes them a good guy, because they hate that side, they want to be forgiven, they want to die for what they've done, they want people like you to step on them for what they've done, and if you see a killer or a rapist that is like that then they in a way good, for that if you dont forgive them and you kill them you become what they want to kill inside of them, they are doing a good thing stopping themselves making them good guys, you are trying to hurt them and kill them and let them die, you are the bad guy.
  6. Soul Knight

    Soul Knight Guest

    But their victim is still dead, they can never take that back. No matter what they do, no matter how much forgiveness they get, someone is still dead. What about the victim? Where is the victim's second chance?
  7. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    A world where you're constantly living in fear of doing the wrong thing because you'll be severely punished is not a happy place. And no, I wouldn't want to live in a world completely devoid of bad things, even crime. Good would have no value without evil to offset it. I do not think this is something you can understand.

    No, it does not. I find your attitude as disturbing as what I'd hear out of the mouths of the people you rail against.

    This sounds like something a sociopath would say.

    No. No one is saying that we need to love criminals and give them pats on the back despite their behavior. What makes you close-minded in this topic is the fact that you won't even consider how beneficial it could be to you to forgive someone, as well as the fact that you refuse to believe that anyone besides people just like you have feelings. Of course, this is just discussing this thread. In every post I've read by you, you've impressed me with your close-mindedness and inability to respect anyone else's viewpoints. You basically flame anyone who thinks something different from you, such as your comment about forgiveness being "isn't that just some hippy thing about world peace and everyone being feminist pansies and all that made up junk they came up with while doped up?".

    No, that's what you become when you let your anger and outrage eat you up inside. Take a look at yourself. You're full of anger, and you're one of the jolliest folk around, right?

    Is that really how you want to remember your loved ones? I'd prefer to remember all the happy times we had together, not the fact that someone took them away from me. And were I murdered, I would much rather my family think of me fondly, rather than wasting the rest of their lives angry at my killer. Eventually, you have to move on with your life and overcome your grief.

    And what is it that you get by seeking violence and revenge against that person?

    We are explaining this to you, but you just aren't comprehending it.

    Obviously nothing can bring the victim back. That's why it is stupid to destroy another life (not to mention the lives of their INNOCENT families) by executing (and torturing, as you suggest) someone. Life in prison without parole is no picnic for the criminal. No one is suggesting that they get away with their crimes with a small slap on the wrist.

    The forgiveness is for the benefit of the victim's loved ones. I've tried to explain why I think this is important, as has Answer Man, but I seem to be getting nowhere.

    No, it does not. The world is not black and white- it's made of shades of gray. No one is all evil or all good. Some might be better than others, but the simple fact that you haven't raped, murdered, or seriously hurt anyone doesn't make you good.
    Last edited: Dec 27, 2009
  8. Answer Man

    Answer Man Man I'm Awesome

    i'm not taking sides SK, but some of what toph said is correct, but i see where your coming from too, i think that you think that all the bad people should be really punished, or that all good people should live without fear, but the thing is right now we have fear, we have the bad guys and good guys, so put you foot back into now, and forget about later until it's time. Remember to do something good in your life to help the future shape out what you want to become, even if it's not perfect, you cannot perfect perfection in the way you want it. Die a hero mate, or live long enough to see yourself become the villain, cuz that's how it could shape out. not saying it will but by what your saying your on the verge of going to the dark side.
  9. Soul Knight

    Soul Knight Guest

    And this is something I can't understand. You say you don't want a world devoid of bad things? I don't get it? The reason we call them bad things is because we don't like them so why would you want them to exist? It does not make sense.

    Then what makes a person good or evil?

    Okay I don't care about the killer's feelings.

    Look my mom was a hippy, my grandparents were far too kind, I have personaly seen what happens when strict punishments are not given. My sister is still doing drugs, my mom is still doing drugs, maybe if someone has enforced some tough punishments then they would not have gotten on drugs. Tough punishments = people afraid to do bad things = safe society.

    I don't have a problem with people who don't agree with me, I simply don't see the logic in some of their views. I believe we need a world where we all agree on a certain set of rules that defines good and evil, then after that we need to have a perfect world. We need free will to be destroyed so we can't do anything evil, with evil gone everyone will be safe and can live in perfect peace.

    Why do you not want a perfect world? I don't understand why you would want any evil? If you want some evil in the world then you invite evil and to do so is evil which makes you evil. Simple as that.

    In other words, i'm tired of living in a world with any trace of evil.

    I'm not only full of anger, i'm full of sadness, hatred, malice, it's the only thing that keeps me going. Without anger and hate I would lose the will to live, I would have nothing to live for without my anger toward criminals and those who love evil. Anger is the only thing that fills the voids in my heart, it's the only thing that comforts me.

    If the world was perfect then the anger would go away and I could be at peace with myself.

    Some people can't overcome grief, don't you get that. Maybe you are stronger than me in a way, but so what? Grief is the only thing people have left to go on, because there is no hope in this world. No light, nothing, all there is is anger, hatred, grief, it's all we have to go on.

    Comfort, I get comfort from it. Nothing else gives me comfort but anger, hate, and revenge. There is no other comfort, humans, loved ones, all they do is try and tell you to forget, to act like anger doesn't exist, that's not real love, it's just lies told by people who only pretend to love you but when you come asking for help they tell you just to be silent. Humans can't give you comfort, only hatred can, only anger, only revenge.

    I can't comprehend it because I don't understand what you mean. What is the main thing that allows you to forgive and let go of your anger and move on, without hating yourself. There has to be a thing that allows you to do this. What is this thing, where does it come from? How did you get it?

    But no matter how much we want to, the family of the victim will still have pain in their hearts their loved one is still gone, how do they fix that? How do they get things back to normal. It seems to me all they get is to grieve and that's it.

    and again, I ask and Please answer this question: If I were to forgive a killer what do I get in return besides some stupid warm fuzzy feeling?

    How does it benefit the victim's family? What exactly and in detail do they get in return for forgiving the killer? Do they get money? Do they get power? Do they get love? Do they get control over something? Do they get something to fill the void in their heart?

    Or.....do they get "Oh we are so sorry for your lost."? That means nothing to me, I want something to fill the void in my heart.

    Then what does it make me? I have never done anything seriously wrong so if that doesn't make me good then what does it make me?

    Also if the world is not Black and White then why does society make it seem that way. When we are kids we are told who the bad guy of the story is and who the hero is, so why tell us stories that are in black and white when the world is not like that?

    The bolded part is exactly what I mean, that is the world I want, that is how I want the world to be, that the type of world everyone should strive for.

    When I here Toph say she wouldn't want to live in a world devoid of bad to me that is the same thing as saying that you like evil things, that you like people to die, you like people to be sick, to me that is the same thing.
  10. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    You're a moron. Yes, I realize we're not supposed to personally attack someone, but really, what other response is there to a comment like that? No, I don't like that people die, or are sick, or whatever. But it happens and there is no stopping it. And how can I appreciate life if I have no concept of death? How can I rejoice in my good health if no one is ever sick?

    I don't believe that a person is purely good or evil. As I said in my last post, I believe that everyone is a shade of gray- with no definite blacks or whites. Obviously, being kind, doing the right thing, and so on would make a person more on the white side of the spectrum, while killing someone would make them much more towards the dark side. But I believe that every person has the capacity to do both good and evil. And even people who choose to do wrong can surprise us by doing something good.

    Judging from your posts, you don't care about anyone's feelings except people who believe and behave exactly as you do. Everyone is different. Get over yourself.

    Because stories are written with clear morals to teach children right from wrong. People think kids are too stupid to understand anything more complex. But the world isn't like that. Just like there aren't really fairy godmothers, or apples that put a person to sleep until they are kissed by their true love. It's a STORY, aka a work of FICTION.

    Then those people need to seek professional help. You are still alive. Do you really think that your loved one would want to see you wallowing in grief for the rest of your life? Do I think getting over the death (particularly a violent death) of a loved one is easy- a snap of the fingers and you're all better? Absolutely not. But you owe it to yourself to try.

    Well, I know I for one simply cannot wait to have my free will taken away. Hooray for a society of robots!

    You don't get some "warm fuzzy feeling". I think forgiveness allows you to move on past the horrible act. It gives closure. You don't have to forget the loved one you lost, but it allows you to stop obsessing about their horrible end and remember how much you enjoyed them in life. And as I said before (I really don't think you're reading my posts as much as jumping on to a sentence here and there and attempting to pick it apart), I believe that keeping all of that anger bottled up inside can make a person ill and miserable. Letting go of those feelings and forgiving allows you to heal.

    I say it again- get over yourself. There is always going to be evil in this world. If you don't like it, go live in a cave by yourself or send yourself on up to whatever heavenly place you believe in. Perfection doesn't exist on earth.

    This is getting away from the topic of capital punishment.

    I've said my reasons why I am against it. I believe that in the long run- with the cost of appeals, it costs more money that it does to just pay for food and board for a prisoner for the rest of their life (though don't ask me for statistics on that one). Death row inmates spend most of their lives awaiting their sentences anyway. I think it is more of a punishment for them to be locked away and forced to live with the consequences of their crimes than it is to quickly execute them. I also don't think it is our right to decide who should live and who should die.
  11. Goldfish

    Goldfish Cats in the Cradle

    I'd just like to throw in, People can change.
    This is just a personal story of mine. I know someone who has been in jail for 12 years after shooting a police officer, the officer died a few days later in Hospital and the offenders sentence was increased. He's now out of the place and he's told me his stories of how much of a bad man he was. He's hinted of killing more than one person but never told me directly (notorious city gangs of the 90's). After his time, he's become a friendly man, just wanting to help others out, not using his anger to do something stupid, just trying his best to do good things in general. With all that, he has found himself happily married with a baby on the way with his wife.

    I don't like this Death Penalty. You treat whoever does a crime as an object to just simply throw away as if a used tissue with no regards for their feelings or those who are around them. Corporal punishment seems barbaric.
    Kitty likes this.
  12. Soul Knight

    Soul Knight Guest

    Well if you don't like that people die or are sick as you just said then why don't you to atleast try to get rid of death and sickness all together? It's better than just accepting it, isn't it?

    These aren't just radical ideas, these are things we never questioned, why do we have to die? Why do we have to suffer? We are humans for goodness sakes, we don't have to let death and suffering exist, if we try hard enough surely we can get rid of suffering and death.

    But no one ever tries to do this, why? That seems so selfish.

    If there are no definate black and white then how do we make sense of the world? We need to come together and make a list of rules to clearly define good and evil and eliminate the grey area.

    I thought I made this point clear, earlier. Okay people can disagree with me, fine, okay I get that and yes I care about them. But that is completely different from a criminal. Charles Manson for example, he is a monster and if asked anyone in the justice system I bet they would agree with me. That man has no remorse for what he did, for the people he killed and your telling me that I should care about his feelings?

    See the difference between people who disagree with me and criminals, big difference. Criminals did something very wrong, people who disagree with me are just people who happen to be political opponents, doesn't mean I hate them, I just don't agree with them.

    Okay so why are we teaching kids right and wrong if according to you there is no definate right and wrong? See it doesn't make sense.

    But I want the world to show sympathy and pity for the victim's family, we should feel sorry for them. Give them money, give them a new house, something to show them we care.

    But no, the world does nothing. It's all about everyone else, humans are just selfish by nature, they care for no one but themselves, that is why they show no sympathy for victims.

    Sounds good to me, i'd be the first one to have my free will taken. I hate hate hate hate hate hate hate being a human being. I hate even having the potiential to do, think, or understand anything evil.

    If being a society of robots is what it takes to have a perfect world sounds fine with me. Because it means no more murder, no more rape, no more suffering, just absolute perfect peace.

    Again, what do you physicaly get? What do you get that you can hold in your hand, what do you get is real when you forgive someone?

    Then people should be forced to never do evil, if it means people are happy and safe then who cares how we get to perfection.

    Oh yeah that sounds fair. The killer got a wife and a family but the victim is gone and his family suffering. Looks like the bad guy, the killer wins again and the good guys, the family lose. Yeah real F@CKING FAIR!!!!!!!!
  13. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    I'm growing tired of your emo, "I-hate-the-world" bullshit. Talk specifically about the death penalty here or shut up and moan somewhere else.

    That's the way life is. You can whine about how unfair sickness and death are all you want. It's not going to go away. If you've got such a great idea to end it all, why don't you do something about it? If you can find anyone willing to listen through all this self-righteous crap.

    Why would we give them money or a new house? Yes, most people would feel sympathy for a victim's family. That doesn't mean we need to, or should, kiss their ass. Everyone has misfortune of some sort or another.

    Read my post again. I think it makes a good deal of sense. I do not believe that people are either all good or all evil- that people do all right or all wrong. As for actions, I think it often depends on the motives behind it. I do not think murder is right, but I don't think killing someone in self-defense should be punishable, though you did end someone's life. It's important to know what society thinks is right and wrong, but you have to understand that it is not always so easy to tell which is which. Like onions and ogres, people and actions have layers. I don't think anything is as clear-cut as you see it.

    What do you physically hold in your hand when you torture and kill someone out of misguided revenge instead? His bloody corpse? There's more to life than what you can see and touch.

    He is also a human being. Should you care about his feelings- to the extent that you acknowledge that he has them, yes. Should you pity him when he complains about how cramped his jail cell is? No. What I'm saying is that YOU should act like a human being, and not commit the same acts as he (a "monster" as you say) did- ie torturing and killing him and calling it an execution.

    You are unbelievably ignorant. Get out.
    Last edited: Dec 25, 2009
  14. Answer Man

    Answer Man Man I'm Awesome

    Oh my turn.

    Well i got to say is that the death penalty was made to get rid of the bad people that killed others or did super bad as bad or close to Hitler things, then some people stopped cuz they saw they where becoming what they where trying to stop, murderers too, and what your saying about it, your the side of ppl that said lets still do it, they hurt my family, or they hurt innocent people, and they became killers too, and also to add, yes there's nothing you can hold that will do anything for forgiving someone that hurt others, but there is alot of blood you can have if you kill the killers. That's why everybody hates Texas.
  15. Goldfish

    Goldfish Cats in the Cradle

    Point of view appreciated. But what will killing him do (assuming you'd rather give him the death sentence)? Another widowed and a fatherless child on our hands again, right?
    Death sentence him before he's married, I just see more (in this case, pointless) bloodshed.
  16. Answer Man

    Answer Man Man I'm Awesome

    i agree, ppl dont solve a thing with death, no matter the point of view.
  17. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    Lots posted in a week. Fun stuff to look over.

    Soul Knight, you remind me of another member who was once on this site. I'd swear you were him if I didn't know any better.

    But back to the lots posted part. I had so much to comment on, but I probably forgot half of it due to the amount of stuff I had comments on.

    Oh, and just so I can sound like a hypocrite as you read my comments, I support Capital Punishment and the Death Penalty.

    Ah yes, the magic word: Revenge. No matter how great the feeling of revenge may be, it is not right. Justice is not revenge.

    Oh, and if I was in the victim's postition, I may start thinking that I want revenge, but deep down I wouldn't want it. I would want to just get past it and move on with my life.

    I would rather not pay for those people to have their life sentences. If we lock them up and see how long they last without food or anything (Clearly inhumane though), that's one thing. But I don't want to pay for a criminal to live for his entire life.

    Revenge is going too far. Killing for revenge makes you just as bad, if not worse, than the murderer.

    Because torture is worse punishment than death for the murder.

    Wow... As much as I dislike hippy ideals and whatnot (Not because of what they believe, but because of the impossibility of some of their beliefs), that sentence sounds icredibly stupid.

    Once again, no. Never torture.

    I hope you're joking. Isn't it obvious? Because God is so much smarter than you. He knows what he's doing. If he lets a murderer into Heaven, then so be it. You're not gonna try arguing against God's decision, are you?

    And now I have to question your humanity. Nobody feels statisfied from revenge, at least not in the long term. In the end, people feel more regret(sp?) than anything. You may not feel pleasure from forgivness, but you shouldn't feel sick from it.

    Rules are meant to be broken.

    No, revenge is not justice. Revenge is to justice as a lie is to the truth. It is a warped version. A lie is a warped truth. Say you hit somebody and then said you didn't hit them when asked about it. There is truth because on some other day, you did not hit that person. But in that situation, you did hit that person, causing the lie. Same thing with revenge and justice. Justice may be served through revenge, but it is not justice because of the means of revenge.

    If we show society the torture or the painfull death that murderers and rapist go through, then it will strike fear in the hearts of people and some people will be too afraid to commit murder[/QUOTE]

    Living in fear is the same thing as not living at all.

    Does the end justify the means? If it is through fear, then no, the end does not justify the means.

    I guess I'll have to explain the reason for forgiving.


    It does not mean that. What kind of twisted logic have you been brought up with? Forgivness is not a sign of loss and weakness. If you can truly forgive somebody, then that means you are a much better person than the other person. There may be no reward or anything for forgivness, but people shouldn't be so damn selfish that they expect to be rewarded for things.

    You can let go of the past. You just have to accept it. It is difficult, no doubt, but life is a challenge. You don't back down from challenges. You face them head on.

    And, btw, revenge is backing away from a challenge.

    Maybe if they have some mental disease. Thinking like that makes you just like that. You don't have feelings towards murderers and rapists. And that makes you evil.

    Nothing physical or tangelble. And clearly by your way of thinking, you wouldn't know that you got anything. But, like I said before, if you can truly forgive somebody then you are a better person than that person.

    Society determines what everybody views as good and evil. Trust me.

    Their actions based on what society views as good and evil.

    You need to learn to draw a line between these things.

    And nobody sees your logic.

    Perfection on Earth is overrated. Perfection is for Heaven.

    Then in all honesty, I pity you. Having that depraved of a life that you need anger and hate to fill a void. You need to look for something more positive.

    Like I said, life's a challenge. You need to try and overcome grief. It is meant to be difficult.

    And back to the pity. How can you think so negative? I think negative, but when compared to you my mentality is the most positive in the world.

    Oh just watch me give somebody comfort.

    Well, if you want to get it in the way I think is the easiest (And most greedy), just think of how much of a better person you'll be.

    And back to the "life's a challenge" speech I have.

    Look for the positve things in life. Positive things are everywhere, you just need to look.

    I personally would like to believe in good ultimately trumphing over evil. Which, since you're a Christian, will happen because God is ultimately good and will win in the end.

    Can, but nothing is guaranteed.

    It is used as justice. But then, we can debate that no matter what, justice is never served. And Capital Punishment is not barbaric. They don't kill them in some strange way, i.e. torture, they do it in a quick and (hopefully) painless way.
    Last edited: Dec 30, 2009
  18. Answer Man

    Answer Man Man I'm Awesome

    you didn't quote me...

    Anyways, what DW is saying is to true. You have to understand, that most ppl like SK think that the world is just bad, there feelings are more stronger when it comes to a subject like this. My thing is that if you like the death penalty then you agree with having the blood of human on your hands, there for you agree with murder and think it's ok and right. You are a killer because of that, you may have not hurt anybody like the killer but you think kill is okay if it's killing the guy that kills others. IT'S NOT, MURDER IS MURDER, no matter how you put it or your point of view. No offense to you DW, i dont hate other ppls opinions
  19. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    @Desert Warrior: You're wasting your time arguing about most of those points, as I'm sure you can tell by reading every one of his responses in this thread. His mind is made up. XD

    Practically, I think you pay about the same whether the person is executed or not. Your taxes are either paying for his court fees and appeals, or they're paying for his food. Also, death sentences generally take years to carry out, if they occur. You're still paying for the convict's food and board during that time. Really, I'd just rather not waste another life, even if it is one that seems worthless. And I'm against the idea that we should choose when someone should die. But to each his own.
  20. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    I know. Just had to give my two cents.

    Russian Roulette is a fun game........

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